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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told.
Re: The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told. [boodskap #56981] Wed, 06 February 2002 17:59 na volgende boodskap
Oorspronklik gepos deur:

Frikkie Potgieter wrote:

"in a parlous state"

Ou hansamerikaner Frikkie, weet jy wat
"parlous" beteken? Weet jy dat ou Fred
Rundle homself dateer deur die soort
Engels wat hy praat. Ou rsaboy Frikkie,
hoekom verkoop jy jou Boerenasie-erfenis
vir die volksvreemde pot lensiesop. Is
dit omdat die Uitlanders se nageslagte
jou salaris betaal? Sies, Frikkie, dis
jy en jou soort wat die verraaiers is.
Ek vra jou weer, hoekom werk jy vir die
verdwyning van Afrikaans op die internet.
Hè, ou rsaboy?

Newspapers report regularly
> about sexual self aggrandizement with dogs, cats, donkeys and even with
> chickens.

En kyk hoe sit en stimuleer ou Fred Rundle
vir homself ook nou. Wie het kon dink dat
dit "self aggrandizement" genoem word.

Die skaapwagters van Italië.
Re: The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told. [boodskap #56982 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #56981] Wed, 06 February 2002 18:03 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Rico  is tans af-lyn  Rico
Boodskappe: 823
Geregistreer: July 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
die rainbowflag is die vlag van gaymense.
Beteken dit die mense in SA is almal gay??????



"Frikkie Potgieter" skryf in boodskap news:3c616398$0$
> Circulate this as widely as possible.
> The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told.
> Anybody who disputes the veracity of this article and who disputes any of
> the facts contained herein, is more than welcome to prove me wrong.
> Subject: South Africa a violent Kleptocracy
> By Fred Rundle
> A response to an article "Something positive for a change, written by an
> anonymous writer "Friend".
> Here are the consequences of Black Rule in South Africa.
> South Africa is a violent Kleptocracy
> The economy of South Africa is in a parlous state. Over 3,5 million jobs
> have been lost since a Black government took over in 1994. Unemployment is
> currently over 50%. This excludes the estimated 13 million illiterate
> foreigners streaming across the borders with the silent consent of
> government.
> So as not to compensate the mainly incompetent Black workers with inflation
> related increments, government is feeding lies about the true inflation
> figures in the country, stating that it is only 6,5%. To achieve this lie,
> one method being used is to calculate imported inflation, which comprises
> about 48% of the official figure, by using outdated Rand exchange rates
> which were applicable decades ago.
> The Rand has been depreciated by an average of 15% per annum since a Black
> government came to power in 1994. Last year however, the Rand collapsed and
> depreciated by almost 40% due to lack of confidence in a Black government.
> The liberal, respected, Business Day reported two months ago: "South Africa
> is not safe for investment. South Africa is not safe period".
> In South Africa, law abiding White's cannot stroll down the streets after
> dark. They are forced to barricade their houses like fortresses, complete
> with high-tech security systems behind high walls.
> The criminals control the streets. Should you phone the police, you don't
> know if they are coming to help you, or to rob you. The newspapers regularly
> report the atrocities committed by the police. They are committing a higher
> percentage of the crimes, than that which is committed by the population in
> general.
> Cars are hijacked at gunpoint and their owners are very often brutally and
> senselessly murdered in the process.
> Whites are being murdered for their cellphones and often young White
> schoolgirls are being raped and sometimes murdered for their cellphones and
> their pocket money.
> Blacks gang rape six month old babies and octogenarians with impunity and
> they are very seldom caught. If caught, they are usually set free for lack
> of "evidence". 21 000 rapes were reported to the police last year, mostly
> committed by Blacks. Dr Rachel Jewkes of the Medical Research Council
> recently found that schools are a major site of sexual harassment and rape
> of children. They found that a third of all rapes are committed by school
> teachers.
> Women's rights activists report that a woman is raped every twenty six
> seconds, with teenagers the most vulnerable. However, the majority of rapes
> go unreported.
> Bestiality is a common occurrence with Blacks. Newspapers report regularly
> about sexual self aggrandizement with dogs, cats, donkeys and even with
> chickens. There are no reports of Whites being guilty of such despicable
> behaviour.
> Black witchdoctors harvest human organs, in many cases killing them for
> their organs, for the purposes of muti (medicine).
> Political Commissars are appointed at all levels to oversee every aspect of
> sport. A Communist, political Commissar has been appointed as the Governor
> of the Reserve Bank to oversee and control every aspect of our daily lives
> in money matters.
> We have a totally incompetent Minister of Finance and a President who gives
> their blessing to the disinvestment of large corporations from South Africa.
> In one such case, De Beers, the disinvestment represented 25% of the country
> 's Gross Domestic Product. This can be compared to General Motors
> disinvesting from America with the blessing of the American Government and
> George Bush. For this both are feted lavishly on international platforms by
> Big Business, no doubt for their service to Big Business, assisting them so
> diligently with their disinvestments from South Africa.
> Services are collapsing around the country through theft, mismanagement,
> corruption and nepotism. Potholes are the order of the day and four wheel
> drive vehicles are becoming more popular through necessity. A large
> proportion of Blacks don't pay for services. Over 80% of all Local
> Authorities are bankrupt.
> In an orgy of self aggrandizement, Blacks are looting The Treasury with gay
> abandon and with impunity, knowing that very few will be caught by their
> Black brothers in the corrupt system. In fact, many of them have been given
> promotion. Black politicians and public servants are not leaving a single
> department of government unscathed.
> South Africa spent R69 billion on arms that it neither wants, or knows how
> to operate. This was merely an elaborate scheme to siphon more money from
> the pockets of mainly White tax payers. The present aircraft are grounded
> due to lack of fuel.
> Incompetents are now in control of the competents through forced affirmative
> action policies. Black mediocrity is adequately rewarded, whilst White
> initiative and ingenuity is penalized.
> Whites are being discriminated against in the workplace and they are
> leaving the country in droves, snapped up for their skills in the Western
> World.
> Adios South Africa!
> Will the last White to leave the country, please turn off the lights.
Re: The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told. [boodskap #56983 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #56982] Wed, 06 February 2002 18:05 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Rico - ons het nie 'n rainbow flag nie.
Maar ek moet erken ons is meestal n vrolike lot;)))

