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Re: Language of the Oppressor... [boodskap #89669] Wed, 28 January 2004 16:07 na volgende boodskap
Vusi  is tans af-lyn  Vusi
Boodskappe: 2211
Geregistreer: February 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Die boere is hier om te bly. Lank nadat vigs sy tol ge-eis het sal ons nog
hier wees....
Re: Language of the Oppressor... [boodskap #89670 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89669] Wed, 28 January 2004 16:18 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
bolander  is tans af-lyn  bolander
Boodskappe: 27
Geregistreer: March 2004
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Jonas wrote:
Die boere is hier om te bly. Lank nadat vigs sy tol ge-eis het sal ons nog
hier wees....

By Tom Curtis
Health Correspondent
The Scotsman - UK

HIV cases have rocketed to an all-time high in Glasgow because of the number
of people recently arriving in the city from Africa either as asylum seekers
or immigrants.

But health chiefs are deliberately failing to collect and publish detailed
figures on the record increase because they fear they will fuel prejudice
towards groups of people coming from the areas of Africa which are currently
rife with HIV and Aids.

However, critics last night condemned this decision, saying health officials
have an overriding duty to give the public as much information as possible
to try to stem the alarming rate at which the infection is spreading.

New figures show that in Greater Glasgow, which is home to the majority of
Scotland's 6,000 asylum seekers, there were 85 new diagnoses of HIV in

The total is the highest since records began, representing a massive
increase of 77% on the previous year, and is more than double the 2001

In Scotland as a whole there were 259 new diagnoses, the highest number
since the mid-1980s when the original Aids epidemic was at its height.

Of the Glasgow cases, 48 (56%) were infected abroad, mainly in central and
southern Africa where Aids is rife in several countries. The corresponding
figure for Scotland was 92 (36%). In Lothian there were 78 new cases, of
which 30 are thought to have originated abroad, while 26 cases were recorded
in Grampian, of which 16 were people infected abroad.

However, the Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health (SCIEH),
the official monitoring agency, last night admitted it did not know and had
not tried to find out how many of these 'foreign' cases involved Scots who
had visited Africa and other overseas countries, and how many were among
immigrants to Scotland or foreign nationals working or studying in Scotland.

SCIEH's guess is that eight out of 10 involve immigrants, but that is based
on anecdotal information from individual doctors. NHS Greater Glasgow said
it was not certain what the exact figure was, and there is also no breakdown
of the figures for Lothian.

No one therefore knows what the scale of the 'immigrant HIV' problem is, or
how many Scots are being infected on holiday or business trips.

The cost of treating immigrants with HIV is also not known as a result.

Professor David Goldberg, who oversees HIV and Aids monitoring at SCIEH,
said: "We don't hold identifiers such as name and address. We may get
additional information about patients, such as 'Zimbabwean' or 'South
African', or 'student from Zambia'.

"However, that is information that we have not published because it is felt
that is not appropriate. We have to take into account the potential for
racism, xenophobia, etc."

He also said "we can't say with absolute certainty" what the exact figures
were, admitting that data was "incomplete". Goldberg said even if SCIEH
wanted to get accurate statistics, many doctors were unwilling to provide
such details.

Dr Syed Ahmed, a consultant in public health medicine at NHS Greater
Glasgow, said: "Quite often people will tell you they have been exposed in
Africa, but we don't know if they are from Africa or indigenous Scots who
have spent time in Africa.

"We don't ask people where they come from because our role is purely to
provide health care." Ahmed said the problem was being dealt with properly,
however, with outreach programmes to immigrants designed both to ensure the
best treatment and to minimise the risk of further transmission.

He also said the risk of transmission from migrant communities to the
existing Scottish population was low, since many of those infected arrived
with their families and were in stable relationships.

No-one was available for interview at NHS Lothian. The organisation said in
a statement: "In Lothian, the majority of heterosexually acquired HIV
infections are reported in people who have been exposed to the virus while
out of the UK. The number and proportion of infections acquired in this way
have increased over recent years."

