Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Aan de patrioten in Nederland, Belgie en Zuid-Afrika:
Aan de patrioten in Nederland, Belgie en Zuid-Afrika: [boodskap #108339] |
Sat, 28 January 2006 18:43  |
Michael Laudahn
Boodskappe: 109 Geregistreer: January 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Gelieve de volgende bijdrage te lezen die aan de angel-saksische NGes
werd gezonden. Stuur hem graag door aan diegene krachten in jullie
landen die het meest actief in het verzet tegen de migratie zijn.
Bedankt voor de hulp.
No matter if you are a patriot in England, Canada, USA, Australia or
New Zealand:
Help me to get in touch with your anti-migration proponents! I think I
have devised a system in my mind that can save our western world from
the immigrant surge. It is web-based, dodges PC (assuming that the
majority of our populations in fact is aginst migration), anyone can
participate from his sofa - and it uses direct democracy and free
speech, the very essentials of our system. I myself cannot do it,
because my IT knowledge is not sufficient to develop a sophisticated
website like the one I have in my mind.
As a 'foreigner' and with english not being my mother tongue, I have a
hard time to reach these people - if I find their names at all. You'll
know them, whether in England, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, and
you don't have my language handicap. Just send them this message and
urge them to get in touch with me. Even without the desirable IT
knowledge level and after having given away my idea, I can and will
play a useful roll in this venture. They can use my address used here,
or the one on the website.
One country on its own cannot solve the problem. We *) have to ally in
order to meet the challenge. This alliance should start in the
anglo-saxon countries, because you are the majority. Chances to get
your populations united behind this issue is especially high. Europeans
are traditonally divided. But if such an organisation is 'offered' by
you, chances are they will join.
The basic aim is to close the borders to all kinds of third-world
migration, especially from its mufti part, then send all those already
here back to their home countries, in a massive vessel-borne action -
and if it takes years. All we need are the necessary political and
legal decisions. These can be taken if our powers-that-be are flooded
by messages from the population. In the internet era, this shouldn't be
so hard to achieve. All we need is organise the infrastructure and
spread the word.
The infrastructure would consist of a joint-forces anti-migration
internet portal:
Page 1:
You make your language choice.
Page 2:
You make your country choice.
Page 3:
You'll find the reasons against third-world migration summarized.
Page 4:
You'll find a blank form to be filled out by you.
Next to it, you would have all the necessary cues that make it easy for
almost everyone to express his thoughts and demands in his own words.
All the email addresses and/or fax numbers of the useful recipients can
be added by a click.
Attachments can be added by another click, like photos of crime victims
or run-down urban areas - as a consequence of third-world migration.
There is a function that allows you to give this URL to your friends.
Last not least, there are counters that show how many messages have
already been sent, separately for every country. This could help create
a synergy effect.
Could this be the first step towards the solution strategy? What could
be improved or should be altered?
Sweden/Norway/Denmark, Holland/Belgium,
Germany/Austria/Switzerland/Luxemburg, France, England
Canada, USA
Australia, New Zealand
> .)
Unter blinden ist der einäugige könig.
Re: Aan de patrioten in Nederland, Belgie en Zuid-Afrika: [boodskap #108341 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #108339] |
Sat, 28 January 2006 18:48   |
Boodskappe: 33 Geregistreer: November 2005
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
"Michael Laudahn" wrote in message
> Gelieve de volgende bijdrage te lezen die aan de angel-saksische NGes
> werd gezonden. Stuur hem graag door aan diegene krachten in jullie
> landen die het meest actief in het verzet tegen de migratie zijn.
Not with uncle, ondermaats fascistje.
Re: Aan de patrioten in Nederland, Belgie en Zuid-Afrika: [boodskap #108342 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #108339] |
Sat, 28 January 2006 19:02   |
Boodskappe: 14 Geregistreer: January 2006
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
"Michael Laudahn" wrote in message
No matter if you are a patriot in England, Canada, USA, Australia or
New Zealand:
Help me to get in touch with your anti-migration proponents! I think I
have devised a system in my mind that can save our western world from
the immigrant surge.
De kolonien komen hier omdat wij uit Europa daar waren. Alle landen zijn
intussen multicultureel en het redden van de westerse wereld is een allang
bekeken zaak. Het enige wat nog kan is de wereld verder te verwestersen en
daar zijn wel erg veel mensen voor op de wereld. Minder mensen in zijn
geheel is van groter belang dan je rem op immigranten. Ik hoopte al een
beetje op vogelgriep....
