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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Baxter Response
Re: Baxter Response [boodskap #82142] Wed, 13 August 2003 12:33 na volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Sover ek weet was die gebruik van 'n lewendige dier belet tydens hulle
speelvak in The Barbican - maar hier is daarr glo aangedring op die rituele
slagting op die verhoog omdat dit "'n tradisionele ritueel is wat deur die
sangoma uitgevoer "moet" word om verdere sukses te verseker".
Sover dit my aangaan was dit suiwer 'n pulisiteitsfoefie wat wreed
teruggeskop het.


"" skryf in boodskap news:3f3a2352$0$
> Baxter Response
> The Baxter Theatre Centre regrets any discomfort caused by the killing of a
> chicken during a live performance of Brett Bailey's iMumbo Jumbo on Saturday
> 9 August 2003. Baxter Director, Mannie Manim said: "This did not happen at
> any other performance of the play at the Baxter and I was not informed by
> the lessee, Brett Bailey, that the ritual sacrifice was going to take place
> at the final performance. We are taking steps to ensure that a unilateral
> action of this nature is not repeated in the future."
> Issued by the Baxter Theatre Marketing Department on behalf of the Baxter
> Theatre Centre. Phone 021 680 3971
Re: Baxter Response [boodskap #82148 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #82142] Wed, 13 August 2003 13:55 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Wel, as hulle dit maar gedoen het - dan sou 'n klomp mense nie hoef uit te
geloop het nie.

"Peter H.M. Brooks" skryf in boodskap news:bhde2r$h4i$
> "" wrote in message
> news:3f3a2352$0$
>> Baxter Response
>> The Baxter Theatre Centre regrets any discomfort caused by the killing
> a
>> chicken during a live performance of Brett Bailey's iMumbo Jumbo on
> Saturday
>> 9 August 2003. Baxter Director, Mannie Manim said: "This did not happen at
>> any other performance of the play at the Baxter and I was not informed by
>> the lessee, Brett Bailey, that the ritual sacrifice was going to take
> place
>> at the final performance. We are taking steps to ensure that a unilateral
>> action of this nature is not repeated in the future."
>> Issued by the Baxter Theatre Marketing Department on behalf of the Baxter
>> Theatre Centre. Phone 021 680 3971
> Oh, dear! I wish I had been that - that would have made even a boring play
> rather more interesting.
> What a pity it has to be all made conformist and dull again.
> It would be nice if any theatre company with a similar scheme makes a
> mention of it on za.local.cape-town so that we can go and watch.
> --
> The happiest people on earth are those few fortunates who seem to be in a
> state of mild, stable hypomania. - David Horrobin 'The Madness of Adam and
> Eve' (How schizophrenia shaped humanity)
Re: Baxter Response [boodskap #82258 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #82142] Fri, 15 August 2003 10:23 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
So waar het hulle die hoender in London geslag, of was hulle nie dankbaar
vir die opvoering daar nie?


"" skryf in boodskap news:3f3cae06$0$
> media statement
> issued by "third world bunfight". Thursday 13 August.
> For immediate release
> iMUMBO JUMBO the days of miracle and wonder.
> With reference to media interest and complaints from the public stemming
> from the closing performance, Saturday 9 August, of iMUMBO JUMBO at the
> Baxter Theatre.
> iMUMBO JUMBO is an independently commissioned theatre production. "third
> world bunfight" states unequivocally that the Baxter Theatre management
> were neither informed nor had any prior knowledge of the ritualistic killing
> of a chicken in the final performance of iMUMBO JUMBO.
> "third world bunfight"(TWB) regrets any offence caused or emotional distress
> inflicted by this ritual.
> Brett Bailey's work has always explored the interaction between the two
> realms of theatre and ritual. The conducting of a real ceremony by real
> Sangomas in iMUMBO JUMBO is an integral component of the play and the
> culture portrayed. The particular act referred to, was intended to
> authenticate cultural as well as theatrical specificity and, on the last
> night, to also give thanks for our successful run.
> Barbara Mathers
> third world bunfight theatre company
> mobile: + 27 (0) 82 372 9869
Re: Baxter Response [boodskap #82259 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #82142] Fri, 15 August 2003 10:36 Na vorige boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Ek dink die heer Bailey bekpeddil te veel, net omdat agtergekom is dat hy
nie sy verantwoordelikheid as bestuurder nagekom het tov die gehoor nie.
As hy dan nou wel gedink het dat dit 'n wonderlike kulturele
opvoediingsgeleentheid vir ons sou wees, hoekom is dit nie wyd en syd
geadverteer om vol sale te trek nie?
Hy kry tot sy boetie/naamgenoot om in Cape Times se briewekolom vir ons te
vertel wat ons moet van hou en wat nie.

Ek dink hy sou veel beter gedoen het om net om verskoning te vra dat hy nie
die publiek gewaarsku het voor die tyd nie.
Ek wonder ook of die voorste rye wie se klere met die bloed bespat kon
gewees het, se klere op die Baxter se onkoste skoongemaak gaan word.


"" skryf in boodskap news:3f3cad83$0$
> iMUMBO JUMBO writer and director Brett Bailey:
> 'In my book, THE PLAYS OF MIRACLE AND WONDER, I make a call for a sacred
> theatre: "Let the theatre be rich and thriving and humming like a Hindu
> temple, with flowers and cows and children running and bells clanging and
> incense smoking and devotees dancing and offering libations."
> Tens of thousands of chickens are slaughtered every day in this country for
> no better reason than to satisfy our physical appetites. The chickens sold
> from cages on the roadsides of many townships are kept under appalling
> conditions with very little hue and cry from animal rights activists.
> My Theatre Company 'third world bunfight' has conducted ceremonies in the
> past with sacrificial offerings in appropriate circumstances. A week before
> iMUMBO JUMBO opened in Grahamstown, the four sangomas in the show conducted
> an opening ceremony to bless the cast and the work.
> I do not feel that a theatre, anymore than a suburban garden, is the wrong
> place to do this - provided the intention is correct. The difficulty with a
> theatre is that boundaries can blur: something which is intended as a
> cultural sacrificial offering may easily be seen - because of the nature of
> drama - as merely a stunt: the stage implies a certain way of regarding what
> is presented upon it. This is the biggest problem I have with presenting the
> ritualistic work of my company in a conventional theatre: what is real runs
> the risk of being reduced to spectacle.
> In the 1997 versions of iMUMBO JUMBO we faked the sacrifice of the chickens.
> I did not want this faking in the latest version; I wanted the ceremony to
> be culturally accurate. Our resident hen, Veronica, was brought on stage
> every night, blessed by the sangomas who performed the ceremony, and then
> returned to her crate. Yet where all other ceremonial details were strictly
> adhered to, this felt phoney. The sacrifice of the hen on Saturday night was
> intended not as a publicity stunt (which would have been a poor marketing
> tactic coming on the final night of our run); it had to be done: the last
> performance had to be real. So if I am sorry that the event offended some
> people, I do not regret that it was performed.
> As an artist I take on the role of pushing boundaries: the boundaries of
> society and of my self. To open up issues and to investigate them. To
> promote debate. The theatre, like an art gallery, is a safe place in which
> to do this. In an over-sanitized world it is one of the few places left to
> us where such testing should be encouraged. One cannot know the outcome of
> such work - either within one's own heart or in the psyche of society -
> until it has been done.
> The issues here are more multi-layered and complex than the sensationalists
> would have us believe.'
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