Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » AID TO AFRICA, WHY???
AID TO AFRICA, WHY??? [boodskap #104205] |
Tue, 05 July 2005 18:26  |
50,000,000 Liberated
Boodskappe: 1 Geregistreer: July 2005
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
What a weekend! What a holiday! Millions of Americans celebrating the very
freedom they fear, and that nice man Bob Geldof telling us evil Americans
what we should be doing with the money we work so hard for! Why, we should
be sending it to Africa, that's what.
Lets give thanks that Live 8 is over. What a bunch of sanctimonious,
self-righteous, narcissistic jerk-offs. They top off their great
multi-venue circle jerk Sunday with a demand that the United States cough up
some more money for something they refer to as "aid and justice for Africa."
These rock stars have a goal. They are demanding that the evil United
States cough up 0.7% of its gross domestic product and send it to Africa.
What these footstools don't grasp is that the 0.7% isn't theirs to demand
or theirs to distribute as they see fit. That money belongs to the men and
women of the United States who got up every morning and went out and damned
well earned it. Personally, I don't give a flying fornication just how much
of our money they think should be sent to Africa. I dare say that the
average sheetrock installer in Sheboygan donates a greater percentage of his
earnings to charity than do these insipid rock stars.
And just what is it about Africa? Here is a continent with an incredible
abundance of natural resources -- and a history that speaks to nothing but
poverty. So, these Live 8 guitar players want to do something about poverty
in Africa? Maybe they should be demanding the return of land in Zimbabwe to
the white farmers from whom it was stolen! Just a few decades ago Zimbabwe
was one of Africa's richest breadbaskets. Zimbabwean farmers fed their own
country and many of their neighboring countries with the food from their
farms and ranches. Then along comes their new exalted ruler ... the great
Robert Mugabe. He sends his goon squads out to steal the land from the
white farmers - murdering many of them - and turns those farms over to his
revolutionary soldiers. What happens next? Hunger, that's what. Now
Zimbabwe can't even feed its own people, let alone the citizens of
neighboring African countries. To make matters worse, Mugabe is now engaged
in a campaign to destroy the homes of poor citizens in Zimbabwe's capitol so
that they will move back out into the bush where they won't be so visible
and problematic. So ... did you hear one of these rock stars even hint that
the United States should do something about Mugabe? Are you kidding? Sure,
they like want to fight like poverty and like all that .. but that doesn't
mean that they're ever going to like say one like negative word about any of
the like dictators who like steal so much of the aid money and like keep
their own people in poverty.
Oh .. and here's something else that these brilliant rock stars you won't
hear about. I'm talking about the birth rate in Africa. In Africa, as in
America and in so many other parts of the world, the people who can least
afford to raise children are the people with the highest pregnancy rates.
It is considered to be gravely politically incorrect in America to ever
suggest that a woman who cannot afford to raise a child should do something
to prevent pregnancy. It seems you can't address this situation in Africa
either. The solution for African women having children they can't afford to
raise is to go to the United States and confiscate the money needed to raise
The problems faced by Africa are largely cultural. Though our illustrious
rock stars wouldn't touch this, the dominant African culture is one of
irresponsible reproduction, tribal warfare, submission to dictatorial
despots, anti-capitalistic governments and unprotected sex leading to
rampant disease. Live 8 isn't going to change this, and either is
confiscating more American wealth to be poured into this mess.
The answer to African poverty may well be to shed this burden of political
correctness and to start calling the shots over there as we see them. If
these intellectually superior rock stars really want to do something about
poverty and justice in Africa a good first step might be to ask the Western
world to forcibly remove Robert Mugabe from power in Zimbabwe and return the
farming land to its rightful owners.
Yeah ... like that's going to happen.
"Look at the murdering Nazis in US military uniforms
storming through Iraq, murdering as they go."
- Leland Milton Goldblatt, Proud America-Hating, left-wing Liberal Democrat
Re: AID TO AFRICA, WHY??? [boodskap #104221 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #104205] |
Wed, 06 July 2005 10:47   |
Boodskappe: 3341 Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Frika" wrote in message .
> It is about giving Africa a fair chance in life. You as an American
> dont want any products from Africa in your stores, because you get
> agricultural subsidies on your fruit and vegetables. That makes it
> impossible for us to help ourselves. We dont want aid from you, we want
> you to abolish your food subsidies, so that we have a fair change to
> compete in the open market. It is because of certain policies of
> America that we need aid to feed our people and look for aid.