Rico skryf in boodskap news:a3rr09$4m4$
> die rainbowflag is die vlag van gaymense.
> Beteken dit die mense in SA is almal gay??????
> :-)))))
> Gr.Rico
> "Frikkie Potgieter" schreef in bericht
> news:3c616398$0$
>> Circulate this as widely as possible.
>> The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told.
>> Anybody who disputes the veracity of this article and who disputes any of
>> the facts contained herein, is more than welcome to prove me wrong.
>> Subject: South Africa a violent Kleptocracy
>> By Fred Rundle
>> A response to an article "Something positive for a change, written by an
>> anonymous writer "Friend".
>> Here are the consequences of Black Rule in South Africa.
>> South Africa is a violent Kleptocracy
>> The economy of South Africa is in a parlous state. Over 3,5 million jobs
>> have been lost since a Black government took over in 1994. Unemployment is
>> currently over 50%. This excludes the estimated 13 million illiterate
>> foreigners streaming across the borders with the silent consent of
>> government.
>> So as not to compensate the mainly incompetent Black workers with inflation
>> related increments, government is feeding lies about the true inflation
>> figures in the country, stating that it is only 6,5%. To achieve this lie,
>> one method being used is to calculate imported inflation, which comprises
>> about 48% of the official figure, by using outdated Rand exchange rates
>> which were applicable decades ago.
>> The Rand has been depreciated by an average of 15% per annum since a Black
>> government came to power in 1994. Last year however, the Rand collapsed and
>> depreciated by almost 40% due to lack of confidence in a Black government.
>> The liberal, respected, Business Day reported two months ago: "South Africa
>> is not safe for investment. South Africa is not safe period".
>> In South Africa, law abiding White's cannot stroll down the streets after
>> dark. They are forced to barricade their houses like fortresses, complete
>> with high-tech security systems behind high walls.
>> The criminals control the streets. Should you phone the police, you don't
>> know if they are coming to help you, or to rob you. The newspapers regularly
>> report the atrocities committed by the police. They are committing a higher
>> percentage of the crimes, than that which is committed by the population in
>> general.
>> Cars are hijacked at gunpoint and their owners are very often brutally and
>> senselessly murdered in the process.
>> Whites are being murdered for their cellphones and often young White
>> schoolgirls are being raped and sometimes murdered for their cellphones and
>> their pocket money.
>> Blacks gang rape six month old babies and octogenarians with impunity and
>> they are very seldom caught. If caught, they are usually set free for lack
>> of "evidence". 21 000 rapes were reported to the police last year, mostly
>> committed by Blacks. Dr Rachel Jewkes of the Medical Research Council
>> recently found that schools are a major site of sexual harassment and rape
>> of children. They found that a third of all rapes are committed by school
>> teachers.
>> Women's rights activists report that a woman is raped every twenty six
>> seconds, with teenagers the most vulnerable. However, the majority of rapes
>> go unreported.
>> Bestiality is a common occurrence with Blacks. Newspapers report regularly
>> about sexual self aggrandizement with dogs, cats, donkeys and even with
>> chickens. There are no reports of Whites being guilty of such despicable
>> behaviour.
>> Black witchdoctors harvest human organs, in many cases killing them for
>> their organs, for the purposes of muti (medicine).
>> Political Commissars are appointed at all levels to oversee every aspect of
>> sport. A Communist, political Commissar has been appointed as the Governor
>> of the Reserve Bank to oversee and control every aspect of our daily lives
>> in money matters.
>> We have a totally incompetent Minister of Finance and a President who gives
>> their blessing to the disinvestment of large corporations from South Africa.
>> In one such case, De Beers, the disinvestment represented 25% of the country
>> 's Gross Domestic Product. This can be compared to General Motors
>> disinvesting from America with the blessing of the American Government and
>> George Bush. For this both are feted lavishly on international platforms by
>> Big Business, no doubt for their service to Big Business, assisting them so
>> diligently with their disinvestments from South Africa.
>> Services are collapsing around the country through theft, mismanagement,
>> corruption and nepotism. Potholes are the order of the day and four wheel
>> drive vehicles are becoming more popular through necessity. A large
>> proportion of Blacks don't pay for services. Over 80% of all Local
>> Authorities are bankrupt.
>> In an orgy of self aggrandizement, Blacks are looting The Treasury with gay
>> abandon and with impunity, knowing that very few will be caught by their
>> Black brothers in the corrupt system. In fact, many of them have been given
>> promotion. Black politicians and public servants are not leaving a single
>> department of government unscathed.
>> South Africa spent R69 billion on arms that it neither wants, or knows how
>> to operate. This was merely an elaborate scheme to siphon more money from
>> the pockets of mainly White tax payers. The present aircraft are grounded
>> due to lack of fuel.
>> Incompetents are now in control of the competents through forced affirmative
>> action policies. Black mediocrity is adequately rewarded, whilst White
>> initiative and ingenuity is penalized.
>> Whites are being discriminated against in the workplace and they are
>> leaving the country in droves, snapped up for their skills in the Western
>> World.
>> Adios South Africa!
>> Will the last White to leave the country, please turn off the lights.
Re: The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told. [boodskap #56984 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #56981] Wed, 06 February 2002 18:09 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Kwarantyn  is tans af-lyn  Kwarantyn
Boodskappe: 171
Geregistreer: June 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Frikkie Potgieter" skryf in boodskap news:3c616398$0$

