Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Wat dink julle van
Wat dink julle van [boodskap #73060] |
Mon, 03 February 2003 13:42 |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Onse Prez se opdrag dat ons op 15 Februarie moet opmars na die VSA
konsullaat om ons misnoeë met hulle oorlogspraatjies te betuig?
Ek hoop nie daar is daardie dag 'n Krieketwedstryd op Nuweland aan die gang
nie - ek sien al hoe die polisie almal daar opruim en dwing om saam te
Gelukkig is daar nie 'n VSA krieketspan wat deelneem nie;))
Wouter, kan jy asseblief vir ons die berig plaas vir die wat nog van geen
sout of water weet nie?
Re: Wat dink julle van [boodskap #73061 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #73060] |
Mon, 03 February 2003 13:54 |
Boodskappe: 2211 Geregistreer: February 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Ek weerhou my daarvan om die woord "tipies" te gebruik.
Hy sal baie beter doen indien hy hom beperk tot daardie dinge wat binne sy
beheer lê:
VIGS - die hoogste i in die wêreld in Suid-Afrika.
'n Rassistiese despoot in Zimbabwe.
Mbeki en Mandela is so vermetel - dink hulle die wêreld is blind vir wat in
hulle eie omgewing aangaan?
"Annette" skryf in boodskap news:b1lrvm$141mqq$
> Onse Prez se opdrag dat ons op 15 Februarie moet opmars na die VSA
> konsullaat om ons misnoeë met hulle oorlogspraatjies te betuig?
> Ek hoop nie daar is daardie dag 'n Krieketwedstryd op Nuweland aan die gang
> nie - ek sien al hoe die polisie almal daar opruim en dwing om saam te
> loop:))
> Gelukkig is daar nie 'n VSA krieketspan wat deelneem nie;))
> Wouter, kan jy asseblief vir ons die berig plaas vir die wat nog van geen
> sout of water weet nie?
> Annette
Re: Wat dink julle van [boodskap #73069 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #73061] |
Mon, 03 February 2003 15:07 |
Boodskappe: 96 Geregistreer: January 2003
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
Die snaakste is die perre dink Tony of George gaan na raad luister.
"Jonas" skryf in boodskap news:b1lsbm$8to$
> Ek weerhou my daarvan om die woord "tipies" te gebruik.
> Hy sal baie beter doen indien hy hom beperk tot daardie dinge wat binne sy
> beheer lê:
> VIGS - die hoogste i in die wêreld in Suid-Afrika.
> 'n Rassistiese despoot in Zimbabwe.
> Mbeki en Mandela is so vermetel - dink hulle die wêreld is blind vir wat in
> hulle eie omgewing aangaan?
> "Annette" wrote in message
> news:b1lrvm$141mqq$
>> Onse Prez se opdrag dat ons op 15 Februarie moet opmars na die VSA
>> konsullaat om ons misnoeë met hulle oorlogspraatjies te betuig?
>> Ek hoop nie daar is daardie dag 'n Krieketwedstryd op Nuweland aan die
> gang
>> nie - ek sien al hoe die polisie almal daar opruim en dwing om saam te
>> loop:))
>> Gelukkig is daar nie 'n VSA krieketspan wat deelneem nie;))
>> Wouter, kan jy asseblief vir ons die berig plaas vir die wat nog van geen
>> sout of water weet nie?
>> Annette
Re: Wat dink julle van [boodskap #73080 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #73060] |
Mon, 03 February 2003 18:42 |
Boodskappe: 306 Geregistreer: November 2002
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Onse Prez se opdrag dat ons op 15 Februarie moet opmars...
Wouter, kan jy asseblief vir ons die berig plaas vir die wat nog
van geen sout of water weet nie?
Ek het nie die oorspronklike berig nie, maar hier is die persverklaring
wat die DA vandag daaroor gemaak het. Ek stem al die pad daarmee
saam, ten spyte daarvan dat dit waarskynlik eensydig geskryf is:
Release: Immediate 3rd February 2003
President Mbeki's call for South Africans to march on the United States
Consulate on February 15 in Cape Town - backed up by an invitation
to the DA to join this demonstration - is a shocking example of radical
ideology trumping national interest.
It is unheard of for the leader of a democracy to call on the citizens of
his country to march on a foreign consulate-one that, moreover, represents
another democracy. Such government-sponsored marches are routine in
repressive countries where the people have no freedom of speech-North
Korea, China, Iraq, et cetera. But in democracies, civil society groups,
not governments, lead demonstrations-and foreign embassies are protected.
