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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » jy weet jy bly in suid afrika
jy weet jy bly in suid afrika [boodskap #57266] Mon, 11 February 2002 12:27 na volgende boodskap
Threeships 'did you s  is tans af-lyn  Threeships 'did you s
Boodskappe: 200
Geregistreer: November 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
`n paar grappige dinge wat jou laat besef dat jy bly in suid afrika,
dis nie vir sussies nie en dit kan net beter gaan (dink ek). al
hierdie goed gebeur of het al op die een of ander stadium gebeur.

* police stations now hire private security firms to protect them.

* landlords may not evict illegal squatters unless they offer them
alternative accommodation.

* post office workers are videotaped opening the mail and stealing the
contents, but the film may not be used in evidence, because the
workers were not informed that they were being filmed and the filming
is an intrusion on their privacy.

* a minister of religion who stole millions from overseas-donated
funds for the oppressed, returns to the country to a hero's welcome
and is officially welcomed by the government, represented by the
minister of justice.

* 20% of the city's population pays for everyone else's electricity
and water supply, and get prosecuted if they refuse to pay.

* a murderer gets a 2-year sentence and a pirate tv viewer a 6-month

* the constitutional court declares the death sentence
unconstitutional, but rules that abortion is okay.

* the prisoners strike!!!

* the police advise you not to stop if they wave you down in the
middle of the night, but rather speed past them and drive to your
nearest police station.

* the student union "dimands" that academic achievement shouldn't be a
criterion for university acceptance, as it is discriminatory.

* a government minister is caught driving her car with a forged
license,but the case is dropped for "lack of evidence".

* government ministers meet with masked gang leaders to ask their
advice on how to reduce crime and violence.

* scholars protest at the lack of schooling facilities by destroying
school buildings.

* the entire country sees a thug admit on tv news to murdering several
people, but the police say they have no case.

* you consider it a good month if you only get mugged once.

* the police ask you if they must follow up on the burglary you've
just reported.

* you paint your cars registrations number on the roof in large

* a minister is fired and returns the government cell phone, but keeps
the government bmw

* a 45-year-old engineer, gets replaced by a 25-year-old, who cannot
write his own name.

* the employees dance in front of the building to show how unhappy
they are.

* people start joking about the crime rate.

Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I
thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling?

Threeships 'did you see that??' Mcduck
Re: jy weet jy bly in suid afrika [boodskap #57282 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #57266] Mon, 11 February 2002 18:30 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Davie Davis  is tans af-lyn  Davie Davis
Boodskappe: 1013
Geregistreer: November 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Mon, 11 Feb 2002 14:27:08 +0200, Threeships 'did you see that?? '
Mcduck wrote:

Skippies, hoe klink dit as ek vir jou sê dat
Carletonville se gewese swart Burgemeester
is na sy ampstermyn verby is R34000 te veel
betaal. Hy erken dat hy die bedrag te veel betaal
is en weier om dit terug te gee. Die dorpsraad weet
nie hoe om dit terug te kry nie. Hy weier dan om dit
terug te gee! Dit is 'n huidige insident.
Re: jy weet jy bly in suid afrika [boodskap #57305 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #57282] Tue, 12 February 2002 06:45 Na vorige boodskap
Threeships 'did you s  is tans af-lyn  Threeships 'did you s
Boodskappe: 200
Geregistreer: November 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Mon, 11 Feb 2002 20:30:04 +0200, Davie Davis served
the following to the group:

> On Mon, 11 Feb 2002 14:27:08 +0200, Threeships 'did you see that?? '
> Mcduck wrote:
> Skippies, hoe klink dit as ek vir jou sê dat
> Carletonville se gewese swart Burgemeester
> is na sy ampstermyn verby is R34000 te veel
> betaal. Hy erken dat hy die bedrag te veel betaal
> is en weier om dit terug te gee. Die dorpsraad weet
> nie hoe om dit terug te kry nie. Hy weier dan om dit
> terug te gee! Dit is 'n huidige insident.

dis nou `n goeie voorbeeld van 'finders keepers'. ander ding wat ek
nogal dink is uniek aan ons situasie hier is die 'hijack hotspot'
borde wat so orals opspring. (bewaar jou siel as `n vrou nou laatnag
so `n kruising as `n toegee gebruik) miskien moet hulle maar ook voor
elke huis een opsit wat se 'theft hotspot'. dan is ons mos nou

Threeships 'did you see that??' Mcduck
Vorige onderwerp: Gloudina en die res van die gang
Volgende onderwerp: Soek raad asseblief
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