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Re: Lemoen Stuff [boodskap #89004] Fri, 09 January 2004 13:07 na volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Seunie, as jy Afrikaans kan lees, kan jy dit skryf ook.
Nou, miskien weet jy nie, of het nog nie sover probeer dink nie, maar die
rede hoekom almal nie boer nie, is omdat net 'n sekere tipe mens ordentlik
kan boer en suksesvol kan produseer. - maak nie saak of hy/sy pienk, pers of
blou is nie.
Hoe dink jy kom die kos op jou tafel?
Van land wat aan mense behoort wat op die stoep sit en na die sand sit en
Maak oop jou oë en probeer dink.

Ons leef nie meer in die jare toet nie.
Jy is duidelik nog een van die massa wat toelaat dat sy denke oorheers word
deur politieke gemors.

Laat weet ons asseblief waarvan jy leef.


Remailer@See.Comment.Header> skryf in boodskap news:P9TJ0VAE37995.5778472222@anonymous.poster...
> The act of repossessing land is not about productivity or
> anyhting other than actually laying claim to it. Should anything
> be produced on the land subsequent to possession, is simply
> incidental. Clearly you fail to comprehend even the most
> fundamental principles of African strategies. You can trumpet
> the fact that the neighbouring boer can still be productive on a
> smaller plot of land, however this makes him a target for future
> takeovers.
> The bottom line is that whites have no place in Africa and they
> are destined to be marginalised until, like pioneering Zimbabwe,
> the White population no longer exists. If you believe anything
> short of that then you are delusional. The process is already
> under way in Namibia and SA, so you had better get used to it
> fast.
> Zinzani
> --
> Questo messaggio e' stato inoltrato automaticamente
> da un paio di anonymous remailer. Il mittente originale
> e' sconosciuto e non identificabile. Datevi pace.
Re: Lemoen Stuff [boodskap #89007 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89004] Fri, 09 January 2004 13:12 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Glucklich[2]  is tans af-lyn  Glucklich[2]
Boodskappe: 93
Geregistreer: January 2004
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Ek hoop jy's die volgende om te vrek van die honger.

Jy's alreeds "delusional"

"Zinzani Thokosa" skryf in boodskap news:P9TJ0VAE37995.5778472222@anonymous.poster...
> The act of repossessing land is not about productivity or
> anyhting other than actually laying claim to it. Should anything
> be produced on the land subsequent to possession, is simply
> incidental. Clearly you fail to comprehend even the most
> fundamental principles of African strategies. You can trumpet
> the fact that the neighbouring boer can still be productive on a
> smaller plot of land, however this makes him a target for future
> takeovers.
> The bottom line is that whites have no place in Africa and they
> are destined to be marginalised until, like pioneering Zimbabwe,
> the White population no longer exists. If you believe anything
> short of that then you are delusional. The process is already
> under way in Namibia and SA, so you had better get used to it
> fast.
> Zinzani
> --
> Questo messaggio e' stato inoltrato automaticamente
> da un paio di anonymous remailer. Il mittente originale
> e' sconosciuto e non identificabile. Datevi pace.
Re: Lemoen Stuff [boodskap #89008 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89004] Fri, 09 January 2004 13:17 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Glucklich[2]  is tans af-lyn  Glucklich[2]
Boodskappe: 93
Geregistreer: January 2004
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
En "so by the way" hoekom kom haal jy nie jou misdadige maatjies hier in die
VSA en vat die "useless" klomp terug Afrika toe waar "hulle hoort" nie.

"Zinzani Thokosa" skryf in boodskap news:P9TJ0VAE37995.5778472222@anonymous.poster...
> The act of repossessing land is not about productivity or
> anyhting other than actually laying claim to it. Should anything
> be produced on the land subsequent to possession, is simply
> incidental. Clearly you fail to comprehend even the most
> fundamental principles of African strategies. You can trumpet
> the fact that the neighbouring boer can still be productive on a
> smaller plot of land, however this makes him a target for future
> takeovers.
> The bottom line is that whites have no place in Africa and they
> are destined to be marginalised until, like pioneering Zimbabwe,
> the White population no longer exists. If you believe anything
> short of that then you are delusional. The process is already
> under way in Namibia and SA, so you had better get used to it
> fast.
> Zinzani
> --
> Questo messaggio e' stato inoltrato automaticamente
> da un paio di anonymous remailer. Il mittente originale
> e' sconosciuto e non identificabile. Datevi pace.
Re: Lemoen Stuff [boodskap #89014 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89004] Fri, 09 January 2004 14:04 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Sterrenkijker  is tans af-lyn  Sterrenkijker
Boodskappe: 654
Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
'n Vraagjie vir jou, mr Zinzani:
-as jy 'n hoender in die huis het wat goudeiers lê, gaan jy dan
daardie diertjie slag?

