Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » A LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA
Sat, 05 June 2004 14:32 |
Frikkie Potgieter
Boodskappe: 383 Geregistreer: February 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Net vir die van julle wat dink mandella is `n God??????
OPEN LETTER 14 January 1999
The President of the USA
The White House
Fax: 091 202 456 2883
Mr President
In South African newspapers you are reported to have said in a speech
at the White House that the present South African President, Nelson
Mandela, had taught you not to hate your political enemies. Mandela is
said to have told you that he harboured no grudge against his enemies
who "cast him into jail". And you, in the speech concerned, said that
your (present) crisis could be compared to Mandela's suffering in
You seem to be under some misapprehension about the circumstances of
Mandela's incarceration and the crimes for which he was sentenced to
imprisonment, otherwise you may not be desirous to identify with him.
And you evidently have been given a distorted idea of how the African
National Congress (ANC) under direction of its leader, Nelson Mandela,
is vengeantly acting against their political enemies and opponents.
Your remark about Mandela's having been "cast into jail" creates a
wrong impression. Mr President, he was not "cast into jail": he was
charged for acts of sabotage and sentenced to life imprisonment by the
Judge President of the then Transvaal Division of the South African
Supreme Court after a protacted hearing in which he had had
representation and every opportunity to defend himself. He, however,
refused to take the oath and testify, and could consequently not be
taken under cross-examination. Finding him guilty, the Judge said that
he had been wrongly charged for acts of sabotage instead of for
treason, in which case the sentence would not have been imprisonment
but the death penalty. The trial was attended by journalists, jurists
and others from all over the world. None could find fault with the
proceedings and the findings of the Court.
Even The Rand Daily Mail, the most outspoken liberal newspaper at the
time in South Africa, and in many ways a supporter of Mandela and the
ANC, wrote about the sentences passed by the judge, "The sentences
pronounced by Judge De Wet at the close of the Rivonia trial are both
wise and just. The law is best served when there is firmness tinged
with mercy, and this was the case yesterday. The sentences could not
have been less severe than those imposed. The men found guilty had
planned sabotage on a wide scale and had conspired for armed
revolution. As the judge pointed out yesterday, the crime of which
they were found guilty was really high treason. The death penalty
would have been justified ".
These are the facts of history. Sentencing Mandela to imprisonment
instead of letting him be hanged was an act of mercy on the part of
his political enemies. Mandela has, therefore, every reason to be
grateful and not the least reason to harbour a grudge against them. He
owes his life to them. You will agree that this puts a completely
different complexion on your statement that "he was cast into jail".
This is by no means all of which Mandela should be grateful for. In
the time of PW Botha's prime ministership in the 'eighties Mandela was
moved from the Robben Island prison to the Pollsmoor prison near Cape
Town, where he received VIP treatment. PW Botha was in this way making
the first instalments in Mandela's release on the pretext that he
would not wish "an old man to die in prison".
From Pollsmoor prison Mandela was moved to the residence of a senior
officer on the staff of the Prisons Department in the town of Paarl in
the Western Cape. There he had every convenience at his disposal to
play a political rôle, including the use of a fax machine. And he was
attended to day and night by a white policeman.
After a carefully orchestrated campaign inside and outside South
Africa he was released by the FW de Klerk government to a
stage-managed reception in Cape Town, receiving prime coverage from
the South African Broadcasting Corporation and providing him with a
launching pad for political initiatives. Thereafter the De Klerk
government in a treasonable series of acts started peace negotiations
with the ANC and moved on to draw up a new constitution on the basis
of one man, one vote in an undivided South Africa, which in essence
meant surrendering to the ANC and enabling Mandela to become the
president of South Africa.
The essence of this political move was spelt out by Paul Johnson,
well-known British intellectual, in The Spectator in April 1994.
"South Africa under F W de Klerk", he said, "Made a suicidal leap to
universal suffrage". He predicted that within ten years the country
could be the theatre of Africa's endless civil wars. "In any case it
would become an industrial rubble heap, beastly, bloody and bankrupt
(...) There is not the slightest hope that it (South Africa) will
continue to exist on a system of universal suffrage - it is one of the
most divided societies on earth: racially, ethnically, linguistically,
as well as economically".
This is De Klerk's achievement. You may recall that you at one stage
telephoned him and told him that you "marvelled" at what he was
achieving in pushing South Africa along this disastrous course.
Some ten months later (February 1995) The Spectator published another
article on South Africa in which its readers were told, "A country
ravaged by crime and corruption, with plummeting standards and a
people condemned to a sordid and brutal life". The article describes
the ANC government as "corrupt and incompetent". This is Nelson
Mandela's government.
What is revealing is that while De Klerk was treacherously steering
the country towards this national misery, newspapers reported:
"Britain fights fervently for FW in UN debate". And later: "Brits full
of praise for FW as architect of peaceful change". And eventually:
"Brits bear De Klerk, their hero, on their hands". Only an Afrikaner
who is a traitor to his own people would be regarded by Brits as their
hero. And De Klerk became the hero of Brits by letting loose the man
who, according to Judge De Wet, should have been hanged for high
You may sense the degree of loathing on the part of Afrikaners like
myself, who had a father who fought, was wounded and kept a
prisoner-of-war on St Helena Island by the British for more than two
years while they devastated the country and caused the death of over
22 000 children under the age of 16 years and who, a few generations
thereafter sees De Klerk being treated as a hero by Brits for having
"irreversibly" destroyed White South Africa (as in foolish vanity he
said his aim was).