"Last year however, the Rand collapsed and depreciated by almost 40% due to
lack of confidence in a Black government."

En natuurlik het 11 September en die nagevolge daarvan, die ineenstorting
van die Argentynse ekonomie, en nog meer, niks te doen gehad met die Rand se
krisis nie....

Dalkies, as jy in Afrikaans probeer skryf het, sou jy self gesien het hoe
onlogies jy en Fred dink.

NS: Ek wonder hoe kry Botswana met sy swart regering dit reg om so 'n sterk
ekonomie te hê....
Re: The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told. [boodskap #56995 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #56981] Wed, 06 February 2002 21:22 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Jan  is tans af-lyn  Jan
Boodskappe: 167
Geregistreer: August 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Die "Reënboog Nasie" het my nog altyd opgeval as een van die groot leuns.
'n Reenboog ontstaan immers deur die refraksie van wit lig - daar is geen
swart in 'n reënboog nie. Swart onstaan deur die totale absorpsie van alle
lig met geen weerkaatsing of uitstraling nie.

"Frikkie Potgieter" skryf in boodskap news:3c616398$0$
> Circulate this as widely as possible.
> The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told.
> Anybody who disputes the veracity of this article and who disputes any of
> the facts contained herein, is more than welcome to prove me wrong.
> Subject: South Africa a violent Kleptocracy
> By Fred Rundle
> A response to an article "Something positive for a change, written by an
> anonymous writer "Friend".
> Here are the consequences of Black Rule in South Africa.
> South Africa is a violent Kleptocracy
> The economy of South Africa is in a parlous state. Over 3,5 million jobs
> have been lost since a Black government took over in 1994. Unemployment is
> currently over 50%. This excludes the estimated 13 million illiterate
> foreigners streaming across the borders with the silent consent of
> government.
> So as not to compensate the mainly incompetent Black workers with inflation
> related increments, government is feeding lies about the true inflation
> figures in the country, stating that it is only 6,5%. To achieve this lie,
> one method being used is to calculate imported inflation, which comprises
> about 48% of the official figure, by using outdated Rand exchange rates
> which were applicable decades ago.
> The Rand has been depreciated by an average of 15% per annum since a Black
> government came to power in 1994. Last year however, the Rand collapsed and
> depreciated by almost 40% due to lack of confidence in a Black government.
> The liberal, respected, Business Day reported two months ago: "South Africa
> is not safe for investment. South Africa is not safe period".
> In South Africa, law abiding White's cannot stroll down the streets after
> dark. They are forced to barricade their houses like fortresses, complete
> with high-tech security systems behind high walls.
> The criminals control the streets. Should you phone the police, you don't
> know if they are coming to help you, or to rob you. The newspapers regularly
> report the atrocities committed by the police. They are committing a higher
> percentage of the crimes, than that which is committed by the population in
> general.
> Cars are hijacked at gunpoint and their owners are very often brutally and
> senselessly murdered in the process.
> Whites are being murdered for their cellphones and often young White
> schoolgirls are being raped and sometimes murdered for their cellphones and
> their pocket money.
> Blacks gang rape six month old babies and octogenarians with impunity and
> they are very seldom caught. If caught, they are usually set free for lack
> of "evidence". 21 000 rapes were reported to the police last year, mostly
> committed by Blacks. Dr Rachel Jewkes of the Medical Research Council
> recently found that schools are a major site of sexual harassment and rape
> of children. They found that a third of all rapes are committed by school
> teachers.
> Women's rights activists report that a woman is raped every twenty six
> seconds, with teenagers the most vulnerable. However, the majority of rapes
> go unreported.
> Bestiality is a common occurrence with Blacks. Newspapers report regularly
> about sexual self aggrandizement with dogs, cats, donkeys and even with
> chickens. There are no reports of Whites being guilty of such despicable
> behaviour.
> Black witchdoctors harvest human organs, in many cases killing them for
> their organs, for the purposes of muti (medicine).
> Political Commissars are appointed at all levels to oversee every aspect of
> sport. A Communist, political Commissar has been appointed as the Governor
> of the Reserve Bank to oversee and control every aspect of our daily lives
> in money matters.
> We have a totally incompetent Minister of Finance and a President who gives
> their blessing to the disinvestment of large corporations from South Africa.
> In one such case, De Beers, the disinvestment represented 25% of the country
> 's Gross Domestic Product. This can be compared to General Motors
> disinvesting from America with the blessing of the American Government and
> George Bush. For this both are feted lavishly on international platforms by
> Big Business, no doubt for their service to Big Business, assisting them so
> diligently with their disinvestments from South Africa.
> Services are collapsing around the country through theft, mismanagement,
> corruption and nepotism. Potholes are the order of the day and four wheel
> drive vehicles are becoming more popular through necessity. A large
> proportion of Blacks don't pay for services. Over 80% of all Local
> Authorities are bankrupt.
> In an orgy of self aggrandizement, Blacks are looting The Treasury with gay
> abandon and with impunity, knowing that very few will be caught by their
> Black brothers in the corrupt system. In fact, many of them have been given
> promotion. Black politicians and public servants are not leaving a single
> department of government unscathed.
> South Africa spent R69 billion on arms that it neither wants, or knows how
> to operate. This was merely an elaborate scheme to siphon more money from
> the pockets of mainly White tax payers. The present aircraft are grounded
> due to lack of fuel.
> Incompetents are now in control of the competents through forced affirmative
> action policies. Black mediocrity is adequately rewarded, whilst White
> initiative and ingenuity is penalized.
> Whites are being discriminated against in the workplace and they are
> leaving the country in droves, snapped up for their skills in the Western
> World.
> Adios South Africa!
> Will the last White to leave the country, please turn off the lights.
Re: The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told. [boodskap #56999 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #56981] Wed, 06 February 2002 22:22 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Wouter Plaasvark  is tans af-lyn  Wouter Plaasvark
Boodskappe: 1004
Geregistreer: May 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Frikkie Potgieter
By Fred Rundle
government is feeding lies about the true inflation figures in the
country, stating that it is only 6,5%. To achieve this lie, one method
being used is to calculate imported inflation, which comprises
about 48% of the official figure, by using outdated Rand exchange
rates which were applicable decades ago.

