Tuis » Ernstig » Nuus » R180 milj. spandeer op huise vir ministers
R180 milj. spandeer op huise vir ministers [boodskap #120010] |
Mon, 22 August 2011 13:15  |
Etienne Marais
Boodskappe: 370 Geregistreer: March 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
And they want to impose a tax on whites while they are living in
extreme luxury (while the masses are dirt poor),
typical Africa.
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R180 milj. spandeer op huise vir ministers
2011-08-22 15:01
Kaapstad – Huise wat gekoop is om ministers en adjunkministers te
huisves, kos belastingbetalers meer as R180 miljoen, het Gwen Mahlangu-
Nkabinde, minister van openbare werke, Maandag in reaksie op 'n
parlementêre vraag gesê.
Mahlangu-Nkabinde het onthul dat haar departement oor die afgelope
twee jaar R183 886 837 op 34 huise in Pretoria en Kaapstad spandeer
het vir ministers en adjunkministers.
"In Pretoria is 15 huise sedert 2009 gekoop. Die totaal vir al die
eiendom beloop R68 195 116."
Volgens die minister is 19 huise in Kaapstad oor dieselfde tydperk
gekoop vir die bedrag van R115 691 721.
Dié bedrae beloop op 'n gemiddelde prys van R5,4 miljoen per huis.
Erik Marais, DA-LP, het gevra vir die totale koopprys in rand vir elke
huis wat gekoop is.
In haar antwoord het Mahlangu-Nkabinde slegs die totaal vir Kaapstad
en Pretoria gegee. eer-op-huise-vir-ministers-20110822
Re: R180 milj. spandeer op huise vir ministers [boodskap #120014 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #120013] |
Tue, 23 August 2011 11:28  |
Bob Dubery
Boodskappe: 3 Geregistreer: October 2006
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
On Aug 23, 11:49 am, Etienne Marais wrote:
> On Aug 23, 10:45 am, Bob Dubery wrote:
>> On Aug 22, 3:15 pm, Etienne Marais wrote:
>>> And they want to impose a tax on whites while they are living in
>>> extreme luxury (while the masses are dirt poor),
>>> typical Africa.
>> Hardly extreme luxury. You can easily pay 2 million for a house in
>> Blairgowrie, Randburg, which is a good area but hardly Beverley Hills.
> The housing averages R5,4 million
Congratulations on your mastery of arithmetic. What I'm looking for is
some kind of real world context for this. Are these massive mansions?
Good houses in good neighbourhoods? What?
And what do you think is appropriate for cabinet ministers?
Oh.... and since you introduced this topic, who OWNS these houses? Do
they belong to the government and are occupied by whoever holds the
portfolio? Or where they bought with public money and then given to
>> And who is this "they" who want to impose a tax on whites?
> Tutu and Boesak among others with an eternal victim mentality.
Well neither of them is in government, and so can't be the same "they"
who are in the cabinet and occupying these houses.
Did Tutu actually call for that tax? I posted a URL to a video
recording of his speec to soc.c.s-a amongst other groups. Did you view
it? If so then you can point out to where he calls for that tax.
AIUI Tutu actually does live in a comfortable but modest house and
doesn't keep a flash 4X4 in his garage.
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