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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: boER Farm Expropriation Begins - Lekker
Re: boER Farm Expropriation Begins - Lekker [boodskap #106454] Sat, 15 October 2005 10:04 na volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Ag seunie, probeer tog iets skryf oor nuus wat vars is.
Ingeval jy nie mooi jou noubil engels verstaan nie.

Die berig dat die kennisgewing gaan plaasvind was al meer as 'n maand gelede
in die nuus.
Die feit dat dit plaasgevind het, was bloot 'n bevestiging.

Nou - gisteraand op TV-nuus wys hulle toe die plek. Ietwat erg droog en
ietwat verwaarloos. Die enigste ding wat ek kon sien wat iets werd is, is
die woonhuis.
Nadat die boer sy beswaar getafel het, sal daar 'n hofsaak, 'n
hooggeregshofsaak, 'n appelsaak en 'n konstitusionele hofsaak wees - en as
die staat na al die rietmaroul nog steeds 3 miljoen vir die woonhuis wil
betaal, is dit hulle verlies - want ek kan regtig nie sien hoe 'n swart boer
meer uitgerig kan kry en meer ekonomies sal kan boer as die huidige eienaar

Dan kan jy jou kraaibrief skryf.

Dan wag ons vir jou kraaibrief so twee jaar daarna, wanneer die staat die
eindom wil terugneem van die ( dan) huidige eienaar, omdat hy versuim het om
'n beter boer te wees.

"Ben Ehlers" wrote in
message news:4fbb6092180f08cb6dee6c99be8544a5@msgid.frell.theremaile
> [ And you thought that it would never happen - let the fun
> begin! After all it is the right thing to do given that the
> whites stole all the black land in the first place. Take one
> take them all ]
> SA's first expropriation
> served on farmer
> 14/10/2005 22:57 - (SA)
> Johannesburg - South Africa has served its first official notice
> of expropriation on a livestock farmer who has rejected the
> government's purchase offer, said the land ministry on Friday.
> Hannes Visser, of Lichtenburg in North West province, about
> 250km west of Johannesburg, was served with a notice of intent
> on Thursday, said Eddie Mohoebi of the land affairs ministry.
> "The notice was served yesterday. Once we have served a notice
> of expropriation, the farmer has 21 days to respond or to appeal
> directly to the (lands) minister.
> "If he appeals, the minister has the discretion to hold a
> hearing and the minister has got discretionary powers to summon
> anyone, including the farmer and including the commission itself
> to hear both sides of the story," said Moheobi.
> But if the minister decided after the hearing that the farmer
> should vacate the property, he would have to do so under a
> deadline specified by the minister, failing which he would be in
> breach of the law, he said.
> Government offered R1.75m
> "The minister then has the right to summon enforcement agencies
> to affect the move forcibly."
> The Commission on Restitution of Land Rights last month
> announced that a notice would be served on Visser after 2� years
> of negotiations failed to produce a settlement.
> The government offered to buy the 500ha cattle and crop farm for
> R1.75m, but Visser rejected the offer, saying his farm was worth
> R3m.
> Visser, 47, has said he might turn to the courts to try and get
> more money from the government for his property.
> According to the land claims commission, which confirmed that
> this was the first commercial farm to be expropriated in South
> Africa, the property originally belonged to Abram Molamu.
> The commission said "the original owners of the property were
> dispossessed through forced-sale transactions" by the apartheid
> government.
> 'Farmers want high prices'
> That land was bought by Visser's father in 1968, and his son
> took over the farm 11 years ago, just as South Africa elected
> Nelson Mandela as its first black president.
> Only 4% of farmland is owned by blacks in South Africa, where
> the government has vowed to have 30% black ownership by 2015, a
> target officials have said will require a more-aggressive
> approach.
> The government has complained that white farmers are setting
> high prices for their land under the willing-seller, willing-
> buyer principle that has underpinned land reform since 1994.
Re: boER Farm Expropriation Begins - Lekker [boodskap #106459 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #106454] Sat, 15 October 2005 10:55 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
PietR  is tans af-lyn  PietR
Boodskappe: 3341
Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Ben Ehlers" wrote in
message news:4fbb6092180f08cb6dee6c99be8544a5@msgid.frell.theremaile
> [ And you thought that it would never happen - let the fun
> begin! After all it is the right thing to do given that the
> whites stole all the black land in the first place. Take one
> take them all ]