As Mr Tony Blair, Prime Minister of Britain, said in January 1998 that
the British "never forget the past even when addressing the future",
so we naturally also do not forget the past - also the recent past
when the ANC and the South African Communist Party (SACP) had their
headquarters in London from where with British moral and other support
they conducted their terrorism against South Africa.
In the period September 1984 to August 1989 no fewer than 1770 schools
were destroyed or extensively damaged, as were 7187 private homes of
Blacks, 10318 buses, 152 trains, 12188 private vehicles, 1265 shops
and factories, 60 post offices, 47 churches and 30 health clinics.
And, what is even worse, there were 300 cold-blooded murders by the
barbarous necklace method and 372 deaths of people trapped in homes
set alight by terrorist gangs.
These were the means employed in "the struggle" to bring to power,
under Mandela, a Communist-controlled organisation, which Peter
Younghusband, in the London Daily Mail in November 1994, described as
follows, "The ANC never was worth much as a liberation movement - and
apart from a few random urban terrorist acts, its military wing,
Umkhonto we Sizwe, was equally worth little as a fighting force (...)
the ANC very conveniently sat in exile waiting for the world to bring
the White regime to its knees". And, he said, Mandela is unable to run
the country, and he and the ANC is steadily reducing South Africa to
yet another Third World plodder.
It is one thing to say that Mandela bears his political enemies no
grudge, but it is another thing to judge him by what he does, by what
he allows, and by what he neglects to do.
To consider this one must see it in its historical perspective. When
Mandela and his Communist cohorts at their Rivonia hide-out were
planning bloody revolution in the early 'sixties, the Afrikaner
Nationalist Government (ANG) was under the leadership of Dr HF
Verwoerd. And it was under the direction of Dr Verwoerd that this
Communist conspiracy to violently overthrow the South African
government was stamped out, Mandela and his collaborators landing in
jail and the organisation of the Communist Party of South Africa being
destroyed shortly thereafter through the efficient action of the
security police in infiltrating the Communist cells.
Verwoerd frustrated and humiliatingly defeated Mandela's plans. And
for Mandela there is consequently one political enemy not to be
forgiven for saving South Africa from a bloody Communist revolution.
That is Hendrik Verwoerd. He and his ghost are haunting those who are
destroying the results of his unequalled successful statecraft.
Verwoerd was not only the man under whose direction a Communist-led
revolution was prevented. He also became the towering South African
statesman of this century, and he was equal, if not superior, to any
of his contemporaries in the Western World, a statement that may be
evaluated on the ground of his achievements in the face of
international enmity from the Anglo-American block, the Communist
block and the Afro-Asian block.
He not only secured South Africa's survival against this many-sided
onslaught: he, more-over lifted the country to a level of stability,
well-being and prosperity seldom, if ever equalled in history anywhere
under similar circumstances.
To support this remark let me call opponents and enemies of Verwoerd
to testify in this regard. Jan Botha, an outspoken liberal, in his
book, Verwoerd is dead, refers to "the threats from the United Nations
and the arms boycott by the United States and Britain". Then he
"By the time he died, Dr Verwoerd had built his own monument which was
there for all to see: the Republic of South Africa. The White people
had been forged together in unity, the country was militarily strong
and resilient, the police and security forces were effectively dealing
with all attempts at subversion and infiltration, the country's
economy was dynamic, expanding and had become largely self-sufficient.
"... in the history of South Africa his name will live for ever as the
leader who, when his country was threatened with internal disorders
and with economic sanctions, boycotts and open aggression from
overseas, stood as a symbol of defiance, and the will and
determination to survive".
He not only frustrated the objectives of the great power blocks, but
he also defeated the ANC's plans to create internal disorder.
That Jan Botha's was not a lone voice, can be shown by quotations from
other sources. Paul Barrow in The Statist shortly before Verwoerd was
assassinated on 6 September 1966 by the Communist Tsafendas wrote, "At
the rate at which South Africa is now expanding, the term 'miracle' is
likely to be appropriate to its development in the next few years".
And on 31 July 1966 the unofficial mouthpiece of the South African
liberal establishment The Rand Daily Mail, wrote:
"At the age of nearly 65 Dr Verwoerd has reached the peak of a
remarkable career. No other South African prime minister has ever been
in such a powerful position in the country. He is at the head of a
massive majority after a resounding victory at the polls. The nation
is suffering from a surfeit of prosperity and he can command almost
unlimited funds for all that he needs at present in the way of
military defence. He can claim that South Africa is a shining example
of peace in a troubled continent, if only because overwhelming
domestic power can always command peace. Finally, as if that were not
enough, he can face the session with the knowledge that, short of an
unthinkable show of force by people whom South Africans are rapidly
being taught to regard as their enemies, he can snap his fingers at
the United Nations. Thanks to the recent judgment of the Hague Court
he can afford to condescend to the world body, graciously remaining a
member as long as it suits him".
These are the achievements of the man against whose memory a vendetta
is being conducted under the direction of Mandela and his comrades.
His name was ordered to be removed from the Verwoerd Building, the
Verwoerd Dam, the Verwoerd Hospital, and under Mandela's leadership
his statue at the Free State provincial headquarters was pulled down
in an act bristling with hatred and vengeance.
