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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » ARTS GEVANG OOR DWELMS
ARTS GEVANG OOR DWELMS [boodskap #105994] Tue, 20 September 2005 12:38 na volgende boodskap
kaalbaster  is tans af-lyn  kaalbaster
Boodskappe: 108
Geregistreer: September 2005
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
'n Dokter wat al 11 jaar praktiseer op Douglas, is in hegtenis geneem
omdat hy gevaarlike dwelms vervaardig en verkoop het, tesame met sy
trawante. Is dit nie skokkend dat 'n persoon wat onder eed gesweer het
dat hy lewens sal red, dit op so 'n manier wil neem nie. Ek is van
mening dat hierdie "dokter" baie swaar gestraf moet word.
Re: ARTS GEVANG OOR DWELMS [boodskap #106015 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #105994] Wed, 21 September 2005 06:52 Na vorige boodskap
Otterkop  is tans af-lyn  Otterkop
Boodskappe: 378
Geregistreer: March 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Verskoon maar vir Pam sy is maar "so"

"friend" wrote in message .
> Pam Taylor wrote:
>> Oh my goodness - I thought you would not be one to post such
>> meaningless drivel. Looks like you may be like all the other
>> afrikaaners after all. I do hope not.
> Why not Pam, i think that this could be a very meaningful discussion.
> Not only South Africa, but the rest of the world suffers with the evil
> of drugs, and in this case a south african practitioner, who swear the
> oath of Hippocrates, that he will save lifes, make and distribute drugs
> in a very small community, and with the help of other business people's
> help distribute it for selling - TO WHOM? I can tell you that it would
> be to the soft targets - OUR CHILDREN - what for? They're greedy for
> money and don't care a darn what happen to those children using the
> drugs! A doctor in a small community like Douglas usually trust and
> confides in their doctors and most probably nobody in Douglas knew that
> these friendly and helpful doctor is the devil himself!
Vorige onderwerp: Geluk Koot!!
Volgende onderwerp: Wie weet waar DD is?
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