Re: Aan de patrioten in Nederland, Belgie en Zuid-Afrika: [boodskap #108345 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #108341] |
Sat, 28 January 2006 19:13   |
De Joker ©
Boodskappe: 14 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
uncle wrote:
> "Michael Laudahn" wrote in message
>> Gelieve de volgende bijdrage te lezen die aan de angel-saksische NGes
>> werd gezonden. Stuur hem graag door aan diegene krachten in jullie
>> landen die het meest actief in het verzet tegen de migratie zijn.
> Not with uncle, ondermaats fascistje.
Bundel jullie krachten nou, jongens!
Re: Aan de patrioten in Nederland, Belgie en Zuid-Afrika: [boodskap #108346 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #108339] |
Sat, 28 January 2006 20:37   |
Boodskappe: 4791 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Michael Laudahn skryf
>> No matter if you are a patriot in England, Canada, USA, Australia or
> New Zealand:
Watter onnosele vent is jy. Ek bly in Kanada.
Ek is 'n patriot. Ek is 'n patriot saam met die
Franse en Nederlanders en Engelse en Duitsers
uit Europa, en die Indiërs en die Pakistane en
die Sjinese en die Tibetane uit die Ooste, en
die Meksikane en die Portugees-sprekende
mense uit Suid-Amerika. Ons is almal goeie
Kanadese, goeie patriotte, en ons bid maar
net elke dag dat die Eerste Nasies van Noord-
Amerika nie vir ons wil terugstuur na die lande
waarvandaan ons gekom het nie. Ek dink ook
nie dat jy 'n patriot is nie. Jy is 'n vervelige
rassis, wat bietjie desperaat klink. En jy is
die een-ogige, in 'n wêreld waar meeste mense
twee oë het.
Penkop van die Derde Republiek
Re: Aan de patrioten in Nederland, Belgie en Zuid-Afrika: [boodskap #108347 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #108346] |
Sat, 28 January 2006 21:29   |
Michael Laudahn
Boodskappe: 109 Geregistreer: January 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Hessie schrieb:
> Watter onnosele vent is jy. Ek bly in Kanada.
> Ek is 'n patriot. Ek is 'n patriot saam met die
> Franse en Nederlanders en Engelse en Duitsers
> uit Europa, en die Indiërs en die Pakistane en
> die Sjinese en die Tibetane uit die Ooste, en
> die Meksikane en die Portugees-sprekende
> mense uit Suid-Amerika. Ons is almal goeie
> Kanadese, goeie patriotte, en ons bid maar
> net elke dag dat die Eerste Nasies van Noord-
> Amerika nie vir ons wil terugstuur na die lande
> waarvandaan ons gekom het nie. Ek dink ook
> nie dat jy 'n patriot is nie. Jy is 'n vervelige
> rassis, wat bietjie desperaat klink. En jy is
> die een-ogige, in 'n wêreld waar meeste mense
> twee oë het.
> Penkop van die Derde Republiek
Ja Hessie, je hebt je PC-lesje goed geleerd en braav opgezegd. Nu mag
je weer gaan zitten en verder dingen buiten het hoofd leren zonder ze
te verstaan. Mensen als jij hebt de wereld echt nodig.
> .)
Unter blinden ist der einäugige könig.
Re: Aan de patrioten in Nederland, Belgie en Zuid-Afrika: [boodskap #108348 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #108339] |
Sat, 28 January 2006 23:19   |
Gert Mulder
Boodskappe: 18 Geregistreer: December 2005
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
"Michael Laudahn" schreef in bericht
Gelieve de volgende bijdrage te lezen die aan de angel-saksische NGes
werd gezonden. Stuur hem graag door aan diegene krachten in jullie
landen die het meest actief in het verzet tegen de migratie zijn.
Bedankt voor de hulp.
No matter if you are a patriot in England, Canada, USA, Australia or
New Zealand:
Help me to get in touch with your anti-migration proponents! I think I
have devised a system in my mind that can save our western world from
the immigrant surge. It is web-based, dodges PC (assuming that the
majority of our populations in fact is aginst migration), anyone can
participate from his sofa - and it uses direct democracy and free
speech, the very essentials of our system. I myself cannot do it,
because my IT knowledge is not sufficient to develop a sophisticated
website like the one I have in my mind.
As a 'foreigner' and with english not being my mother tongue, I have a
hard time to reach these people - if I find their names at all. You'll
know them, whether in England, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, and
you don't have my language handicap. Just send them this message and
urge them to get in touch with me. Even without the desirable IT
knowledge level and after having given away my idea, I can and will
play a useful roll in this venture. They can use my address used here,
or the one on the website.