Of course, Verwoerd as leader of the Afrikaners being a symbol of his
people, the attacks on him have been indirect attacks on the
Afrikaners themselves, so that Mandela's followers - never rebuked -
felt free to shout: "Kill a farmer, kill a Boer", instigating the
killing of hundreds of Afrikaner farmers and their families, 431 in
1997 and 104 from 1 January to 31 August 1998 in 590 attacks. In the
Mau-Mau uprising in Kenya in the 'sixties only 39 White farmers were
killed and in the terrorist war against Rhodesia only 300 were killed
in the course of 14 years. Among those who have had as their battle
cry "Kill a farmer, Kill a Boer" is Peter Mokaba, promoted by Mandela
to Deputy Minister. Other appointments of identified Communists as
Ministers and Deputy Ministers tell the same story, highlighted by the
appointment of the Communist Mboweni as President of the SA Reserve
Bank in a move to further impoverish Afrikaners in the name of
"affirmative action". These are ways in which Mandela has been
allowing his grudge against the Afrikaners, as his political enemies,
to be exploited, while he goes around pretending that he has no
grievance against his enemies.
Even more unmistakable are his appointments to the so-called Truth and
Reconciliation Commission and the way in which this commission has
conducted its business. It was packed by him with enemies and
opponents of the former government. The two Afrikaners, De Jager and
Malan, who were included among the 15 other, were in different ways
opponents of the previous government. However, De Jager resigned in
disappointment, if not disgust, and Malan eventually showed his
dissension from the majority by writing a minority report on the
Commission's findings.
This commission appointed by Mandela has little to do with truth and
nothing with reconciliation. It is a hybridization between the
Nuremberg trials of German war leaders and Stalin's Moscow Show Trials
of the nineteen thirties. Its prime objective was to place Afrikaners
on the bench of the accused to be prosecuted, tried and convicted by
their enemies, and to treat the ANC terrorists on a completely
different basis, which resulted in some amazing events.
In flagrant violation of the provisions of the relevant act it, for
example, granted amnesty to a bunch of 37 top level ANC leaders for
crimes associated with political motives, without specifying the
various acts, which is in conflict with the requirements of the law.
In this group there are among others, Thabo Mbeki, Leader of the ANC,
Minister of Foreign Affairs Nzo, Minister of Justice Omar and Minister
of Defence Modise. Although this decision has been nullified by a
judicial verdict, nothing has been done to rectify the situation.
In such cases, the Commission's concern was not seeking and revealing
the truth, but suppressing and stifling it - a procedure that would
not have been countenanced when it concerned Afrikaners of the
Security services who fought against the terrorists. They were paraded
as criminals who individually under severe pressure had to confess in
detail for whatever amnesty was asked for.
In these various ways Mandela created outlets for his grudges against
the Afrikaners -- the very people whose representatives saved him from
the gallows and later gave him all the help to become the President of
South Africa.
Against this background it is dismaying to read that this man has
every reason to hate his enemies, yet does not think of retribution!
And while allowing a vendetta to be conducted against the Afrikaners,
he is presiding over the decay of this country, which the Afrikaners
wrestled from the wilderness, fought wars for against imperial powers
and, under Dr Verwoerd, was developing into the industrial giant of
Where under Verwoerd, "the nation was suffering from a surfeit of
prosperity", and South Africa "was a shining example of peace on a
troubled continent", under Mandela the nation is suffering from a
surfeit of poverty and the country has become the crime capital of the
world - 137 reported rapes, 63 murders, 73 attempted murders, 176
robberies, 670 housebreakings and 35 highjackings on an average every
day of the year. It is common cause that a government that cannot
secure the lives and properties of its civilians is unfit to rule.
"South Africa", read a newspaper report on 29 November 1998, "occupies
the first or second spot in all forms of crime on the world list for
crime, and it is the young people and the homeless who pay the price".
Of the thousands who passed the matric examinations in 1998 less than
one in 10 will get a job in the formal sector. In the four years of
ANC government the national debt more than doubled - from R194 billion
($34 billion) In 1994 to over R400 billion ($70 billion) presently,
the interest on which accounts for 21 per cent of the budget.
In the same period the South African rand lost 80 per cent of its
value. And in the first ten months of 1998 more than 2,8 million
man-days were lost to a wave of industrial strikes.
This is a picture of the country which under Verwoerd had the second
highest economic growth rate in the world (7,9% per year), an average
inflation rate of 2 per cent, was accommodating new labour in the
formal sector at 73,6 per cent per year, and enabled the living
standards of Blacks in the industrial sector to rise at 5,3 per cent
per year as against those of Whites at 3,9 per cent per year. The
Financial Mail published a special survey entitled "The fabulous
years: 1961-66". And as the previously mentioned Jan Botha wrote,
Verwoerd "had launched the greatest programme of socio-economic
upliftment for the non-Whites that South Africa had ever seen".
This, Verwoerd achieved in the face of fierce diplomatic and economic
opposition from the United States, Britain, Soviet Russia and others.
Mandela, on the other hand, has the blessing and support of these
powers, yet under his hand the country is disintegrating and has sunk
to a state of lawlessness, joblessness and futurelessness
unprecedented in South African history. Yet, Mandela is not struggling
to emulate Verwoerd, but to denigrate him and his people.
Perhaps you will reconsider your emotional identification with Mandela
in the light of historical truth.
Yours sincerely
Re: A LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA [boodskap #93742 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #93728] |
Sat, 05 June 2004 19:15 |
Frikkie Potgieter
Boodskappe: 383 Geregistreer: February 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Ag ek raak nou vervelig.....
