Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Saddam gevang
Saddam gevang [boodskap #3183] |
Sun, 14 December 2003 17:13 |
Boodskappe: 1165 Geregistreer: June 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
mense soos jy, wat George Bush verraai het met die Irakese inval,
Danielle, kan nie bekostig om saam met mense soos Jonas, myself
en die Irakese te juig na die gemors gevang is nie, né Danielle?
Jou lojaliteit, Rolinda, was òòk nie werklik in ondersteuning van
konserwatiste soos Jonas en ek nie. Huh?
Re: Saddam gevang [boodskap #3195 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #3183] |
Mon, 15 December 2003 16:42 |
Boodskappe: 962 Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
DD wrote:
> mense soos jy, wat George Bush verraai het met die Irakese inval,
Eintlik is dit andersom. George Bush het my en die meeste van my
landgenote verraai.
- We Finally Got Our Frankenstein... and He Was In a Spider Hole! --
by Michael Moore
December 14, 2003
Thank God Saddam is finally back in American hands! He must have
really missed us. Man, he sure looked bad! But, at least he got a free
dental exam today. That's something most Americans can't get.
America used to like Saddam. We LOVED Saddam. We funded him. We armed
him. We helped him gas Iranian troops.
But then he screwed up. He invaded the dictatorship of Kuwait and, in
doing so, did the worst thing imaginable -- he threatened an even
BETTER friend of ours: the dictatorship of Saudi Arabia, and its vast
oil reserves. The Bushes and the Saudi royal family were and are
close business partners, and Saddam, back in 1990, committed a royal
blunder by getting a little too close to their wealthy holdings.
Things went downhill for Saddam from there.
But it wasn't always that way. Saddam was our good friend and ally. We
supported his regime. It wasn't the first time we had helped a
murderer. We liked playing Dr. Frankenstein. We created a lot of
monsters -- the Shah of Iran, Somoza of Nicaragua, Pinochet of Chile
-- and then we expressed ignorance or shock when they ran amok and
massacred people. We liked Saddam because he was willing to fight the
Ayatollah. So we made sure that he got billions of dollars to purchase
weapons. Weapons of mass destruction. That's right, he had them. We
should know -- we gave them to him!
We allowed and encouraged American corporations to do business with
Saddam in the 1980s. That's how he got chemical and biological agents
so he could use them in chemical and biological weapons. Here's the
list of some of the stuff we sent him (according to a 1994 U.S. Senate
* Bacillus Anthracis, cause of anthrax.
* Clostridium Botulinum, a source of botulinum toxin.
* Histoplasma Capsulatam, cause of a disease attacking lungs, brain,
spinal cord, and heart.
* Brucella Melitensis, a bacteria that can damage major organs.
* Clostridium Perfringens, a highly toxic bacteria causing systemic
* Clostridium tetani, a highly toxigenic substance.
And here are some of the American corporations who helped to prop
Saddam up by doing business with him: AT&T, Bechtel, Caterpillar, Dow
Chemical, Dupont, Kodak, Hewlett-Packard, and IBM (for a full list of
companies and descriptions of how they helped Saddam, go here).
We were so cozy with dear old Saddam that we decided to feed him
satellite images so he could locate where the Iranian troops were. We
pretty much knew how he would use the information, and sure enough, as
soon as we sent him the spy photos, he gassed those troops. And we
kept quiet. Because he was our friend, and the Iranians were the
"enemy." A year after he first gassed the Iranians, we reestablished
full diplomatic relations with him!
Later he gassed his own people, the Kurds. You would think that would
force us to disassociate ourselves from him. Congress tried to impose
economic sanctions on Saddam, but the Reagan White House quickly
rejected that idea -- they wouldn't let anything derail their good
buddy Saddam. We had a virtual love fest with this Frankenstein whom
we (in part) created.
And, just like the mythical Frankenstein, Saddam eventually spun out
of control. He would no longer do what he was told by his master.
Saddam had to be caught. And now that he has been brought back from
the wilderness, perhaps he will have something to say about his
creators. Maybe we can learn something... interesting. Maybe Don
Rumsfeld could smile and shake Saddam's hand again. Just like he did
when he went to see him in 1983 (see the photo here).
Maybe we never would have been in the situation we're in if Rumsfeld,
Bush, Sr., and company hadn't been so excited back in the 80s about
their friendly monster in the desert.
Meanwhile, anybody know where the guy is who killed 3,000 people on
9/11? Our other Frankenstein?? Maybe he's in a mouse hole.
So many of our little monsters, so little time before the next
Stay strong, Democratic candidates. Quit sounding like a bunch of
wusses. These bastards sent us to war on a lie, the killing will not
stop, the Arab world hates us with a passion, and we will pay for this
out of our pockets for years to come. Nothing that happened today (or
in the past 9 months) has made us ONE BIT safer in our post-9/11
world. Saddam was never a threat to our national security.
Only our desire to play Dr. Frankenstein dooms us all.
Re: Saddam gevang [boodskap #3203 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #3195] |
Tue, 16 December 2003 05:30 |
Boodskappe: 1070 Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Katryn - het die meerderheid Amerikaners nie vir Bush ondersteun toe hy Irak
aangeval het nie? My indruk was dat dit een van Bush (hy is mos 'n
politikus) se oorweegredes was vir die militêre optrede.
Maar - die Amerikaners kan nie teenstand of weerstand verduur nie.
