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Tutu en Gary Player. [boodskap #115077] Tue, 09 October 2007 06:57 na volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Ten spyte van 'n berig in Burger dat Tutu beweer dat nie net
christengelowiges hemel toe gaan nie, was Tutu primêr daarvoor
verantwoordelik dat Gary Palyer, 'n baie gelowige gholfikoon, as gasheer van
die Sheraton Gholfdag bedank het. Tutu het dus Gary Player 'n stukkie hemel
Wat is julle gevoel daaroor?

Re: Tutu en Gary Player. [boodskap #115084 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #115077] Tue, 09 October 2007 08:56 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Ferdi  is tans af-lyn  Ferdi
Boodskappe: 561
Geregistreer: March 2007
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On Tue, 9 Oct 2007 08:57:55 +0200, "Annette" wrote:

> Ten spyte van 'n berig in Burger dat Tutu beweer dat nie net
> christengelowiges hemel toe gaan nie, was Tutu primêr daarvoor
> verantwoordelik dat Gary Palyer, 'n baie gelowige gholfikoon, as gasheer van
> die Sheraton Gholfdag bedank het. Tutu het dus Gary Player 'n stukkie hemel
> ontsê.
> Wat is julle gevoel daaroor?
> Annette

Tutu het 'n goeie beginsel gestel, maar gerieflik vergeet die ANC het
SA se ambassadeur by die VN in Januarie opdrag gegee om in die
veiligheidsraad Minamar se militere junta te ondersteun met stemming!

Dan moet Tutu mos nou ook vra dat die ANC geboikot gaan word.
Re: Tutu en Gary Player. [boodskap #115086 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #115077] Tue, 09 October 2007 09:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
PietR  is tans af-lyn  PietR
Boodskappe: 3341
Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
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Het jy al ooit iets gelo wat Tutu kwytraak of doen? Soos enige prediker is
sy tweede roeping mos politiek. En dis lieg in die oortreffende trap.

"Annette" skryf in boodskap
> Ten spyte van 'n berig in Burger dat Tutu beweer dat nie net
> christengelowiges hemel toe gaan nie, was Tutu primêr daarvoor
> verantwoordelik dat Gary Palyer, 'n baie gelowige gholfikoon, as gasheer
> van die Sheraton Gholfdag bedank het. Tutu het dus Gary Player 'n stukkie
> hemel ontsê.
> Wat is julle gevoel daaroor?
> Annette
Re: Tutu en Gary Player. [boodskap #115091 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #115086] Tue, 09 October 2007 10:43 Na vorige boodskap
Torreke  is tans af-lyn  Torreke
Boodskappe: 1165
Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Suidwester" < skryf

> Het jy al ooit iets gelo wat Tutu kwytraak of doen? Soos enige prediker
> is sy tweede roeping mos politiek. En dis lieg in die oortreffende trap.

Ek gaan dit nie op myself betrek nie... Jy veralgemeen grof en daarmee
skiet jy jou goeie argument in die voet - dis jammer.

Maar die standaard van Tutu se "teologie" en hoe hy politiek en godsdiens
meng is baie goed ten toon gestel in wat hy by die afgelope naweek se
skouspel van 'n nabootsing van Steve Biko se begrafnis kwytgeraak het - toe
hy paralelle tussen Biko se Dood en dié van Christus getrek het!!! Lees
die berig hieronder.

Dat Christus onderwerping aan die onderdrukkende Romeinse owerheid beveel
het en self die voorbeeld gestel het deur Hom aan Pontius Pilatus se
onregverdige regspraak te onderwerp, terwyl Biko dood is juis omdat hy teen
sy owerheid in opstand gekom het, het Tutu klaarblyklik heeltemal ontgaan.

Biko was like Jesus, Tutu tells crowd

'He would be shocked and disappointed by our leaders'

'Jesus died to save us from the devil, sin ... Steve died to save us from
the clutches and chains of injustice, self- hate ... and apartheid'

- Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu


IN A moving sermon Anglican Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu this weekend
compared black consciousness leader Steve Biko to Jesus.

Tutu told a crowd of about 3000 people gathered at the Victoria Grounds in
King William's Town on Saturday that there were "wonderful parallels"
between Biko and Jesus.

He said not only did they both start their public ministry at a young age,
but they died at the prime of their lives.

"Jesus died to save us from the devil, sin ... Steve died to save us from
the clutches and chains of injustice, self-hate ... and apartheid," said
Tutu in his tribute to Biko.

Tutu was one of several dignitaries who spoke at the a ceremony marking the
30th anniversary of Biko's death while in police detention in September

The celebration also marked the age at which the liberation hero died.

Further remarks by Tutu that Biko would have been "highly disappointed and
angry" at the moral decay in the country and the behaviour of some of its
greedy politicians drew a huge response from the crowd who whistled and

"Thousands of rands is spent on big conferences instead of feeding the poor,
the BEE programmes and self enrichment of our leaders today.

"Steve would have flipped to see blacks stealing pensions from their elders,
from their mothers ... he would be shocked and disappointed by our leaders
who do not care about moral behaviour," said Tutu.

In the same breath, he said Biko would be smiling today to see the great
strides in the country's democracy and the freedom that its citizens now

"Steve is smiling, looking at all of us here. No, he is laughing to know
that there's a big poster of him with a beaming smile hanging from police
offices in Port Elizabeth where he was detained," said Tutu, all smiles

He said the country needed to go back to the drawing board and use Biko's
principles as examples through which to live meaningful lives.

Tutu said Biko had fought for black and white liberation and that he wanted
black people to know that they were not God's stepchildren and for white
people to know that their colour did make them superior to other races.

But despite Biko's stance and what he fought for, black people "still
despised and hate" themselves, with some still treating each other "like
dirt", said the Archbishop.

"Do we reckon that we are rubbish, so we must live in rubbish? What has
happened to us, what has happened to us (sic)? What has happened to our
humanity," Tutu asked, referring to the unclean state of townships.

Tutu was joined by Bishop David Russell, who attended Biko's funeral 30
years ago and who was also a friend of Biko.

Russell thanked Biko's deceased parents for bearing such a humble man who
made a difference to the lives of all the country's citizens and his wife,
Ntsiki Biko, for her support during difficult times. He also thanked the
Daily Dispatch which, under the editorship of the late Donald Woods, printed
posters for the funeral and assisted with communication.
Vorige onderwerp: Riaan
Volgende onderwerp: Xolela Mangcu oor Mbeki en SA
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