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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » ATT: Raider gets crapped on!
ATT: Raider gets crapped on! [boodskap #90757] Sun, 29 February 2004 18:54
Dingus  is tans af-lyn  Dingus
Boodskappe: 187
Geregistreer: October 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"You mustn't *uck wif 'n rhino boet!"

"You jus see howz you gets k*ked on - hey."

"Use ous mustn't blerry swear so much - hey."

"If use lives in the buiteland jus takes a look around use
at all the blerry eerste Wereld gemors - hey"

Die Buite Wereld - Deur H.A. Kinh 1922

Dit was bitte koud in the land,
maar Jannie slaap vas saam met Suzy.
"Suzy my skat" se Jannie,
"Jy's soo leker vet".

Ooo die koud, die vreeslike koud,
Ooo dit maak my verlang na die osse se die jong man.
"Ooo se Suzy. Hoe lekker kry ek nou".
Ooo maar dis koud, in die buiteland.

Nota van die digter:
Hierdie diep worde maar 'n man trots.

"Rhino" skryf in boodskap news:4041e921$0$29132$
> People that live in glass houses should not throw stones. Sorry, I did not
> see the article you are referring to. But where ever you live there is the
> same atrocities going on, it just seem that you make it your pastime to bag
> the South Africans and you might be an ex South African that have sour
> grapes about not being able to live there anymore. If you are an ex South
> African you should be ashamed with all the crap you come out with and look
> around you and see all the crap that you are living with in whatever country
> you are in. If you are not an ex South African, then my advise to you is to
> start reading the local news paper and see in what shithole you live in. You
> swear like a whore and have no clue about what is going on in this world.
> You do not even know the difference between GENOCIDE and apartheid. It all
> points to the fact that you are UNEDUCATED AND A MORON that swear like a
> FISHWIFE. Go and get a life and improve yourself, then come back and deal
> with educated, well mannered people. Also go and learn not to demean
> yourself by coming out with crap and swearing.
> "Nude Raider" wrote in message
> news:0MQN0UER38046.1481597222@anonymous.poster...
>> The "page" sux big time ... but there are some classics there too:
>> Occupation: International Tax Consultant
>> This is sort of like the "internation man of mystery". Note that this fat
> hag keeps the
>> international boundaries to Cape Town.
>> Fok, I mean if I was that ugly, I would never post my mug on the bloody
> Internet - you
>> would scare the kids. There must be some "international laws" against this
> sort of thing -
>> it has to be illegal.
>> This ou vrou is blerrie sick in the head - I mean defacing your own
> picture too - taking
>> front teeth out so you can be like the meits in Cape Town and suig piel.
>> Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... I feel sick just thinking about it!!
>> Also "Boyfriend for past 26 years" - OK so why no marriage? Too fat, too
> boring and too
>> boer. Heaven only knows why this pommy (English) person would want to hang
> out with the
>> vey gat tannie at all... and vettie speaks so badly of the pommies - I
> don't get it. I
>> think I had better contact this poor "speaking partner - no pomp" and see
> what he is up
>> to. I think there are bestiality laws in place in SAfrica and England ..
>> Oh sis let me send this post to warn you boers about this abomination - in
> your own back
>> yard... spew!!
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