The ANC hopes that its government-led demonstration at the U.S.
Consulate will send the signal that South Africans want peace. But the
real signal that it will send is that Americans are not welcome here, that
they are not safe here, and that their diplomatic representatives are
legitimate targets of government incitement.
Whatever feelings President George W. Bush might arouse, he is the
leader of one of the world's great democracies. Far in contrast stand
the monstrous tyrannies of Saddam Hussein and Robert Mugabe,
around whom we close ranks.
Strangely, these and other protests come just as the United States
announced $15 billion in funding to fight AIDS-with President Bush
making special mention of South Africa in his annual address to the
U.S. Congress. They come just weeks after American officials began
discussions on creating a free trade agreement with South Africa and
other developing African nations. They come as the United States
considers extending the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act, which
has created close to 40,000 jobs in South Africa to date.
Our attitude will be noted, and not just by the United States. Holding a
demonstration against a foreign consulate in the midst of the ICC Cricket
World Cup will send the message to all foreign governments that their
diplomats are not safe if the South African government disagrees with their
policies. It will send the signal that our government places its own narrow
ideological obsessions above the national interest and above international
diplomatic conventions. It is, in short, a slap to the international
community, and will frustrate our attempts to attract foreign investors.
Is the government trying to distract attention from its failure to deal
with Zimbabwe? Is it trying to satisfy the whims of its donors from the
Middle East? Is it trying to distract from the mass march of HIV/AIDS
activists scheduled for the opening of Parliament the day before?
Above all, has it given any thought as to how this demonstration
will affect relations with the United States and the rest of the world?
We urge President Mbeki to rethink and reconsider.
Re: Wat dink julle van [boodskap #73112 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #73080] |
Tue, 04 February 2003 19:37 |
Boodskappe: 76 Geregistreer: August 2001
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
Ja boet wat kan mens sê daar is geen pille vir domheid nie, hoeveel ander
amerikaanse & britse maatskappye belê nie in SA nie. Ek kan nie dink dat die
marmite monsters nog nie die big picture kry nie nie. Hulle moet besluit wil
hulle geld in hulle land in kry deur stil te bly en net te se "No comment "
as mense hulle vra, of wil hulle gaat staan en poep teen donner weer.
Anyways ek sal nogal like om te weet wat die Amerikaanse ambassadeur hier in
Suid-Afrika dink van so iets, kyk of julle nie die ambassade se e-pos
address vir my kan kry nie.
Spook ( terug na 'n jaar van afwesigheid)
"Wouter Plaasvark" skryf in boodskap
> Annette
> Onse Prez se opdrag dat ons op 15 Februarie moet opmars...
> Wouter, kan jy asseblief vir ons die berig plaas vir die wat nog
> van geen sout of water weet nie?
> Wouter
> Ek het nie die oorspronklike berig nie, maar hier is die persverklaring
> wat die DA vandag daaroor gemaak het. Ek stem al die pad daarmee
> saam, ten spyte daarvan dat dit waarskynlik eensydig geskryf is:
> Release: Immediate 3rd February 2003
> President Mbeki's call for South Africans to march on the United States
> Consulate on February 15 in Cape Town - backed up by an invitation
> to the DA to join this demonstration - is a shocking example of radical
> ideology trumping national interest.
> It is unheard of for the leader of a democracy to call on the citizens of
> his country to march on a foreign consulate-one that, moreover, represents
> another democracy. Such government-sponsored marches are routine in
> repressive countries where the people have no freedom of speech-North
> Korea, China, Iraq, et cetera. But in democracies, civil society groups,
> not governments, lead demonstrations-and foreign embassies are protected.
> The ANC hopes that its government-led demonstration at the U.S.
> Consulate will send the signal that South Africans want peace. But the
> real signal that it will send is that Americans are not welcome here, that
> they are not safe here, and that their diplomatic representatives are
> legitimate targets of government incitement.
> Whatever feelings President George W. Bush might arouse, he is the
> leader of one of the world's great democracies. Far in contrast stand
> the monstrous tyrannies of Saddam Hussein and Robert Mugabe,
> around whom we close ranks.
