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Chaos by UJ oor gratis opvoeding [boodskap #119351] |
Thu, 04 March 2010 11:26  |
Etienne Marais
Boodskappe: 370 Geregistreer: March 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
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Chaos by UJ oor gratis opvoeding
2010-03-04 10:33
Johannesburg - 'n Groep studente versper ingange na die Universiteit
van Johannesburg (UJ) met klippe en brandende voorwerpe.
Kapt. Julia Claassen, 'n polisiewoordvoerder, het gesê die groep
studente betoog nou en keer mense wat wil inkom.
"Die polisie monitor die situasie."
Die polisie het intussen 'n watertenker gebruik om die studente uiteen
te jaag.
Die studente-organisasie Sasco het Woensdag gedreig om nege
universiteite landswyd toe te maak om gratis opvoeding te eis.
Lazola Ndamase, sekretaris-generaal van Sasco, het Woensdag gesê die
Venda-universiteit, Universiteit van Limpopo, Tshwane Universiteit van
Tegnologie (TUT), Universiteit van Johannesburg, Durban-universiteit
van Tegnologie, Universiteit van Zululand, Walter Sisulu-universiteit,
Kaapse Skiereiland Universiteit van Tegnologie en die Universiteit van
Wes-Kaapland sal Donderdag gesluit wees.
TUT het gevolglik 'n verklaring uitgereik en gesê dat die instansie
nie Donderdag gesluit sal wees nie.
Sasco beplan om Vrydag 'n optog na die parlement te hou.
Studente sê hulle is ontevrede omdat pres. Jacob Zuma te min aandag
aan opvoeding in sy staatsrede gegee het.
Ndamase het gesê Sasco wil druk op die regering uitoefen omdat meer as
135 000 studente weens finansiële beperkings nie op kampus is nie.
Hy het gesê die organisie verwag dat die regering met 'n plan vorendag
kom oor hoe om volgende jaar gratis opvoeding vir voorgraadse studente
in te stel.
– Sapa
( )
Re: Chaos by UJ oor gratis opvoeding [boodskap #119353 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #119351] |
Thu, 04 March 2010 14:18  |
Etienne Marais
Boodskappe: 370 Geregistreer: March 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
> Lazola Ndamase, sekretaris-generaal van Sasco, het Woensdag gesê die
> Venda-universiteit, Universiteit van Limpopo, Tshwane Universiteit van
> Tegnologie (TUT), Universiteit van Johannesburg, Durban-universiteit
> van Tegnologie, Universiteit van Zululand, Walter Sisulu-universiteit,
> Kaapse Skiereiland Universiteit van Tegnologie en die Universiteit van
> Wes-Kaapland sal Donderdag gesluit wees.
> (
Gelukkig het hulle gefaal om klasse te ontwrig
Sasco fails to close down varsities
2010-03-04 15:47
Johannesburg - A Sasco vow to shut down nine universities did not
materialise on Thursday, with little disruption to classes despite
attempts at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) to block students from
entering the campus.
The SA Students Congress (Sasco) on Wednesday said it would shut down
operations on campuses countrywide in protest to demand free
Apart from morning protests at UJ, where entrances to the Bunting road
campus were barricaded with stones and burnt items, no serious
disruptions were reported at any of the nine tertiary institutions.
UJ registrar, Professor Marie Muller said: "Academic and student
activities continued as usual.
"This morning (on Thursday), a group of students barricaded the access
points to the Bunting road campus. However, they have been cleared and
the situation is under control."
The police used a water tanker to spray students on several occasions
at UJ on Thursday after they tried to block an entrance.
Former Student Representative Council president Mhlobo Hoyi said they
were not just demanding free education, but also wanted more support
for students who failed their first year studies.
"We have many students who were turned away this year because they
failed...we want more support for them. It's not entirely their fault
that they failed. The education system is very poor," he said.
Sasco president Mbulelo Mandlana said all protests were peaceful and
condemned "reports of unwarranted police brutality at the University
of Johannesburg".
He said there were reports of "pepper spraying and water spraying" and
denied that protesters put burning items in front of some entrances,
as was reported by police spokesperson Julia Claassen.
Mandlana confirmed that Sasco members had barricaded entrances, but
said it did not necessitate the "force" the police used.
He said he could confirm that protests had taken place at UJ, Durban
University of Technology, University of Zululand, Walter Sisulu
University, Tshwane University of Technology and the Cape Peninsula
University for Technology.
All protests were calm, said Mandlana, a statement that was confirmed
by police spokespeople in several provinces, excluding the UJ
Sasco on Wednesday said it would also protest at the University of
Venda, University of Limpopo and University of Western Cape but there
were no reports of protests at these institutions on Thursday.
TUT spokesperson Gilbert Mokwatedi said classes continued as usual at
all its campuses.
"We didn't have any problems. People were just going on with their
normal business."
Education department spokesperson Ranjeni Munusamy said the government
could not condone violent protests.
"We were informed late yesterday [on Wednesday] that these protests
would be peaceful demonstrations...
"We were not aware of any intention to barricade entrances and to
prevent students from entering campuses.
"While we are sympathetic to the call for free education, we do not
support any violence on campuses or disruption to the academic
programme," said Munusamy.
Sasco is planning to stage a march to Parliament in Cape Town on
Students said they were unhappy because President Jacob Zuma paid
little attention to education in his State of the Nation address.
Mandlana said Sasco wanted to put pressure on the government as more
than 135 000 students were not at tertiary institutions because of
financial constraints.
Asked where he got the 135 000 figure from, Mandlana said it was a
"rough estimation" based on the number of matriculants who passed last
year but who did not register at tertiary institutions.
According to statistics released by Basic Education Minister Angie
Motshekga in January, 93 356 matriculants qualified for higher
certificate studies, while another 131 035 qualified for diploma
Mandlana said an estimated 100 000 matriculants had registered for
tertiary studies countrywide this year.
( )
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