Wapens van massa-vernietiging [boodskap #75946] |
Sun, 13 April 2003 13:14 |
Boodskappe: 234 Geregistreer: September 2002
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Uit die Financial Times rakende die soektog na Saddam se wapens van
WAR IN IRAQ: US engineers draw another blank over suspected weapons
By Mark Huband, Security Correspondent, in London
Financial Times; Apr 12, 2003
American forces seeking evidence that Iraq was concealing a weapons of
mass destruction programme yesterday acknowledged for the fourth time
in a week that a suspect site had failed to provide proof of secret
weapons production.
Since the outbreak of war, US and UK forces have occupied territory in
which up to 30 of a total 40 alleged nuclear, chemical or biological
weapons sites identified in UK and US intelligence reports are
US Marine engineers visiting the Tuwaitha nuclear research centre
south of Baghdad on Thursday said they had found "many, many" drums
that they said contained low-grade uranium.
What the Marines appeared not to know was that the site was visited by
inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 12 times
between November and March. Iraq was permitted to retain uranium at
the site under UN resolutions.
On entering the site, the troops were said yesterday by the IAEA to
have broken door and container seals that were intended to prevent the
nuclear material being smuggled out.
The revision of statements suggesting that new evidence had been found
- which would have bolstered the case for war - follows similar
reversals in the past few days.
A white powder found at a site near Najaf and first thought to be
chemical agent was later deemed to have been explosives, while 14
barrels of liquid initially said to be sarin and tabun nerve agents
found at Hindiyah are now thought to be pesticide. A further claim
that a cache of rockets mounted on a multiple launcher has yet to be
verified as being armed with chemical warheads.
Admiral Sir Alan West, head of the UK Royal Navy and a former chief of
UK defence intelligence, said yesterday he was "absolutely convinced"
that Iraq had WMD though in less abundance than widely suggested.
"There are some people who have talked in terms of thousands of tonnes
of chemicals and hundreds and hundreds of missiles of extended range
and I would say that is way beyond the top end," he said.
Ari Fleischer, White House spokesman, said this week: "We have high
confidence that they have weapons of mass destruction - that is what
this war was about and is about - and we have high confidence [they]
will be found."
However, the collapse of Saddam Hussein's regime without its firing a
single one of the WMD it allegedly possessed has raised the question
of why it would have had them if it was not prepared to use them.
Equally mystifying has been the process of amassing evidence to
justify the war. This has been marked by the exposure of glaring
factual errors in intelligence reports and evidence of government
pressure being exerted on intelligence services to find suitable
Evidence presented by Tony Blair, prime minister, detailed alleged
Iraqi efforts to buy uranium from Niger.
Mohamed ElBaradei, IAEA director-general, told the UN Security Council
on March 7 that the documents sub-stantiating the claim were fake and
that "these specific allegations are un-founded".
Evidence presented by US officials that suggested Iraq had sought to
buy aluminium tubes for use in centrifuges for the uranium enrichment
process, has also been dismissed.
A weapons expert said: "All the evidence points to their being used
for rockets not centrifuges."
Kofi Annan, UN secretary-general, said this week that UN weapons
inspectors should return to Iraq quickly.
The US is assembling a team of its own inspectors, though weapons
experts doubt that their finds will be regarded with the credibility
of any made by a UN team.
Re: Wapens van massa-vernietiging [boodskap #75986 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #75984] |
Sun, 13 April 2003 19:36 |
Daun Johnson
Boodskappe: 1155 Geregistreer: January 2009
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
On Sun, 13 Apr 2003 21:17:34 +0200, "Elaine" wrote:
> Ja, ek het weer gehoor die wapens waarna almal gesoek het is gekry - in
> Noord Korea. Glo 'n skrikwekkende wapen. Ek sal 'n web site gaan soek
> daarvoor.
> Groete
> Elaine
Daar's ook wapens van massa-vernietiging in Ottawa, Elaine.
En dit is al heel effektief gebruik.
EK het 'n goeie plan... [boodskap #76225 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #75946] |
Wed, 16 April 2003 22:19 |
Boodskappe: 136 Geregistreer: April 2002
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Ferdi Greyling" skryf in boodskap news:3ea16216.18359199@news.saix.co.za...
> Uit die Financial Times rakende die soektog na Saddam se wapens van
> massa-vernietiging.
Ek lees gister in Sky News dat die Geallieerde soldate meer as 3,000
moontlike plekke ondersoek in hul soektog na die Irakiese WVMV. Dit tref my
toe dat daar 'n beter manier moet wees om hierdie goeters te vind.
Toe onthou ek mos daai Powerpoint aanbieding wat gen Powell aan die
Veiligheidsraad gemaak het voor die oorlog. En as ek mooi kan onthou, het hy
presies geweet waar hierdie wapens was. Hy het selfs lugfotos gehad met
sulke mooi byskrifte wat presies aan ons uitgele het hoe die Irakese besig
was om ons te bevark.
So die seesoldate moet vir hom gaan vra waar die goeters versteek is. Hy sal
weet... en dalk sal hy vir hulle die fotos stuur.
Re: EK het 'n goeie plan... [boodskap #76227 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #76225] |
Thu, 17 April 2003 02:02 |
Oorspronklik gepos deur: @rogers.com
Q wrote:
> Ek lees gister in Sky News dat die Geallieerde soldate meer as 3,000
> moontlike plekke ondersoek in hul soektog na die Irakiese WVMV.
Ek wonder of die enigste wapens wat massief
vernietiging in Irak veroorsaak nie die
Amerikaanse bomwerpers is nie. Ek merk op
dat CNN taamlik indringende rapportering
doen oor die feit dat daar nog niks gevind
is nie. Ek verbaas my dat hulle dit so
openlik doen.
Re: EK het 'n goeie plan... [boodskap #76237 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #76227] |
Thu, 17 April 2003 08:45 |
Boodskappe: 2948 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Massief vernietig? Dis 'n eerste vir my :-)) Oulik vertaal.
> Ek wonder of die enigste wapens wat massief
> vernietiging in Irak veroorsaak nie die
> Amerikaanse bomwerpers is nie.
> Gloudina