Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Boers days numbered...
Re: Boers days numbered... [boodskap #89791] |
Sun, 01 February 2004 11:08 |
Boodskappe: 32 Geregistreer: January 2004
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
You better wake up and look around you. When all is said and done there
might be no others around to win elections and voting might get on an even
par and guess what, white rule is back. Die donners maak hul eie mense dood
en hulle vergaan met AIDS en allerrande siektes en o ja, hulle kan nie met
geld werk nie en sal vir wit help skreeu baie gou. Mark this as proffesic
words, and carry on dreaming. It might turn into a white christmas in South
"Peter Stange" skryf in boodskap news:SBF82LLT38017.4149074074@anonymous.poster...
> The wheel has begun to turn
> The days are growing short
> Pack your bags and get ready
> You are on the way to history
> Pete Stange
Re: Boers days numbered... [boodskap #89792 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89791] |
Sun, 01 February 2004 13:52 |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Wragtigwaar, hierdie ou weet nie wat hy van praat nie, wat van die
Amerikaanse Indians, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand en duisende ander
pleke waar daardie selfde vrae kan gevra word, SO ALMAL HET APARTHEID, MAAR
HET NOOIT N' NAAM vir dit gegee nie. And just in case you pretent to not
speak AFRIKAANS, you are a stupid MORON and do not know what you are talking
about. Look at all the countries where there is violence in today, and you
will see that it is caused by apartheid but is not called that, they call it
race discrimination and it is still there. So go whipe your aas on your head
and get more brains
----- Original Message -----
From: "Annette"
Newsgroups: soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2004 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: Apartheid Linked afrikaners
> Eienaardige vrae van iemand wat so baie weet.
> Nie net Afrrikaners nie, maar mense van alle rasse hier kon op daardie 3
> vrae ja geantwoord het.
> As hy dink dat slegs Afrikaans sprekendes vir die staat vrywillig gewerk
> het, in die weermag of polisie gedien het vrywillig , of huisbediendes en
> tuiniers aangehou het, dan sit ons hier met iemand wat in 'n groter waan
> leef as waarvan hy die Afrikaners beskuldig.
> --
> Annette
> "Paul Dentree" wrote in message
> news:0LZ5FAKO38016.3645949074@anonymous.poster...
>> With all the discussion surrounding the afrikaners involvement
>> in the destruction of South Africa it is important to note that
>> blame for this demise should be placed solely at their door.
>> Having said this, it is interesting to see that many of this
>> lost tribe is still in denial that such an event actually
>> transpired - let alone had any involvement in it's
>> sustainability.
>> To those who believe that they are guilt free - ask yourself a
>> few simple questions:
>> Did you or close member of your family:
>> - Work for the government voluntarily (any branch thereof)?
>> - Did you volunteer to serve in the defence force or police
>> service?
>> - Did you ever employ a domestic servant or gardener?
>> If you answered yes to any of the above then you actively
>> contributed to the wicked apartheid practices.
>> You will need to approach your local ANC branch and seek
>> forgiveness.
>> Paul Dentree
The main battlefield for good is not the
open ground of the public arena but the
small clearing of each heart.
( Life of Pi by Yann Martel)
"Rhino" skryf in boodskap news:401ce078$0$28871$
> You better wake up and look around you. When all is said and done there
> might be no others around to win elections and voting might get on an even
> par and guess what, white rule is back. Die donners maak hul eie mense dood
> en hulle vergaan met AIDS en allerrande siektes en o ja, hulle kan nie met
> geld werk nie en sal vir wit help skreeu baie gou. Mark this as proffesic
> words, and carry on dreaming. It might turn into a white christmas in South
> Africa
> "Peter Stange" wrote in message
> news:SBF82LLT38017.4149074074@anonymous.poster...
>> The wheel has begun to turn
>> The days are growing short
>> Pack your bags and get ready
>> You are on the way to history
>> Pete Stange
Re: Boers days numbered... [boodskap #89811 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89792] |
Sun, 01 February 2004 19:00 |
Boodskappe: 187 Geregistreer: October 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Annette said....