Waarskynlik die rede waarom Clinton die terroriste toegelaat het om hulle
ongesiens voor te berei vir die 911-insident.
"Nice guys don't win wars ..." (Ek het die ene sommer self opgemaak.)
Maar - ek stem saam met julle, asook die geskiedenis, die oorlog teen
terrorisme is hoofsaaklik sielkundig van aard en behoort konvensionele
militêre optrede so ver as moontlik vermy te word. (Clausewitz, ens.)
"Katryn" skryf in boodskap
> DD wrote:
>> mense soos jy, wat George Bush verraai het met die Irakese inval,
> Eintlik is dit andersom. George Bush het my en die meeste van my
> landgenote verraai.
> - We Finally Got Our Frankenstein... and He Was In a Spider Hole! --
> by Michael Moore
> December 14, 2003
> Thank God Saddam is finally back in American hands! He must have
> really missed us. Man, he sure looked bad! But, at least he got a free
> dental exam today. That's something most Americans can't get.
> America used to like Saddam. We LOVED Saddam. We funded him. We armed
> him. We helped him gas Iranian troops.
> But then he screwed up. He invaded the dictatorship of Kuwait and, in
> doing so, did the worst thing imaginable -- he threatened an even
> BETTER friend of ours: the dictatorship of Saudi Arabia, and its vast
> oil reserves. The Bushes and the Saudi royal family were and are
> close business partners, and Saddam, back in 1990, committed a royal
> blunder by getting a little too close to their wealthy holdings.
> Things went downhill for Saddam from there.
> But it wasn't always that way. Saddam was our good friend and ally. We
> supported his regime. It wasn't the first time we had helped a
> murderer. We liked playing Dr. Frankenstein. We created a lot of
> monsters -- the Shah of Iran, Somoza of Nicaragua, Pinochet of Chile
> -- and then we expressed ignorance or shock when they ran amok and
> massacred people. We liked Saddam because he was willing to fight the
> Ayatollah. So we made sure that he got billions of dollars to purchase
> weapons. Weapons of mass destruction. That's right, he had them. We
> should know -- we gave them to him!
> We allowed and encouraged American corporations to do business with
> Saddam in the 1980s. That's how he got chemical and biological agents
> so he could use them in chemical and biological weapons. Here's the
> list of some of the stuff we sent him (according to a 1994 U.S. Senate
> report):
> * Bacillus Anthracis, cause of anthrax.
> * Clostridium Botulinum, a source of botulinum toxin.
> * Histoplasma Capsulatam, cause of a disease attacking lungs, brain,
> spinal cord, and heart.
> * Brucella Melitensis, a bacteria that can damage major organs.
> * Clostridium Perfringens, a highly toxic bacteria causing systemic
> illness.
> * Clostridium tetani, a highly toxigenic substance.
> And here are some of the American corporations who helped to prop
> Saddam up by doing business with him: AT&T, Bechtel, Caterpillar, Dow
> Chemical, Dupont, Kodak, Hewlett-Packard, and IBM (for a full list of
> companies and descriptions of how they helped Saddam, go here).
> We were so cozy with dear old Saddam that we decided to feed him
> satellite images so he could locate where the Iranian troops were. We
> pretty much knew how he would use the information, and sure enough, as
> soon as we sent him the spy photos, he gassed those troops. And we
> kept quiet. Because he was our friend, and the Iranians were the
> "enemy." A year after he first gassed the Iranians, we reestablished
> full diplomatic relations with him!
> Later he gassed his own people, the Kurds. You would think that would
> force us to disassociate ourselves from him. Congress tried to impose
> economic sanctions on Saddam, but the Reagan White House quickly
> rejected that idea -- they wouldn't let anything derail their good
> buddy Saddam. We had a virtual love fest with this Frankenstein whom
> we (in part) created.
> And, just like the mythical Frankenstein, Saddam eventually spun out
> of control. He would no longer do what he was told by his master.
> Saddam had to be caught. And now that he has been brought back from
> the wilderness, perhaps he will have something to say about his
> creators. Maybe we can learn something... interesting. Maybe Don
> Rumsfeld could smile and shake Saddam's hand again. Just like he did
> when he went to see him in 1983 (see the photo here).
> Maybe we never would have been in the situation we're in if Rumsfeld,
> Bush, Sr., and company hadn't been so excited back in the 80s about
> their friendly monster in the desert.
> Meanwhile, anybody know where the guy is who killed 3,000 people on
> 9/11? Our other Frankenstein?? Maybe he's in a mouse hole.
> So many of our little monsters, so little time before the next
> election.
> Stay strong, Democratic candidates. Quit sounding like a bunch of
> wusses. These bastards sent us to war on a lie, the killing will not
> stop, the Arab world hates us with a passion, and we will pay for this
> out of our pockets for years to come. Nothing that happened today (or
> in the past 9 months) has made us ONE BIT safer in our post-9/11
> world. Saddam was never a threat to our national security.
> Only our desire to play Dr. Frankenstein dooms us all.
Re: Saddam gevang [boodskap #3205 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #3203] |
Tue, 16 December 2003 14:10 |
Boodskappe: 962 Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Jonas" wrote:
> Katryn - het die meerderheid Amerikaners nie vir Bush ondersteun toe hy Irak
> aangeval het nie?
Ja, want hy het vir ons gelieg oor die redes waarom hy Irak wou inval.
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