One country on its own cannot solve the problem. We *) have to ally in
order to meet the challenge. This alliance should start in the
anglo-saxon countries, because you are the majority. Chances to get
your populations united behind this issue is especially high. Europeans
are traditonally divided. But if such an organisation is 'offered' by
you, chances are they will join.
The basic aim is to close the borders to all kinds of third-world
migration, especially from its mufti part, then send all those already
here back to their home countries, in a massive vessel-borne action -
and if it takes years. All we need are the necessary political and
legal decisions. These can be taken if our powers-that-be are flooded
by messages from the population. In the internet era, this shouldn't be
so hard to achieve. All we need is organise the infrastructure and
spread the word.
The infrastructure would consist of a joint-forces anti-migration
internet portal:
Page 1:
You make your language choice.
Page 2:
You make your country choice.
Page 3:
You'll find the reasons against third-world migration summarized.
Page 4:
You'll find a blank form to be filled out by you.
Next to it, you would have all the necessary cues that make it easy for
almost everyone to express his thoughts and demands in his own words.
All the email addresses and/or fax numbers of the useful recipients can
be added by a click.
Attachments can be added by another click, like photos of crime victims
or run-down urban areas - as a consequence of third-world migration.
There is a function that allows you to give this URL to your friends.
Last not least, there are counters that show how many messages have
already been sent, separately for every country. This could help create
a synergy effect.
Could this be the first step towards the solution strategy? What could
be improved or should be altered?
Sweden/Norway/Denmark, Holland/Belgium,
Germany/Austria/Switzerland/Luxemburg, France, England
Canada, USA
Australia, New Zealand
> .)
Unter blinden ist der einäugige kónig.
Nee, sorry, maar we hebben het eerst even te druk met Afghanistan. Bel over
een tijdje maar weer, of beter bel niet, wij bellen zelf wel als er weer
tijd voor is.
Jeetje zeg, nu moeten we ook nog eens aan een kettingbrievenoorlog meedoen,
alsof we al niks anders te doen hebben...
Re: Aan de patrioten in Nederland, Belgie en Zuid-Afrika: [boodskap #108349 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #108347] |
Sat, 28 January 2006 23:26   |
Gert Mulder
Boodskappe: 18 Geregistreer: December 2005
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
"Michael Laudahn" schreef in bericht .
Hessie schrieb:
> Watter onnosele vent is jy. Ek bly in Kanada.
> Ek is 'n patriot. Ek is 'n patriot saam met die
> Franse en Nederlanders en Engelse en Duitsers
> uit Europa, en die Indiërs en die Pakistane en
> die Sjinese en die Tibetane uit die Ooste, en
> die Meksikane en die Portugees-sprekende
> mense uit Suid-Amerika. Ons is almal goeie
> Kanadese, goeie patriotte, en ons bid maar
> net elke dag dat die Eerste Nasies van Noord-
> Amerika nie vir ons wil terugstuur na die lande
> waarvandaan ons gekom het nie. Ek dink ook
> nie dat jy 'n patriot is nie. Jy is 'n vervelige
> rassis, wat bietjie desperaat klink. En jy is
> die een-ogige, in 'n wêreld waar meeste mense
> twee oë het.
> Penkop van die Derde Republiek
Ja Hessie, je hebt je PC-lesje goed geleerd en braav opgezegd. Nu mag
je weer gaan zitten en verder dingen buiten het hoofd leren zonder ze
te verstaan. Mensen als jij hebt de wereld echt nodig.
> .)
Unter blinden ist der einäugige kónig.
Dat komt er nou van als je berichten plaatst waar je de betekenis niet eens
van kent.
"Da ist Hopfen und Malz verloren." Weet je dat nog Linkmiecheltje?
Re: Aan de patrioten in Nederland, Belgie en Zuid-Afrika: [boodskap #108350 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #108339] |
Sat, 28 January 2006 23:40   |
Boodskappe: 1 Geregistreer: January 2006
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
I whole hartedly agree! I as a muslim do not want any foreigners in my
country also. All those Europeans an Americans should stay were they are
now, as long as it is NOT in my country! So I do absolutely support the
effort in trying to keep everyone where they are / came from!
Congratulations on this glorious effort and may Allah bless you!
Mohammad Youdari
"Michael Laudahn" schreef in bericht
Gelieve de volgende bijdrage te lezen die aan de angel-saksische NGes
werd gezonden. Stuur hem graag door aan diegene krachten in jullie
landen die het meest actief in het verzet tegen de migratie zijn.
Bedankt voor de hulp.