> So go whipe your aas on your head
> and get more brains
Ek dink die word is 'ARSE'.
Jy sien, AAS is amper soos ASS,
en 'n ASS is amper soos 'n Donkie,
en 'n Donkie is 'n wonderliKKe ding -
Maar nie so wonderliKK soos 'n DINGUS nie.
Hoe kan iemand hulle gat op hulle kop kry,
Jy praat kuk tannie Annette, miskien moet jy eers
jou gat op jou eie kop kry eers voor jy vir ander
mense se hulle moet dit doen! - sies aan jou!
(... en dis WIPE nie WHIPE nie - hoer?!).
... en nog iet, moenie vergeet nie,
'n DINGUS is 'n wondeliKKe ding.
"Annette" skryf in boodskap news:bvj17n$5be$
> Wragtigwaar, hierdie ou weet nie wat hy van praat nie, wat van die
> Amerikaanse Indians, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand en duisende ander
> pleke waar daardie selfde vrae kan gevra word, SO ALMAL HET APARTHEID, MAAR
> HET NOOIT N' NAAM vir dit gegee nie. And just in case you pretent to not
> speak AFRIKAANS, you are a stupid MORON and do not know what you are talking
> about. Look at all the countries where there is violence in today, and you
> will see that it is caused by apartheid but is not called that, they call it
> race discrimination and it is still there. So go whipe your aas on your head
> and get more brains
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Annette"
> Newsgroups: soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans
> Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2004 3:58 PM
> Subject: Re: Apartheid Linked afrikaners
>> Eienaardige vrae van iemand wat so baie weet.
>> Nie net Afrrikaners nie, maar mense van alle rasse hier kon op daardie 3
>> vrae ja geantwoord het.
>> As hy dink dat slegs Afrikaans sprekendes vir die staat vrywillig gewerk
>> het, in die weermag of polisie gedien het vrywillig , of huisbediendes en
>> tuiniers aangehou het, dan sit ons hier met iemand wat in 'n groter waan
>> leef as waarvan hy die Afrikaners beskuldig.
>> --
>> Annette
>> "Paul Dentree" wrote in message
>> news:0LZ5FAKO38016.3645949074@anonymous.poster...
>>> With all the discussion surrounding the afrikaners involvement
>>> in the destruction of South Africa it is important to note that
>>> blame for this demise should be placed solely at their door.
>>> Having said this, it is interesting to see that many of this
>>> lost tribe is still in denial that such an event actually
>>> transpired - let alone had any involvement in it's
>>> sustainability.
>>> To those who believe that they are guilt free - ask yourself a
>>> few simple questions:
>>> Did you or close member of your family:
>>> - Work for the government voluntarily (any branch thereof)?
>>> - Did you volunteer to serve in the defence force or police
>>> service?
>>> - Did you ever employ a domestic servant or gardener?
>>> If you answered yes to any of the above then you actively
>>> contributed to the wicked apartheid practices.
>>> You will need to approach your local ANC branch and seek
>>> forgiveness.
>>> Paul Dentree
> --
> Annette
> The main battlefield for good is not the
> open ground of the public arena but the
> small clearing of each heart.
> ( Life of Pi by Yann Martel)
> "Rhino" wrote in message
> news:401ce078$0$28871$
>> You better wake up and look around you. When all is said and done there
>> might be no others around to win elections and voting might get on an even
>> par and guess what, white rule is back. Die donners maak hul eie mense dood
>> en hulle vergaan met AIDS en allerrande siektes en o ja, hulle kan nie met
>> geld werk nie en sal vir wit help skreeu baie gou. Mark this as proffesic
>> words, and carry on dreaming. It might turn into a white christmas in South
>> Africa
>> "Peter Stange" wrote in message
>> news:SBF82LLT38017.4149074074@anonymous.poster...
>>> The wheel has begun to turn
>>> The days are growing short
>>> Pack your bags and get ready
>>> You are on the way to history
>>> Pete Stange
Re: Boers days numbered... [boodskap #89824 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89811] |
Mon, 02 February 2004 09:15 |
Boodskappe: 1496 Geregistreer: February 2004
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Dingus, is jy gabba's met kaalgat?
