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Hierdie kom van die ANCYL: [boodskap #113023] |
Sat, 17 February 2007 16:46 |
Boodskappe: 283 Geregistreer: April 2007
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School admission saga a tip of racist iceberg was: Ermelo
"...School admission saga a tip of racist iceberg
"Therefore, the contention that the Afrikaner people have a right
of self determination is nothing but an attempt to further the
delusional dreams of a "Volkstaat" a consolation prize for those
who banked on the vision of apartheid that nonetheless crumbled in
1994, something that will however never happen on South African soil
in a billion years!"
STUDENTS IN AFRIKANER SCHOOLS is reminiscent of the failed grand
apartheid agenda. As such it is a last kick of a dying horse at
salvaging whatever is left of the privileges of apartheid, by a
community that has failed to grasp or adapt to the realities of the
changing times.
Since the advent of racism, the supremacist regime that oppressed
our people in the 300 years of colonialism and nearly five decades
of apartheid sought to deprive our people of knowledge as basis to
further consolidate their oppression on the masses of our people.
It was for this reason that the apartheid architects sought to
marginalize blacks in general and Africans in particular, by giving
them inferior education, one that would in the words of the founders
of our revolutionary movement, reduce them to hewers of wood and
water for their masters. It was apartheid education that ensured
that the majority of our people were left out in the economic and
industrial development of our country.
As a result, the notorious "Bantu education" was introduced at
primary and secondary schools, with correspondingly under-resourced
universities built and reserved for black people.
This apartheid agenda was part of a broader agenda to resolve the so
called "poor white men's problem". In their ascendancy to power, the
Afrikaner community saw our country as a big "Volkstaat", a lost
part of Europe at the southern tip of the African continent.
It was within this context that the Afrikaner community went about
creating what became known as "Bantustans", basically alienating the
majority of Africans from their motherland and confining them
effectively to what were glorified reserves which were economically
non-viable entities, going by the name of "independents States",
otherwise better known as "banana republics".
While nationalism is good as an assertion by a people of their
nationhood, what was wrong with Afrikaner nationalism was its riding
on the crest of oppressing Africans. It sought to legitimize its
viability on the comprehensive underdevelopment of the African
South Africa is a nation consisting of various tribes, races and
cultures, and these are protected by the constitution. Therefore
none has a right to undermine an expression by any person of these
rights. Equally, the expression of one right by any person or people
cannot be at the expense of other people's rights as it were under
Therefore, the contention that the Afrikaner people have a right of
self determination is nothing but an attempt to further the
delusional dreams of a "Volkstaat" a consolation prize for those who
banked on the vision of apartheid that nonetheless crumbled in 1994,
something that will however never happen on South African soil in a
billion years!
The dream for a "Volkstaat" is not a shared Afrikaner dream, many
are democrats who appreciate our democratic dispensation and who
therefore knows that they have to live with the reality that ours is
a rainbow nation.
Our conclusion is that the dream and desire to protect the interests
of the Afrikaner as though these were endangered by democracy is
nothing but the imagination of a few right wing conservatives who
still views other races and cultures as inferior, and that theirs
must not be polluted by these inferior races and cultures. They
therefore imagine a situation where some "immorality act" would
forbid their offsprings to have marital relations with the offspring
of what they at heart believe is an inferior race. And they want to
start teaching their "own kind" at a tender age what it is to be
exclusively Afrikaner. In other words, they still fantasise of
practicing the principles of apartheid in our democratic
By so doing, they are not only violating the rights of other people
to enjoy the whole of South Africa's development without prejudice
because of the colour of their skins, culture or language, they are
also poisoning their little children about a vice that we have hoped
to burry since the advent of democracy in 1994. There is nothing in
our constitution that prescribes reserves for a particular language,
culture or race. Here language is clearly used as façade to advance
the racist agenda of these Afrikaner right wingers.
Thus these parents who seek to create racist castles for their
little ones at schools, cannot help but seek to perpetuate a racism
demon that tortured their own souls in their own lifetime as well as
those of their forefathers who founded apartheid, whose results had
even greater consequences on their victims who were struggling
simply to assert their natural rights as citizens of this country.
We therefore boldly say no to any attempt to take us back to the
horror of the apartheid days when one's culture, language and skin
colour were determinant in the opportunities one would have in
entering certain academic institutions. Our bold statement is a big
no to apartheid education even when language is used as excuse to
advance these.
Our people speak many languages hence we have eleven official
languages in South Africa. As a result, many of our people have to
live with the reality that the space that is South Africa is not
exclusively for their language or culture or race, for that matter.
Many of our people take it upon themselves to learn other languages
as a result. Not only that, they also learn to do with the reality
that they will be amongst other languages and cultures at school, at
the work place and at various public places.
But behold, our Afrikaner compatriots, a few right wing
conservatives to be precise, seek to create racist castles because
they believe their young kin must have exclusive space to reflect
the privileges that they and their forefathers enjoyed.
What this means is that we have a lot of work to do, to ensure that
those who still hold the ill-fated vision of apartheid do not
continue to poison our young people at schools, even if these are
their biological children. We must teach our little ones
irrespective of their race or language or culture, tolerance at a
tender age, despite the difficulties that comes with it, at
accepting that there are other people other than those defined by
one's own race, culture or language.
It is our insistence that this is what we will fight for, informed
by the Freedom Charter stipulation that "the doors of learning and
culture shall be open to all". Any discrimination undermines our
constitutional democracy.
We know that this noise about exclusive Afrikaner schools is but a
tip of an iceberg in as far as racism is concerned. It represents
the general nostalgia about apartheid and how good those days were
to a few, at the expense of the masses of our people. We will never
allow racism in our lifetime or even in a billion years! Let
children be! Let their innocence not be defiled by the baggage of a
heavy conscience by elderly people who have found themselves in the
crossroads of change and cannot adapt.
Fikile Mbalula
Bron: ml#1
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