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Re: Shock Padlock - A New Anti-Theft Device [boodskap #99874] Thu, 28 October 2004 18:50 na volgende boodskap
knersus  is tans af-lyn  knersus
Boodskappe: 211
Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
En jy't dit reggekry om die ou se advertensie nog 'n keer te plaas, en
nog bandwydte te mors. Ken jy nie van knip nie?

Ferdi Greyling wrote:
> You are advertising.
> On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 07:46:09 +0200, "Tinashe Hove"
> wrote:
>> Good Day,

Re: Shock Padlock - A New Anti-Theft Device [boodskap #99905 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #99874] Fri, 29 October 2004 08:16 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Dingus  is tans af-lyn  Dingus
Boodskappe: 187
Geregistreer: October 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
... yes, but I want a padlock that will cause the alledged intruder to crap
in his broeks, so much so that it runs down his legs so that when he tries
to run away he slips and falls in his own crap, cracks his head open on the
ground and dies in a pile of his very own excrement.
Hopefully before he passes away, he sings softly to himself the words of
'die Blou Berge' to the tune of 'Vat Jou goed en Trek'.
If the padlock cannot deliver thus, then its no good.

May I suggest a MK II padlock that automatically pops a supository into the
perpetrators mounth, holds his nose closed whilst systematically stroking
his throat to ensure the complete intake of the said supository. Preferably
an action that would insert the supository into and up his crack - the
former will however suffice.

A refined MK III might well be on your drawing board, hopefully it will win
you a Nobel Prize.

Having said all the above, perhaps you should think of investing in a broek
factory - that way you can sell your padlocks and lots of replacement

"Tinashe Hove" skryf in boodskap news:clq132$pju$
> Good Day,
> I wanted to introduce our product to you, the SHOCK PADLOCK. The Shock
> Padlock is the first of its kind. It is a padlock that can be used to lock
> gates, safe shops, workshops, and other areas that need secure padlocks. It
> works like a normal padlock which is armed with an electronic key switch. It
> reacts to vibrations from a hacksaw, hammer, jawbreaker and gate shaking. A
> starter gun blank cartridge makes a terrifying explosive echo in its
> aluminium shell. The 3D surround sound travels for miles. The shock padlock
> will terrify the thief into fleeing and also alert people in the area to the
> attempted break-in. The product has also been designed in such a way that
> accidental bumps or shaking by a child will not activate the device.
> The Shock Padlock is a first of its kind and performs three basic
> functions:-
> - It secures whatever scenario in which it has been used both
> before and after the explosion,
> - It draws the attention of people in the vicinity and
> - It produces apprehension in potential violators
> The Shock Padlock is perfect for use on gates, tool sheds, industrial
> complexes, public utilities and municipal applications currently using
> typical padlocks for security. It is useful in others areas of the home or
> work place that require more protection than a conventional padlock affords.
> The Shock Padlock is a state of the art design. At the crossroads of extreme
> response to criminal violation, its robust body design and intimidating form
> have a scarecrow effect. The natural yellow and
> black warning prints enforce the fear aspect. It is unprecedented and
> unorthodox in the history of padlocks to use an explosive echo as a means of
> obstruction. To the criminal it is tantamount to playing
> over the normal playing field onto a new level.
> This product emerges from a realization that securing valuables without
> incorporating some kind of an alarm raiser is not enough. Heavy-duty
> equipment such as jaw-breakers and bolt cutters have been used to sear
> through padlocks without raising any significant alarm. In the Shock
> Padlock, the alarm raiser is a loud explosion. The conventional alarm
> suffers the drawback of being too common in today's busy
> and noisy society such that a sounding alarm can easily be ignored.
> If you need further information please feel free to contact me at:-
> Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Re: Shock Padlock - A New Anti-Theft Device [boodskap #99906 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #99905] Fri, 29 October 2004 09:15 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
PietR  is tans af-lyn  PietR
Boodskappe: 3341
Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Net vir die snaaksigheid: So 'n paar jaar gelede toe daar nog oorlog was,
is die personeel van die Weermag met kombi's aangery werksplekke toe. Van
die mans is geïdentifiseer as bestuurders en het die kombi dan in die aand
by sy huis gelaap nadat hy die mense afgelaai het en die volgende oggend dan
gaan laai almal weer op sy roete op. Hierdie een ou se kombi was al vir
die derde keer gesteel en elke keer is dit moerse verklarings wat by die
Weermag afgelê moet word wan dis mos staatseiendom wat verdwyn het.
Dis toe dat hy gatvol raak en saam met die manne van die elektroniese
laboratorium het hulle vir sy nuwe kombi 'n ding uitgewerk. Hulle het 'n
bewegingsensor [kwikskakelaar] binne die voertuig gemonteer en daaraan
gekoppel was 'n diktafoon bandspeler wat gekoppel is aan twee luidsprekers
wat hulle onder in die deure gemonteer het.
Dit was darem toe ook nie drie aande later nie toe hy by die werk aankom
en lag dat die trane loop. Wat gebeur het was dat die ou die voertuig
oopgemaak het so net na 1 uur die oggend, hy het dit aan die loop gekry en
toe hy agteruit ry, toe kom daar een moerse diep stem oor die speakers:
"Hei jou donnerse k@ffer, hoekom wil jy my kar steel!!???" Ta is uit die
kar uit met 'n spoed en het sommer dit laat doodruk. Sy voete het geklap
die straat af.....

