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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Zim laat wild skiet vir kos...
Zim laat wild skiet vir kos... [boodskap #102758] Thu, 28 April 2005 21:48 na volgende boodskap
Plato  is tans af-lyn  Plato
Boodskappe: 630
Geregistreer: July 2004
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
President Robert Mugabe's regime has directed national parks officials
to kill animals in state-owned conservation areas to feed hungry rural
peasants - a move that could wipe out what remains of Zimbabwe's
impalas, kudus, giraffes, elephants and other species.

The directive is a major blow to efforts by conservationists to try to
rehabilitate the wildlife sector which was devastated after Mugabe
ordered his supporters to invade and confiscate white-owned farms in

The chaotic farm invasions saw party militants storming into
conservation areas - both private and state-owned - to slaughter

Unscrupulous South African hunters also joined in the looting, paying
hefty kickbacks to politicians to go into conservation areas and shoot
lions, leopards and cheetahs for trophies.

Geneem vanaf art_id=vn20050427081741901C306673
Re: Zim laat wild skiet vir kos... [boodskap #102761 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #102758] Fri, 29 April 2005 09:13 Na vorige boodskap
Paulus de boskabouter  is tans af-lyn  Paulus de boskabouter
Boodskappe: 161
Geregistreer: April 2005
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
En wat as alle diere opgevreet is,dan kom waarskynlik die
wereldhulporganisasies in aksie

"Plato" schreef in bericht .
> President Robert Mugabe's regime has directed national parks officials
> to kill animals in state-owned conservation areas to feed hungry rural
> peasants - a move that could wipe out what remains of Zimbabwe's
> impalas, kudus, giraffes, elephants and other species.
> The directive is a major blow to efforts by conservationists to try to
> rehabilitate the wildlife sector which was devastated after Mugabe
> ordered his supporters to invade and confiscate white-owned farms in
> 2000.
> The chaotic farm invasions saw party militants storming into
> conservation areas - both private and state-owned - to slaughter
> animals.
> Unscrupulous South African hunters also joined in the looting, paying
> hefty kickbacks to politicians to go into conservation areas and shoot
> lions, leopards and cheetahs for trophies.
> Geneem vanaf
> art_id=vn20050427081741901C306673
Vorige onderwerp: Bart in alle staten
Volgende onderwerp: Wanneer saai 'n Afrikaanse boer se koringkorrels?
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