No matter if you are a patriot in England, Canada, USA, Australia or
New Zealand:
Help me to get in touch with your anti-migration proponents! I think I
have devised a system in my mind that can save our western world from
the immigrant surge. It is web-based, dodges PC (assuming that the
majority of our populations in fact is aginst migration), anyone can
participate from his sofa - and it uses direct democracy and free
speech, the very essentials of our system. I myself cannot do it,
because my IT knowledge is not sufficient to develop a sophisticated
website like the one I have in my mind.
As a 'foreigner' and with english not being my mother tongue, I have a
hard time to reach these people - if I find their names at all. You'll
know them, whether in England, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, and
you don't have my language handicap. Just send them this message and
urge them to get in touch with me. Even without the desirable IT
knowledge level and after having given away my idea, I can and will
play a useful roll in this venture. They can use my address used here,
or the one on the website.
One country on its own cannot solve the problem. We *) have to ally in
order to meet the challenge. This alliance should start in the
anglo-saxon countries, because you are the majority. Chances to get
your populations united behind this issue is especially high. Europeans
are traditonally divided. But if such an organisation is 'offered' by
you, chances are they will join.
The basic aim is to close the borders to all kinds of third-world
migration, especially from its mufti part, then send all those already
here back to their home countries, in a massive vessel-borne action -
and if it takes years. All we need are the necessary political and
legal decisions. These can be taken if our powers-that-be are flooded
by messages from the population. In the internet era, this shouldn't be
so hard to achieve. All we need is organise the infrastructure and
spread the word.
The infrastructure would consist of a joint-forces anti-migration
internet portal:
Page 1:
You make your language choice.
Page 2:
You make your country choice.
Page 3:
You'll find the reasons against third-world migration summarized.
Page 4:
You'll find a blank form to be filled out by you.
Next to it, you would have all the necessary cues that make it easy for
almost everyone to express his thoughts and demands in his own words.
All the email addresses and/or fax numbers of the useful recipients can
be added by a click.
Attachments can be added by another click, like photos of crime victims
or run-down urban areas - as a consequence of third-world migration.
There is a function that allows you to give this URL to your friends.
Last not least, there are counters that show how many messages have
already been sent, separately for every country. This could help create
a synergy effect.
Could this be the first step towards the solution strategy? What could
be improved or should be altered?
Sweden/Norway/Denmark, Holland/Belgium,
Germany/Austria/Switzerland/Luxemburg, France, England
Canada, USA
Australia, New Zealand
> .)
Unter blinden ist der einäugige kónig.
Re: Aan de patrioten in Nederland, Belgie en Zuid-Afrika: [boodskap #108351 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #108347] |
Sun, 29 January 2006 01:19   |
Boodskappe: 4791 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Michael Laudahn skryf
> Ja Hessie, je hebt je PC-lesje goed geleerd en braav opgezegd. Nu mag
> je weer gaan zitten en verder dingen buiten het hoofd leren
Ja, jong, maak reg vir al die afstammelinge van
Nederlanders wat in Nederland sal instroom nadat
hulle eeue-lank in Suid-Afrika gebly het. Is jou klein
landjie, wat seker nie groter as die Kruger Wildtuin
is nie, reg vir al die Nederlanders wat nou uitgeskop
gaan word uit Suid-Afrika. Om nou nie eens te praat
van die klomp wat nog in Indonesië en Suriname
en sulke plekke sit nie. Ek is nie politiek-korrek
nie. Ek is korrek.
Tant Hessie van die agterste van Helsdingens.
Re: Aan de patrioten in Nederland, Belgie en Zuid-Afrika: [boodskap #108352 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #108350] |
Sun, 29 January 2006 07:05  |
Boodskappe: 4 Geregistreer: February 2002
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
On Sun, 29 Jan 2006 00:40:35 +0100, "Vn" wrote:
> I whole hartedly agree! I as a muslim do not want any foreigners in my
> country also. All those Europeans an Americans should stay were they are
> now, as long as it is NOT in my country! So I do absolutely support the
> effort in trying to keep everyone where they are / came from!
> Congratulations on this glorious effort and may Allah bless you!
> Mohammad Youdari
> Your contribution, muslim, is just as stupid as your top posting.
The Muslim faith, whatever its merits for the believers, is a
problematic business for the rest of us. There are many trouble spots
around the world, but as a general rule, it's easy to make an educated
guess at one of the participants: Muslims vs. Jews in "Palestine,"
Muslims vs. Hindus in Kashmir, Muslims vs. Christians in Africa,
Muslims vs. Buddhists in Thailand, Muslims vs. Russians in the
Caucasus, Muslims vs. backpacking tourists in Bali.
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