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Boer ons na die verkeerde kant toe? [boodskap #105778] Thu, 08 September 2005 13:09 na volgende boodskap
basjan[1]  is tans af-lyn  basjan[1]
Boodskappe: 315
Geregistreer: August 2003
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Sommer 'n berig wat ek gister raakgeloop het
(,,2-7-1442_1 766602,00.html).
Dit is jammer om te sien dat ons dalk nie so hot is as wat ons gedink het
nie, selfs met al die huidige hoopla oor die sterk ekonomie en ontwikkeling,
maar dis ook interessant om te sien wie voor in die koor is!

Die laaste paragraaf is wel waar, ek neem aan vorige statistieke is op basis
van 'n meerendeels wit bevolking geneem.


Palestine beats SA on UN list

Sep 07 2005 04:48:39:150PM

South Africa is lower on the UN Development Programme's human development
index (HDI) than the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Johannesburg - South Africa is lower on the UN Development Programme's human
development index (HDI) than the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

The UNDP's HDI measures achievement in terms of life expectancy, educational
attainment and adjusted real income.

South Africa is 120th on a list of 177 countries. Palestine is 102nd.

The report was released in New York at noon (South African time) on

Journalists were briefed on its contents on Tuesday.

In Johannesburg, the UNDP resident representative in South Africa,
Scholastica Sylvan Kimaryo, said that Norway, Iceland and Australia occupied
the top three positions and Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone and Niger the bottom

Of the 32 countries that scored lowest in the HDI, 30 were in Africa.

The two exceptions were Yemen and Haiti.

Development interventions

The HDI forms part of the UNDP's annual global human development report,
first issued in 1990.

Kimaryo described human development "as being more than just the commonly
used measures of economic success, such as gross domestic product, to
broaden (the definition of) development as being an expansion of freedoms
and a fulfilment of human rights.

"By bringing into focus issues of deprivation and inequality, human
development puts people - and among them the most deprived - at the centre
of development interventions.

"Embedded in the concept is a firm commitment to democracy, human rights,
participation and empowerment, and respect for the environment."

Commenting on the HDI, Kimaryo said it would be a "great mistake" to
identify the broad human development approach of the entire report "with the
use of this useful, but limited index".

"There are, of course, many variables of relevance to human development that
are not included in the HDI, which we acknowledge."

South Africa has fallen 35 places in the HDI rankings since 1990.

Statistician and report co-writer Claes Johannson said this was mainly the
result of the fall in life expectancy brought about by the HIV/Aids pandemic
and scholastic under-achievement.

On the positive side, inequality was decreasing, real income was up and
indications were that life expectancy was levelling out and would start
rising soon.

UNDP officials said South Africa's HDI fall was inevitable, taking into
account the manipulation of statistics by the apartheid system, which simply
ignored millions of residents on the fiction that they were citizens of some
notionally independent country.
Re: Boer ons na die verkeerde kant toe? [boodskap #105780 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #105778] Thu, 08 September 2005 13:37 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Ferdi Greyling  is tans af-lyn  Ferdi Greyling
Boodskappe: 1232
Geregistreer: May 2006
Karma: 0
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On Thu, 8 Sep 2005 15:09:30 +0200, "Basjan" wrote:

[color=blue]> The UNDP's HDI measures achievement in terms of >>> educational attainment and adjusted real income.

Vigs speel obviously 'n moerse rol.
Re: Boer ons na die verkeerde kant toe? [boodskap #105804 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #105780] Fri, 09 September 2005 10:39 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Binneband  is tans af-lyn  Binneband
Boodskappe: 6
Geregistreer: September 2005
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Virskriklike Inkomste Gebrek Sindroom ?

"Ferdi Greyling" skryf in boodskap
> On Thu, 8 Sep 2005 15:09:30 +0200, "Basjan" wrote:
Re: Boer ons na die verkeerde kant toe? [boodskap #105930 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #105778] Thu, 15 September 2005 15:40 Na vorige boodskap
RHINO[2]  is tans af-lyn  RHINO[2]
Boodskappe: 22
Geregistreer: August 2005
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Of the 32 countries that scored lowest in the HDI, 30 were in Africa.
Nee julle is nog steeds op die regte kant, maar hier bo spel dit vir jou
uit hoekom Suid Africa nou laer op die HDI is
Vorige onderwerp: Grond
Volgende onderwerp: Lae Afrikaans
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