----Wat 'n idiotiese bydrae! Terwyl jy kraai van die lekkerkry, hoekom
werk jy nie uit wat gaan gebeur met die land as al die kommersiele boere
ophou boer nie? En hoekom stop by die plase? Wat van die huise en
besighede in die dorpe en stede? Sekerlik was dit ook op jou sogenaamde
swart eiendomme? Maak nie saak dat nog weinig swart 'grondeienaars' kaart
en transport kon bewys het en alles op hoorse en oorlewering geskied, dis
mos hoe die lewe in Afrika werk. Die massa bepaal wat gebeur en maak nie
saak hoe swaar hulle uiteindelik kry as gevolg daarvan nie, die dop skop
lekker en hulle kry lekker, so waarom kla?
Maar, voor in die wapad brand 'n lig. Ons boere verkoop hulle plase
aan die regering en die swartes hervestig daarop. Hulle kan nie boer nie,
so binne drie jaar is al hierdie grond weer beskikbaar op huur. Ons koop
nie weer grond nie, ons huur hom. Ons oorbewei hom en ons oorplant hom en
sit niks terug in die grond in. Na 'n paar jaar of twee gee jy die gefokte
stuk grond terug aan sy swart eienaar. Jy het klomp geld gemaak en hy sit
met 'n kaal plaas. Lekker, die wraak van Afrika! Laat die proses nog
vinniger word! Dit bevoordeel die boere 100%! Die produkte raak al
skaarser en duurder en ons verdien net meer en meer en meer. Dankie vir
mense soos jy, ou vriend.
Re: boER Farm Expropriation Begins - Lekker [boodskap #106464 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #106454] Sat, 15 October 2005 15:38 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Gaan aan seunie. Hou aan om vir die hele wêreld te wys hoe 'n groot gat jy
van jouself gereeld maak.
As jy dink enigiemand lees jou gemors, is jy dommer as wat jy dink jy is.
"Ben Ehlers" wrote in
message news:152f3bee14ffa39ad64b64bb629c15c7@msgid.frell.theremaile
> Ja jou fokken dom donder - it won't help you one little bit when
> you have been wiped out on your deserted little plaas will it.
> The boy that you have been moering all these years may just get
> gat vol and send you the way all the other dom boere maatjies
> have gone - 6 feet under.
> You are a naiive and arrogant arsehole and certainly are worthy
> of losing your farm. Note the expropriation - yes dickwit
> EXPROPRIATION means that the farm is taken away from you. Yes
> you don't get a fucking cent in return. Now when that happens,
> you want to tell me that you can quickly sell your stupid boERE
> plaas to the government. Man jirre jissis maar jy's so dom soos
> 'n fokken etterkop.
> Thing is doos - you can't sell your plaase at the moment -
> nobody will buy them from you. But of course you're too thick to
> understand that. The outcome is that your greed will lock you
> into staying on the farm and taking a traditional boER "fok
> hulle" approach. Then you will start squealing like the cowards
> that you boERE are when the blacks come toyi toying down the
> farm road to get rid of you. Have a familiar ring to it?
> Zimbabwe?? Heard of it.
> Man ek lag vir jou jou dom kont. Jou stinkende boER gat gaan so
> hard geskop wees dat jou neus gaan bloei. Fok julle almal, ons
> gaan verder lag vir julle .. en die tyd is baie naby. Fok julle -
> poeskoppe.
Re: boER Farm Expropriation Begins - Lekker [boodskap #106466 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #106454] Sat, 15 October 2005 17:58 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
pete[1]  is tans af-lyn  pete[1]
Boodskappe: 11
Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Nog enne vir "blocked senders", reg langs Gloudina en 'n paar ander suur
Re: boER Farm Expropriation Begins - Lekker [boodskap #106491 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #106464] Mon, 17 October 2005 07:29 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
PietR  is tans af-lyn  PietR
Boodskappe: 3341
Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Het ek nie die simpel ou kwaad gemaak nie? Daar's duidelik niks wat die
aap so lekker irriteer as mens die hele storie vir hom omdraai en hy
duidelik self kan insien hoe simpel hy is nie! Dit gee my groot plesier...