"Dingus" skryf in boodskap news:V_mgd.639$
> ... yes, but I want a padlock that will cause the alledged intruder to
> crap
> in his broeks, so much so that it runs down his legs so that when he tries
> to run away he slips and falls in his own crap, cracks his head open on
> the
> ground and dies in a pile of his very own excrement.
> Hopefully before he passes away, he sings softly to himself the words of
> 'die Blou Berge' to the tune of 'Vat Jou goed en Trek'.
> If the padlock cannot deliver thus, then its no good.
Re: Shock Padlock - A New Anti-Theft Device [boodskap #99907 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #99874] Fri, 29 October 2004 09:27 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Ferdi Greyling  is tans af-lyn  Ferdi Greyling
Boodskappe: 1232
Geregistreer: May 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Jisis dude, hoe min bandwydte HET jy?

On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 20:50:49 +0200, knersus wrote:

> En jy't dit reggekry om die ou se advertensie nog 'n keer te plaas, en
> nog bandwydte te mors. Ken jy nie van knip nie?
> Ferdi Greyling wrote:
>> You are advertising.

>> On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 07:46:09 +0200, "Tinashe Hove"
>> wrote:

>>> Good Day,
> [knip]
> Knersus
Re: Shock Padlock - A New Anti-Theft Device [boodskap #99916 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #99907] Fri, 29 October 2004 17:49 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Afrikaner  is tans af-lyn  Afrikaner
Boodskappe: 546
Geregistreer: October 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 11:27:01 +0200, Ferdi Greyling wrote:

> Jisis dude, ...........

wat beteken dit wat jy hier sê? (:-(

Re: Shock Padlock - A New Anti-Theft Device [boodskap #99917 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #99907] Fri, 29 October 2004 18:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
knersus  is tans af-lyn  knersus
Boodskappe: 211
Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Ek pos op/in my eie privaat tyd en van my eie lyn, nie van die werk se
netwerk af nie, so elke krieseltjie tel. Maar die punt is nie hoeveel
bandwydte EK het nie, die punt is hoeveel bandwydte jy onnodig mors deur
nie die mees basiese reël van netiket na te kom nie. Einde van thread.

Ferdi Greyling wrote:
> Jisis dude, hoe min bandwydte HET jy?
> On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 20:50:49 +0200, knersus wrote:
>> En jy't dit reggekry om die ou se advertensie nog 'n keer te plaas, en
>> nog bandwydte te mors. Ken jy nie van knip nie?

>> Ferdi Greyling wrote:

>>> You are advertising.
>>> On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 07:46:09 +0200, "Tinashe Hove"
>>> wrote:
>>>> Good Day,

>> [knip]

>> Knersus

Re: Shock Padlock - A New Anti-Theft Device [boodskap #99922 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #99917] Fri, 29 October 2004 18:35 Na vorige boodskap
Afrikaner  is tans af-lyn  Afrikaner
Boodskappe: 546
Geregistreer: October 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 20:00:26 +0200, knersus wrote:

> Ek pos op/in my eie privaat tyd en van my eie lyn, nie van die werk se
> netwerk af nie, so elke krieseltjie tel. Maar die punt is nie hoeveel
> bandwydte EK het nie, die punt is hoeveel bandwydte jy onnodig mors deur
> nie die mees basiese reël van netiket na te kom nie. Einde van thread.

wat Knersus eintlik vir jou gesê het (deur knersunde tande)
is dat jy 'n advertensie wat nie een keer moes verskyn het nie,
gedupliseer het.

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