> Strangely, these and other protests come just as the United States
> announced $15 billion in funding to fight AIDS-with President Bush
> making special mention of South Africa in his annual address to the
> U.S. Congress. They come just weeks after American officials began
> discussions on creating a free trade agreement with South Africa and
> other developing African nations. They come as the United States
> considers extending the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act, which
> has created close to 40,000 jobs in South Africa to date.
> Our attitude will be noted, and not just by the United States. Holding a
> demonstration against a foreign consulate in the midst of the ICC Cricket
> World Cup will send the message to all foreign governments that their
> diplomats are not safe if the South African government disagrees with their
> policies. It will send the signal that our government places its own narrow
> ideological obsessions above the national interest and above international
> diplomatic conventions. It is, in short, a slap to the international
> community, and will frustrate our attempts to attract foreign investors.
> Is the government trying to distract attention from its failure to deal
> with Zimbabwe? Is it trying to satisfy the whims of its donors from the
> Middle East? Is it trying to distract from the mass march of HIV/AIDS
> activists scheduled for the opening of Parliament the day before?
> Above all, has it given any thought as to how this demonstration
> will affect relations with the United States and the rest of the world?
> We urge President Mbeki to rethink and reconsider.
Re: Wat dink julle van [boodskap #73131 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #73112] |
Wed, 05 February 2003 10:38 |
Boodskappe: 240 Geregistreer: February 2002
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Beteken dit nou dat die SA bevolking Bush steun?
Ons sal dus soos 'n hoer ons bekke hou, solank die geld inkom?
Toe Mbeki niks sê oor die plaasbesettings in Zimbabwe nie, het ons
almal hom gekritiseer. Nou dat hy wel iets sê teen Amerika, rek ons
weer ons bekke.
Mbeki kan dus niks goed doen nie.
Dis in ieder geval duidelik dat Mbeki sy aksies op velkleur skoei...
> Ja boet wat kan mens sê daar is geen pille vir domheid nie, hoeveel ander
> amerikaanse & britse maatskappye belê nie in SA nie. Ek kan nie dink dat die
> marmite monsters nog nie die big picture kry nie nie. Hulle moet besluit wil
> hulle geld in hulle land in kry deur stil te bly en net te se "No comment "
> as mense hulle vra, of wil hulle gaat staan en poep teen donner weer.
> Anyways ek sal nogal like om te weet wat die Amerikaanse ambassadeur hier in
> Suid-Afrika dink van so iets, kyk of julle nie die ambassade se e-pos
> address vir my kan kry nie.
> Groetnis
> Spook ( terug na 'n jaar van afwesigheid)
> "Wouter Plaasvark" wrote in message
>> Annette
>> Onse Prez se opdrag dat ons op 15 Februarie moet opmars...
>> Wouter, kan jy asseblief vir ons die berig plaas vir die wat nog
>> van geen sout of water weet nie?
>> Wouter
>> Ek het nie die oorspronklike berig nie, maar hier is die persverklaring
>> wat die DA vandag daaroor gemaak het. Ek stem al die pad daarmee
>> saam, ten spyte daarvan dat dit waarskynlik eensydig geskryf is:
>> Release: Immediate 3rd February 2003
>> President Mbeki's call for South Africans to march on the United States
>> Consulate on February 15 in Cape Town - backed up by an invitation
>> to the DA to join this demonstration - is a shocking example of radical
>> ideology trumping national interest.
>> It is unheard of for the leader of a democracy to call on the citizens of
>> his country to march on a foreign consulate-one that, moreover, represents
>> another democracy. Such government-sponsored marches are routine in
>> repressive countries where the people have no freedom of speech-North
>> Korea, China, Iraq, et cetera. But in democracies, civil society groups,
>> not governments, lead demonstrations-and foreign embassies are protected.
>> The ANC hopes that its government-led demonstration at the U.S.
>> Consulate will send the signal that South Africans want peace. But the
>> real signal that it will send is that Americans are not welcome here, that
>> they are not safe here, and that their diplomatic representatives are
>> legitimate targets of government incitement.
>> Whatever feelings President George W. Bush might arouse, he is the
>> leader of one of the world's great democracies. Far in contrast stand
>> the monstrous tyrannies of Saddam Hussein and Robert Mugabe,
>> around whom we close ranks.
>> Strangely, these and other protests come just as the United States
>> announced $15 billion in funding to fight AIDS-with President Bush
>> making special mention of South Africa in his annual address to the
>> U.S. Congress. They come just weeks after American officials began
>> discussions on creating a free trade agreement with South Africa and
>> other developing African nations. They come as the United States
>> considers extending the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act, which
>> has created close to 40,000 jobs in South Africa to date.
