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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: ANC - Split is 'n klug ?
Re: ANC - Split is 'n klug ? [boodskap #118388] Tue, 07 October 2008 09:33
Ferdi  is tans af-lyn  Ferdi
Boodskappe: 561
Geregistreer: March 2007
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Senior Lid
Niemand wat Ayn Rand quote kan met enige erns opgeneem word nie.

On Wed, 1 Oct 2008 10:29:16 +0200, "Riaan" wrote:

> By Mike Smith
> Cape Town, 28 September 2008
> When you are well versed in the strategy and tactics of your mortal enemy,
> you do not fall for the propaganda coming from them or the main stream
> media.
> After the axing of Thabo Mbeki by the Zuma camp, there is talk that the ANC
> will split and Rumours of an ANC breakaway party .
> There are even many Whites who are optimistic about this split and see it as
> a weakening of the ANC's power and stranglehold on the government. They are
> saying: "A new political party formed by a breakaway faction of the ANC
> could tackle the ruling alliance next year come election time."
> Do not for one moment believe these rumours. It is two sides to the same
> coin. It is a classical "Communist Pincer move."
> Communists are known for their fake splits and mergers, while all the time
> tip-toeing closer to their ultimate goal; that of a Communist Totalitarian
> State.
> In her book, "For the New Intellectual", pg 76, Ayn Rand writes about it as
> such:
> "Watch the pincer movement. If you're sick of one version, we push you into
> the other. We get you coming and going. We've closed the doors. We've fixed
> the coin. Heads-collectivism, and tails-collectivism. Fight the doctrine
> which slaughters the individual with a doctrine which slaughters the
> individual. Give up your soul to a council-or give it up to a leader. But
> give it up, give it up, give it up. My technique . . . . Offer poison as
> food and poison as antidote."
> Edward Griffen wrote about Pincer Strategy like this:
> That strategy is called "Revolutionary Parliamentarianism" and is well known
> in modern totalitarian circles..The strategy involves a political "pincers"
> movement-and these are the terms (Jan) Kozak uses to describe it-a "pincers"
> movement applying political pressure "from above" and "from below."
> The hidden objective will be to expand the power of the bureaucracy and to
> move the country closer to the ultimate goal of total government..The result
> is that the majority of the population is caught in the middle. They look
> "above" and see government spokesmen calling for legislation for some new
> expansion of government power. They look "below" and with the help of the
> mass media, see mobs of demonstrators shouting for the same thing. They say
> to themselves, "Has everyone gone crazy? Or have I?" They may still be in
> the majority by far,
> but they don't know it. They think they are hopelessly outnumbered, and they
> bow to what they think is the democratic will of the majority.
> Through the strategy of "Revolutionary Parliamentarianism", the nation
> gradually becomes totalitarian, and the people are convinced that they asked
> for it themselves."
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