Max du Preez the liar [boodskap #113607] |
Sat, 24 March 2007 12:43 |
Boodskappe: 13 Geregistreer: February 2007
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> From
Between September 1984 and August 1989, 771 people were necklaced or
doused with fuel and burnt to death. The myth perpetuated by the State
then was that this was an example of African brutality. The truth we
know now, is that this repulsive form of killing was first started by
white Rhodesian security forces in the 1970s and then brought to South
Africa by the security police. ...
This outrageous statement was made by presenter Max du Preez on the
SATV programme "Truth Commission Special Report" on 9 February 1997.
The Foundation's National Chairman, Ted Sutton-Pryce, lodged a
complaint with the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa
(BCCSA) regarding this statement, which followed footage of a woman
being burnt, stoned and kicked to death by a mob in South Africa. In
his letter to the BCCSA, Mr Sutton-Pryce wrote:
As an organisation which represents the interests of former Rhodesians
who have settled in South Africa, we take strong exception to this
statement and we wish to lodge a complaint against the SABC for what
we believe to be misrepresentation of the truth. We contend that the
statement referring to "white Rhodesian security forces" above is both
untrue and malicious. Necklacing (ie. the burning to death of selected
individuals, with the aid of inflammable liquid and/or motor tyres)
was never practised (let alone started) by the Rhodesian security
forces, black or white, and would have resulted in prosecution of the
perpetrators of such a dastardly act if it were ever discovered. The
allegation casts doubt on the integrity of all former members of the
Rhodesian security forces, and causes distress for their families and
friends. Mr Du Preez gave no indication as to the source of this
"truth" that he says "we know now". Neither was there any indication
in the programme that the "truth" came from testimony presented to the
Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
The BCCSA held a hearing on 14 March, at which the FLF was represented
by Mr Gordon Munro. Mr Max du Preez was not present, but the hearing
was attended by members of the SABC's complaints and legal offices.
BCCSA Chairman Professor J.C.W. van Rooyen S.C. was not satisfied with
the SABC's response to the FLF's complaint and he called upon the SABC
to provide further evidence to justify their stand. If the BCCSA is
still not satisfied, a further hearing could be scheduled for a later
As this matter is at present considered sub-judice, the FLF does not
intend making any further public statements until the case has been
dealt with by the BCCSA. But Mr Du Preez has been interviewed since
the hearing by a reporter from the Mail and Guardian (25 Feb 97). We
felt that our members, especially those who might have viewed the SATV
programme in question or read about the case in the media, should know
that the National Managing Committee is prepared to react to media
reports that are blatantly untrue and malign the Rhodesian community
in South Africa.
This complaint came to us through a concerned member. If any member
hears or reads something that denigrates the Rhodesian community
unfairly, please send details to us as soon as possible so that the
National Managing Committee can consider it and perhaps respond
June 16, 1997
SABC found guilty over claim about necklacing
The Broadcasting Complaints Commission of SA announced yesterday it
had found the SABC guilty of contravening the Broadcasting Code by
reporting that necklacing was started by white Rhodesian security
The finding follows a complaint by the Flame Lily Foundation about a
statement by Truth and Reconciliation Commission special report
presenter Max du Preez about necklacing.
"The truth, as we now know, is that this repulsive form of killing was
first started by white Rhodesian security forces in the 1970s and then
brought to South Africa by the security forces," Du Preez said on TV.
The commission came to the following conclusions:
There was no evidence that the SABC or Du Preez had acted from
malicious motives.
The commission had not, however, been provided with any evidence that
the alleged atrocities in (the then) Rhodesia of the 1970s included
the incineration of live people by necklacing.
Accordingly, the statement that these forms of incineration of people
originated from the Rhodesian security forces was not substantiated.
"The commission found that the SABC contravened the Broadcasting Code.
The Flame Lily Foundation's complaint was accordingly upheld
unanimously," the commission said. - Sapa.