>> Our attitude will be noted, and not just by the United States. Holding a
>> demonstration against a foreign consulate in the midst of the ICC Cricket
>> World Cup will send the message to all foreign governments that their
>> diplomats are not safe if the South African government disagrees with
> their
>> policies. It will send the signal that our government places its own
> narrow
>> ideological obsessions above the national interest and above international
>> diplomatic conventions. It is, in short, a slap to the international
>> community, and will frustrate our attempts to attract foreign investors.
>> Is the government trying to distract attention from its failure to deal
>> with Zimbabwe? Is it trying to satisfy the whims of its donors from the
>> Middle East? Is it trying to distract from the mass march of HIV/AIDS
>> activists scheduled for the opening of Parliament the day before?
>> Above all, has it given any thought as to how this demonstration
>> will affect relations with the United States and the rest of the world?
>> We urge President Mbeki to rethink and reconsider.
Re: Wat dink julle van [boodskap #73134 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #73061] |
Wed, 05 February 2003 11:59 |
Boodskappe: 865 Geregistreer: April 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Jonas schreef in berichtnieuws
> Ek weerhou my daarvan om die woord "tipies" te gebruik.
> Hy sal baie beter doen indien hy hom beperk tot daardie dinge wat binne sy
> beheer lê:
> VIGS - die hoogste i in die wêreld in Suid-Afrika.
> 'n Rassistiese despoot in Zimbabwe.
> Mbeki en Mandela is so vermetel - dink hulle die wêreld is blind vir wat in
> hulle eie omgewing aangaan?
Een oorlog in Irak is funest Afrika op economisch gebied als de olieprijs
door die oorlog omhoog gaat.
Handelt Mbeki nu wel in ZA belang of niet?
grt emmy
Re: Wat dink julle van [boodskap #73144 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #73131] |
Wed, 05 February 2003 18:45 |
Boodskappe: 96 Geregistreer: January 2003
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
kak man, Mbeki is 'n rassis soos ou bob en @ Amerika moet hy maar sy dik
lippe styf teen mekaar hou. Hulle het werk om te doen en nie tyd vir 'n
gekef deur 'n poephol nie
"Max" skryf in boodskap
> Beteken dit nou dat die SA bevolking Bush steun?
> Ons sal dus soos 'n hoer ons bekke hou, solank die geld inkom?
> Toe Mbeki niks sê oor die plaasbesettings in Zimbabwe nie, het ons
> almal hom gekritiseer. Nou dat hy wel iets sê teen Amerika, rek ons
> weer ons bekke.
> Mbeki kan dus niks goed doen nie.
> Dis in ieder geval duidelik dat Mbeki sy aksies op velkleur skoei...
> Max_________________________________________
> "Spook"
>> Ja boet wat kan mens sê daar is geen pille vir domheid nie, hoeveel ander
>> amerikaanse & britse maatskappye belê nie in SA nie. Ek kan nie dink dat die
>> marmite monsters nog nie die big picture kry nie nie. Hulle moet besluit wil
>> hulle geld in hulle land in kry deur stil te bly en net te se "No comment "
>> as mense hulle vra, of wil hulle gaat staan en poep teen donner weer.
>> Anyways ek sal nogal like om te weet wat die Amerikaanse ambassadeur hier in
>> Suid-Afrika dink van so iets, kyk of julle nie die ambassade se e-pos
>> address vir my kan kry nie.
>> Groetnis
>> Spook ( terug na 'n jaar van afwesigheid)
>> "Wouter Plaasvark" wrote in message
>>> Annette
>>> Onse Prez se opdrag dat ons op 15 Februarie moet opmars...
>>> Wouter, kan jy asseblief vir ons die berig plaas vir die wat nog
>>> van geen sout of water weet nie?
>>> Wouter
>>> Ek het nie die oorspronklike berig nie, maar hier is die persverklaring
>>> wat die DA vandag daaroor gemaak het. Ek stem al die pad daarmee
>>> saam, ten spyte daarvan dat dit waarskynlik eensydig geskryf is:
>>> Release: Immediate 3rd February 2003
>>> President Mbeki's call for South Africans to march on the United States
>>> Consulate on February 15 in Cape Town - backed up by an invitation
>>> to the DA to join this demonstration - is a shocking example of radical
>>> ideology trumping national interest.