"Annette" skryf in boodskap news:dir91i$ms5$
> Gaan aan seunie. Hou aan om vir die hele wêreld te wys hoe 'n groot gat jy
> van jouself gereeld maak.
> As jy dink enigiemand lees jou gemors, is jy dommer as wat jy dink jy is.
Re: boER Farm Expropriation Begins - Lekker [boodskap #106493 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #106454] Mon, 17 October 2005 07:49 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
PietR  is tans af-lyn  PietR
Boodskappe: 3341
Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Ben Ehlers" wrote in
message news:152f3bee14ffa39ad64b64bb629c15c7@msgid.frell.theremaile
> Ja jou fokken dom donder - it won't help you one little bit when
> you have been wiped out on your deserted little plaas will it.
> The boy that you have been moering all these years may just get
> gat vol and send you the way all the other dom boere maatjies
> have gone - 6 feet under.
----Seker ook maar reg, want ons maak darem self ons plannetjies, wat dink
jy van ons? Miskien moet ons maak soos die een ou Duitser hier in ons
suide van die land, baie jare gelede? As 'n werker hom drama gee, dan
stuur hy hom veld toe met skaap en sy vrou bak vir die werker vetkoeke met
strignien[wolwegif] in. Later gaan haal hy skaap en laat verdwyn die
geraamte in die wye vlaktes....
> You are a naiive and arrogant arsehole and certainly are worthy
> of losing your farm. Note the expropriation - yes dickwit
> EXPROPRIATION means that the farm is taken away from you. Yes
> you don't get a fucking cent in return.
----Stupid! Hoe onnosel kan jy wees, of kan jy net nie lees nie. Dis
plase is lankal verkoop. Nou huur ons van swart boere grond en donner die
grond vir hulle op. Die geld is alankal in die buiteland. Julle rape
Afrka, ons ook!!

Now when that happens,
> you want to tell me that you can quickly sell your stupid boERE
> plaas to the government. Man jirre jissis maar jy's so dom soos
> 'n fokken etterkop.
----Praat jy! Van jouself? Lees wat ek hierbo gese het en probeer
> Thing is doos - you can't sell your plaase at the moment -
> nobody will buy them from you.
----Nog meer onnosel! Daar's een moerse mark vir grond op die oomblik.
But of course you're too thick to
> understand that. The outcome is that your greed will lock you
> into staying on the farm and taking a traditional boER "fok
> hulle" approach. Then you will start squealing like the cowards
> that you boERE are when the blacks come toyi toying down the
> farm road to get rid of you. Have a familiar ring to it?
> Zimbabwe?? Heard of it.
-----Hie-haa-haaa! Bring jou swart broers laat hulle kom toyi-toyi en sien
wat maak die swart plaaseienaar met hom en sy maatjies. Ons het die ding
omgedraai ou poepol, vat jy die plaas vat jy aan die swart eienaar se
> Man ek lag vir jou jou dom kont. Jou stinkende boER gat gaan so
> hard geskop wees dat jou neus gaan bloei. Fok julle almal, ons
> gaan verder lag vir julle .. en die tyd is baie naby. Fok julle -
> poeskoppe.
----Ek dink jy staan sekerlik vir jouself in die spieel en kyk en nou soek
jy maatjies wat net soos jy lyk?
Re: boER Farm Expropriation Begins - Lekker [boodskap #106495 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #106454] Mon, 17 October 2005 09:47 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
kaalbaster  is tans af-lyn  kaalbaster
Boodskappe: 108
Geregistreer: September 2005
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Ben Ehlers wrote:
> Ja jou fokken dom donder - it won't help you one little bit when
> you have been wiped out on your deserted little plaas will it.
> The boy that you have been moering all these years may just get
> gat vol and send you the way all the other dom boere maatjies
> have gone - 6 feet under.

Nee man, hy sal nie (net miskien as hy jou maaksel is)
> You are a naiive and arrogant arsehole and certainly are worthy
> of losing your farm. Note the expropriation - yes dickwit
> EXPROPRIATION means that the farm is taken away from you. Yes
> you don't get a fucking cent in return. Now when that happens,
> you want to tell me that you can quickly sell your stupid boERE
> plaas to the government. Man jirre jissis maar jy's so dom soos
> 'n fokken etterkop.

Ek dink jy's dom tata'tjie - jy weet nie regtig hoe dit werk nie nê?
> Thing is doos - you can't sell your plaase at the moment -
> nobody will buy them from you. But of course you're too thick to
> understand that. The outcome is that your greed will lock you
> into staying on the farm and taking a traditional boER "fok
> hulle" approach. Then you will start squealing like the cowards
> that you boERE are when the blacks come toyi toying down the
> farm road to get rid of you. Have a familiar ring to it?
> Zimbabwe?? Heard of it.

Ja, en wat het met Zimbabwe gebeur toe die kaffers die plase oorgeneem
het = hulle vrek van die honger!!
> Man ek lag vir jou jou dom kont. Jou stinkende boER gat gaan so
> hard geskop wees dat jou neus gaan bloei. Fok julle almal, ons
> gaan verder lag vir julle .. en die tyd is baie naby. Fok julle -
> poeskoppe.