Groete uit Vlaandere,


On 9 Jan 2004 12:52:06 -0000, Anonymous-Remailer@See.Comment.Header
(Zinzani Thokosa) wrote:

> The act of repossessing land is not about productivity or
> anyhting other than actually laying claim to it. Should anything
> be produced on the land subsequent to possession, is simply
> incidental. Clearly you fail to comprehend even the most
> fundamental principles of African strategies. You can trumpet
> the fact that the neighbouring boer can still be productive on a
> smaller plot of land, however this makes him a target for future
> takeovers.
> The bottom line is that whites have no place in Africa and they
> are destined to be marginalised until, like pioneering Zimbabwe,
> the White population no longer exists. If you believe anything
> short of that then you are delusional. The process is already
> under way in Namibia and SA, so you had better get used to it
> fast.
> Zinzani
Re: Lemoen Stuff [boodskap #89034 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89004] Sat, 10 January 2004 06:41 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
PietR  is tans af-lyn  PietR
Boodskappe: 3341
Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Zinzani, of whatever jou naam is, jy kan Afrikaans lees so jy gaan jou
antwoord in Afrikaans kry. Dat jy nie veel van 'n logika het nie, is
duidelik want net 'n idioot sal dit wat hy probeer wen van sy teenstander
vernietig in die proses en dan sit en kraai in sy oorwinning. Jy en jou
enersdenkendes laat my dink aan 'n swerm sprinkane na die groot
reën.....trek in 'n swerm en vreet alles wat groen is voor hulle op.....tot
alles weg is en dan vrek hulle op 'n hoop! Aluta! Ons het gewen? Hoe
onnosel kan julle dan wees?
En...dink jy nou vir een oomblik die boere in Nam en SA het nie geleer
uit dit wat in Zim gebeur het nie? Glo jy rêrig mense met die dryf en
intelligensie om 'n produktiewe boerdery aan die gang te kry en te bedryf
gaan net bystaan en kyk dat julle springkane alles opvreet? Dink jy jy
gaan my grond en eiendom kom vat en daarmee net aangaan asof niks gebeur het
nie? Jy gaan een moerse verassing kry, want die boorgate gaan nie meer een
werk nie, so waar gaan jy water kry? Die diere, wat nog lewe, gaan jy dalk
met siektes soos bek-en-klou en andere onder lede kry. Alles gaan
vernietig wees en julle gaan met die grond sit en ons? Die geld veilig
êrens in die buiteland en die geleende bankskuld lekker by julle eie
landbank. Jinne, maar julle is slim!

"Zinzani Thokosa" skryf in boodskap news:P9TJ0VAE37995.5778472222@anonymous.poster...
> The act of repossessing land is not about productivity or
> anyhting other than actually laying claim to it. Should anything
> be produced on the land subsequent to possession, is simply
> incidental. Clearly you fail to comprehend even the most
> fundamental principles of African strategies. You can trumpet
> the fact that the neighbouring boer can still be productive on a
> smaller plot of land, however this makes him a target for future
> takeovers.
> The bottom line is that whites have no place in Africa and they
> are destined to be marginalised until, like pioneering Zimbabwe,
> the White population no longer exists. If you believe anything
> short of that then you are delusional. The process is already
> under way in Namibia and SA, so you had better get used to it
> fast.
> Zinzani
> --
> Questo messaggio e' stato inoltrato automaticamente
> da un paio di anonymous remailer. Il mittente originale
> e' sconosciuto e non identificabile. Datevi pace.
Re: Lemoen Stuff [boodskap #89038 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #89004] Sat, 10 January 2004 06:57 Na vorige boodskap
KnopKop  is tans af-lyn  KnopKop
Boodskappe: 13
Geregistreer: January 2004
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Ou maat, jy beter begin leer om klippe en kluite te eet, want dis al wat jy
eindelik op die plase gaan oorhê.

"Zinzani Thokosa" skryf in boodskap news:P9TJ0VAE37995.5778472222@anonymous.poster...
> The act of repossessing land is not about productivity or
> anyhting other than actually laying claim to it. Should anything
> be produced on the land subsequent to possession, is simply
> incidental. Clearly you fail to comprehend even the most
> fundamental principles of African strategies. You can trumpet
> the fact that the neighbouring boer can still be productive on a
> smaller plot of land, however this makes him a target for future
> takeovers.
> The bottom line is that whites have no place in Africa and they
> are destined to be marginalised until, like pioneering Zimbabwe,
> the White population no longer exists. If you believe anything
> short of that then you are delusional. The process is already
> under way in Namibia and SA, so you had better get used to it
> fast.
> Zinzani
> --
> Questo messaggio e' stato inoltrato automaticamente
> da un paio di anonymous remailer. Il mittente originale
> e' sconosciuto e non identificabile. Datevi pace.
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