>>> It is unheard of for the leader of a democracy to call on the citizens of
>>> his country to march on a foreign consulate-one that, moreover, represents
>>> another democracy. Such government-sponsored marches are routine in
>>> repressive countries where the people have no freedom of speech-North
>>> Korea, China, Iraq, et cetera. But in democracies, civil society groups,
>>> not governments, lead demonstrations-and foreign embassies are protected.
>>> The ANC hopes that its government-led demonstration at the U.S.
>>> Consulate will send the signal that South Africans want peace. But the
>>> real signal that it will send is that Americans are not welcome here, that
>>> they are not safe here, and that their diplomatic representatives are
>>> legitimate targets of government incitement.
>>> Whatever feelings President George W. Bush might arouse, he is the
>>> leader of one of the world's great democracies. Far in contrast stand
>>> the monstrous tyrannies of Saddam Hussein and Robert Mugabe,
>>> around whom we close ranks.
>>> Strangely, these and other protests come just as the United States
>>> announced $15 billion in funding to fight AIDS-with President Bush
>>> making special mention of South Africa in his annual address to the
>>> U.S. Congress. They come just weeks after American officials began
>>> discussions on creating a free trade agreement with South Africa and
>>> other developing African nations. They come as the United States
>>> considers extending the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act, which
>>> has created close to 40,000 jobs in South Africa to date.
>>> Our attitude will be noted, and not just by the United States. Holding a
>>> demonstration against a foreign consulate in the midst of the ICC Cricket
>>> World Cup will send the message to all foreign governments that their
>>> diplomats are not safe if the South African government disagrees with
>> their
>>> policies. It will send the signal that our government places its own
>> narrow
>>> ideological obsessions above the national interest and above international
>>> diplomatic conventions. It is, in short, a slap to the international
>>> community, and will frustrate our attempts to attract foreign investors.
>>> Is the government trying to distract attention from its failure to deal
>>> with Zimbabwe? Is it trying to satisfy the whims of its donors from the
>>> Middle East? Is it trying to distract from the mass march of HIV/AIDS
>>> activists scheduled for the opening of Parliament the day before?
>>> Above all, has it given any thought as to how this demonstration
>>> will affect relations with the United States and the rest of the world?
>>> We urge President Mbeki to rethink and reconsider.
Re: Wat dink julle van [boodskap #73157 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #73144] |
Thu, 06 February 2003 09:04 |
Boodskappe: 240 Geregistreer: February 2002
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Wat is kak? Wie is "hulle"? Wie is die "poephol"?
> kak man, Mbeki is 'n rassis soos ou bob en @ Amerika moet hy maar sy dik
> lippe styf teen mekaar hou. Hulle het werk om te doen en nie tyd vir 'n
> gekef deur 'n poephol nie
> "Max" wrote in message
>> Beteken dit nou dat die SA bevolking Bush steun?
>> Ons sal dus soos 'n hoer ons bekke hou, solank die geld inkom?
>> Toe Mbeki niks sê oor die plaasbesettings in Zimbabwe nie, het ons
>> almal hom gekritiseer. Nou dat hy wel iets sê teen Amerika, rek ons
>> weer ons bekke.
>> Mbeki kan dus niks goed doen nie.
>> Dis in ieder geval duidelik dat Mbeki sy aksies op velkleur skoei...
>> Max_________________________________________
>> "Spook"
>>> Ja boet wat kan mens sê daar is geen pille vir domheid nie, hoeveel
> ander
>>> amerikaanse & britse maatskappye belê nie in SA nie. Ek kan nie dink dat
> die
>>> marmite monsters nog nie die big picture kry nie nie. Hulle moet besluit
> wil
>>> hulle geld in hulle land in kry deur stil te bly en net te se "No
> comment "
>>> as mense hulle vra, of wil hulle gaat staan en poep teen donner weer.
>>> Anyways ek sal nogal like om te weet wat die Amerikaanse ambassadeur
> hier in
>>> Suid-Afrika dink van so iets, kyk of julle nie die ambassade se e-pos
>>> address vir my kan kry nie.
>>> Groetnis
>>> Spook ( terug na 'n jaar van afwesigheid)
>>> "Wouter Plaasvark" wrote in message
>>>> Annette
>>>> Onse Prez se opdrag dat ons op 15 Februarie moet opmars...