-----Hierdie is 'n argument waaroor mens lank kan gesels. Dis vir my
interessant dat jy die blaam vir Afrika se onvermoë op die VSA se
landboubeleid plaas. Die Amerikaners subsidieer hul landbousektor met
hierdie subsidies sodat dit vir die boer die moeite werd is om die produkte
uit te voer na ander markte toe. Daarmee stimuleer hulle ook hulle
landbousektor. Hoekom mag hulle nie? Afrika is honger omdat Afrika dit
so verkies. Niemand se skuld behalwe onsself nie!
> Have you ever seen a person die of hunger? If you have you wont talk
> such rubish. Please come to Africa and I will show you what it is all
> about.
---Ek is hier en ek weet dat 90% van Afrika onproduktief lê en wag vir die
lewe om na hulle toe te kom. In plaas van werk, suip en spyker hulle en
maak nog meer honger mondjies by die hordes. Die dag wat Afrika leer werk,
daai dag staan hy op.
Re: AID TO AFRICA, WHY??? [boodskap #104227 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #104205] |
Wed, 06 July 2005 14:14   |
Boodskappe: 1592 Geregistreer: October 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Frika" skryf:
> It is because of certain policies of
> America that we need aid to feed our people and look for aid.
Ek stel voor dat jy Jared Diamond se "Collapse" lees. Sy "Guns, germs
and steel" was puik, maar Collapse is in sommige opsigte selfs beter.
Alhoewel ek nog nie klaar gelees is nie. :)
Voor julle soos gewoonlik skuld op Amerika wil plaas vir alles wat
verkeerd is in die wereld, is dit miskien wys om bietjie meer te
probeer verstaan van die agtergrond waarteen Afrika se probleme
afgespeel het, en nogsteeds afspeel.
Dit is natuurlik nodig vir die politici om makro-ekonomie te propageer
en die wanbalans in die markte uit te lig. Maar dit is nie die
antwoord nie. Altans nie vanuit my beperkte kennis en "insig" ,
nie. Hilary Clinton het 'n ernstige poging begin jare gelede, met
haar "mikro-lening" inisiatief o.a. Dit blyk baie suksesvol te wees
in die arm dele van Afrika waar hulle dit geimplimenteer het.
> Have you ever seen a person die of hunger? If you have you wont talk
> such rubish. Please come to Africa and I will show you what it is all
> about.
Moet tog asseblief nie dink dat dit net in Afrika is waar mens van
honger sterf nie!! Asseblief!!
Terloops, ek maak nie verskoning vir die oorspronklike skrywer se
kortsigtige berig nie, maar hy het 'n paar punte gemaak vanuit sy
filosofiese raamwerk wat vir baie mense sin sou maak. Dat die trant
van sy boodskap mens grief is verstaanbaar, maar dit is dalk nodig om
minder emosioneel na die hele storie te kyk. en begin besef dat alles
wat verkeerd is in die ou wereld nie aan die voete van ons Amerikaners
gelê kan word nie, al is dit 'n baie gemaklike standpunt om in te
Re: AID TO AFRICA, WHY??? [boodskap #104228 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #104227] |
Wed, 06 July 2005 14:32   |
Boodskappe: 4791 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Katryn" skryf
> Moet tog asseblief nie dink dat dit net in Afrika is waar mens van
> honger sterf nie!! Asseblief!!
Ja. Sekere soort mense in SA dink dat wat in SA aangaan,
uniek is en dat die gras altyd groener is orals anders. As ek
op ons kabelnetwerk na 'n kanaal kyk wat uit Detroit kom
(waar ABC programme gewoonlik uitgesaai word) dan is
daar net soveel miserable armheid, net soveel korrupsie,
as wat daar blykbaar in Afrika is. Ek sluit ook nie Kanada
uit nie. Ons is op die oomblik besig met die ondersoek na
'n groot geval van korrupsie, wat binne die Liberale Party
bedryf was, en waarvoor sekere staatsdiensamptenare en
Liberale Party organiseerders tronk toe sal gaan. ( Ek
stem vir die Liberale Party.)
Re: AID TO AFRICA, WHY??? [boodskap #104243 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #104221] |
Thu, 07 July 2005 10:40   |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Wel Suidwester, Bush dink nie so nie. Hy het met die G8 beraad verklaar dat
hy landbousubsidies sal opskort sodra die EU dit ook doen.
