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LIED vir BEGINNER-STUDENTE van Afrikaans [boodskap #8484] Mon, 10 February 1997 00:00
Izak Bouwer  is tans af-lyn  Izak Bouwer
Boodskappe: 463
Geregistreer: January 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid

Suikerbossie, ek wil jou hê,
Suikerbossie, ek wil jou hê,
Suikerbossie, ek wil jou hê,
wat sal jou mamma daarvan sê?
Dan loop ons so onderdeur die maan,
dan loop ons so onderdeur die maan,
dan loop ons so onderdeur die maan,
ek en my Suikerbossie saam!
Sy kan nie kos kook nie,
haar kos is rou;
sy kan nie tee maak nie,
haar tee is flou;
sy kan nie brood bak nie,
dis als verbrou,
tog wag ek, Suikerbossie,
net vir jou.
Siena, ek is lief vir jou (2)
wat sê jou mamma nou?

Suikerbos : sugar bush, protea, pet name for girl
in this song
wil hê : to want
daarvan : of it, about it
sê : to say
loop : walk
onderdeur die maan : underneath the moon
saam : together
kos : food
rou : raw
flou : weak
brood : bread
verbrou : messed up
tog : yet, still
lief vir jou : love, like you

The "suikerbossie" referred to here as a term of
endearment for his love, is of course the protea
which was, and could probably still be, the national
flower of South Africa. It is found mainly in the
mountains of the Western Cape, most profusely in
the Cape Peninsula, which has, per square mile,
more species of flora than any other place in the
world.There are proteas of all sizes, from the giant
protea to very tiny ones.
The nectar of the giant protea was apparently used
in the past as a source of sugar, thence the name

Gloudina Bouwer
Vorige onderwerp: 'n Lied vir Afrikaanse beginner-studente.
Volgende onderwerp: Lied vir BEGINNER-STUDENTE van Afrikaans
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