Sakramente [boodskap #99661] |
Wed, 20 October 2004 17:44 |
Boodskappe: 1592 Geregistreer: October 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Basjan: Katryn, dit is interessant dat jy sê sulke sakramente het dan
ook 'n misterieuse invloed. Vir my was dit regtig meer helder. Die
doop was vir my 'n teken van gehoorsaamheid aan God en van sy "afwas
van my sondes deur Christus se bloed", terwyl die nagmaal my diep
herinner aan wat Jesus vir my
gedoen het.
Basjan, ek het gou Louis Berkhoff se "Systematic Theology" hier uit my
boekrak gekrap, en gekyk wat hy te sê gehad het oor Sakramente ens.
Ek sien nou dat daar wel verskillende interpretasies hieroor onder
Protestante veral is, en nog groter verskille tussen die Katolieke en
Protestante. Daar is dus die groep wat dinge soos jy interpreteer, en
ander wat weer 'n "geestlike" aspek daaran heg soos wat ek probeer
doen het. So, ek begryp nou beter hoe jy dinge sien.
Ek wil nou nie alles oortik nie, maar hier is so paar uitreksels net
vir interessantheid:
1. Relation between the Word and the Sacraments:
In distinction from the RC church, the churches of the reformation
emphasize the the priority of the Word of God. While the former
proceeds on the assumption that the sacraments contain all that is
necessary for the salvation of sinners, need no interpretation, and
therefore render the Word quite superfluous as means of grace, the
latter regard the Word as absolutely essential, and merely raise the
question, why the sacraments should be added to it.
(dan baie interessante verduidelikings, maar ek is nou te lui om alles
oor te tik) ;-)
Hy verduidelik die punte waar saamgestem word en punte van verskil.
Baie interessant. Dan oor:
Origin and Meaning of the word "Sacrament"
The word "sacrament" is not found in Scripture. It is derived from
the latin sacramentum, which originally denoted a sum of money
deposited by two parties in litigation. After the decision of the
court the winner's money was returned, while that of the loser was
forfeited. This seems to have been called a sacramentum, because it
was intended to be a sort of propitiatory offerning to the gods. The
transition to the Christian use of the term is probably to be sought:
(a) in the military use of the term, in which it denoted the oath by
which a soldier solemnly pledged obedience to his commander, since in
baptism the Christian pledges obedience to his Lord; and
(b) in the specifically religious sense which it acquired when the
Vulgate employed it as a rendering of the Greek "musterion". It is
possible that this Greek term was applied to the Sacraments, because
they have a faint resemblance to some of the mysteries of the Greek
En dan klomp verduidelikings - en ten laaste sy opsomming van die
hedendaagse betekenis:
" A sacrament is a holy ordinance instituted by Christ, in which by
sensible signs the grace of God in Christ, and the benefits of the
covenenant of grace, are represented, sealed, and applied to
believers, and these, in turn, give expression to their faith and
allegiance to God".
Dan verduidelik hy die verskillende komponente van die sakramente -
hoofsaaklik 3 dele - die uiterlike of dan sienbare (visible) teken,
die innerlike/onsienlike (inward spiritual grace signified and sealed)
of die materia interna, en die derdens die "sacramental union between
the sign and that which is signified" die forma sacramenti. (Hy
verduidelik die "forma" hier beteken eerder "essence")
Elkgeval, dit is baie interessant.
Re: Sakramente [boodskap #99667 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #99661] |
Wed, 20 October 2004 19:19 |
Boodskappe: 546 Geregistreer: October 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 21:06:02 -0700, "Jonas" wrote:
> 'n Maat van my se vrou, van wie hy geskei is, het ook grootgedoop - nou sê
> hy "ja, eerste doop het nie gevat nie ..."
ja'a, as hy sy beskuit in koffie doop,
deur so 'n paar druppeltjies koffie
oor die beskuit te sprinkel, (verál
ná die resep gesê het dat hy dit in
die koffie moet doop) sal dit ook
nie vat nie.
Re: Sakramente [boodskap #99672 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #99661] |
Wed, 20 October 2004 20:44 |
Boodskappe: 1592 Geregistreer: October 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Jonas" skryf:
> 'n Maat van my se vrou, van wie hy geskei is, het ook grootgedoop - nou sê
> hy "ja, eerste doop het nie gevat nie ..."
Re: Sakramente [boodskap #99679 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #99661] |
Thu, 21 October 2004 04:06 |
Boodskappe: 2211 Geregistreer: February 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Ek is so ietwat mostert na die maal - ek het nie die hele tafereel gevolg
'n Maat van my se vrou, van wie hy geskei is, het ook grootgedoop - nou sê
hy "ja, eerste doop het nie gevat nie ..."