Last night the Commission for Racial Equality agreed that despite the
problems already faced by asylum seekers and other immigrants, the figures
should be made known.

A spokeswoman said: "The public have a right to be aware of this
information. It should be out there for public consumption." She urged
sensitivity in how the information was reported, however.

David Davidson, Tory spokesman on health in the Scottish parliament, said:
"The Scottish Executive needs to come clean on this, admit that it could get
hold of the figures, get them and publish them. We have a right to know.

"There is a duty to protect the rest of the country from any diseases,
whether Aids or Sars or anything else, that are brought into Scotland. If
they don't know what the figures are, how can they make policy decisions on
tackling the problem?"

Davidson also repeated the Conservative party's call for immigrants to be
routinely screened for health problems when they arrive in Britain.

The idea is being considered by the government but no decisions have yet
been made.

SNP health spokeswoman Shona Robison said: "Public information should be
provided to the maximum and the fact that there has been an attempt not to
put these figures out may simply mean the issue gets more attention than it
otherwise would have. That could be considered counter-productive."

However, Robison said she also believed the greatest danger was that HIV
positive immigrants would be further stigmatised by the perception that they
were responsible for "importing" HIV.

Sheila McLean, professor of medical law and ethics at Glasgow University,
said the only purpose she could see for knowing the HIV figure was to
encourage people to get even more phobic about ethnic minorities.

Re: Language of the Oppressor... [boodskap #89672 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89669] Wed, 28 January 2004 17:21 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
bouer  is tans af-lyn  bouer
Boodskappe: 4791
Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Jonas" wrote

> Die boere is hier om te bly. Lank nadat vigs sy tol ge-eis het sal ons nog
> hier wees....

Nog een van die cliches waarmee hierdie sogenaamde
"Afrikaner" vir homself wil sus. Onthou hoe Christina
Landman en haar ondervraers binne die Afrikaans-
sprekende geledere vele vroue gevind het wat
HIV- positief was. Daar word net nie teveel daaroor
gepraat nie.

Re: Language of the Oppressor... [boodskap #89673 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89669] Wed, 28 January 2004 17:47 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
SB[1]  is tans af-lyn  SB[1]
Boodskappe: 186
Geregistreer: September 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Goeiedag Kaalgat
Re: Language of the Oppressor... [boodskap #89675 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89672] Wed, 28 January 2004 18:58 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
DD  is tans af-lyn  DD
Boodskappe: 1165
Geregistreer: June 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 17:21:22 GMT, "" wrote:

> "Jonas" wrote
>> Die boere is hier om te bly. Lank nadat vigs sy tol ge-eis het sal ons nog
>> hier wees....
> Nog een van die cliches waarmee hierdie sogenaamde
> "Afrikaner" vir homself wil sus. Onthou hoe Christina
> Landman en haar ondervraers binne die Afrikaans-
> sprekende geledere vele vroue gevind het wat
> HIV- positief was. Daar word net nie teveel daaroor
> gepraat nie.
> Gloudina

Ongelooflik, bouwer, dat jy wat jouself al jare gelede as die dosent
in Afrikaans hier aangestel het, nog steeds, selfs na ek jou meer as
een keer al daarop gewys het, nie weet dat HIV die engelse weergawe is
van wat MIV in Afrikaans is.

As ek nie somtyds kom kyk wat hier aangaan nie, sal jou standaarde
steeds net afwaarts neig:-(

Die Uwe
Re: Language of the Oppressor... [boodskap #89682 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89672] Thu, 29 January 2004 03:54 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Vusi  is tans af-lyn  Vusi
Boodskappe: 2211
Geregistreer: February 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
My indrukke van Landman is van so 'n aard dat ek my nie aan haar snert steur
nie Anti. Jammer - maar ek verkies die geselsskap van gebalanseerde mense.
Re: Language of the Oppressor... [boodskap #89683 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89669] Thu, 29 January 2004 03:56 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Vusi  is tans af-lyn  Vusi
Boodskappe: 2211
Geregistreer: February 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Mooi so Anti - stuur die ingelsman in sy moer. Sy pa was seker 'n
konsentrasiekampwag - in Suid-Afrika.
Re: Language of the Oppressor... [boodskap #89693 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89669] Thu, 29 January 2004 09:53 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Threeships Mcduck  is tans af-lyn  Threeships Mcduck
Boodskappe: 244
Geregistreer: June 2002
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On 28 Jan 2004 15:43:44 -0000, Anonymous-Remailer@See.Comment.Header
(Molapi Singomo) served the following to the group:

