Re: Terror on the veld [boodskap #87960] |
Sat, 06 December 2003 03:51 |
Boodskappe: 4791 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Frikkie Potgieter wrote
> Heart of Darkness has claim to be the most famous novel of the 20th
> century. Conrad, whose writing is often boring, often obscure, but
> often filled with passages of breathtaking beauty and surprise, is
> the most piercing of novelists. Nothing more acute than Heart of
> Darkness has ever been written about colonialism. To my mind, it has
> this central thought: if you look too deeply into the dark heart of
> an alien, you will find yourself looking into your own dark heart and
> discovering all sorts of nasty things there.
Frikkie my dier, weet jy altyd wat jy pos
wanneer jy dit pos? Lees weer bostaande,
veral die laaste sin, en dink, Frikkie, dink.
Ek lag my toe ook nog 'n papie vir die
skrywer van die stuk, oor sy naiewe "Conrad..
whose writing is often boring..."
Tant Hessie van Scheidingstraat.