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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: The Boswell-Wilkie Circus is back
Re: The Boswell-Wilkie Circus is back [boodskap #68177] Mon, 04 November 2002 07:16
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Mens voel eintlik jammer vir hulle. Met hul swanesangtoer was daar bitter
min SA optreders - selfs die plekaanwysers - wat ook die artieste was, was
hoofsaaklik van Oosterse en Mid-Afrika oorsprong. Die orkes was 'n
bandopname en die aankondigings is gedoen deur 'n stem uit die hemel. Een
van die Wilkiekinders en nog een het gesing - soos met 'n konsert.

Sal nogal graag wil weet wat die artieste-samestelling vir hierdie poging
is. Die prys lyk maar min, so ek dink nie die sirkusentoesiaste gaan veel
meer as Me Wilkie met haar perde en haar honde sien nie.

Ek hoop die vertoning is bevredigend vir die wat gaan kyk.

"TJ" skryf in boodskap news:3dc5fec0$0$
> The Boswell-Wilkie Circus is back
> - but for one performance only.
> If you thought you'd never again experience the magic of the Big Top, the
> smell of sawdust, the rollicking beat of the music, the tinsel fantasy of
> the acts - if you regretted that your children would never get the chance to
> laugh at the clowns, thrill to the aerial act, wonder at the acrobats and
> admire the dancing ponies - then this is your chance.
> The circus is doing a Proudly South African show, with excellent local acts,
> including Suzanne Wilkie with her delightful dogs and beautiful ponies, on
> Sunday afternoon, November 24, in the Big Top at the Boswell Wilkie circus
> farm at Randvaal. It will be a fun-filled family show, a 90-minute escape to
> the glittering fairytale world of circus.
> In October last year, the Boswell Wilkie Circus gave its last show as a
> "travelling" circus, after nearly 50 years on the road. Since then the
> circus folk have been delighting both adults and children giving them the
> opportunity to perform in their own show on birthdays and special occasions.
> But here it is again - the real thing, an afternoon in the fantasy
> wonderland of the circus.
> Tickets are R39 each, which can be booked on the Internet at
> Detailed directions are also on the site. Light meals and
> drinks can be obtained at the Cafe du Cirque and there is a fresh produce
> shop on the farm.
> Visit:
> ------------------------------------------------------------ ---
> Subscribe and we'll tell you who is doing what, where and when.
> Member of BASA, ISPA, PANSA and TMSA
> The SA Arts, Culture and Entertainment Hub
> -
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