Re: Bush & Kerry [boodskap #99962] |
Sat, 30 October 2004 21:39 |
Boodskappe: 321 Geregistreer: September 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"DD" skryf in boodskap
President Bush
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Opposition to abortion (except in very narrow cases of rape, incest
or threat to the woman's life is endangered) is at the core of Bush's
"right-to-life" platform. Opposes funding international organizations
involved in abortion. Opposes intact dilation and extraction, known by
opponents as "partial-birth abortion," which he calls a "brutal and
violent practice." Opposes school-based clinics that provide referrals
or counseling for contraception and abortion. Supports legislation to
extend 14th Amendment protections to unborn children.
Sen. John Kerry
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Supports legal abortion and says he would not pick Supreme Court
nominees justices who disagreed. Kerry voted against measures to
outlaw intact dilation and extraction, and he has endorsed family
planning and health insurance plans that provide abortion counseling
and contraceptive coverage.
Dave, ek mag verkeerd wees, maar soos ek dit verstaan, wil Bush nie aborsie
verban nie, hy wil net nie he die staat moet daarvoor betaal nie. Ek dink
ook persoonlik is hy en sy vrou daarteen, altans ek weet so.
Kerry het ook gese hy is persoonlik teen aborsie (hy is n Katoliek), maar hy
stem dat die staat daarvoor betaal.