Nee boy, ons lag vir jou en jou maatjies wat een van die dae, soos in
Zimbabwe, moet gaan bedel vir kos! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha
Re: boER Farm Expropriation Begins - Lekker [boodskap #106499 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #106454] Tue, 18 October 2005 04:27 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Otterkop  is tans af-lyn  Otterkop
Boodskappe: 378
Geregistreer: March 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Onthou die huidige eienaar het in 98 al opgehou met ontwikkeling en om geld
daar te bestee

"Annette" skryf in boodskap news:diql1b$3g5$
> Ag seunie, probeer tog iets skryf oor nuus wat vars is.
> Ingeval jy nie mooi jou noubil engels verstaan nie.
> Die berig dat die kennisgewing gaan plaasvind was al meer as 'n maand
> gelede
> in die nuus.
> Die feit dat dit plaasgevind het, was bloot 'n bevestiging.
> Nou - gisteraand op TV-nuus wys hulle toe die plek. Ietwat erg droog en
> ietwat verwaarloos. Die enigste ding wat ek kon sien wat iets werd is, is
> die woonhuis.
> Nadat die boer sy beswaar getafel het, sal daar 'n hofsaak, 'n
> hooggeregshofsaak, 'n appelsaak en 'n konstitusionele hofsaak wees - en as
> die staat na al die rietmaroul nog steeds 3 miljoen vir die woonhuis wil
> betaal, is dit hulle verlies - want ek kan regtig nie sien hoe 'n swart
> boer
> meer uitgerig kan kry en meer ekonomies sal kan boer as die huidige
> eienaar
> nie.
> Dan kan jy jou kraaibrief skryf.
> Dan wag ons vir jou kraaibrief so twee jaar daarna, wanneer die staat die
> eindom wil terugneem van die ( dan) huidige eienaar, omdat hy versuim het
> om
> 'n beter boer te wees.
> --
> Groetnis
> Annette
> "Ben Ehlers" wrote
> in
> message
> news:4fbb6092180f08cb6dee6c99be8544a5@msgid.frell.theremaile
>> [ And you thought that it would never happen - let the fun
>> begin! After all it is the right thing to do given that the
>> whites stole all the black land in the first place. Take one
>> take them all ]


>> SA's first expropriation
>> served on farmer
>> 14/10/2005 22:57 - (SA)

>> Johannesburg - South Africa has served its first official notice
>> of expropriation on a livestock farmer who has rejected the
>> government's purchase offer, said the land ministry on Friday.

>> Hannes Visser, of Lichtenburg in North West province, about
>> 250km west of Johannesburg, was served with a notice of intent
>> on Thursday, said Eddie Mohoebi of the land affairs ministry.

>> "The notice was served yesterday. Once we have served a notice
>> of expropriation, the farmer has 21 days to respond or to appeal
>> directly to the (lands) minister.

>> "If he appeals, the minister has the discretion to hold a
>> hearing and the minister has got discretionary powers to summon
>> anyone, including the farmer and including the commission itself
>> to hear both sides of the story," said Moheobi.

>> But if the minister decided after the hearing that the farmer
>> should vacate the property, he would have to do so under a
>> deadline specified by the minister, failing which he would be in
>> breach of the law, he said.

>> Government offered R1.75m

>> "The minister then has the right to summon enforcement agencies
>> to affect the move forcibly."

>> The Commission on Restitution of Land Rights last month
>> announced that a notice would be served on Visser after 2� years
>> of negotiations failed to produce a settlement.

>> The government offered to buy the 500ha cattle and crop farm for
>> R1.75m, but Visser rejected the offer, saying his farm was worth
>> R3m.

>> Visser, 47, has said he might turn to the courts to try and get
>> more money from the government for his property.

>> According to the land claims commission, which confirmed that
>> this was the first commercial farm to be expropriated in South
>> Africa, the property originally belonged to Abram Molamu.

>> The commission said "the original owners of the property were
>> dispossessed through forced-sale transactions" by the apartheid
>> government.

>> 'Farmers want high prices'

>> That land was bought by Visser's father in 1968, and his son
>> took over the farm 11 years ago, just as South Africa elected
>> Nelson Mandela as its first black president.

>> Only 4% of farmland is owned by blacks in South Africa, where
>> the government has vowed to have 30% black ownership by 2015, a
>> target officials have said will require a more-aggressive
>> approach.

>> The government has complained that white farmers are setting
>> high prices for their land under the willing-seller, willing-
>> buyer principle that has underpinned land reform since 1994.