> Can the boers ever shake off the tag of "oppressor" whilst they
> still speak the oppressors language of afrikaans?
> It looks like they will be stuck with this label for the next
> 300 years or so.
> Is it deserved - given the trouble they caused with apartheid?
> Molapi Singomo

ek wil nie die tag afskud voordat jou klein koppie nie in die grond in
gepress is nie. natuurlik is dit verdien en ons het hard gewerk

Threeships Mcduck
lato di gomma giù, lato lucido in su
Re: Language of the Oppressor... [boodskap #89714 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89669] Thu, 29 January 2004 13:47 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
bouer  is tans af-lyn  bouer
Boodskappe: 4791
Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Andrew Taylor" wrote

> And if your race were so bad to the blacks as you seem to be making
> out here, how come there wasn't a complete bloodbath when the blacks
> came into power?

Omdat die leiers soos Mandela en Tutu
verligte ( enlightened) mense was. Omdat
die swart mense dieper Christene is en
unbuntu hulle tradisionele instelling in die
lewe is. Omdat swart mense nie vir die
Afrikaners haat nie. Hulle hou nie soveel
van Engelse nie. Dis nie net my ras wat
die swartes so sleg behandel het nie. Joune
ook. Onthou vir Cecil Rhodes.

Tant Hessie van die Derde Republiek
Re: Language of the Oppressor... [boodskap #89719 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89669] Thu, 29 January 2004 17:32 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
bouer  is tans af-lyn  bouer
Boodskappe: 4791
Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Andrew Taylor" wrote

> Right, no more Engels.

Goed. As jy in Afrikaans skryf, sal jy
geantwoord word. Ek weet jy kan
Afrikaans skryf, al is dit somtyds
bietjie primitief. Oefen jou Afrikaans.
As jy hulp wil hê, kan ons dit gee.
Moet net nie probeer om jou
Engelse opinies oor stukke in
Engels geskryf op hierdie nuusgroep
kwyt te raak nie.

Tant Hessie van Kanata
Re: Language of the Oppressor... [boodskap #89726 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89714] Fri, 30 January 2004 06:03 Na vorige boodskap
Werner  is tans af-lyn  Werner
Boodskappe: 37
Geregistreer: November 2003
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Genade maar jy is totaal mal en deur mekaar.

Die swartes sou nou nog die son en die maan aanbid het as dit nie vir die
witmens was nie.

Die swartes HAAT die witmense met 'n passie, dit is net die wêreld se
persepsie dat 'n swarte mos NOOIT 'n rassis kan wees nie wat verhoed dat die
mense ag slaan daarop.

Hulle is mal oor Engels. Hulle dring aan om Engels te praat al weet hulle
nie wat die verskil is tussen "is" en "are" nie.

Miskien moet jy ou Waco Jackson se dokter nader Gloudina, miskien ken hy ook
die reverse proses om jou in 'n swart vrou in te laat verander. wrote in message
news:ea8Sb.3806$ com...

> Omdat die leiers soos Mandela en Tutu
> verligte ( enlightened) mense was. Omdat
> die swart mense dieper Christene is en
> unbuntu hulle tradisionele instelling in die
> lewe is. Omdat swart mense nie vir die
> Afrikaners haat nie. Hulle hou nie soveel
> van Engelse nie. Dis nie net my ras wat
> die swartes so sleg behandel het nie. Joune
> ook. Onthou vir Cecil Rhodes.
> Tant Hessie van die Derde Republiek
Vorige onderwerp: Ongeluk in Kaapstad
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