Tower: "Delta 351, you have traffic at 10 o'clock, 6 miles!"
Delta 351: "Give us another hint! We have digital watches!"
"TWA 2341, for noise abatement turn right 45 Degrees."
"Centre, we are at 35,000 feet. How much noise can we make up here?"
"Sir, have you ever heard the noise a 747 makes when it hits a 727?"
From an unknown aircraft waiting in a very long takeoff queue: "I'm
Ground Traffic Control: "Last aircraft transmitting, identify yourself
Unknown aircraft: "I said I was bored, not stupid!"
O'Hare Approach Control to a 747: "United 329 heavy, your traffic is a
Fokker, one o'clock, three miles, Eastbound."
United 239: "Approach, I've always wanted to say this... I've got the
little Fokker in sight."
A student became lost during a solo cross-country flight. While
to locate the aircraft on radar, ATC asked, "What was your last known
Student: "When I was number one for takeoff."
A DC-10 had come in a little hot and thus had an exceedingly long roll
after touching down.
San Jose Tower Noted: "American 751, make a hard right turn at the end
the runway, if you are able. If you are not able, take the Guadalupe
off Highway 101, make a right at the lights and return to the
There's a story about the military pilot calling for a priority
because his single-engine jet fighter was running "a bit peaked." Air
Traffic Control told the fighter jock that he was number two, behind a
that had one engine shut down."Ah," the fighter pilot remarked, "The
dreaded seven-engine approach."
Taxiing down the tarmac, a DC-10 abruptly stopped, turned around and
returned to the gate. After an hour-long wait, it finally took off. A
concerned passenger asked the flight attendant, "What, exactly, was
problem?" "The pilot was bothered by a noise he heard in the engine,"
explained the flight attendant. "It took us a while to find a new
A Pan Am 727 flight waiting for start clearance in Munich overheard
Lufthansa (in German): "Ground, what is our start clearance time?"
Ground (in English): "If you want an answer you must speak in
Lufthansa (in English): "I am a German, flying a German airplane, in
Germany Why must I speak English?"
Unknown voice from another plane (in a beautiful British accent):
"Because you lost the bloody war."
Tower: "Eastern 702, cleared for takeoff, contact Departure on
Eastern 702: "Tower, Eastern 702 switching to Departure. By the way,
after we lifted off we saw some kind of dead animal on the far end of
Tower: "Continental 635, cleared for takeoff behind Eastern 702,
Departure on frequency 124.7. Did you copy that report from Eastern
Continental 635: "Continental 635, cleared for takeoff, roger; and yes
copied Eastern... we've already notified our caterers."
One day the pilot of a Cherokee 180 was told by the tower to hold
short of
the active runway while a DC-8 landed. The DC-8 landed, rolled out,
around, and taxied back past the Cherokee. Some quick-witted comedian
in the DC-8 crew got on the radio and said, "What a cute little plane.
Did you make it all by yourself?"
The Cherokee pilot, not about to let the insult go by, came back with
real zinger:
"I made it out of DC-8 parts. Another landing like yours and I'll have
enough parts for another one."
The German air controllers at Frankfurt Airport are renowned as a
short-tempered lot. They not only expect one to know one's gate
location, but how to get there without any assistance from them. So it
with some amusement that we (a Pan Am 747) listened to the following
exchange between Frankfurt ground control and a British Airways 747,
sign Speedbird 206. Speedbird 206: "Frankfurt, Speedbird 206 clear of
active runway."
Ground: "Speedbird 206. Taxi to gate Alpha One-Seven." The BA 747
pulled onto the main taxiway and slowed to a stop.
Ground: "Speedbird, do you not know where you are going?"
Speedbird 206: "Stand by, Ground, I'm looking up our gate location
Ground (with quite arrogant impatience): "Speedbird 206, have you not
been to Frankfurt before?" Speedbird 206 (coolly): "Yes, twice in
1944, but it was dark, -- and I didn't land."
While taxiing at London's Gatwick Airport, the crew of a US Air flight
departing for Ft. Lauderdale made a wrong turn and came nose to nose
with a United 727. An irate female ground controller lashed out at the
US Air crew, screaming: "US Air 2771, where the hell are you going?!
I told you to turn right onto Charlie taxiway! You turned right on
Stop right there. I know it's difficult for you to tell the difference
between C and D, but get it right!" Continuing her rage to the
embarrassed crew, she was now shouting hysterically: "God! Now you've
screwed everything up! It'll take forever to sort this out! You stay
right there and don't move till I tell you to! You can expect
progressive taxi
instructions in about half an hour and I want you to go exactly where
tell you, when I tell you, and how I tell you! You got that, US Air
"Yes, ma'am," the humbled crew responded. Naturally, the ground
communications frequency fell terribly silent after the verbal bashing
US Air 2771. Nobody wanted to chance engaging the irate ground
controller in her current state of mind. Tension in every cockpit out
around Gatwick was definitely running high.
Just then an unknown pilot broke the silence and keyed his microphone,
asking: "Wasn't I married to you once?"
On Sat, 05 Jun 2004 15:20:36 GMT, "" wrote:
> "Frikkie Potgieter"
>> 1999;
> Ag, hanskakie, skoert met jou Engelse
> poste hier.
> Penkop van die Derde Republiek
Re: DONT GO AWAY [boodskap #93745 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #93728] |
Sat, 05 June 2004 21:02 |
Boodskappe: 4791 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Frikkie Potgieter" skryf
> Some more to come, please DONT GO AWAY.....