Re: boER Farm Expropriation Begins - Lekker [boodskap #106500 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #106454] Tue, 18 October 2005 04:31 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Otterkop  is tans af-lyn  Otterkop
Boodskappe: 378
Geregistreer: March 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Ag jy weet nie waarvan jy praat nie net soos al jou ander swart maatjies

"Ben Ehlers" wrote in
message news:152f3bee14ffa39ad64b64bb629c15c7@msgid.frell.theremaile
> Ja jou fokken dom donder - it won't help you one little bit when
> you have been wiped out on your deserted little plaas will it.
> The boy that you have been moering all these years may just get
> gat vol and send you the way all the other dom boere maatjies
> have gone - 6 feet under.
> You are a naiive and arrogant arsehole and certainly are worthy
> of losing your farm. Note the expropriation - yes dickwit
> EXPROPRIATION means that the farm is taken away from you. Yes
> you don't get a fucking cent in return. Now when that happens,
> you want to tell me that you can quickly sell your stupid boERE
> plaas to the government. Man jirre jissis maar jy's so dom soos
> 'n fokken etterkop.
> Thing is doos - you can't sell your plaase at the moment -
> nobody will buy them from you. But of course you're too thick to
> understand that. The outcome is that your greed will lock you
> into staying on the farm and taking a traditional boER "fok
> hulle" approach. Then you will start squealing like the cowards
> that you boERE are when the blacks come toyi toying down the
> farm road to get rid of you. Have a familiar ring to it?
> Zimbabwe?? Heard of it.
> Man ek lag vir jou jou dom kont. Jou stinkende boER gat gaan so
> hard geskop wees dat jou neus gaan bloei. Fok julle almal, ons
> gaan verder lag vir julle .. en die tyd is baie naby. Fok julle -
> poeskoppe.
Re: boER Farm Expropriation Begins - Lekker [boodskap #106515 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #106499] Tue, 18 October 2005 06:36 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
PietR  is tans af-lyn  PietR
Boodskappe: 3341
Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Dit maak dit soveel erger. Vra enige kundige, of dit nou plaas, pad of
gebou is, as jy laat slaple met onderhoud en ontwikkeling, dan vra dit 8
keer meer 'effort' net om weer op datum te kom. Dis al moeilik genoeg om
vandag te begin met boer. Hulle sal dit nie vir lank op hul nuwe grond
maak nie....

"Otterkop" skryf in boodskap
> Onthou die huidige eienaar het in 98 al opgehou met ontwikkeling en om
> geld daar te bestee
> "Annette" wrote in message
> news:diql1b$3g5$
>> Ag seunie, probeer tog iets skryf oor nuus wat vars is.
>> Ingeval jy nie mooi jou noubil engels verstaan nie.

>> Die berig dat die kennisgewing gaan plaasvind was al meer as 'n maand
>> gelede
>> in die nuus.
>> Die feit dat dit plaasgevind het, was bloot 'n bevestiging.

>> Nou - gisteraand op TV-nuus wys hulle toe die plek. Ietwat erg droog en
>> ietwat verwaarloos. Die enigste ding wat ek kon sien wat iets werd is, is
>> die woonhuis.
>> Nadat die boer sy beswaar getafel het, sal daar 'n hofsaak, 'n
>> hooggeregshofsaak, 'n appelsaak en 'n konstitusionele hofsaak wees - en
>> as
>> die staat na al die rietmaroul nog steeds 3 miljoen vir die woonhuis wil
>> betaal, is dit hulle verlies - want ek kan regtig nie sien hoe 'n swart
>> boer
>> meer uitgerig kan kry en meer ekonomies sal kan boer as die huidige
>> eienaar
>> nie.

>> Dan kan jy jou kraaibrief skryf.

>> Dan wag ons vir jou kraaibrief so twee jaar daarna, wanneer die staat die
>> eindom wil terugneem van die ( dan) huidige eienaar, omdat hy versuim het
>> om
>> 'n beter boer te wees.

