Re: Travelgate crook tops ANC list [boodskap #108313] |
Fri, 27 January 2006 07:12 |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Moira dwaal. Om ses maande sonder salaris te wees is nie 'n straf deur die
hof opgelê vir 'n misdaad wat begaan is nie.
Bowendien, om haar op die lys te plaas, beteken dat sy 'n setel kan kry op
die raad as die ANC genoeg gesamentlike stemme in die metropool kry.
Bowendien toon die optrede maar die lippetaal van die ANC, wat glo kwansuis
korupsie wil uitskakel.
"Moira de Swardt" skryf in boodskap
> "G" wrote in message
>> Ntshulana-Bhengu said she is puzzled about why she was singled out.[
>> "I have pleaded guilty to the crime. I was fined [R43 000]. I have
>> served my punishment. I have been without a salary for [about six]
>> months. What more should I have done?" she asked.
>> She said critics should look at the bigger picture.
>> "I have worked hard for the community. We should not lose sight of my
>> rights as an individual that are provided for in the Constitution -
>> that I was convicted and fined," she said.
>> The Constitution only bars people from public office if they are
>> sentenced to more than a year's imprisonment without the option of a
>> fine.
> She has a point, and/but people should vote with their heads, not
> the way they've always voted.
> However, I doubt the collective intelligence of any electorate.
> --
> Moira de Swardt posting from Johannesburg, South Africa
> Remove the dot in my address to find me at home.
Re: Travelgate crook tops ANC list [boodskap #108315 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #108313] |
Fri, 27 January 2006 09:18 |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
She was fined, She paid it. She did not serve a sentence.
Hoo Boy!!! Djy is ma' lekka deemeka'.
Feit bly sy het 'n kriminele klad op haar naam, en net dit, volgens die
konstitusie, verbied haar klaar om in 'n openbare pos benoem te word.
Volgens haar kan sy dus geen ander "werk" doen as om in 'n politieke pos
aangestel te word nie.
Ons het nie nog sulke parasiete nodig nie.
Die ANC is blykbaar nie in staat of by magte om korrupsie uit te skakel of
uit te roei nie, al staan die skuldige voor hulle.
Waar is die dreigement dat " as die hof hulle skuldig bevind, sal hulle uit
die parlement en uit die ANC gesit word"?
Die skuldigbevinding in die hof het gebeur.
Na vele openbare druk is hulle 4 maande na die skuldigbevinding die
parlementêre deur gewys.
En ooglopend is hulle nie uit die ANC geskors nie.
As dit nie vir die kroeks was nie, het die ANC nie so baie geld gehad nie -
so al wil die ANC ook, hulle kan nie die misdadigers uit die ANC skop nie,
want dit is juis hulle wat die ruggraat van die geldinsamelingspogings is.
Politiek, nes kerk, gaan op die ou end maar net oor geld.
"Moira de Swardt" skryf in boodskap
> "Annette" wrote in message
>> She does NOT have a point, to be without a salary is NOT a
> punishment for a
>> crime committed and found guilty of.
>> The mere fact that she is on the list means that, depending on the
> number of
>> seats the ANC will win in the election, she stands a chance of
> being
>> appointed a seat.
> She was fined. She has served her sentence.
>> Talking about lip service - saying corruption will be stamped
> out - No point
>> in saying it and then put a criminal on the list on the earliest
> possible
>> convenient time.
>> Please stop cross-posting.
> I was responding to the mail which was relevant to both the
> newsgroups.
> It doesn't appear as if you need a translation of my comments into
> Afrikaans, as you appear to be fully competent in English.
> --
> Moira de Swardt posting from Johannesburg, South Africa
> Remove the dot in my address to find me at home.
Re: Travelgate crook tops ANC list [boodskap #108324 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #108313] |
Fri, 27 January 2006 17:34 |
Boodskappe: 4 Geregistreer: February 2002
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
On Fri, 27 Jan 2006 07:54:48 -0000, "FreeSpirit_uk"
> Annette was absolutely right to complain. Her group is an Afrikaans
> newsgroup. If you are going to x-post there then at least have the decency
> to post in both languages. The Afrikaans posters when they post here
> _always_ post in English we should at least return the compliment.
>> --
>> Moira de Swardt posting from Johannesburg, South Africa
>> Remove the dot in my address to find me at home.
Of course I totally agree with what you are saying about cross posting
by including the Afrikaans newsgroup, but Moira is not to be blamed.
Like she said, she responded to my mail which in return, was relevant
to both the newsgroups.
This will be cross posted as well, simply as an explanation
to our Afrikaans speaking friends, that if anybody is to be blamed,
it would be me.
a passer by:-)
Re: Travelgate crook tops ANC list [boodskap #108326 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #108324] |
Fri, 27 January 2006 22:06 |
Boodskappe: 17 Geregistreer: May 2006
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
"G" skryf in boodskap
> On Fri, 27 Jan 2006 07:54:48 -0000, "FreeSpirit_uk"
>> Annette was absolutely right to complain. Her group is an Afrikaans
>> newsgroup. If you are going to x-post there then at least have the
>> decency
>> to post in both languages. The Afrikaans posters when they post here
>> _always_ post in English we should at least return the compliment.
>>> --
>>> Moira de Swardt posting from Johannesburg, South Africa
>>> Remove the dot in my address to find me at home.
> Of course I totally agree with what you are saying about cross posting
> by including the Afrikaans newsgroup, but Moira is not to be blamed.
> Like she said, she responded to my mail which in return, was relevant
> to both the newsgroups.
> This will be cross posted as well, simply as an explanation
> to our Afrikaans speaking friends, that if anybody is to be blamed,
> it would be me.
> G
> a passer by:-)
My pen is in my hand
Now tell me if that was Afrikaans of Engels