> Please note my new E-mail addy???
Dis om van op te gooi, hierdie hensoppers en
hanskakies soos Frikkie Potgieter, wat 'n
aanslag maak op Afrikaans en die kultuur
van die Afrikaner - deur sy Engels op 'n
Afrikaanse nuusgroep te braak. Ek dink
ek moet vir Dan Roodt skryf en vir hom
vertel wat hier op hierdie Afrikaanse
nuusgroep aangaan.
Penkop van die Derde Republiek
Re: DONT GO AWAY [boodskap #93748 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #93745] |
Sun, 06 June 2004 05:32 |
Frikkie Potgieter
Boodskappe: 383 Geregistreer: February 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Jammer om te hoor van jou kak hoor.
So by the way, wie de fok is die dan roort. Moek ek nou skrik of wat
moet ek doen.
Wag ek soek gou vir jou nog iets...
On Sat, 05 Jun 2004 21:02:39 GMT, "" wrote:
> "Frikkie Potgieter" skryf
>> Some more to come, please DONT GO AWAY.....
>> Please note my new E-mail addy???
> Dis om van op te gooi, hierdie hensoppers en
> hanskakies soos Frikkie Potgieter, wat 'n
> aanslag maak op Afrikaans en die kultuur
> van die Afrikaner - deur sy Engels op 'n
> Afrikaanse nuusgroep te braak. Ek dink
> ek moet vir Dan Roodt skryf en vir hom
> vertel wat hier op hierdie Afrikaanse
> nuusgroep aangaan.
> Penkop van die Derde Republiek
Re: DONT GO AWAY [boodskap #93750 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #93745] |
Sun, 06 June 2004 05:38 |
Frikkie Potgieter
Boodskappe: 383 Geregistreer: February 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Jammer vir die taal mense maar hierdie is die een wat ek die gouste
vir ou danny kon kry.
Wonder nou of hy van bush se afstammelinge is en ook so onpopuler is;
Bush unpopular in Paris
05/06/2004 20:10 - (SA)
Print article email story
Related Articles
# 30 000 protest against Bush
# Bush meets anti-war pope
# Fortess Rome greets Bush
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Paris - Waving banners and yelling slogans, several thousand people
marched through Paris on Saturday to protest the US-led occupation of
Iraq and US President George W Bush's visit to France.
At the head of the march, protesters carried a gigantic banner calling
for freedom and sovereignty for Iraqis, the withdrawal of occupying
troops, and peace and democracy in the Middle East.
It smells like oil
In eastern Paris, thousands of anti-war protesters marched against the
US-led occupation of Iraq, carrying placards reading "Bush, terrorist
number one" and "Bush, since you got here, it smells like oil".
Five thousand police officers and 1 500 soldiers have been deployed in
Paris, and the area around the Elysee presidential palace and the US
embassy has been sealed off.
One of the marchers, former presidential candidate and radical
communist leader Olivier Besancenot, said "It's just not decent that
George Bush, responsible for a murderous war, is in Paris today."
About 40 organisations, among them human rights and peace groups, the
communist and Greens parties and the American expatriate group
Americans Against the War called for the protest under the motto
"solidarity with people, against war and occupation".
On Sat, 05 Jun 2004 21:02:39 GMT, "" wrote:
> "Frikkie Potgieter" skryf
>> Some more to come, please DONT GO AWAY.....
>> Please note my new E-mail addy???
> Dis om van op te gooi, hierdie hensoppers en
> hanskakies soos Frikkie Potgieter, wat 'n
> aanslag maak op Afrikaans en die kultuur
> van die Afrikaner - deur sy Engels op 'n
> Afrikaanse nuusgroep te braak. Ek dink
> ek moet vir Dan Roodt skryf en vir hom
> vertel wat hier op hierdie Afrikaanse
> nuusgroep aangaan.
> Penkop van die Derde Republiek
Re: DONT GO AWAY [boodskap #93751 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #93745] |
Sun, 06 June 2004 05:41 |
Frikkie Potgieter
Boodskappe: 383 Geregistreer: February 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Ag sommer nog `n enetjie.
Mense, lyk my die amerika is erger as nsa jong...
Bush: Abuse repulsed pope
05/06/2004 14:34 - (SA)
Print article email story
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# Blair defends Iraq war
# 'Anti-war is not anti-US'
# 2 marines guilty of jail abuse
# Howard passes abuse buck
# Poland rejects abuse claims
# Amnesty paints bleak picture
# Howard denies abuse 'cover up'
# NY Times claims more abuse
# US abuse report tampered with
Rome - US President George W Bush said on Saturday Pope John Paul II
was as "repulsed" as he was by the pictures of Iraqi prisoners being
abused by US soldiers at Abu Ghraib prison.
"Like his Holiness, I was repulsed by the pictures I saw about the
treatment by some of our troops toward Iraqi prisoners," Bush told a
press conference in Rome about his audience with the leader of the
Roman Catholic Church the day before.
In his first reaction to his audience with his Iraq policy's fiercest
critic, Bush told reporters the meeting "was a very constructive,
positive, visit".
In an apparent allusion to Abu Ghraib, the pope said the "deplorable
events" had troubled the civil and religious conscience of all "and
made more difficult a serene and resolute commitment to shared human
"The treatment did not reflect the spirit of America. Those people
stained our honour," said the president, who reaffirmed there would be
a full, transparent investigation.
