Pamfletjie - Letsema [boodskap #80239] |
Mon, 07 July 2003 16:44 |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
In 'n pamflet wat ek vandag by die poskantoor gekry het, met die opskrif Die
Gety Het Gedraai - word ons in die tweede parragraaf meegedeel:
Gemeenskappe regoor die land het in die afgelope jaar ( dis nou 2002, want
die pamflet gaan eintlik oor hoe dit met ons gaan in 2003 - A) die oproep om
deel te neem aan die Letsema-veldtog vir vrywilligers gehoorsaam deur
onselfsugtig hulle dienste aan te bied om ander se lewens te verbeter.
Die enigste berigte wat ek in die koerante gesien het ( in 2002) oor
vrywilligers, was by padblokkades, en o natuurlik hierdie jaar se
vrywilligers by die Krieketwêreldbeker, wat nie eintlik tel nie, want hulle
het almal hoede, hemde en gratis etes gekry).
Toe gaan soek ek maar op die Internet om te sien hoeveel vrywilligers by
hoeveel verskillende projekte besig is, en waar mens kan uitvind watter
projek is naby en waar kan mens iemand kontak om aan te meld om te help vir
volk en vaderland.
Sweet Blou Ol gaan in 2003 met die projek aan.
Om die waarheid te sê die nuutste inligting op die Internet wat ek kon kry
is die stuk wat ek hieronder met groot moeite vasgeplak het:
So as iemand meer op hoogte van hierdie belangrike projek is ( dit moet hel
belangrik wees as dit die tweede parragraaf behels van 'n inligtingstuk wat
12 panele lank is) as wat die Internet mee kan help, laat weet asb.
10 May 2002
Letsema Programme leads Social Housing Development in Mpumulanga
The Social Housing Foundation today participated in the physical
construction of the Greater Middelburg Housing Association's pilot project
"Hope City" as part of the "Letsema campaign" announced by the President in
his state of the nation address earlier this year, and the National
Department of Housing's Habitat month.
Hope City is the first social housing project that is being developed in the
Mpumalanga province. It offers residents within the subsidized housing
market the opportunity to access high quality affordable rental
accommodation utilizing the institutional subsidy programme.
The Social Housing Foundation has been working in partnership with the
Mpumalanga province, the Greater Middelburg Housing Association and other
stakeholders over the last year to get this social housing project of 500
units off the ground. The construction of the project is reaching finality
and prospective residents are lining up to take advantage of the
The Social Housing Foundation was established in 1997 by the National
Department of Housing to provide capacity building and technical support to
institutions such as the Greater Middelburg Housing Association.
The Social Housing Foundation has actively been establishing and developing
social housing institutions throughout South Africa, but the "Hope City"
project being developed by the Greater Middelburg Housing Association is the
first in Mpumalanga. Over the next five years, the institution will be
working towards developing and managing up to 2000 housing units for rental
in the Middelburg area.
Three further social housing institutions are currently being developed in
the province, one of which forms part of the pilot housing projects for the
Presidential Lead Job Summit programme.
On this occasion, and in the spirit of "letsema", the management staff from
the organisation decided to make a visible contribution through involving
themselves in the physical construction on the project. Staff members were
taught basic construction skills by the contractor on site. In turn, the
workers were informed about the opportunities that social housing presents.
The Social Housing Foundation does not work in isolation, but rather in
partnership with government at all levels, NGOs, educational institutions
and other key role players and international partners such as the European
Union to achieve it's mandate.
The organisation has been assisting to build the knowledge and skills base
around social housing among built environment practitioners and
professionals operating in the sector, in order for them to address the
various challenges posed within the sector.
"Letsema" implies a spirit of co-operation and working together. The Social
Housing Foundation slogan states that in building social housing, one is
always co-operating and working together to build communities.