Tuis » Taal » Prosa & poësie » " Pofadder " deur DONALD RIEKERT
" Pofadder " deur DONALD RIEKERT [boodskap #101858] |
Fri, 11 March 2005 12:33  |
Boodskappe: 4791 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Donald Riekert
Die pofadder lê
een tand mond oop
oor Boesmanland
sy lang tong
laat staan die son stil
rooi in die waas
van sy groot asem
sodat vir baie jare
die veld droog is
en niks wou groei
net brakbos blom
Re: Pofadder deur DONALD RIEKERT [boodskap #101859 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #101858] |
Fri, 11 March 2005 14:12  |
Archie Sneddon
Boodskappe: 2 Geregistreer: March 2005
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
Hhehehehehehehehhehehehe ..... man oh man what a classic.
Surely that must rate as a gem of an afrikaans lietjie - can be handed down to
sannie and marie, koos and piet ... and bongani (who is now part of the same
Mr Dingus - this is a cry for help from these people. Please will you advance
their intellectual capacity (if that's possible of course) by providing a
little direction in the poetry department. This will be most appreciated.
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