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Transformasie-'speletjies' [boodskap #112798] Thu, 08 February 2007 12:32
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Feb 07 2007 09:21:21:810PM - (SA)

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E-pos storie aan 'n vriend,,3-975_2066119,00. html
Alet Rademeyer

In 'n poging om hoër onderwys te transformeer en "swart boude op
sitplekke te kry" het universiteite nie die doelwitte bereik wat hulle
moes nie én is party instellings selfs van 'n swakker gehalte as

Só het prof. Adam Habib, direkteur van demokrasie en regering by die
RGN, gister in Johannesburg gesê.

Habib was een van die sprekers by die Universiteit van die
Witwatersrand (Wits) waar die tema "Transformasie en hoër onderwys"
bespreek is.

Habib het gesê speletjies word met transformasie gespeel en 'n malheid
om syfers is aan die gang. " 'n Instelling sal alles in sy vermoë doen
om die mikpunt van 60% swartes te bereik, al moet dit beteken dat hy
geen wittes in diens neem om dié syfer te laat klop nie.

"Die gevolg is dat dienste nie gelewer kan word nie. So kry 'n mens 'n
situasie waar die adjunk-president dan aankondig sy moet Indië toe
gaan om vaardige mense te kry."

Habib het gesê 'n fortuin word bestee om swart studente universiteite
toe te stuur wat dan nie die mas opkom nie.

Volgens hom lyk die syfers goed as die departement kan sê 60,9% van
studente wat in 2005 op universiteit was, is swart, maar wat van die
feit dat omtrent net 40,9% deurkom?

Habib het gesê groot gewag word deur universiteite gemaak wat na
hulself as "wêreldklas- Afrika-universiteite" verwys.

"Maar kán hulle dit sê as in ag geneem word dat 'n universiteit soos
Wits se navorsingsuitsette van 1 100 in 1998 gekrimp het tot 700 in
2005. En 'n instelling soos die voormalige Mangosutho Technikon wat
met presies een publikasie per jaar vir die hele universiteit spog?"

Habib het gesê baie kan gesê word oor gelykheid, transformasie en
demokratisering van hoër onderwys, maar as niks gedoen word om jong
akademici te werf nie, sal universiteite binne tien tot 15 jaar dood

Hy het gesê universiteite skiet tekort in hul werk om die behoeftes
van gemarginaliseerde groepe en gemeenskappe in ag te neem.

"Hoeveel studente is vir internskappe in gemeenskappe ontplooi?
Hoeveel programme maak internskappe verpligtend?"

Hy het gesê terwyl universiteite gewortel moet wees in die Suid-
Afrikaanse en Afrika-konteks, gaan hulle steeds voort om Europa en die
VSA na te boots.

Habib het gesê meer hulpbronne is nodig vir hoër onderwys, maar ook 'n
beter benutting daarvan

Sallie werkkie , dis hoekom:

Race Differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis is a 2006
book by Richard Lynn claiming to represent the largest collection and
review of the global cognitive ability data, by nine global regions,
surveying 620 published studies from around the world, with a total of
813,778 tested individuals.

Lynn's meta-analysis lists East Asians (105), Europeans (99), Inuit
(91), Southeast Asians and Amerindians (87 each), Pacific Islanders
(85), Middle Easterners (including South Asians and North Africans)
(84), sub-Saharan Africans (67), and Australian Aborigines (62).
Ashkenazi Jews score significantly higher than other groups (107-115)
in the U.S. and Britain, but estimates of the average IQ of Ashkenazim
in Israel may be somewhat closer to the European mean.

Like much research regarding race and intelligence, Lynn's work has
been controversial. When taken as national averages, the data
available, particularly regarding the developing world, is speculative
due to limited sampling, year of testing, and varying type of
cognitive ability test used. Lynn's survey is an expansion by nearly
four times of the data collected in his 2002 IQ and the Wealth of
Nations with Tatu Vanhanen, which dealt with the relationship between
IQ and economic development. IQ and the Wealth of Nations was
criticized for error, alleged bias, and racism, but the book has also
been used as a source of IQ data and hypotheses in several peer-
reviewed studies.[1] Lynn argues the surveyed studies have high
reliability in the sense that different studies give similar results,
and high validity in the sense that they correlate highly with
performance in international studies of achievement in mathematics and
science and with national economic development.

Some of Lynn's research has been funded by the Pioneer Fund. The book
was not published by an academic publlisher but by a private publisher
known to have previously published anti-semitic books

en dan kan ons sommer ook die crime ding so opsom:

[edit] Europe
Britain has a prison population of just over 80,000, 8% of which are
Muslim. In Britain blacks are responsible for 26% of the robberies,
10% of the sexual offences and 14% of the drug offences despite the
fact they make up only 2% of the population in the UK. (Source:
Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System.) Sixty-three
percent of mugging victims in London reported that their attackers
were black. [3]. In Britain, "almost twice as many black people are in
prison as at university, according to a report by the Commission for
Racial Equality
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