"And it's important for the people of the Middle East to see the rule
of law, and to see somebody being held to account in a transparent
Bush's views were defended by his staunch ally, Italian Prime Minister
Silvio Berlusconi, at the joint press conference which came before the
president left Rome for Paris.
"I must highlight the deep difference between a dictatorship, where
torture is usually standard practice and continuous, and democracy,
which has the ability to denounce it, to report the mistake and punish
the culprits in a very clear way," said Berlusconi.
He said the United States did not bear collective responsibility for
what occurred at Abu Ghraib.
"The crime of one or a few people cannot be blamed on a whole
population," he said.
On Sat, 05 Jun 2004 21:02:39 GMT, "" wrote:
> "Frikkie Potgieter" skryf
>> Some more to come, please DONT GO AWAY.....
>> Please note my new E-mail addy???
> Dis om van op te gooi, hierdie hensoppers en
> hanskakies soos Frikkie Potgieter, wat 'n
> aanslag maak op Afrikaans en die kultuur
> van die Afrikaner - deur sy Engels op 'n
> Afrikaanse nuusgroep te braak. Ek dink
> ek moet vir Dan Roodt skryf en vir hom
> vertel wat hier op hierdie Afrikaanse
> nuusgroep aangaan.
> Penkop van die Derde Republiek
Re: A LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA [boodskap #93756 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #93728] |
Sun, 06 June 2004 10:49 |
Boodskappe: 93 Geregistreer: January 2004
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
Hel antie dit was darem 'n interresante brief. Ek het gladnie omgegee om
dit in engels te lees nie. Maar soos ek jou ken is dit seker meer die feite
as die taal wat jou omkrap.
"" wrote in message
news:8xlwc.16060$ om...
> "Frikkie Potgieter"
>> 1999;
> Ag, hanskakie, skoert met jou Engelse
> poste hier.
> Penkop van die Derde Republiek
Re: A LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA [boodskap #93761 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #93756] |
Sun, 06 June 2004 16:01 |
Boodskappe: 37 Geregistreer: June 2004
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
Nee ou maat, hier sal sy nou haar bek hou...
On Sun, 6 Jun 2004 06:49:01 -0400, "Glucklich" wrote:
> Hel antie dit was darem 'n interresante brief. Ek het gladnie omgegee om
> dit in engels te lees nie. Maar soos ek jou ken is dit seker meer die feite
> as die taal wat jou omkrap.
> "" wrote in message
> news:8xlwc.16060$ om...
>>> 1999;
>> Ag, hanskakie, skoert met jou Engelse
>> poste hier.
>> Penkop van die Derde Republiek
Re: A LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA [boodskap #93765 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #93756] |
Sun, 06 June 2004 19:57 |
Boodskappe: 4791 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Glucklich" skryf
> Hel antie dit was darem 'n interresante brief. Ek het gladnie omgegee om
> dit in engels te lees nie. Maar soos ek jou ken is dit seker meer die feite
> as die taal wat jou omkrap.
Die feite? Die opgekookte, afgewaterde feite?
Die klomp gemors wat aan Afrikaners opgedis
word en wat hulle op groot skaal verwerp?
In alle geval, Jaap Marais is mos nou onlangs
oorlede, of is ek verkeerd? Die brief is ook
al vyf jaar oud.
Dit lyk vir my die enigste ou wat nog effens
bekommer is oor die voortbestaan van die HNP,
is Mbeki self. Ek verbaas my altyd met hoeveel
konsiderasie en grasie die ANC nog altyd die
Afrikanerdom ondersteun, ten spyte van die
klomp snerte wat gedurig oor rebellie praat
maar ook maar net sit en droogmaak, en dit
gewoonlik in Engels.
Re: A LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA [boodskap #93768 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #93765] |
Sun, 06 June 2004 22:44 |
Boodskappe: 37 Geregistreer: June 2004
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
hee hee hahaha
On Sun, 06 Jun 2004 19:57:08 GMT, "" wrote:
> "Glucklich" skryf
>> Hel antie dit was darem 'n interresante brief. Ek het gladnie omgegee om
>> dit in engels te lees nie. Maar soos ek jou ken is dit seker meer die feite
>> as die taal wat jou omkrap.
> Die feite? Die opgekookte, afgewaterde feite?
> Die klomp gemors wat aan Afrikaners opgedis
> word en wat hulle op groot skaal verwerp?
> In alle geval, Jaap Marais is mos nou onlangs
> oorlede, of is ek verkeerd? Die brief is ook
> al vyf jaar oud.
> Dit lyk vir my die enigste ou wat nog effens
> bekommer is oor die voortbestaan van die HNP,
> is Mbeki self. Ek verbaas my altyd met hoeveel
> konsiderasie en grasie die ANC nog altyd die
> Afrikanerdom ondersteun, ten spyte van die
> klomp snerte wat gedurig oor rebellie praat
> maar ook maar net sit en droogmaak, en dit
> gewoonlik in Engels.
> Gloudina
Re: A LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA [boodskap #93789 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #93765] |
Mon, 07 June 2004 13:22 |
Boodskappe: 93 Geregistreer: January 2004
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
Newsflash!!!!!!!.............. Die Amerikaanse president verstaan nie
afrikaans nie.
Dit sal nie sin maak om 'n brief aan hom te skryf in enige ander taal as
engels nie.
"" wrote in message
news:oGKwc.214$ .