>>>> Wouter, kan jy asseblief vir ons die berig plaas vir die wat nog
>>>> van geen sout of water weet nie?
>>>> Wouter
>>>> Ek het nie die oorspronklike berig nie, maar hier is die
> persverklaring
>>>> wat die DA vandag daaroor gemaak het. Ek stem al die pad daarmee
>>>> saam, ten spyte daarvan dat dit waarskynlik eensydig geskryf is:
>>>> Release: Immediate 3rd February 2003
>>>> President Mbeki's call for South Africans to march on the United
> States
>>>> Consulate on February 15 in Cape Town - backed up by an invitation
>>>> to the DA to join this demonstration - is a shocking example of
> radical
>>>> ideology trumping national interest.
>>>> It is unheard of for the leader of a democracy to call on the citizens
> of
>>>> his country to march on a foreign consulate-one that, moreover,
> represents
>>>> another democracy. Such government-sponsored marches are routine in
>>>> repressive countries where the people have no freedom of speech-North
>>>> Korea, China, Iraq, et cetera. But in democracies, civil society
> groups,
>>>> not governments, lead demonstrations-and foreign embassies are
> protected.
>>>> The ANC hopes that its government-led demonstration at the U.S.
>>>> Consulate will send the signal that South Africans want peace. But the
>>>> real signal that it will send is that Americans are not welcome here,
> that
>>>> they are not safe here, and that their diplomatic representatives are
>>>> legitimate targets of government incitement.
>>>> Whatever feelings President George W. Bush might arouse, he is the
>>>> leader of one of the world's great democracies. Far in contrast stand
>>>> the monstrous tyrannies of Saddam Hussein and Robert Mugabe,
>>>> around whom we close ranks.
>>>> Strangely, these and other protests come just as the United States
>>>> announced $15 billion in funding to fight AIDS-with President Bush
>>>> making special mention of South Africa in his annual address to the
>>>> U.S. Congress. They come just weeks after American officials began
>>>> discussions on creating a free trade agreement with South Africa and
>>>> other developing African nations. They come as the United States
>>>> considers extending the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act, which
>>>> has created close to 40,000 jobs in South Africa to date.
>>>> Our attitude will be noted, and not just by the United States. Holding
> a
>>>> demonstration against a foreign consulate in the midst of the ICC
> Cricket
>>>> World Cup will send the message to all foreign governments that their
>>>> diplomats are not safe if the South African government disagrees with
> their
>>>> policies. It will send the signal that our government places its own
> narrow
>>>> ideological obsessions above the national interest and above
> international
>>>> diplomatic conventions. It is, in short, a slap to the international
>>>> community, and will frustrate our attempts to attract foreign
> investors.
>>>> Is the government trying to distract attention from its failure to
> deal
>>>> with Zimbabwe? Is it trying to satisfy the whims of its donors from
> the
>>>> Middle East? Is it trying to distract from the mass march of HIV/AIDS
>>>> activists scheduled for the opening of Parliament the day before?
>>>> Above all, has it given any thought as to how this demonstration
>>>> will affect relations with the United States and the rest of the
> world?
>>>> We urge President Mbeki to rethink and reconsider.
Re: Wat dink julle van [boodskap #73176 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #73157] |
Thu, 06 February 2003 16:16 |
Boodskappe: 96 Geregistreer: January 2003
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
"Max" skryf in boodskap
> Wat is kak?
Wie is "hulle"? Amerika etc
Wie is die "poephol"? mbeki
> "Pieter"
>> kak man, Mbeki is 'n rassis soos ou bob en @ Amerika moet hy maar sy dik
>> lippe styf teen mekaar hou. Hulle het werk om te doen en nie tyd vir 'n
>> gekef deur 'n poephol nie
>> "Max" wrote in message
>>> Beteken dit nou dat die SA bevolking Bush steun?
>>> Ons sal dus soos 'n hoer ons bekke hou, solank die geld inkom?
>>> Toe Mbeki niks sê oor die plaasbesettings in Zimbabwe nie, het ons
>>> almal hom gekritiseer. Nou dat hy wel iets sê teen Amerika, rek ons
>>> weer ons bekke.
>>> Mbeki kan dus niks goed doen nie.
>>> Dis in ieder geval duidelik dat Mbeki sy aksies op velkleur skoei...