Direkte leuens Frikkie. Die 48% en die ou wisselkoerse
Sê vir Fred selfs 'n vark kan dit sien
Re: The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told. [boodskap #57007 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #56995] Thu, 07 February 2002 03:58 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Jonas  is tans af-lyn  Jonas
Boodskappe: 1070
Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Reg Jan - swart is nie 'n kleur nie ...

"Jan" skryf in boodskap news:abh88.377735$
> Die "Reënboog Nasie" het my nog altyd opgeval as een van die groot leuns.
> 'n Reenboog ontstaan immers deur die refraksie van wit lig - daar is geen
> swart in 'n reënboog nie. Swart onstaan deur die totale absorpsie van alle
> lig met geen weerkaatsing of uitstraling nie.
> "Frikkie Potgieter" wrote in message
> news:3c616398$0$
>> Circulate this as widely as possible.
>> The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told.
>> Anybody who disputes the veracity of this article and who disputes any of
>> the facts contained herein, is more than welcome to prove me wrong.
>> Subject: South Africa a violent Kleptocracy
>> By Fred Rundle
>> A response to an article "Something positive for a change, written by an
>> anonymous writer "Friend".
>> Here are the consequences of Black Rule in South Africa.
>> South Africa is a violent Kleptocracy
>> The economy of South Africa is in a parlous state. Over 3,5 million jobs
>> have been lost since a Black government took over in 1994. Unemployment is
>> currently over 50%. This excludes the estimated 13 million illiterate
>> foreigners streaming across the borders with the silent consent of
>> government.
>> So as not to compensate the mainly incompetent Black workers with inflation
>> related increments, government is feeding lies about the true inflation
>> figures in the country, stating that it is only 6,5%. To achieve this lie,
>> one method being used is to calculate imported inflation, which comprises
>> about 48% of the official figure, by using outdated Rand exchange rates
>> which were applicable decades ago.
>> The Rand has been depreciated by an average of 15% per annum since a Black
>> government came to power in 1994. Last year however, the Rand collapsed and
>> depreciated by almost 40% due to lack of confidence in a Black government.
>> The liberal, respected, Business Day reported two months ago: "South Africa
>> is not safe for investment. South Africa is not safe period".
>> In South Africa, law abiding White's cannot stroll down the streets after
>> dark. They are forced to barricade their houses like fortresses, complete
>> with high-tech security systems behind high walls.
>> The criminals control the streets. Should you phone the police, you don't
>> know if they are coming to help you, or to rob you. The newspapers regularly
>> report the atrocities committed by the police. They are committing a higher
>> percentage of the crimes, than that which is committed by the population in
>> general.
>> Cars are hijacked at gunpoint and their owners are very often brutally and
>> senselessly murdered in the process.
>> Whites are being murdered for their cellphones and often young White
>> schoolgirls are being raped and sometimes murdered for their cellphones and
>> their pocket money.
>> Blacks gang rape six month old babies and octogenarians with impunity and
>> they are very seldom caught. If caught, they are usually set free for lack
>> of "evidence". 21 000 rapes were reported to the police last year, mostly
>> committed by Blacks. Dr Rachel Jewkes of the Medical Research Council
>> recently found that schools are a major site of sexual harassment and rape
>> of children. They found that a third of all rapes are committed by school
>> teachers.
>> Women's rights activists report that a woman is raped every twenty six
>> seconds, with teenagers the most vulnerable. However, the majority of rapes
>> go unreported.
>> Bestiality is a common occurrence with Blacks. Newspapers report regularly
>> about sexual self aggrandizement with dogs, cats, donkeys and even with
>> chickens. There are no reports of Whites being guilty of such despicable
>> behaviour.
>> Black witchdoctors harvest human organs, in many cases killing them for
>> their organs, for the purposes of muti (medicine).
>> Political Commissars are appointed at all levels to oversee every aspect of