"Suidwester" skryf in boodskap
> "Frika" wrote in message
> .
>> It is about giving Africa a fair chance in life. You as an American
>> dont want any products from Africa in your stores, because you get
>> agricultural subsidies on your fruit and vegetables. That makes it
>> impossible for us to help ourselves. We dont want aid from you, we want
>> you to abolish your food subsidies, so that we have a fair change to
>> compete in the open market. It is because of certain policies of
>> America that we need aid to feed our people and look for aid.
> -----Hierdie is 'n argument waaroor mens lank kan gesels. Dis vir my
> interessant dat jy die blaam vir Afrika se onvermoë op die VSA se
> landboubeleid plaas. Die Amerikaners subsidieer hul landbousektor met
> hierdie subsidies sodat dit vir die boer die moeite werd is om die produkte
> uit te voer na ander markte toe. Daarmee stimuleer hulle ook hulle
> landbousektor. Hoekom mag hulle nie? Afrika is honger omdat Afrika dit
> so verkies. Niemand se skuld behalwe onsself nie!
>> Have you ever seen a person die of hunger? If you have you wont talk
>> such rubish. Please come to Africa and I will show you what it is all
>> about.
> ---Ek is hier en ek weet dat 90% van Afrika onproduktief lê en wag vir die
> lewe om na hulle toe te kom. In plaas van werk, suip en spyker hulle en
> maak nog meer honger mondjies by die hordes. Die dag wat Afrika leer werk,
> daai dag staan hy op.
Re: AID TO AFRICA, WHY??? [boodskap #104245 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #104243] |
Thu, 07 July 2005 10:55   |
Boodskappe: 3341 Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
As dit net so eenvoudig was. Daar is baie maniere om 'n kat dood te maak.
Hulle jaag net die vereistes en standaarde vir invoer so ver op dat buite
lande gaan sukkel om goed by hulle teen ekonomiese pryse te kan lewer. Die
vraag is net hoekom sal hy dit rêrig wil doen? As sy lanbousektor met 'n
oorskot sit wat geswaai moet word, dink jy dat hy gaan buite lande gunste
"Annette" skryf in boodskap news:daj1cl$6i0$
> Wel Suidwester, Bush dink nie so nie. Hy het met die G8 beraad verklaar dat
> hy landbousubsidies sal opskort sodra die EU dit ook doen.
> --
> Groetnis
> Annette
> "Suidwester" wrote in message
>> "Frika" wrote in message
>> .
>>> It is about giving Africa a fair chance in life. You as an American
>>> dont want any products from Africa in your stores, because you get
>>> agricultural subsidies on your fruit and vegetables. That makes it
>>> impossible for us to help ourselves. We dont want aid from you, we want
>>> you to abolish your food subsidies, so that we have a fair change to
>>> compete in the open market. It is because of certain policies of
>>> America that we need aid to feed our people and look for aid.
>> -----Hierdie is 'n argument waaroor mens lank kan gesels. Dis vir my
>> interessant dat jy die blaam vir Afrika se onvermoë op die VSA se
>> landboubeleid plaas. Die Amerikaners subsidieer hul landbousektor met
>> hierdie subsidies sodat dit vir die boer die moeite werd is om die produkte
>> uit te voer na ander markte toe. Daarmee stimuleer hulle ook hulle
>> landbousektor. Hoekom mag hulle nie? Afrika is honger omdat Afrika dit
>> so verkies. Niemand se skuld behalwe onsself nie!
>>> Have you ever seen a person die of hunger? If you have you wont talk
>>> such rubish. Please come to Africa and I will show you what it is all
>>> about.
>> ---Ek is hier en ek weet dat 90% van Afrika onproduktief lê en wag vir die
>> lewe om na hulle toe te kom. In plaas van werk, suip en spyker hulle en
>> maak nog meer honger mondjies by die hordes. Die dag wat Afrika leer werk,
>> daai dag staan hy op.
Re: AID TO AFRICA, WHY??? [boodskap #104248 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #104243] |
Thu, 07 July 2005 12:48  |
Julius Bergh
Boodskappe: 111 Geregistreer: February 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
On Thu, 7 Jul 2005 12:40:40 +0200, "Annette" wrote:
> Wel Suidwester, Bush dink nie so nie. Hy het met die G8 beraad verklaar dat
> hy landbousubsidies sal opskort sodra die EU dit ook doen.
En dit sal gebeur as die Franse perde horings kry!
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