>> --
>> Groetnis
>> Annette
>> "Ben Ehlers" wrote
>> in
>> message
>> news:4fbb6092180f08cb6dee6c99be8544a5@msgid.frell.theremaile
>>> [ And you thought that it would never happen - let the fun
>>> begin! After all it is the right thing to do given that the
>>> whites stole all the black land in the first place. Take one
>>> take them all ]
>>> SA's first expropriation
>>> served on farmer
>>> 14/10/2005 22:57 - (SA)
>>> Johannesburg - South Africa has served its first official notice
>>> of expropriation on a livestock farmer who has rejected the
>>> government's purchase offer, said the land ministry on Friday.
>>> Hannes Visser, of Lichtenburg in North West province, about
>>> 250km west of Johannesburg, was served with a notice of intent
>>> on Thursday, said Eddie Mohoebi of the land affairs ministry.
>>> "The notice was served yesterday. Once we have served a notice
>>> of expropriation, the farmer has 21 days to respond or to appeal
>>> directly to the (lands) minister.
>>> "If he appeals, the minister has the discretion to hold a
>>> hearing and the minister has got discretionary powers to summon
>>> anyone, including the farmer and including the commission itself
>>> to hear both sides of the story," said Moheobi.
>>> But if the minister decided after the hearing that the farmer
>>> should vacate the property, he would have to do so under a
>>> deadline specified by the minister, failing which he would be in
>>> breach of the law, he said.
>>> Government offered R1.75m
>>> "The minister then has the right to summon enforcement agencies
>>> to affect the move forcibly."
>>> The Commission on Restitution of Land Rights last month
>>> announced that a notice would be served on Visser after 2� years
>>> of negotiations failed to produce a settlement.
>>> The government offered to buy the 500ha cattle and crop farm for
>>> R1.75m, but Visser rejected the offer, saying his farm was worth
>>> R3m.
>>> Visser, 47, has said he might turn to the courts to try and get
>>> more money from the government for his property.
>>> According to the land claims commission, which confirmed that
>>> this was the first commercial farm to be expropriated in South
>>> Africa, the property originally belonged to Abram Molamu.
>>> The commission said "the original owners of the property were
>>> dispossessed through forced-sale transactions" by the apartheid
>>> government.
>>> 'Farmers want high prices'
>>> That land was bought by Visser's father in 1968, and his son
>>> took over the farm 11 years ago, just as South Africa elected
>>> Nelson Mandela as its first black president.
>>> Only 4% of farmland is owned by blacks in South Africa, where
>>> the government has vowed to have 30% black ownership by 2015, a
>>> target officials have said will require a more-aggressive
>>> approach.
>>> The government has complained that white farmers are setting
>>> high prices for their land under the willing-seller, willing-
>>> buyer principle that has underpinned land reform since 1994.

Re: boER Farm Expropriation Begins - Lekker [boodskap #106575 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #106515] Wed, 19 October 2005 07:17 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Otterkop  is tans af-lyn  Otterkop
Boodskappe: 378
Geregistreer: March 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Die oomblik wanneer daar sprake van 'n groneis is staak
hulle omtrek alles. Net die nooooooodsaaklikste word gedoen
Dit kan jy hulle nie verkwalik nie, waarom doodsweet vir boy om oor te neem

"Suidwester" skryf in boodskap
> Dit maak dit soveel erger. Vra enige kundige, of dit nou plaas, pad of
> gebou is, as jy laat slaple met onderhoud en ontwikkeling, dan vra dit 8
> keer meer 'effort' net om weer op datum te kom. Dis al moeilik genoeg
> om vandag te begin met boer. Hulle sal dit nie vir lank op hul nuwe
> grond maak nie....
> "Otterkop" wrote in message
>> Onthou die huidige eienaar het in 98 al opgehou met ontwikkeling en om
>> geld daar te bestee

