Re: Apartheid Linked afrikaners [boodskap #89735] |
Fri, 30 January 2004 19:33 |
Boodskappe: 186 Geregistreer: September 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Dit was baie lekker om julle te domineer. Ek het dit terdee geniet en baie
voordeel uit julle patetiese lewenswyse geput. Want julle is in wese
pateties, sleg en skelm. Ja Baas - Skies Baas - Sal nie weer nie my Basie.
Gee SA 10 jaar - dan sal julle kom kruip voor die blanke se voete.
"Paul Dentree" skryf in boodskap news:0LZ5FAKO38016.3645949074@anonymous.poster...
> With all the discussion surrounding the afrikaners involvement
> in the destruction of South Africa it is important to note that
> blame for this demise should be placed solely at their door.
> Having said this, it is interesting to see that many of this
> lost tribe is still in denial that such an event actually
> transpired - let alone had any involvement in it's
> sustainability.
> To those who believe that they are guilt free - ask yourself a
> few simple questions:
> Did you or close member of your family:
> - Work for the government voluntarily (any branch thereof)?
> - Did you volunteer to serve in the defence force or police
> service?
> - Did you ever employ a domestic servant or gardener?
> If you answered yes to any of the above then you actively
> contributed to the wicked apartheid practices.
> You will need to approach your local ANC branch and seek
> forgiveness.
> Paul Dentree
Re: Apartheid Linked afrikaners [boodskap #89779 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89735] |
Sun, 01 February 2004 05:58 |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Eienaardige vrae van iemand wat so baie weet.
Nie net Afrrikaners nie, maar mense van alle rasse hier kon op daardie 3
vrae ja geantwoord het.
As hy dink dat slegs Afrikaans sprekendes vir die staat vrywillig gewerk
het, in die weermag of polisie gedien het vrywillig , of huisbediendes en
tuiniers aangehou het, dan sit ons hier met iemand wat in 'n groter waan
leef as waarvan hy die Afrikaners beskuldig.
"Paul Dentree" skryf in boodskap news:0LZ5FAKO38016.3645949074@anonymous.poster...
> With all the discussion surrounding the afrikaners involvement
> in the destruction of South Africa it is important to note that
> blame for this demise should be placed solely at their door.
> Having said this, it is interesting to see that many of this
> lost tribe is still in denial that such an event actually
> transpired - let alone had any involvement in it's
> sustainability.
> To those who believe that they are guilt free - ask yourself a
> few simple questions:
> Did you or close member of your family:
> - Work for the government voluntarily (any branch thereof)?
> - Did you volunteer to serve in the defence force or police
> service?
> - Did you ever employ a domestic servant or gardener?
> If you answered yes to any of the above then you actively
> contributed to the wicked apartheid practices.
> You will need to approach your local ANC branch and seek
> forgiveness.
> Paul Dentree
Re: Apartheid Linked afrikaners [boodskap #89790 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89779] |
Sun, 01 February 2004 10:57 |
Boodskappe: 32 Geregistreer: January 2004
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
Apologie aan Annette, Ek het skrif verkeerd aangestuur, maar hier is die
regte adres
Waaragtig, hierdie ou weet nie waarvan hy praat nie, wat van die
Amerikaners, Asiers, Afrika, NewZealand en duisende ander pleke waar
dieselfde vrae kan gevra word. Baie lande gaan deur dieselfde probleme en
dit was nie deur die Boere begin nie maar meeste deur die Engelse en ander
''Super Powers or Races''. So, almal het apartheid maar hulle het nooit n'
naam vir dit gegee nie. And just in case you pretent not to understand
AFRIKAANS, you are a stupid MORON and do not know what you are talking
about. Look at all the places where there is violence today, and you will
see that it is caused by apartheid but is not called apartheid, they call it
race discrimination and it ( apartheid ) is still there. So go and wipe your
aas ( hol ) over your head and you might get more brains
"Annette" skryf in boodskap news:bvi6e9$l7q$
> Eienaardige vrae van iemand wat so baie weet.
> Nie net Afrrikaners nie, maar mense van alle rasse hier kon op daardie 3
> vrae ja geantwoord het.
> As hy dink dat slegs Afrikaans sprekendes vir die staat vrywillig gewerk
> het, in die weermag of polisie gedien het vrywillig , of huisbediendes en
> tuiniers aangehou het, dan sit ons hier met iemand wat in 'n groter waan
> leef as waarvan hy die Afrikaners beskuldig.
> --
> Annette
> "Paul Dentree" wrote in message
> news:0LZ5FAKO38016.3645949074@anonymous.poster...
>> With all the discussion surrounding the afrikaners involvement
>> in the destruction of South Africa it is important to note that
>> blame for this demise should be placed solely at their door.
>> Having said this, it is interesting to see that many of this
>> lost tribe is still in denial that such an event actually
>> transpired - let alone had any involvement in it's
>> sustainability.
>> To those who believe that they are guilt free - ask yourself a
>> few simple questions:
>> Did you or close member of your family:
>> - Work for the government voluntarily (any branch thereof)?
>> - Did you volunteer to serve in the defence force or police
>> service?
>> - Did you ever employ a domestic servant or gardener?
>> If you answered yes to any of the above then you actively
>> contributed to the wicked apartheid practices.
>> You will need to approach your local ANC branch and seek
>> forgiveness.
>> Paul Dentree