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The Battle Against Ethnic Cleansing [boodskap #115109] Thu, 11 October 2007 00:25 na volgende boodskap
NewsGuy  is tans af-lyn  NewsGuy
Boodskappe: 4
Geregistreer: May 2006
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
The battle waged by the Communist-ANC to ethnically cleanse Afrikaans
from the so-called "New" South Africa rages on two fronts this week.

On January 18 of last year, military judge Lieutenant Colonel Mbulelo
Mandela allegedly referred to Afrikaans as "disgusting". The judge was
quoted as saying, "... I must say it on record that to me it is
disgusting that at this time and age we still find official
correspondence or official communication in Afrikaans... ", because
English was the official communication language of the SANDF.

Then last Thursday, South African newspaper Beeld confidentially
acquired an internal memo of the Tshwane Metro Council advising that
it planned to replace the (name)"Pretoria" on route-and direction
signs countrywide with "Tshwane".

Defending the rights of Afrikaans-speaking people in both of these
battles is Dr. Sydney Gregan, Deputy Leader of the Reformed National
Party (HNP), founded in 1969, who speaks on the battle against the
ethnic cleansing of Afrikaans from South Africa. attle-against-ethnic-cleansing.html#links
Re: The Battle Against Ethnic Cleansing [boodskap #115113 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #115109] Thu, 11 October 2007 06:17 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Agman, jy praat alweer Engelse strooi.

Weet jy wat dit behels om van ethnic cleansing te praat?


> The battle waged by the Communist-ANC to ethnically cleanse Afrikaans
> from the so-called "New" South Africa rages on two fronts this week.
> On January 18 of last year, military judge Lieutenant Colonel Mbulelo
> Mandela allegedly referred to Afrikaans as "disgusting". The judge was
> quoted as saying, "... I must say it on record that to me it is
> disgusting that at this time and age we still find official
> correspondence or official communication in Afrikaans... ", because
> English was the official communication language of the SANDF.
> Then last Thursday, South African newspaper Beeld confidentially
> acquired an internal memo of the Tshwane Metro Council advising that
> it planned to replace the (name)"Pretoria" on route-and direction
> signs countrywide with "Tshwane".
> Defending the rights of Afrikaans-speaking people in both of these
> battles is Dr. Sydney Gregan, Deputy Leader of the Reformed National
> Party (HNP), founded in 1969, who speaks on the battle against the
> ethnic cleansing of Afrikaans from South Africa.
> attle-against-ethnic-cleansing.html#links
Re: The Battle Against Ethnic Cleansing [boodskap #115118 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #115109] Thu, 11 October 2007 07:05 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Torreke  is tans af-lyn  Torreke
Boodskappe: 1165
Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"NewsGuy" The battle waged by the Communist-ANC to ethnically cleanse Afrikaans[/color]
> from the so-called "New" South Africa rages on two fronts this week.
> On January 18 of last year, military judge Lieutenant Colonel Mbulelo
> Mandela allegedly referred to Afrikaans as "disgusting". The judge was
> quoted as saying, "... I must say it on record that to me it is
> disgusting that at this time and age we still find official
> correspondence or official communication in Afrikaans... ", because
> English was the official communication language of the SANDF.
> Then last Thursday, South African newspaper Beeld confidentially
> acquired an internal memo of the Tshwane Metro Council advising that
> it planned to replace the (name)"Pretoria" on route-and direction
> signs countrywide with "Tshwane".
> Defending the rights of Afrikaans-speaking people in both of these
> battles is Dr. Sydney Gregan, Deputy Leader of the Reformed National
> Party (HNP), founded in 1969, who speaks on the battle against the
> ethnic cleansing of Afrikaans from South Africa.

By dit wat Annette reeds tereg vir jou gesê het: Julle Regses is die
grootste gevaar vir die toekoms van Afrikaans, want julle het dit vir julle
wit velletjies gekaap!!! - en wil laer trek om Afrikaans as julle
uitsluitlike besit te beskerm.

In plaas daarvan dat julle raaksien een van die belangrikste redes waarom
Engels - die taal wat jy gebruik om Afrikaans dan sodanig te beskerm! - die
wye wêreldtaal geword het wat dit is en dreig om alle ander tale uit te wis,
dit is: Omdat die Engelse nie Engels angsvallig vir hulleself probeer
toe-eien het en laer om Engels getrek het nie!!! - omdat hulle nie vir mense
lag as mense Engels krom en skeef praat nie! - omdat hulle nie probeer het
om woorde uit ander tale uit Engels uit te weer nie. 50% van Engelse
woordeskat kom uit Frans. Gaan lees die nuwe Oxford dictionary en jy sal
omtrant elke Afrikaanse woord waaraan jy kan dink daarin vind, maar julle
wil die blou apie stuipe kry oor enige Bruin- of Swartmens wat hom/haar by
die Afrikaanse saak wil skaar. Vir julle is dit onmoontlik dat daar so-iets
soos swart Afrikaners is.
Re: The Battle Against Ethnic Cleansing [boodskap #115153 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #115118] Fri, 12 October 2007 22:16 Na vorige boodskap
bouer  is tans af-lyn  bouer
Boodskappe: 4791
Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Torreke" skryf

Julle Regses is die
> grootste gevaar vir die toekoms van Afrikaans, want julle het dit vir julle
> wit velletjies gekaap!!! - en wil laer trek om Afrikaans as julle
> uitsluitlike besit te beskerm.

Dat meeste regses die grootste gevaar vir Afrikaans
is, is eenvoudig omdat regse Afrikaners gewoonlik
nie goed Afrikaans praat nie, dit gewoonlik nie kan
spel nie, en baie makliker na Engels oorslaan as
hulle op dreef wil kom met hulle regse idees. Kyk
maar vir ons liewe Frikkie. Hy kon om die dood
nie Afrikaans spel nie, het geradbraakte Afrikaans
gepraat en gevloek soos 'n matroos. Dis daarom
dat hulle die grootste gevaar vir die voortbestaan
van Afrikaans is. Neem daarteenoor die feit dat
Mandela op Robbeneiland uit sy pad gegaan het
om Afrikaans te leer, die literatuur te bestudeer
en vandag die taal ook nog magtig is.

Vorige onderwerp: Wat sal Gloudina hiervan sê
Volgende onderwerp: Sorry Jake
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