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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: "Collection of the SOUTH AFRICAN HISTORY of our ONCE PROUD FORCES.
Re: "Collection of the SOUTH AFRICAN HISTORY of our ONCE PROUD FORCES. [boodskap #118386] Thu, 02 October 2008 12:02 na volgende boodskap
bouer  is tans af-lyn  bouer
Boodskappe: 4795
Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Kubaan skryf
> The main function of this group is to collect "and discuss" the
> History of all the Battles that took place during the Angolan War of
> which the "post 1994" Government wants to tell our Children that the
> SA Forces were the pigs in the war.
> The functions of a Soldier are to wear his uniform and kill the enemy,
> as simple as that

Arme, arme Frikkie. Hanskakie Frikkie, wat homself
Kubaan doop. En in Engels skryf.

Penkop van die Derde Republiek.
Re: "Collection of the SOUTH AFRICAN HISTORY of our ONCE PROUD FORCES. [boodskap #118387 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #118386] Fri, 03 October 2008 01:46 Na vorige boodskap
Jim Again  is tans af-lyn  Jim Again
Boodskappe: 246
Geregistreer: January 2007
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Nóú kom beide die handskoene af !

Jinne ou Kubaanse Pikkie Frotgieter / Freeky Pisgieter...

Vir wát maak jy asof jy kwansuis so “regs” (konserwatief) is, ter-
wyl jy inderwaarheid ‘n laakbare, tweegesig en vervloekte Staats-
matras-opstopper, Kommunis-oppasser, Kommunis-beskermer en
houtkop-gatlekker is, - à la ‘n dik, domgat, Azaniese Poeslice-man,
met sataniese, Teosofiese, Joodse Witboek-vrinne soos daai glib-
berige domgat Piettt (wat nie eers sy maaa se naam kan spel nie),
à la Albert Fleischer van Bobbejaanburg. Ja, jy pas eerder die pro-
fiel van ‘n tipiese Azaniese meidstamper wat máák asof hy soge-
naamd “regs” is. Hahahahahaha... Jy is linkser as links. ...Jy is
plein en kommin skeef-links van aweregs. Wat sóék jy nog op
‘n Joodse web-krot genaamd “” (of liewer boerVok) ?

Wat is jy en ou Joodse Pieeeettttt Poepies se idee met daardie
moroniese, kamma-regse, web-krot ? Wil julle perdalks mense
oortuig dat julle sg “regs” / “konserwatief” is, hmmmm ? Hahaha !

Kom, erken dit nou maar : Daardie vervalsde Pongo-webstroois van
jou (Samagte..) is slegs geskep om die niksvermoedende wit poepol
te lok en te vang – wat dink hy kan dalk iewers sy “ou konneksies” in
die ou SAW opsoek... om dalk sodoende te probeer om jou geliefde
Azaniese Bobbejaanregering skade te berokken. Ja, jy is ‘n geslepe
provocateur, ‘n lafhartige strik-steller en ‘n meid van ‘n uitlokker
net máák asof jy kwansuis so “trots” is op die vorige NP Regering se
SAW, - maar jy is nie. Jy is ‘n (slegte) akteur. In kort : Jy LIEG.
daarby is jy ‘n dom liegbek óók. ‘n Sot. ‘n Moroon. ‘n Pateet. ‘n
lae drol en ‘n totale vlokkop. Jy laat PE stink.

> Dikfrik Kubaan quoted...

“The functions of a Soldier are to wear his uniform and kill the ene-
my, as simple as that and that was exactly what we did to the ter-
rorists who killed our innocent children and families."

Don’t talk shit, you moronic, assholic, half-clunt, low-life

It is rather Cuban-Arsezanian Poeslice Assholes like YOU who lick
the filthy black arses of Arsezanian terrorists and Communists alike.
You are a disgusting , faithful slave to your Arsezanian Communist
Masters. Vlok-you, donderse black clock slucker.

Eat baboonshit and die, you lowlife scum...

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