>> "Annette" wrote in message
>> news:diql1b$3g5$
>>> Ag seunie, probeer tog iets skryf oor nuus wat vars is.
>>> Ingeval jy nie mooi jou noubil engels verstaan nie.
>>> Die berig dat die kennisgewing gaan plaasvind was al meer as 'n maand
>>> gelede
>>> in die nuus.
>>> Die feit dat dit plaasgevind het, was bloot 'n bevestiging.
>>> Nou - gisteraand op TV-nuus wys hulle toe die plek. Ietwat erg droog en
>>> ietwat verwaarloos. Die enigste ding wat ek kon sien wat iets werd is,
>>> is
>>> die woonhuis.
>>> Nadat die boer sy beswaar getafel het, sal daar 'n hofsaak, 'n
>>> hooggeregshofsaak, 'n appelsaak en 'n konstitusionele hofsaak wees - en
>>> as
>>> die staat na al die rietmaroul nog steeds 3 miljoen vir die woonhuis wil
>>> betaal, is dit hulle verlies - want ek kan regtig nie sien hoe 'n swart
>>> boer
>>> meer uitgerig kan kry en meer ekonomies sal kan boer as die huidige
>>> eienaar
>>> nie.
>>> Dan kan jy jou kraaibrief skryf.
>>> Dan wag ons vir jou kraaibrief so twee jaar daarna, wanneer die staat
>>> die
>>> eindom wil terugneem van die ( dan) huidige eienaar, omdat hy versuim
>>> het om
>>> 'n beter boer te wees.
>>> --
>>> Groetnis
>>> Annette
>>> "Ben Ehlers"
>>> wrote in
>>> message
>>> news:4fbb6092180f08cb6dee6c99be8544a5@msgid.frell.theremaile
>>>> [ And you thought that it would never happen - let the fun
>>>> begin! After all it is the right thing to do given that the
>>>> whites stole all the black land in the first place. Take one
>>>> take them all ]
>>>> SA's first expropriation
>>>> served on farmer
>>>> 14/10/2005 22:57 - (SA)
>>>> Johannesburg - South Africa has served its first official notice
>>>> of expropriation on a livestock farmer who has rejected the
>>>> government's purchase offer, said the land ministry on Friday.
>>>> Hannes Visser, of Lichtenburg in North West province, about
>>>> 250km west of Johannesburg, was served with a notice of intent
>>>> on Thursday, said Eddie Mohoebi of the land affairs ministry.
>>>> "The notice was served yesterday. Once we have served a notice
>>>> of expropriation, the farmer has 21 days to respond or to appeal
>>>> directly to the (lands) minister.
>>>> "If he appeals, the minister has the discretion to hold a
>>>> hearing and the minister has got discretionary powers to summon
>>>> anyone, including the farmer and including the commission itself
>>>> to hear both sides of the story," said Moheobi.
>>>> But if the minister decided after the hearing that the farmer
>>>> should vacate the property, he would have to do so under a
>>>> deadline specified by the minister, failing which he would be in
>>>> breach of the law, he said.
>>>> Government offered R1.75m
>>>> "The minister then has the right to summon enforcement agencies
>>>> to affect the move forcibly."
>>>> The Commission on Restitution of Land Rights last month
>>>> announced that a notice would be served on Visser after 2� years
>>>> of negotiations failed to produce a settlement.
>>>> The government offered to buy the 500ha cattle and crop farm for
>>>> R1.75m, but Visser rejected the offer, saying his farm was worth
>>>> R3m.
>>>> Visser, 47, has said he might turn to the courts to try and get
>>>> more money from the government for his property.
>>>> According to the land claims commission, which confirmed that
>>>> this was the first commercial farm to be expropriated in South
>>>> Africa, the property originally belonged to Abram Molamu.
>>>> The commission said "the original owners of the property were
>>>> dispossessed through forced-sale transactions" by the apartheid
>>>> government.
>>>> 'Farmers want high prices'
>>>> That land was bought by Visser's father in 1968, and his son
>>>> took over the farm 11 years ago, just as South Africa elected
>>>> Nelson Mandela as its first black president.
>>>> Only 4% of farmland is owned by blacks in South Africa, where
>>>> the government has vowed to have 30% black ownership by 2015, a
>>>> target officials have said will require a more-aggressive
>>>> approach.
>>>> The government has complained that white farmers are setting
>>>> high prices for their land under the willing-seller, willing-
>>>> buyer principle that has underpinned land reform since 1994.

Re: boER Farm Expropriation Begins - Lekker [boodskap #106582 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #106575] Wed, 19 October 2005 07:57 Na vorige boodskap
kaalbaster  is tans af-lyn  kaalbaster
Boodskappe: 108
Geregistreer: September 2005
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Otterkop wrote:
> Die oomblik wanneer daar sprake van 'n groneis is staak
> hulle omtrek alles. Net die nooooooodsaaklikste word gedoen
> Dit kan jy hulle nie verkwalik nie, waarom doodsweet vir boy om oor te neem

