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Die gelukkige meerderheid. [boodskap #105294] Mon, 22 August 2005 05:43 na volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Hoe gelukkig is ons nie dat die meerderheid van ons wat in 1948 - 1956
gebore is, en op 'n baie indrukbare ouderdom blootgestel was aan die
regering se intensiewe poging teen kommunisme, nie almal uitgedraai het soos
Gideon Niewoudt, wat sonder gewetenswroeging Vir God en Sy Land gemoor het ,
en sommer in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid regter gespeel het en besluit het
wie vermoor moet word nie.
Dieselfde kan ook gesê word van die nie-blankes - dat nie almal van hulle
besluit het om publieke teikens aan te val of te bombardeer nie. Die
aanvallers en bombardiers het ook maar net soos Niewoudt God gespeel, ter
aanstigting vanaf, en uitbuiting van politieke gesaghebbendes na wie die
vinger selde gewys word.
Re: Die gelukkige meerderheid [boodskap #105302 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #105294] Mon, 22 August 2005 09:18 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Ferdi Greyling  is tans af-lyn  Ferdi Greyling
Boodskappe: 1232
Geregistreer: May 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid

On 22 Aug 2005 08:31:21 -0000, Paule Naude wrote:

> He is actually one of you bOER brothers.
> It doesn't help to turn your back on him now. You are all guilty of the same
> sins against humanity and you WILL be held accountable for those actions.
> The black people who own and govern Africa will make sure of that.
Re: Die gelukkige meerderheid [boodskap #105365 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #105294] Wed, 24 August 2005 14:19 Na vorige boodskap
RHINO[2]  is tans af-lyn  RHINO[2]
Boodskappe: 22
Geregistreer: August 2005
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
What did the English do in America, They killed Red Indians till nearly none
What did the English do in Australia, They killed Aboriginals till only a
handfull left and the rest they removed from their mothers What did the
Spanish do in South America, They killed all the Inka
Indians -none left.
What did the Portugese do in Africa, They exported blacks to America and
other countries What did the Germans do in Europe, They killed millions of
people under
cover of two wars What did the muslims do, They killed many people that is
branded as infidels
What did the Catholic Church (Italians) do, They killed many under the
Except for the Boers in South Africa or aboard, if you are any of the
above( including the meide naiers that fled South Africa and now try and
shit on it from a distance) then I tell you to F--K off and go and shit in
your own backyard , eat it and hope to get wise. Including the name
underneath "Paule Naude" He is actually one of you bOER brothers.[/color]
> It doesn't help to turn your back on him now. You are all guilty of the
> same
> sins against humanity and you WILL be held accountable for those actions.
> The black people who own and govern Africa will make sure of that.
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