Toneel uit Boere-oorlog [boodskap #104034] |
Wed, 22 June 2005 10:27 |
Ferdi Greyling
Boodskappe: 1232 Geregistreer: May 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Clint Eastwood se gat.....
Deneys Reitz skryf in Commando:
At length, on the fifth or sixth day, we breasted the long rise at
Leeuwdoorn, from which the country slopes down to the Vaal River, and
we saw the wide plains of the Free Slate stretching beyond. We slept a
night in an unburnt farmhouse on the Transvaal side, and next morning,
as we were riding off, we saw a body of English approaching, so we
climbed a kopje to see what their plans were.
The soldiers made for the farm we had just vacated, and soon smoke and
flames were issuing from door and windows. As we looked on, two old
fellows rode up from the direction of the Vaal River, and joined us on
the hill. They reminded me of my former commander, General Maroola,
and his brother, for they both wore rusty bell-toppers, and the tails
of their ancient claw-hammer coats flapped in the breeze as they came.
With a curt greeting they dismounted and sat down on the rocks,
silently watching the work of destruction below. for a long time
neither of them spoke, and it was only when the roof fell in amid a
shower of sparks, that the elder of the two sighed and turning to the
other said: 'Brother John, there go those teak-wood beams I brought
from Pretoria after the Jameson Raid.' This was his sole comment on
the loss of his home, then the couple remounted their horses to ride
back to the river.