> "Glucklich" skryf
>> Hel antie dit was darem 'n interresante brief. Ek het gladnie omgegee om
>> dit in engels te lees nie. Maar soos ek jou ken is dit seker meer die
> feite
>> as die taal wat jou omkrap.
> Die feite? Die opgekookte, afgewaterde feite?
> Die klomp gemors wat aan Afrikaners opgedis
> word en wat hulle op groot skaal verwerp?
> In alle geval, Jaap Marais is mos nou onlangs
> oorlede, of is ek verkeerd? Die brief is ook
> al vyf jaar oud.
> Dit lyk vir my die enigste ou wat nog effens
> bekommer is oor die voortbestaan van die HNP,
> is Mbeki self. Ek verbaas my altyd met hoeveel
> konsiderasie en grasie die ANC nog altyd die
> Afrikanerdom ondersteun, ten spyte van die
> klomp snerte wat gedurig oor rebellie praat
> maar ook maar net sit en droogmaak, en dit
> gewoonlik in Engels.
> Gloudina
Re: A LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA [boodskap #93790 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #93789] |
Mon, 07 June 2004 13:57 |
Boodskappe: 4791 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Glucklich" skryf
> Newsflash!!!!!!!.............. Die Amerikaanse president verstaan nie
> afrikaans nie.
> Dit sal nie sin maak om 'n brief aan hom te skryf in enige ander taal as
> engels nie.
En jy is vreeslik naief as jy dink dat hierdie
brief ooit die Amerikaanse president sou
bereik het. ( Die brief is in 1999 geskryf
en "gestuur." Toe was Clinton president.
Dieselfde president vir wie Mandela opgekom
het toe hy deur jou soort verguis is.)
Jy is ook vreeslik naief as jy dink dat die
brief vir enigiets anders as effek geskryf
is. Hierdie sogenaamde "regses" wat
'n industrie daarvan maak om regs te
wees, is al lankal uit die mode. Jy
volg blykbaar nie die SA politiek nie.
Re: A LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA [boodskap #93792 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #93790] |
Mon, 07 June 2004 15:36 |
Boodskappe: 93 Geregistreer: January 2004
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
Jy is wraggies reg antie ek volg nie rerig Suid Afrikaanse poilitiek nie.
Ek verstaan plaasmoorde is nou in die mode!!
"" wrote in message
news:hv_wc.632$ .
> "Glucklich" skryf
>> Newsflash!!!!!!!.............. Die Amerikaanse president verstaan nie
>> afrikaans nie.
>> Dit sal nie sin maak om 'n brief aan hom te skryf in enige ander taal as
>> engels nie.
> En jy is vreeslik naief as jy dink dat hierdie
> brief ooit die Amerikaanse president sou
> bereik het. ( Die brief is in 1999 geskryf
> en "gestuur." Toe was Clinton president.
> Dieselfde president vir wie Mandela opgekom
> het toe hy deur jou soort verguis is.)
> Jy is ook vreeslik naief as jy dink dat die
> brief vir enigiets anders as effek geskryf
> is. Hierdie sogenaamde "regses" wat
> 'n industrie daarvan maak om regs te
> wees, is al lankal uit die mode. Jy
> volg blykbaar nie die SA politiek nie.
> Gloudina
Re: A LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA [boodskap #93793 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #93792] |
Mon, 07 June 2004 16:26 |
Boodskappe: 4791 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Glucklich" skryf
> Ek verstaan plaasmoorde is nou in die mode!!
Weet jy, hierdie enkele sinnetjie tipeer jou as
'n ou mannetjie wat na 1994 uit die "nuwe
Suid-Afrika" gevlug het en nou omtrent 'n
kuberserf is wat sy brood moet verdien deur
heen en weer te reis vir 'n groot maatskappy.
'n Ou mannetjie wat in die Nuwe SA bedreig
gevoel het deur meer kompetisie. 'n Ou
mannetjie wat moet probeer regverdig
hoekom hy SA verlaat het toe die eerste
werklike demokratiese sisteem in werking
tree. Maar 'n ou mannetjie wat nie 'n woord
gesprak het toe die apartheidsvarke hoogty
gevier het nie.
Tant Hessie van Suid Miami
Re: A LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA [boodskap #93817 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #93793] |
Tue, 08 June 2004 17:06 |
Boodskappe: 93 Geregistreer: January 2004
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
As die anite darem rerig in Suid Miami was kon ons hierdie dinge lekker van
aangesig tot aangesig uitwerk.
Die "Mannetjie" het vannaf verkragters en moordenaars "gevlug" het om sy
pragtigge dogters se toekoms te verseker. Soos ek jou al voorheen vertel
het is van my familie deur jou demokratiese landgenote vermoor en verkrag.
Maar jy praat dit mos goed, volgens jou het hulle dit verdien. Jy verwag
seker ek moet nou in lyn staan en wag sodat ek en my gesin ook deur jou
pelle verkrag en vermoor kan word?
Kompitisie!!!!......... jy laat my rerig vreeslik hard lag. Jy en jou
maatjies kan maar enige dag met julle vals grade kom, maar op intelek gaan
julle sleg op julle neuse kyk. (The Bell Curve by Richard J. Herrnstein ,
Why Race Matters by Michael Levin )
"Wake up and smell the shit..." SA begin nou eers die effek sien van die
breinkrag wat hulle (komplimente van die ANC) verloor het die laaste 10
Waneer laas was jy in die wonderlikke "demokratiese land"?
