Lied vir BEGINNER-STUDENTE van Afrikaans ("Aandblom") [boodskap #8727] |
Wed, 05 March 1997 00:00 |
Izak Bouwer
Boodskappe: 463 Geregistreer: January 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Randall Wicomb
Daar onder groei 'n aandblom in die vlei,
in die vlei,
en wie sal hom tog kry vir my, kry vir my;
my geliefde laat my los,
gaan eers soek daar in die bos,
waar die aandblom daar groei in die wag-'n-bietjie bos.
In die wag-'n-bietjie-bos daar in die vlei,
in die vlei,
in die donker soek 'n seun 'n blom vir my,
blom vir my,
my geliefde hang in die bos,
nooit as nimmer kom hy los,
wag 'n bietjie, wag 'n bietjie in die wag-'n-bietjie bos.
O kom 'n ander seun en hy wil vry,
hy wil vry,
en ek s^e vir hom hy kan my kry, kan my kry,
maar eers moet hy dan gaan los
my geliefde daar in die bos,
my geliefde daar in die wag-'n-bietjie-bos.
Wag 'n bietjie, wag 'n bietjie in die vlei, in die vlei.
Daar is twee wat same wag vir my, wag vir my,
twee geliefdes hang in die bos,
maar 'n derde is nog los
wat nog wag om te gaan wag
daar in die wag-'n-bietjie-bos.
Aandblom: a very simple flower but with a hauting
smell. Opens when the sun goes down,
and can be seen in the early morning
before it wilts in the heat of the day.
Vlei : a shallow marsh or swamp, or a small lake.
(As a verb "vlei" means to flatter.)
Wag-'n-bietjie-bos: a bush with an arrangement of
thorns that can ensnare you very easily, as if
to say "wait a little."
Nooit as nimmer: never ever
vry: court, to call on
This song is sung to the tune of the traditional
"Vanaand gaan die volkies koring sny" and gives
a startling explanation of the situation sketched by
the line "my geliefde hang in die bos." It seems
that the young lady singing the song, a true Jezebel,
gets her male suitors to gather her the rare evening
flowers. It seems that they then get ensnared by the
cat- thorn ( Acacia caffra) bush and cannot return
to her. So when a next young man comes calling,
she sends him to ostensibly free the previous suitor.
So a situation develops that seems to suit the young
lady just fine: two suitors are already caught in the
bush; a third is waiting, waiting to get caught in the
branches of the "wag-'n-bietjie-bos."
It is not clear to me how much of this song is
traditional, and what part originated with Randall
Wicomb, a modern interpreter and specialist in
Afrikaans folksongs. I could not find it in the F.A.K.
Gloudina Bouwer