Bietjie meer respek vir Annette sal op prys gestel word. Trouens, ek vra my
af of dit regtig Annette was wat daai plasing gemaak het...
"Dingus" skryf in boodskap news:i0cTb.30756$
> Annette said....
>> So go whipe your aas on your head
>> and get more brains
> Ek dink die word is 'ARSE'.
> Jy sien, AAS is amper soos ASS,
> en 'n ASS is amper soos 'n Donkie,
> en 'n Donkie is 'n wonderliKKe ding -
> Maar nie so wonderliKK soos 'n DINGUS nie.
> Hoe kan iemand hulle gat op hulle kop kry,
> Jy praat kuk tannie Annette, miskien moet jy eers
> jou gat op jou eie kop kry eers voor jy vir ander
> mense se hulle moet dit doen! - sies aan jou!
> (... en dis WIPE nie WHIPE nie - hoer?!).
> ... en nog iet, moenie vergeet nie,
> 'n DINGUS is 'n wondeliKKe ding.
> "Annette" wrote in message
> news:bvj17n$5be$
>> Wragtigwaar, hierdie ou weet nie wat hy van praat nie, wat van die
>> Amerikaanse Indians, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand en duisende ander
>> pleke waar daardie selfde vrae kan gevra word, SO ALMAL HET APARTHEID, MAAR
>> HET NOOIT N' NAAM vir dit gegee nie. And just in case you pretent to not
>> speak AFRIKAANS, you are a stupid MORON and do not know what you are
> talking
>> about. Look at all the countries where there is violence in today, and you
>> will see that it is caused by apartheid but is not called that, they call it
>> race discrimination and it is still there. So go whipe your aas on your head
>> and get more brains
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Annette"
>> Newsgroups: soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans
>> Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2004 3:58 PM
>> Subject: Re: Apartheid Linked afrikaners
>>> Eienaardige vrae van iemand wat so baie weet.
>>> Nie net Afrrikaners nie, maar mense van alle rasse hier kon op daardie 3
>>> vrae ja geantwoord het.
>>> As hy dink dat slegs Afrikaans sprekendes vir die staat vrywillig gewerk
>>> het, in die weermag of polisie gedien het vrywillig , of huisbediendes en
>>> tuiniers aangehou het, dan sit ons hier met iemand wat in 'n groter waan
>>> leef as waarvan hy die Afrikaners beskuldig.
>>> --
>>> Annette
>>> "Paul Dentree" wrote in message
>>> news:0LZ5FAKO38016.3645949074@anonymous.poster...
>>>> With all the discussion surrounding the afrikaners involvement
>>>> in the destruction of South Africa it is important to note that
>>>> blame for this demise should be placed solely at their door.
>>>> Having said this, it is interesting to see that many of this
>>>> lost tribe is still in denial that such an event actually
>>>> transpired - let alone had any involvement in it's
>>>> sustainability.
>>>> To those who believe that they are guilt free - ask yourself a
>>>> few simple questions:
>>>> Did you or close member of your family:
>>>> - Work for the government voluntarily (any branch thereof)?
>>>> - Did you volunteer to serve in the defence force or police
>>>> service?
>>>> - Did you ever employ a domestic servant or gardener?
>>>> If you answered yes to any of the above then you actively
>>>> contributed to the wicked apartheid practices.
>>>> You will need to approach your local ANC branch and seek
>>>> forgiveness.
>>>> Paul Dentree
>> --
>> Annette
>> The main battlefield for good is not the
>> open ground of the public arena but the
>> small clearing of each heart.
>> ( Life of Pi by Yann Martel)
>> "Rhino" wrote in message
>> news:401ce078$0$28871$
>>> You better wake up and look around you. When all is said and done there
>>> might be no others around to win elections and voting might get on an even
>>> par and guess what, white rule is back. Die donners maak hul eie mense dood
>>> en hulle vergaan met AIDS en allerrande siektes en o ja, hulle kan nie met
>>> geld werk nie en sal vir wit help skreeu baie gou. Mark this as proffesic
>>> words, and carry on dreaming. It might turn into a white christmas in South
>>> Africa
>>> "Peter Stange" wrote in message
>>> news:SBF82LLT38017.4149074074@anonymous.poster...
