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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Nog Hulp om die Spammers op hul plek te sit
Nog Hulp om die Spammers op hul plek te sit [boodskap #64849] Mon, 15 July 2002 15:33
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Hi, I'm Ian Richards, your new editor. Almost everyone just
calls me "Gizmo" and I'd be flattered if you would too.

I've got some great news for you. I've pretty well beaten
Spam. It's not a complete victory, only 96%, but if you
think that's good enough then read on and I'll tell you how
you can do it too.

Over the last 6 months I've tried all sorts of approaches
and products to defeat the spammers. Almost everything I
tried failed, except for two products.

The first is called MailWasher, a neat donation-ware email
previewer we've mentioned before in Support Alert.

Apart from performing the highly useful task of allowing
you to see your mail on your email server before you
download it, MailWasher additionally allows you to bounce
any mail item direct from your server.

This means that a message is sent back to the spammer
saying that their (unwanted) message could not be delivered.

Spammers may then remove you from their list, hopefully
permanently. Of course some spammers may not even care if
their messages are not delivered. The crunch is in the
actual numbers.

Over a four week period I managed to cut my Spam by 64%
just by bouncing unwanted mail. Not bad, particularly when
you consider I have probably been permanently removed from
their lists as well.

However that still leaves me with a third of my Spam to
contend with. So here's my next weapon, SpamNet.

Cloudmark's SpamNet is a free service and it's brilliant.
It works like this. Users of the system are tied together
invisibly by a P2P network. Users identify Spam and that
information is propagated across the network so that Spam
is filtered in the in-box of other users. At the moment
SpamNet only works through an Outlook add-in, so users of
other email clients are out of luck.

It works like a charm. You can literally watch the Spam
disappear from your in-box before your eyes. It's not
immediately deleted, just moved to a spam folder for later
review before permanent deletion.

And it's really effective, with 74% of Spam being totally
wiped out. As more users join the network the figure will
probably increase.

Now here's the good news. By combining SpamNet with
MailWasher I've now eliminated 96% of my Spam. Now Spam
messages are almost RARE on my computer, a threatened
species! Nice eh?

Using these two products together, while effective, is not
really an ideal solution. In some ways they work against
each other. An ideal product would include both bouncing
and network filtering in one package but for the moment, we
have to work with what we've got.

So go for it. Fight back. Give the spammers what they
deserve and download these free products now.

Gizmo Richards
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