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Help tog maar [boodskap #102796] |
Tue, 03 May 2005 11:45 |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Van 'n vriendin:
My goeie vriende, Elsabe en Wilhelm Retief in North Battleford, Kanada wil
graag goeie ou rugby kyk en op hoogte bly van wat met die Blou Bulle en die
Bokke ens. aangaan. 'n Opname word nou gedoen deur 'n rugbykanaal om rugby
in Noord-Amerika uit te saai. 'n Mens moet net die meningsopname invul wat
by is en dit
"submit". Ek het dit ingevul en dit het hoogstens twee minute gevat. 'n Mens
hoef glad nie jou eie e-mail adres of naam te gee nie, so dis nie 'n manier
om spam te trek nie. Daar waar hulle vra in watter dorp en provinsie en land
jy bly, tik sommer enige stad en provinsie of staat in Noord-Amerika in. Ek
het sommer North Battleford, Saskatewan, Canada ingetik. Groot asseblief
help bietjie.
Help asb met die poging om Rugby te kan sien in Noord Amerika!
Dear Rugby Enthusiast,
Thanks very much for previously completing The Rugby Channel survey. We have
received over 23,000 positive responses from across North America and
greatly appreciate your interest and assistance in helping us get the
channel launched as soon as possible.
What we need now is your help in getting the word out to all of your
teammates, fellow ex-pats and all other rugby fans. With more than 60,000
registered players on USA Rugby's rolls alone, we have only scratched the
surface in reaching all the rugby passionate people in North America. The
groups that have so far been under-represented are women (9% of current
responses), Canadians (21%), and especially ex-pats (11%) from England, New
Zealand, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, France, Australia and South Africa.
An additional 12,000 responses is needed over the next 30 days as 35,000
positive responses is our threshold to launch the channel. So if you want
to be able to watch rugby on a dedicated channel please spread the word via
phone, email, message boards, and newsgroups to all your rugby mates asking
them to take two minutes and complete the survey at
. If news of this survey was previously
sent to your club email list, please consider sending out another update to
it. You are also welcome to check back at the website as it has been
redesigned recently and features Matt Brown's restart of his rugby column.
This is a grass roots campaign to evaluate the maturity of the marketplace
so we are relying on you, the people who play, referee, coach, administer,
watch and enjoy the rugby lifestyle. This is our collective opportunity to
create a home for the game we all love so please consider playing a part in
reaching others like you so that we can get to our target as soon as
Please encourage only one response per household as we need to be sure that
we have a real gauge of potential subscribers to convince the distribution
services that the rugby audience in North America is large enough to justify
launching a rugby only channel.
Thanks again for your support and please help us spread the good word.
Yours in Rugby,
Patrick Guthrie
Producer, The Rugby Club & Championship Rugby on Fox Sports World
Managing Director, The Rugby Channel
Member, USA Rugby Board of Directors
Co-Author, Rugby For Dummies
Coach, Occidental College Women's RFC
Coach, Southern California Griffins Women
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