>>>> The wheel has begun to turn
>>>> The days are growing short
>>>> Pack your bags and get ready
>>>> You are on the way to history
>>>> Pete Stange
Re: Boers days numbered... [boodskap #89826 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89824] |
Mon, 02 February 2004 09:49 |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Annette het nie daardie plasing gemaak nie - dit was deftige knipwerk deur
'n moeilikheidmaker sonder maniere.
"Max" skryf in boodskap news:401e15f2$0$317$
> Dingus, is jy gabba's met kaalgat?
> Bietjie meer respek vir Annette sal op prys gestel word. Trouens, ek vra my
> af of dit regtig Annette was wat daai plasing gemaak het...
> Max____________________________
Re: Boers days numbered... [boodskap #89830 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89826] |
Mon, 02 February 2004 10:17 |
Boodskappe: 1496 Geregistreer: February 2004
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Ek het dit geweet toe ek dit gelees het.
"Annette" skryf in boodskap news:bvl6nb$9ed$
> Annette het nie daardie plasing gemaak nie - dit was deftige knipwerk deur
> 'n moeilikheidmaker sonder maniere.
> --
> Annette
> "Max" wrote in message
> news:401e15f2$0$317$
>> Dingus, is jy gabba's met kaalgat?
>> Bietjie meer respek vir Annette sal op prys gestel word. Trouens, ek vra
> my
>> af of dit regtig Annette was wat daai plasing gemaak het...
>> Max____________________________
Re: Boers days numbered... [boodskap #89835 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89811] |
Mon, 02 February 2004 12:03 |
Boodskappe: 93 Geregistreer: January 2004
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
> Hoe kan iemand hulle gat op hulle kop kry,
> Jy praat kuk tannie Annette, miskien moet jy eers
> jou gat op jou eie kop kry eers voor jy vir ander
> mense se hulle moet dit doen! - sies aan jou!
Ek wonder soms of jy nie alreeds bewys het dat iemand se kop diep in sy eie
hol ingedruk kan word nie, want die stront wat jy praat moes op een of ander
manier op jou brein gekom het.
Re: Boers days numbered... [boodskap #89861 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89835] |
Mon, 02 February 2004 19:14 |
Boodskappe: 187 Geregistreer: October 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
... dis reg, ek het kuk in my kop!!, maar jy het bogger all!
"Glucklich" skryf in boodskap news:dYqTb.19093$
>> Hoe kan iemand hulle gat op hulle kop kry,
>> Jy praat kuk tannie Annette, miskien moet jy eers
>> jou gat op jou eie kop kry eers voor jy vir ander
>> mense se hulle moet dit doen! - sies aan jou!
> Ek wonder soms of jy nie alreeds bewys het dat iemand se kop diep in sy eie
> hol ingedruk kan word nie, want die stront wat jy praat moes op een of ander
> manier op jou brein gekom het.
Re: Boers days numbered... [boodskap #89863 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89824] |
Mon, 02 February 2004 19:15 |
Boodskappe: 187 Geregistreer: October 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Wie die hell is kaalgat?
"Max" skryf in boodskap news:401e15f2$0$317$
> Dingus, is jy gabba's met kaalgat?
> Bietjie meer respek vir Annette sal op prys gestel word. Trouens, ek vra my
> af of dit regtig Annette was wat daai plasing gemaak het...
> Max____________________________
> "Dingus" wrote in message
> news:i0cTb.30756$
>> Annette said....
>>> So go whipe your aas on your head
>>> and get more brains
>> Ek dink die word is 'ARSE'.
>> Jy sien, AAS is amper soos ASS,
>> en 'n ASS is amper soos 'n Donkie,
>> en 'n Donkie is 'n wonderliKKe ding -
>> Maar nie so wonderliKK soos 'n DINGUS nie.
