Tuis » Taal » Afrikaans, ons taal » Idioom: AGTEROS...
Idioom: AGTEROS... [boodskap #8563] |
Sun, 16 February 1997 00:00 |
Izak Bouwer
Boodskappe: 463 Geregistreer: January 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Toemaar, moenie moed opgee nie. Agteros kom ook
in die kraal."
Literally, the ox at the back (walking behind the others)
or a back ox in the span of oxen pulling the wagon,
will also get to the corral. In other words, don't despair
if you are going slowly.
Toemaar: Don't worry. Never mind.
Agter: behind
Kraal: an enclosure, pen or fold for farm animals.
From early Dutch "koraal"
from Portuguese "curral/corral."
The word ékraalê has several meanings in Afrikaans:
(1) corral
(2) bead kraal/krale/kraaltjie
(3) A village or settlement occupied by an
indigenous tribe, or a cluster of huts
occupied by one family or "clan."
Gloudina Bouwer.
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