Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Afrikaner Children In Danger In South Africa
Re: Afrikaner Children In Danger In South Africa [boodskap #102781] |
Mon, 02 May 2005 09:17 |
Ferdi Greyling
Boodskappe: 1232 Geregistreer: May 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Maybe you are Jani Allen?
On Mon, 2 May 2005 04:33:13 +0200 (CEST), Anonymous
> X-No-Archive: YES
> Afrikaners of all ages are fighting for their lives in towns and countryside.
> Afrikaner children are often attacked at or around schools by fellow "pupils" or their "parents" who stab, shoot and hack at them. The school grounds have been turned into hell-holes for Afrikaner children.
> This started in Vryheid with the Babeille case, when the schoolboy Babeille was turned into a national hero by Nelson Mandela for hacking an Afrikaner pupil with a pair of scissors. Not only was Babeille hailed as a hero, the Nelson Mandela fund even gave him a scholarship!
> In the latest attack on an Afrikaner child, Stephan Liebenberg, 12, of Bloemfontein, was attacked and stabbed enroute to school. Many are now constantly being besieged all over South Africa and home-schooling has soared as a result, with more than 60,000 children now being taught by their parents inside their fortress-like homes.
> Those children such as sixth grader at Fleurdal Primary in Bloemfontein, Stephan Liebenberg, whose mom cannot afford home-schooling and now cannot afford to replace his bicycle, have become fair game all over South Africa: these criminals know that any person with an European appearance, and who speaks Afrikaans, is fair game - the ANC-regime will not punish them for attacking and killing Afrikaners.
> The regime regularly gives clear messages of approval for this ongoing slaughter each year on Youth Day, June 16. Again this year, the ANC-authorities organised many hours of hate-speech chanting by school children of the hate-slogan "Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer" at the Peter Mokaba stadium. Delighted press photographers got beautiful pictures of gorgious, innocent pupils releasing white doves to celebrate "Youth Day" -- claimed to celebrate the fact that Soweto children refused to learn Afrikaans which had been forced upon them".
> And this is the biggest lie of all -- any teacher in South Africa can tell you that the pupils in any black townships were never forced to learn Afrikaans at all and theres ample apartheid-era documentation to prove it.
> 0040621 Stephan Liebenberg, 12, of Fleurdal Primary, Bloemfontein stabbed by attacker - for second time
> Jun 21 2004- MICHEL OCONNOR -- n GRAAD 6-leerling aan die Laerskool Onze Rust in Bloemfontein het die naweek n ligte steekwond opgedoen nadat n vermeende rower hom met n mes aangeval en sy fiets gesteel het. Dit was die tweede keer dat die kind aangeval en sy fiets gesteel is.
> Die graad-6 6-leerling aan die Laerskool Onze Rust in Bloemfontein het die naweek n ligte steekwond opgedoen nadat n vermeende rower hom met n mes aangeval en sy fiets gesteel het. Stephan Liebenberg (12) van Fleurdal, s hy was Vrydagmiddag omstreeks 15:45 na die laerskool onderweg toe n onbekende man hom naby n winkelsentrum met n mes aangeval en sy fiets afgeneem het. "Die man het my naby die skool voorgekeer. Hy het n mes uitgepluk, my in die rug gesteek en daarna met my fiets weggejaag. Ek het skool toe geloop en ons hoofseun, Wouter de Beer, n Voortrekker, het noodhulp toegepas. Die sekretaresse van die skool het my ma en die polisie gebel," s hy.
> Mev. Anel Liebenberg s dit is die tweede keer dat Stephan se fiets op di manier gesteel is. Die eerste keer was in 2000. n Onbekende man het Stephan oorval en sy fiets afgeneem.
> "Ek is net bly Stephan het n dik sweetpakbaadjie aangehad. Di het volgens sy dokter die impak van die mes gekeer en net n vleiswond veroorsaak. "Hy sal nou maar die 2 km skool toe moet stap. Ek is n enkelouer en kan nie nou weer n fiets bekostig nie," s Liebenberg.
> Volgens haar is sy ook innig dankbaar Stephan het koelkop gebly. Die saak kon so anders verloop het. Insp. Harry Nagel, polisiewoordvoerder, s n saak van gewapende roof met n mes word ondersoek.
Re: Afrikaner Children In Danger In South Africa [boodskap #102782 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #102781] |
Mon, 02 May 2005 10:16 |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Van Liewe Jani Allen gepraat - ek lees gister die arme arrogante siel is
gestrand daar in die VSA, sonder blyplek, geld of vervoermiddel.
Sy het mos, volgens haar, gevlug voor die vervolging op blankes hier na die
VSA - die Land Vand Die Vry:))
Nou kla sy omdat sy nie daar kan vry soos sy wil nie:)
"Ferdi Greyling" skryf in boodskap
> Maybe you are Jani Allen?