>> Hoe kan iemand hulle gat op hulle kop kry,
>> Jy praat kuk tannie Annette, miskien moet jy eers
>> jou gat op jou eie kop kry eers voor jy vir ander
>> mense se hulle moet dit doen! - sies aan jou!
>> (... en dis WIPE nie WHIPE nie - hoer?!).
>> ... en nog iet, moenie vergeet nie,
>> 'n DINGUS is 'n wondeliKKe ding.
>> "Annette" wrote in message
>> news:bvj17n$5be$
>>> Wragtigwaar, hierdie ou weet nie wat hy van praat nie, wat van die
>>> Amerikaanse Indians, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand en duisende
>> ander
>>> pleke waar daardie selfde vrae kan gevra word, SO ALMAL HET APARTHEID,
>>> HET NOOIT N' NAAM vir dit gegee nie. And just in case you pretent to not
>>> speak AFRIKAANS, you are a stupid MORON and do not know what you are
>> talking
>>> about. Look at all the countries where there is violence in today, and
> you
>>> will see that it is caused by apartheid but is not called that, they
> call
>> it
>>> race discrimination and it is still there. So go whipe your aas on
>> head
>>> and get more brains
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Annette"
>>> Newsgroups: soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans
>>> Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2004 3:58 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Apartheid Linked afrikaners
>>>> Eienaardige vrae van iemand wat so baie weet.
>>>> Nie net Afrrikaners nie, maar mense van alle rasse hier kon op
> 3
>>>> vrae ja geantwoord het.
>>>> As hy dink dat slegs Afrikaans sprekendes vir die staat vrywillig
> gewerk
>>>> het, in die weermag of polisie gedien het vrywillig , of
>> en
>>>> tuiniers aangehou het, dan sit ons hier met iemand wat in 'n groter
> waan
>>>> leef as waarvan hy die Afrikaners beskuldig.
>>>> --
>>>> Annette
>>>> "Paul Dentree" wrote in
> message
>>>> news:0LZ5FAKO38016.3645949074@anonymous.poster...
>>>> > With all the discussion surrounding the afrikaners involvement
>>>> > in the destruction of South Africa it is important to note that
>>>> > blame for this demise should be placed solely at their door.
>>>> > Having said this, it is interesting to see that many of this
>>>> > lost tribe is still in denial that such an event actually
>>>> > transpired - let alone had any involvement in it's
>>>> > sustainability.
>>>> >
>>>> > To those who believe that they are guilt free - ask yourself a
>>>> > few simple questions:
>>>> >
>>>> > Did you or close member of your family:
>>>> >
>>>> > - Work for the government voluntarily (any branch thereof)?
>>>> > - Did you volunteer to serve in the defence force or police
>>>> > service?
>>>> > - Did you ever employ a domestic servant or gardener?
>>>> >
>>>> > If you answered yes to any of the above then you actively
>>>> > contributed to the wicked apartheid practices.
>>>> >
>>>> > You will need to approach your local ANC branch and seek
>>>> > forgiveness.
>>>> >
>>>> > Paul Dentree
>>>> >
>>> --
>>> Annette
>>> The main battlefield for good is not the
>>> open ground of the public arena but the
>>> small clearing of each heart.
>>> ( Life of Pi by Yann Martel)
>>> "Rhino" wrote in message
>>> news:401ce078$0$28871$
>>>> You better wake up and look around you. When all is said and done
> there
>>>> might be no others around to win elections and voting might get on
>> even
>>>> par and guess what, white rule is back. Die donners maak hul eie
>>> dood
>>>> en hulle vergaan met AIDS en allerrande siektes en o ja, hulle kan
>> met
>>>> geld werk nie en sal vir wit help skreeu baie gou. Mark this as
>> proffesic
>>>> words, and carry on dreaming. It might turn into a white christmas
>>> South
>>>> Africa
>>>> "Peter Stange" wrote in
> message
>>>> news:SBF82LLT38017.4149074074@anonymous.poster...
>>>> > The wheel has begun to turn
>>>> > The days are growing short
>>>> > Pack your bags and get ready
>>>> > You are on the way to history
>>>> >
>>>> > Pete Stange
>>>> >
>>>> >
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