Ek was daar Februarie 2004 & Oktober 2003. Die Afrika weergawe van
demokrasie...........................wie weet dit het nog nooit in afrika
gewerk nie en Suid Afrika het 'n lang pad om te stap voor hulle dit kan
beweer!!!! Kan demokrasie rerig werk waar mense nie eers weet wat die woord
beteken nie?
As jy nie onlangs daar was nie hou tog asseblief op K@K praat!!!!!
"" wrote in message
news:VG0xc.303$ .
> "Glucklich" skryf
>> Ek verstaan plaasmoorde is nou in die mode!!
> Weet jy, hierdie enkele sinnetjie tipeer jou as
> 'n ou mannetjie wat na 1994 uit die "nuwe
> Suid-Afrika" gevlug het en nou omtrent 'n
> kuberserf is wat sy brood moet verdien deur
> heen en weer te reis vir 'n groot maatskappy.
> 'n Ou mannetjie wat in die Nuwe SA bedreig
> gevoel het deur meer kompetisie. 'n Ou
> mannetjie wat moet probeer regverdig
> hoekom hy SA verlaat het toe die eerste
> werklike demokratiese sisteem in werking
> tree. Maar 'n ou mannetjie wat nie 'n woord
> gesprak het toe die apartheidsvarke hoogty
> gevier het nie.
> Tant Hessie van Suid Miami
Re: A LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA [boodskap #93819 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #93817] |
Tue, 08 June 2004 18:12 |
Boodskappe: 4791 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Glucklich" skryf
Kan demokrasie rerig werk waar mense nie eers weet wat die woord
> beteken nie?
En jy is nou 'n seun wat grootgeword het in 'n
tyd toe daar GEEN DEMOKRASIE in SA was
nie, beplan deur jou geesgenote, die apartheids-
varke. Jy behoort ten minste man genoeg te wees
om dit te erken. Ek ken hope mense wat gedurende
die apartheidsjare ten minste mans genoeg was om
dit te erken, al was hulle in baie gevalle mense wat
die apartheidsbeleid uitgevoer het. Maar nee, julle
ou mannetjies is nie eens volwasse genoeg om feite
in die oë te staar nie. Julle sit en tjank maar net.
Jy besef nie hoe passê dit is om te sit en
tjank oor dié dinge nie. En die mense wat dit die
meeste omkrap, is daardie mense wat in SA gebly
het en heel gemaklik hulle lewe voortsit, as hulle
goeie kwalifikasies het. Die enigste mense in my
familie wat kla oor die "situasie" is mense wat net
matriek gemaak het, en nou nie meer in joppies
kan inloop net omdat hulle velle wit is nie. Of
bedank het en 'n "golden handshake" geneem
het, omdat hulle te BANG WAS VIR
Tant Hessie van Alligator Alley.
Re: A LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA [boodskap #93821 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #93819] |
Wed, 09 June 2004 06:17 |
Lorinta Zonia
Boodskappe: 164 Geregistreer: January 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"" skryf in boodskap news:...
> "Glucklich" skryf
> Kan demokrasie rerig werk waar mense nie eers weet wat die woord
>> beteken nie?
> En jy is nou 'n seun wat grootgeword het in 'n
> tyd toe daar GEEN DEMOKRASIE in SA was
> nie, beplan deur jou geesgenote, die apartheids-
> varke. Jy behoort ten minste man genoeg te wees
> om dit te erken. Ek ken hope mense wat gedurende
> die apartheidsjare ten minste mans genoeg was om
> dit te erken, al was hulle in baie gevalle mense wat
> die apartheidsbeleid uitgevoer het. Maar nee, julle
> ou mannetjies is nie eens volwasse genoeg om feite
> in die oë te staar nie. Julle sit en tjank maar net.
Dit is nou in teenstelling met jou seuns wat grootgeword het in die
bakemat van die demokrasie ne? By ouers wat eers hul kwalifikasies
verwerf het, toe hulle gatte ingepak en gewaai het en nou soos klein
keffertjies sit en blaf vir weerkaatsing van die maan.
> Jy besef nie hoe passé dit is om te sit en
> tjank oor dié dinge nie. En die mense wat dit die
> meeste omkrap, is daardie mense wat in SA gebly
> het en heel gemaklik hulle lewe voortsit, as hulle
> goeie kwalifikasies het. Die enigste mense in my
> familie wat kla oor die "situasie" is mense wat net
> matriek gemaak het, en nou nie meer in joppies
> kan inloop net omdat hulle velle wit is nie. Of
> bedank het en 'n "golden handshake" geneem
> het, omdat hulle te BANG WAS VIR
Dit is nou KOMPETISIE soos rassekwotas in sport? Rasse kwotas in
universiteite? Wat natuurlik piepie op jou escape clause 'heel
gemaklik hulle lewe voortsit, as hulle goeie kwalifikasies het'. En
het al ooit gedink dat party mense dalk nie die IK het om verdere
kwalifikasies as matriek te kry nie. Jou Akademies Snobistiese
onderrok hang al weer uit - soos altyd lekker snooty oor mense se
gebrek aan kwalifikasies!
Jammer anti bitterbek - jy as afgetrede kanadese burger wat jare laas
in die land was en jou moet verlaat op nuusberiggies en twee handse
terugvoer van familie lede het geen idee van wat kompetisie in die
arbeids mark wereldwyd en veral in SA behels nie.
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