Dassiepis [boodskap #114247] |
Sat, 21 July 2007 00:57 |
Boodskappe: 4791 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Gedurende n besoek aan Kaliforniƫ het ons mense
besoek wat ons vantevore in Ottawa leer ken het. ( Hulle was
uit Rusland, maar toe alreeds Kanadese burgers.) Hy werk nou
in Santa Cruz. Die vrou vra ons toe of ons vir een van haar
kennisse in Ottawa, wat onlangs 'n operasie ondergaan het,
'n soort medisyne sou terugneem, wat glo nie so geredelik
in Kanada beskikbaar is nie, maar glo taamlik goedkoop in
die VSA is, as jy weet waar om dit te kry. Die Russiese naam
van die medisyne is "Mumie." Dit het my nie lank geneem
om te verstaan aan haar verduidelikings dat sy van Dassiepis
praat nie.
In die "Dictionary of South African English" word Dassie-
pis as volg beskryf:
Hyraceum: "klipsweet" the solidified urine of the
Dassie used medicinally by country and Khoi
"Early travellers in the Cape...were puzzled
by a substance they found in some caves,black
masses like pitch. Thunberg thought it was
bitumen, but the Bushmen and Hottentots knew
better... They call the substance klipsweet or
dassiepis. In the Cape Pharmacopoeia it is
listed as Hyracium. Hyracium has been used
as a medicine for centuries."
Die vrou in Santa Cruz het vir my iets oor Mumie op die
Internet uitgedruk sodat, as ek daarmee op die grens gevang
word, ek kan verduidelik wat dit is. Volgens die informasie
het Aristoteles dit al beskryf. Dit word gewoonlik in berge
gevind, op die mure van grotte. "Research has shown that
its main ingredient are harvest mice droppings. Melting in
the sun, they seep into the cracks of the rocks, and is enriched
with minerals. Naturally, the composition of the droppings
depends on the food the mice eat. ... This is why composition
of mumie found in different caves or even collected at different
times of the year is different....
Mumie belongs to the group of biosynthesis boosters.
It means it does not fight any specific problem but instead
stimulates each cell of the body. What is most important
is that in case of damaged organs or wounds, the body instead
of scar tissue produces new healthy functional cells. "
L.G. Green Karoo (1955)
Re: Dassiepis [boodskap #114248 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #114247] |
Sun, 22 July 2007 18:56 |
Francois Human
Boodskappe: 360 Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
> the Bushmen and Hottentots knew
> better... They call the substance klipsweet or
> dassiepis. In the Cape Pharmacopoeia it is
> listed as Hyracium. Hyracium has been used
> as a medicine for centuries."
En so gaan ons terug na die natuur toe om onsself te genees.