>>> Max_________________________________________
>>> "Spook"
>>>> Ja boet wat kan mens sê daar is geen pille vir domheid nie, hoeveel
>> ander
>>>> amerikaanse & britse maatskappye belê nie in SA nie. Ek kan nie dink
>> die
>>>> marmite monsters nog nie die big picture kry nie nie. Hulle moet
>> wil
>>>> hulle geld in hulle land in kry deur stil te bly en net te se "No
>> comment "
>>>> as mense hulle vra, of wil hulle gaat staan en poep teen donner weer.
>>>> Anyways ek sal nogal like om te weet wat die Amerikaanse ambassadeur
>> hier in
>>>> Suid-Afrika dink van so iets, kyk of julle nie die ambassade se e-pos
>>>> address vir my kan kry nie.
>>>> Groetnis
>>>> Spook ( terug na 'n jaar van afwesigheid)
>>>> "Wouter Plaasvark" wrote in message
>>>> > Annette
>>>> > Onse Prez se opdrag dat ons op 15 Februarie moet opmars...
>>>> > Wouter, kan jy asseblief vir ons die berig plaas vir die wat nog
>>>> > van geen sout of water weet nie?
>>>> >
>>>> > Wouter
>>>> > Ek het nie die oorspronklike berig nie, maar hier is die
>> persverklaring
>>>> > wat die DA vandag daaroor gemaak het. Ek stem al die pad daarmee
>>>> > saam, ten spyte daarvan dat dit waarskynlik eensydig geskryf is:
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Release: Immediate 3rd February 2003
>>>> >
>>>> > President Mbeki's call for South Africans to march on the United
>> States
>>>> > Consulate on February 15 in Cape Town - backed up by an invitation
>>>> > to the DA to join this demonstration - is a shocking example of
>> radical
>>>> > ideology trumping national interest.
>>>> >
>>>> > It is unheard of for the leader of a democracy to call on the
>> of
>>>> > his country to march on a foreign consulate-one that, moreover,
>> represents
>>>> > another democracy. Such government-sponsored marches are routine in
>>>> > repressive countries where the people have no freedom of speech-North
>>>> > Korea, China, Iraq, et cetera. But in democracies, civil society
>> groups,
>>>> > not governments, lead demonstrations-and foreign embassies are
>> protected.
>>>> >
>>>> > The ANC hopes that its government-led demonstration at the U.S.
>>>> > Consulate will send the signal that South Africans want peace. But the
>>>> > real signal that it will send is that Americans are not welcome
>> that
>>>> > they are not safe here, and that their diplomatic representatives are
>>>> > legitimate targets of government incitement.
>>>> >
>>>> > Whatever feelings President George W. Bush might arouse, he is the
>>>> > leader of one of the world's great democracies. Far in contrast stand
>>>> > the monstrous tyrannies of Saddam Hussein and Robert Mugabe,
>>>> > around whom we close ranks.
>>>> >
>>>> > Strangely, these and other protests come just as the United States
>>>> > announced $15 billion in funding to fight AIDS-with President Bush
>>>> > making special mention of South Africa in his annual address to the
>>>> > U.S. Congress. They come just weeks after American officials began
>>>> > discussions on creating a free trade agreement with South Africa and
>>>> > other developing African nations. They come as the United States
>>>> > considers extending the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act, which
>>>> > has created close to 40,000 jobs in South Africa to date.
>>>> >
>>>> > Our attitude will be noted, and not just by the United States.
>> a
>>>> > demonstration against a foreign consulate in the midst of the ICC
>> Cricket
>>>> > World Cup will send the message to all foreign governments that their
>>>> > diplomats are not safe if the South African government disagrees
>> their
>>>> > policies. It will send the signal that our government places its
>> narrow
>>>> > ideological obsessions above the national interest and above
>> international
>>>> > diplomatic conventions. It is, in short, a slap to the international
>>>> > community, and will frustrate our attempts to attract foreign
>> investors.
>>>> >
>>>> > Is the government trying to distract attention from its failure to
>> deal
>>>> > with Zimbabwe? Is it trying to satisfy the whims of its donors
>> the
>>>> > Middle East? Is it trying to distract from the mass march of HIV/AIDS
>>>> > activists scheduled for the opening of Parliament the day before?
>>>> > Above all, has it given any thought as to how this demonstration
>>>> > will affect relations with the United States and the rest of the
>> world?
>>>> >
>>>> > We urge President Mbeki to rethink and reconsider.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
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