Don't Miss The Boat! [boodskap #114775] |
Wed, 19 September 2007 15:59 |
Boodskappe: 590 Geregistreer: April 2007
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Sowat drie ure gelede stap ek in die Mall op La Lucia
en op die grond vloer gee 'n man vir my 'n stuk papier
waarop die volgende geskryf is: (Ons het nie meer as
omtrent 'n minuut gesels nie, en ek nie 'n idee
wie hy is nie, maar hierdie woorde is baie
Everything needed to know about Life I Learned from Noah's Ark
1. Don't miss the boat
2. Remember we are all in the same boat!
3. Plan Ahead. (It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.)
4. Stay Fit. When you are 600 years old.
(Someone may ask you to do something really big.)
5. Don't listen to critics.
Just get on with the job that needs to be done.
6. Build your future on high ground.
7. For safety sake, travel in pairs.
8. Speed isn't always an advantage.
The snails were on board with the cheetahs.
9. When you're stressed, float awhile.
10 Remember the Ark was built by amateurs.
and the Titanic by professionals.
11 No matter the storm
When you're with God there's always a rainbow waiting.
Religion is man-made, the gospel is God-given.
Religion is man's search for God. The Gospel is God's search for man.
Religion leaves a man is he is. The Gospel makes him as he ought to
Religion tends to outer reformation. The Gospel makes for inner
Religion white washes. The Gospel washes white.
Religion is a farce. The Gospel is a force that saves from sin.
Religion is man's good views. The Gospel is God's Good News.
Religion is good advice. The Gospel is a glorious announcement.
Religion is hoping to meet God on the top rung. In the Gospel God
descends the ladder, in the incarnation of Christ and meets sinners at
the lowest rung of the cross.
The Gospel is that God loves us, that Christ died for us,
that He has risen and ascended back to heaven.
There He awaits all who will repent of their sins, believe what He did
to forgive their sins, and become followers of Him in daily life.
Have you repented and believed? Do you follow Him daily?
It is not your sins that separate you from God. It is that you have
not accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour of your life.
Jesus never said "I came that you might have 'religion' more
abundantly - but 'Life' more abundantly"