> On Mon, 2 May 2005 04:33:13 +0200 (CEST), Anonymous
> wrote:
>> X-No-Archive: YES
>> Afrikaners of all ages are fighting for their lives in towns and countryside.
>> Afrikaner children are often attacked at or around schools by fellow
"pupils" or their "parents" who stab, shoot and hack at them. The school
grounds have been turned into hell-holes for Afrikaner children.
>> This started in Vryheid with the Babeille case, when the schoolboy
Babeille was turned into a national hero by Nelson Mandela for hacking an
Afrikaner pupil with a pair of scissors. Not only was Babeille hailed as a
hero, the Nelson Mandela fund even gave him a scholarship!
>> In the latest attack on an Afrikaner child, Stephan Liebenberg, 12, of
Bloemfontein, was attacked and stabbed enroute to school. Many are now
constantly being besieged all over South Africa and home-schooling has
soared as a result, with more than 60,000 children now being taught by their
parents inside their fortress-like homes.
>> Those children such as sixth grader at Fleurdal Primary in Bloemfontein,
Stephan Liebenberg, whose mom cannot afford home-schooling and now cannot
afford to replace his bicycle, have become fair game all over South Africa:
these criminals know that any person with an European appearance, and who
speaks Afrikaans, is fair game - the ANC-regime will not punish them for
attacking and killing Afrikaners.
>> The regime regularly gives clear messages of approval for this ongoing
slaughter each year on Youth Day, June 16. Again this year, the
ANC-authorities organised many hours of hate-speech chanting by school
children of the hate-slogan "Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer" at the Peter
Mokaba stadium. Delighted press photographers got beautiful pictures of
gorgious, innocent pupils releasing white doves to celebrate "Youth Day" --
claimed to celebrate the fact that Soweto children refused to learn
Afrikaans which had been forced upon them".
>> And this is the biggest lie of all -- any teacher in South Africa can
tell you that the pupils in any black townships were never forced to learn
Afrikaans at all and theres ample apartheid-era documentation to prove it.
>> 0040621 Stephan Liebenberg, 12, of Fleurdal Primary, Bloemfontein stabbed by attacker - for second time
>> Jun 21 2004- MICHEL OCONNOR -- n GRAAD 6-leerling aan die Laerskool Onze
Rust in Bloemfontein het die naweek n ligte steekwond opgedoen nadat n
vermeende rower hom met n mes aangeval en sy fiets gesteel het. Dit was die
tweede keer dat die kind aangeval en sy fiets gesteel is.
>> Die graad-6 6-leerling aan die Laerskool Onze Rust in Bloemfontein het
die naweek n ligte steekwond opgedoen nadat n vermeende rower hom met n mes
aangeval en sy fiets gesteel het. Stephan Liebenberg (12) van Fleurdal, s hy
was Vrydagmiddag omstreeks 15:45 na die laerskool onderweg toe n onbekende
man hom naby n winkelsentrum met n mes aangeval en sy fiets afgeneem het.
"Die man het my naby die skool voorgekeer. Hy het n mes uitgepluk, my in die
rug gesteek en daarna met my fiets weggejaag. Ek het skool toe geloop en ons
hoofseun, Wouter de Beer, n Voortrekker, het noodhulp toegepas. Die
sekretaresse van die skool het my ma en die polisie gebel," s hy.
>> Mev. Anel Liebenberg s dit is die tweede keer dat Stephan se fiets op di
manier gesteel is. Die eerste keer was in 2000. n Onbekende man het Stephan
oorval en sy fiets afgeneem.
>> "Ek is net bly Stephan het n dik sweetpakbaadjie aangehad. Di het volgens
sy dokter die impak van die mes gekeer en net n vleiswond veroorsaak. "Hy
sal nou maar die 2 km skool toe moet stap. Ek is n enkelouer en kan nie nou
weer n fiets bekostig nie," s Liebenberg.
>> Volgens haar is sy ook innig dankbaar Stephan het koelkop gebly. Die saak
kon so anders verloop het. Insp. Harry Nagel, polisiewoordvoerder, s n saak
van gewapende roof met n mes word ondersoek.
Re: Afrikaner Children In Danger In South Africa [boodskap #102783 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #102782] |
Mon, 02 May 2005 10:50 |
Ferdi Greyling
Boodskappe: 1232 Geregistreer: May 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
On Mon, 2 May 2005 12:16:53 +0200, "Annette" wrote:
> Van Liewe Jani Allen gepraat - ek lees gister die arme arrogante siel is
> gestrand daar in die VSA, sonder blyplek, geld of vervoermiddel.
> Sy het mos, volgens haar, gevlug voor die vervolging op blankes hier na die
> VSA - die Land Vand Die Vry:))
> Nou kla sy omdat sy nie daar kan vry soos sy wil nie:)
As dit sy is, het sy darem nog internet-toegang.
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