>> sport. A Communist, political Commissar has been appointed as the Governor
>> of the Reserve Bank to oversee and control every aspect of our daily lives
>> in money matters.
>> We have a totally incompetent Minister of Finance and a President who gives
>> their blessing to the disinvestment of large corporations from South Africa.
>> In one such case, De Beers, the disinvestment represented 25% of the country
>> 's Gross Domestic Product. This can be compared to General Motors
>> disinvesting from America with the blessing of the American Government and
>> George Bush. For this both are feted lavishly on international platforms by
>> Big Business, no doubt for their service to Big Business, assisting them so
>> diligently with their disinvestments from South Africa.
>> Services are collapsing around the country through theft, mismanagement,
>> corruption and nepotism. Potholes are the order of the day and four wheel
>> drive vehicles are becoming more popular through necessity. A large
>> proportion of Blacks don't pay for services. Over 80% of all Local
>> Authorities are bankrupt.
>> In an orgy of self aggrandizement, Blacks are looting The Treasury with gay
>> abandon and with impunity, knowing that very few will be caught by their
>> Black brothers in the corrupt system. In fact, many of them have been given
>> promotion. Black politicians and public servants are not leaving a single
>> department of government unscathed.
>> South Africa spent R69 billion on arms that it neither wants, or knows how
>> to operate. This was merely an elaborate scheme to siphon more money from
>> the pockets of mainly White tax payers. The present aircraft are grounded
>> due to lack of fuel.
>> Incompetents are now in control of the competents through forced affirmative
>> action policies. Black mediocrity is adequately rewarded, whilst White
>> initiative and ingenuity is penalized.
>> Whites are being discriminated against in the workplace and they are
>> leaving the country in droves, snapped up for their skills in the Western
>> World.
>> Adios South Africa!
>> Will the last White to leave the country, please turn off the lights.
Re: The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told. [boodskap #57008 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #56981] Thu, 07 February 2002 04:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Jonas  is tans af-lyn  Jonas
Boodskappe: 1070
Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Antie Tottie - jy is die laaste ene wat van verraad en verraaiers mag
praat... Nadat jy weggehardloop het draai jy om en skreeu vir ander ouens
dat hulle verraaiers is.

Dink jy alle mense is onnosel, of behou jy alleenreg daarop?
skryf in boodskap
> Frikkie Potgieter wrote:
> "in a parlous state"
> Ou hansamerikaner Frikkie, weet jy wat
> "parlous" beteken? Weet jy dat ou Fred
> Rundle homself dateer deur die soort
> Engels wat hy praat. Ou rsaboy Frikkie,
> hoekom verkoop jy jou Boerenasie-erfenis
> vir die volksvreemde pot lensiesop. Is
> dit omdat die Uitlanders se nageslagte
> jou salaris betaal? Sies, Frikkie, dis
> jy en jou soort wat die verraaiers is.
> Ek vra jou weer, hoekom werk jy vir die
> verdwyning van Afrikaans op die internet.
> Hê, ou rsaboy?
> Newspapers report regularly
>> about sexual self aggrandizement with dogs, cats, donkeys and even with
>> chickens.
> En kyk hoe sit en stimuleer ou Fred Rundle
> vir homself ook nou. Wie het kon dink dat
> dit "self aggrandizement" genoem word.
> Die skaapwagters van Italië.
Re: The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told. [boodskap #57009 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #57007] Thu, 07 February 2002 04:15 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Jy is verkeerd Jonas - swart is 'n kleur - dit is net nie een van die kleure
van 'n natuurlike reenboog nie.
Bruin ook nie.
My velkleur ook nie ( want ek is definief nie spierwit nie - net spoke is so

As ek nou mooi dink oor die kleure van 'n reenboog ( violet, indigo, blou,
groen, geel, oranje, rooi) dan is nie een van ons hier in SA gepas om in die
reenboog te pas nie - Tutu het alweer gedwaal:))))

Toe ons in die VSA getoer het, en veral in Las vegas, was daar mos op
omtrent elke liewe stukkie promosiemateriaal 'n reenboog - ook natuurlik
heeltemal misplaas - want bitter min mense glo nog dat daar 'n pot goud aan
die einde van die reenboog regstaan.