Korrek, maar ek wens so ons boere wil saamstaan en 'n helse toi-toi
begin. Eintlik al ons afrikaners. Die ander kry alles reg omdat hulle
saamstaan en toi-toi. Die boere moet voet neersit en baklei!!!!
Komaan boere, kry 'n leier en laat loop die toi-toi!!
> "Suidwester" wrote in message
>> Dit maak dit soveel erger. Vra enige kundige, of dit nou plaas, pad of
>> gebou is, as jy laat slaple met onderhoud en ontwikkeling, dan vra dit 8
>> keer meer 'effort' net om weer op datum te kom. Dis al moeilik genoeg
>> om vandag te begin met boer. Hulle sal dit nie vir lank op hul nuwe
>> grond maak nie....
>> "Otterkop" wrote in message
>>> Onthou die huidige eienaar het in 98 al opgehou met ontwikkeling en om
>>> geld daar te bestee
>>> "Annette" wrote in message
>>> news:diql1b$3g5$
>>>> Ag seunie, probeer tog iets skryf oor nuus wat vars is.
>>>> Ingeval jy nie mooi jou noubil engels verstaan nie.
>>>> Die berig dat die kennisgewing gaan plaasvind was al meer as 'n maand
>>>> gelede
>>>> in die nuus.
>>>> Die feit dat dit plaasgevind het, was bloot 'n bevestiging.
>>>> Nou - gisteraand op TV-nuus wys hulle toe die plek. Ietwat erg droog en
>>>> ietwat verwaarloos. Die enigste ding wat ek kon sien wat iets werd is,
>>>> is
>>>> die woonhuis.
>>>> Nadat die boer sy beswaar getafel het, sal daar 'n hofsaak, 'n
>>>> hooggeregshofsaak, 'n appelsaak en 'n konstitusionele hofsaak wees - en
>>>> as
>>>> die staat na al die rietmaroul nog steeds 3 miljoen vir die woonhuis wil
>>>> betaal, is dit hulle verlies - want ek kan regtig nie sien hoe 'n swart
>>>> boer
>>>> meer uitgerig kan kry en meer ekonomies sal kan boer as die huidige
>>>> eienaar
>>>> nie.
>>>> Dan kan jy jou kraaibrief skryf.
>>>> Dan wag ons vir jou kraaibrief so twee jaar daarna, wanneer die staat
>>>> die
>>>> eindom wil terugneem van die ( dan) huidige eienaar, omdat hy versuim
>>>> het om
>>>> 'n beter boer te wees.
>>>> --
>>>> Groetnis
>>>> Annette
>>>> "Ben Ehlers"
>>>> wrote in
>>>> message
>>>> news:4fbb6092180f08cb6dee6c99be8544a5@msgid.frell.theremaile
>>>> > [ And you thought that it would never happen - let the fun
>>>> > begin! After all it is the right thing to do given that the
>>>> > whites stole all the black land in the first place. Take one
>>>> > take them all ]
>>>> > SA's first expropriation
>>>> > served on farmer
>>>> > 14/10/2005 22:57 - (SA)
>>>> > Johannesburg - South Africa has served its first official notice
>>>> > of expropriation on a livestock farmer who has rejected the
>>>> > government's purchase offer, said the land ministry on Friday.
>>>> > Hannes Visser, of Lichtenburg in North West province, about
>>>> > 250km west of Johannesburg, was served with a notice of intent
>>>> > on Thursday, said Eddie Mohoebi of the land affairs ministry.
>>>> > "The notice was served yesterday. Once we have served a notice
>>>> > of expropriation, the farmer has 21 days to respond or to appeal
>>>> > directly to the (lands) minister.
>>>> > "If he appeals, the minister has the discretion to hold a
>>>> > hearing and the minister has got discretionary powers to summon
>>>> > anyone, including the farmer and including the commission itself
>>>> > to hear both sides of the story," said Moheobi.
>>>> > But if the minister decided after the hearing that the farmer
>>>> > should vacate the property, he would have to do so under a
>>>> > deadline specified by the minister, failing which he would be in
>>>> > breach of the law, he said.
>>>> > Government offered R1.75m
>>>> > "The minister then has the right to summon enforcement agencies
>>>> > to affect the move forcibly."
>>>> > The Commission on Restitution of Land Rights last month
>>>> > announced that a notice would be served on Visser after 2½ years
>>>> > of negotiations failed to produce a settlement.
>>>> > The government offered to buy the 500ha cattle and crop farm for
>>>> > R1.75m, but Visser rejected the offer, saying his farm was worth
>>>> > R3m.
>>>> > Visser, 47, has said he might turn to the courts to try and get
>>>> > more money from the government for his property.
>>>> > According to the land claims commission, which confirmed that
>>>> > this was the first commercial farm to be expropriated in South
>>>> > Africa, the property originally belonged to Abram Molamu.
>>>> > The commission said "the original owners of the property were
>>>> > dispossessed through forced-sale transactions" by the apartheid
>>>> > government.
>>>> > 'Farmers want high prices'
>>>> > That land was bought by Visser's father in 1968, and his son
>>>> > took over the farm 11 years ago, just as South Africa elected
>>>> > Nelson Mandela as its first black president.
>>>> > Only 4% of farmland is owned by blacks in South Africa, where
>>>> > the government has vowed to have 30% black ownership by 2015, a
>>>> > target officials have said will require a more-aggressive
>>>> > approach.
>>>> > The government has complained that white farmers are setting
>>>> > high prices for their land under the willing-seller, willing-
>>>> > buyer principle that has underpinned land reform since 1994.
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