Maar die gedagte is daar, en mense aanvaar dit.
Net soos ek van die idee hou dat ons 'n reenboog nasie is - klomp
verskillende kleure ( en geure) mense wat saam een land se bevolking

> Reg Jan - swart is nie 'n kleur nie ...
> "Jan" wrote in message
> news:abh88.377735$
>> Die "Reënboog Nasie" het my nog altyd opgeval as een van die groot leuns.
>> 'n Reenboog ontstaan immers deur die refraksie van wit lig - daar is geen
>> swart in 'n reënboog nie. Swart onstaan deur die totale absorpsie van alle
>> lig met geen weerkaatsing of uitstraling nie.
>> "Frikkie Potgieter" wrote in message
>> news:3c616398$0$
>>> Circulate this as widely as possible.
>>> The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told.
>>> Anybody who disputes the veracity of this article and who disputes any of
>>> the facts contained herein, is more than welcome to prove me wrong.
>>> Subject: South Africa a violent Kleptocracy
>>> By Fred Rundle
>>> A response to an article "Something positive for a change, written by an
>>> anonymous writer "Friend".
>>> Here are the consequences of Black Rule in South Africa.
>>> South Africa is a violent Kleptocracy
>>> The economy of South Africa is in a parlous state. Over 3,5 million jobs
>>> have been lost since a Black government took over in 1994. Unemployment is
>>> currently over 50%. This excludes the estimated 13 million illiterate
>>> foreigners streaming across the borders with the silent consent of
>>> government.
>>> So as not to compensate the mainly incompetent Black workers with inflation
>>> related increments, government is feeding lies about the true inflation
>>> figures in the country, stating that it is only 6,5%. To achieve this lie,
>>> one method being used is to calculate imported inflation, which comprises
>>> about 48% of the official figure, by using outdated Rand exchange rates
>>> which were applicable decades ago.
>>> The Rand has been depreciated by an average of 15% per annum since a Black
>>> government came to power in 1994. Last year however, the Rand collapsed and
>>> depreciated by almost 40% due to lack of confidence in a Black government.
>>> The liberal, respected, Business Day reported two months ago: "South Africa
>>> is not safe for investment. South Africa is not safe period".
>>> In South Africa, law abiding White's cannot stroll down the streets after
>>> dark. They are forced to barricade their houses like fortresses, complete
>>> with high-tech security systems behind high walls.
>>> The criminals control the streets. Should you phone the police, you don't
>>> know if they are coming to help you, or to rob you. The newspapers regularly
>>> report the atrocities committed by the police. They are committing a higher
>>> percentage of the crimes, than that which is committed by the population in
>>> general.
>>> Cars are hijacked at gunpoint and their owners are very often brutally and
>>> senselessly murdered in the process.
>>> Whites are being murdered for their cellphones and often young White
>>> schoolgirls are being raped and sometimes murdered for their cellphones and
>>> their pocket money.
>>> Blacks gang rape six month old babies and octogenarians with impunity and
>>> they are very seldom caught. If caught, they are usually set free for lack
>>> of "evidence". 21 000 rapes were reported to the police last year, mostly
>>> committed by Blacks. Dr Rachel Jewkes of the Medical Research Council
>>> recently found that schools are a major site of sexual harassment and rape
>>> of children. They found that a third of all rapes are committed by school
>>> teachers.
>>> Women's rights activists report that a woman is raped every twenty six
>>> seconds, with teenagers the most vulnerable. However, the majority of rapes
>>> go unreported.
>>> Bestiality is a common occurrence with Blacks. Newspapers report regularly
>>> about sexual self aggrandizement with dogs, cats, donkeys and even with
>>> chickens. There are no reports of Whites being guilty of such despicable
>>> behaviour.
>>> Black witchdoctors harvest human organs, in many cases killing them for
>>> their organs, for the purposes of muti (medicine).
>>> Political Commissars are appointed at all levels to oversee every aspect of
>>> sport. A Communist, political Commissar has been appointed as the Governor
>>> of the Reserve Bank to oversee and control every aspect of our daily lives
>>> in money matters.
>>> We have a totally incompetent Minister of Finance and a President who gives
>>> their blessing to the disinvestment of large corporations from South Africa.
>>> In one such case, De Beers, the disinvestment represented 25% of the country
>>> 's Gross Domestic Product. This can be compared to General Motors
>>> disinvesting from America with the blessing of the American Government and
>>> George Bush. For this both are feted lavishly on international platforms by
>>> Big Business, no doubt for their service to Big Business, assisting them so
>>> diligently with their disinvestments from South Africa.
>>> Services are collapsing around the country through theft, mismanagement,
>>> corruption and nepotism. Potholes are the order of the day and four wheel
>>> drive vehicles are becoming more popular through necessity. A large
>>> proportion of Blacks don't pay for services. Over 80% of all Local
>>> Authorities are bankrupt.
>>> In an orgy of self aggrandizement, Blacks are looting The Treasury with gay
>>> abandon and with impunity, knowing that very few will be caught by their
>>> Black brothers in the corrupt system. In fact, many of them have been given
>>> promotion. Black politicians and public servants are not leaving a single
>>> department of government unscathed.
>>> South Africa spent R69 billion on arms that it neither wants, or knows how
>>> to operate. This was merely an elaborate scheme to siphon more money from
>>> the pockets of mainly White tax payers. The present aircraft are grounded
>>> due to lack of fuel.
>>> Incompetents are now in control of the competents through forced affirmative
>>> action policies. Black mediocrity is adequately rewarded, whilst White
>>> initiative and ingenuity is penalized.
>>> Whites are being discriminated against in the workplace and they are
>>> leaving the country in droves, snapped up for their skills in the Western
>>> World.
>>> Adios South Africa!
>>> Will the last White to leave the country, please turn off the lights.
Re: The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told. [boodskap #57010 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #57008] Thu, 07 February 2002 04:46 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Oorspronklik gepos deur:

Jonas wrote:

> Antie Tottie - jy is die laaste ene wat van verraad en verraaiers mag
> praat... Nadat jy weggehardloop het draai jy om en skreeu vir ander ouens
> dat hulle verraaiers is.
> Dink jy alle mense is onnosel

Nee, ek dink nie alle mense is onnosel
nie, maar ek dink jy is onnosel.
Ek sit hier in Kanada, meer getrou aan
die Afrikaanse taal en aan die ideale
van 'n opregte Afrikanerskap as wat
Frikkie is, of waaraan jy blykbaar ook
getrou is.

Re: The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told. [boodskap #57011 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #57010] Thu, 07 February 2002 05:26 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Hoo boy, aantie!!
'n Wonderlike maar wonderlike vae stelling wat jy daar maak.
Eerstens is onnoselheid 'n relatiewe begrip - en om die meeste mense deur
die bank van onnoselheid te verdink, is in sigself 'n basiese onnosele

Tweedens, terwyl die jaar nog lekker jonk is - vertel ons asseblief presies
wat jy verstaan of bedoel met jou stelling dat jy die volgende uitleef::
1) Getrouheid aan die Afrikaanse taal
2) Getrouheid aan die ideale van 'n opregte Afrikanerskap.

Dan kan ons miskien weet hoekom ons met jou so verskil.
Dis in elk geval 'n goeie kultuurbesprekingsput.

skryf in boodskap
> Jonas wrote:
>> Antie Tottie - jy is die laaste ene wat van verraad en verraaiers mag
>> praat... Nadat jy weggehardloop het draai jy om en skreeu vir ander ouens
>> dat hulle verraaiers is.
>> Dink jy alle mense is onnosel
> Nee, ek dink nie alle mense is onnosel
> nie, maar ek dink jy is onnosel.
> Ek sit hier in Kanada, meer getrou aan
> die Afrikaanse taal en aan die ideale
> van 'n opregte Afrikanerskap as wat
> Frikkie is, of waaraan jy blykbaar ook
> getrou is.
> Gloudina
Re: The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told. [boodskap #57012 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #57011] Thu, 07 February 2002 05:28 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Dit ook:))

Annette skryf in boodskap news:a3t323$1afn0n$
> Hoo boy, aantie!!
> 'n Wonderlike maar wonderlike vae stelling wat jy daar maak.
> Eerstens is onnoselheid 'n relatiewe begrip - en om die meeste mense deur
> die bank van onnoselheid te verdink, is in sigself 'n basiese onnosele
> optrede.
> Tweedens, terwyl die jaar nog lekker jonk is - vertel ons asseblief presies
> wat jy verstaan of bedoel met jou stelling dat jy die volgende uitleef::
> 1) Getrouheid aan die Afrikaanse taal
> 2) Getrouheid aan die ideale van 'n opregte Afrikanerskap.
> Dan kan ons miskien weet hoekom ons met jou so verskil.
> Dis in elk geval 'n goeie kultuurbesprekingsput.
> Annette
> skryf in boodskap
>> Jonas wrote:
>>> Antie Tottie - jy is die laaste ene wat van verraad en verraaiers mag
>>> praat... Nadat jy weggehardloop het draai jy om en skreeu vir ander ouens
>>> dat hulle verraaiers is.
>>> Dink jy alle mense is onnosel
>> Nee, ek dink nie alle mense is onnosel
>> nie, maar ek dink jy is onnosel.
>> Ek sit hier in Kanada, meer getrou aan
>> die Afrikaanse taal en aan die ideale
>> van 'n opregte Afrikanerskap as wat
>> Frikkie is, of waaraan jy blykbaar ook
>> getrou is.
>> Gloudina
Re: The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told. [boodskap #57026 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #56984] Thu, 07 February 2002 07:09 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Sakkie[4]  is tans af-lyn  Sakkie[4]
Boodskappe: 383
Geregistreer: November 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Kwarantyn" skryf in boodskap news:Pje88.2774$
> NS: Ek wonder hoe kry Botswana met sy swart regering dit reg om so 'n sterk
> ekonomie te hê....

Baie maklik. Die regering is nie in plek gesit deur, en onder beheer van
radikale unies met ernstige kommunistiese grondbeginsels nie.
Re: The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told. [boodskap #57049 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #57009] Thu, 07 February 2002 09:03 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Jonas  is tans af-lyn  Jonas
Boodskappe: 1070
Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Annette - swart is nie 'n kleur nie. Dit is 'n gebrek aan kleur ...

"Annette" skryf in boodskap news:a3suv6$1avgi1$
> Jy is verkeerd Jonas - swart is 'n kleur - dit is net nie een van die kleure
> van 'n natuurlike reenboog nie.
> Bruin ook nie.
> My velkleur ook nie ( want ek is definief nie spierwit nie - net spoke is so
> wit)
> As ek nou mooi dink oor die kleure van 'n reenboog ( violet, indigo, blou,
> groen, geel, oranje, rooi) dan is nie een van ons hier in SA gepas om in die
> reenboog te pas nie - Tutu het alweer gedwaal:))))
> Toe ons in die VSA getoer het, en veral in Las vegas, was daar mos op
> omtrent elke liewe stukkie promosiemateriaal 'n reenboog - ook natuurlik
> heeltemal misplaas - want bitter min mense glo nog dat daar 'n pot goud aan
> die einde van die reenboog regstaan.
> Maar die gedagte is daar, en mense aanvaar dit.
> Net soos ek van die idee hou dat ons 'n reenboog nasie is - klomp
> verskillende kleure ( en geure) mense wat saam een land se bevolking
> uitmaak.
> Annette
> news:a3su1a$c$
>> Reg Jan - swart is nie 'n kleur nie ...
>> "Jan" wrote in message
>> news:abh88.377735$
>>> Die "Reënboog Nasie" het my nog altyd opgeval as een van die groot leuns.
>>> 'n Reenboog ontstaan immers deur die refraksie van wit lig - daar is geen
>>> swart in 'n reënboog nie. Swart onstaan deur die totale absorpsie van alle
>>> lig met geen weerkaatsing of uitstraling nie.
>>> "Frikkie Potgieter" wrote in message
>>> news:3c616398$0$
>>>> Circulate this as widely as possible.
>>>> The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told.
>>>> Anybody who disputes the veracity of this article and who disputes any of
>>>> the facts contained herein, is more than welcome to prove me wrong.
>>>> Subject: South Africa a violent Kleptocracy
>>>> By Fred Rundle
>>>> A response to an article "Something positive for a change, written by an
>>>> anonymous writer "Friend".
>>>> Here are the consequences of Black Rule in South Africa.
>>>> South Africa is a violent Kleptocracy
>>>> The economy of South Africa is in a parlous state. Over 3,5 million jobs
>>>> have been lost since a Black government took over in 1994. Unemployment is
>>>> currently over 50%. This excludes the estimated 13 million illiterate
>>>> foreigners streaming across the borders with the silent consent of
>>>> government.
>>>> So as not to compensate the mainly incompetent Black workers with inflation
>>>> related increments, government is feeding lies about the true inflation
>>>> figures in the country, stating that it is only 6,5%. To achieve this lie,
>>>> one method being used is to calculate imported inflation, which comprises
>>>> about 48% of the official figure, by using outdated Rand exchange rates
>>>> which were applicable decades ago.
>>>> The Rand has been depreciated by an average of 15% per annum since a Black
>>>> government came to power in 1994. Last year however, the Rand collapsed and
>>>> depreciated by almost 40% due to lack of confidence in a Black government.
>>>> The liberal, respected, Business Day reported two months ago: "South Africa
>>>> is not safe for investment. South Africa is not safe period".
>>>> In South Africa, law abiding White's cannot stroll down the streets after
>>>> dark. They are forced to barricade their houses like fortresses, complete
>>>> with high-tech security systems behind high walls.
>>>> The criminals control the streets. Should you phone the police, you don't
>>>> know if they are coming to help you, or to rob you. The newspapers regularly
>>>> report the atrocities committed by the police. They are committing a higher
>>>> percentage of the crimes, than that which is committed by the population in
>>>> general.
>>>> Cars are hijacked at gunpoint and their owners are very often brutally and
>>>> senselessly murdered in the process.
>>>> Whites are being murdered for their cellphones and often young White
>>>> schoolgirls are being raped and sometimes murdered for their cellphones and
>>>> their pocket money.
>>>> Blacks gang rape six month old babies and octogenarians with impunity and
>>>> they are very seldom caught. If caught, they are usually set free for lack
>>>> of "evidence". 21 000 rapes were reported to the police last year, mostly
>>>> committed by Blacks. Dr Rachel Jewkes of the Medical Research Council
>>>> recently found that schools are a major site of sexual harassment and rape
>>>> of children. They found that a third of all rapes are committed by school
>>>> teachers.
>>>> Women's rights activists report that a woman is raped every twenty six
>>>> seconds, with teenagers the most vulnerable. However, the majority of rapes
>>>> go unreported.
>>>> Bestiality is a common occurrence with Blacks. Newspapers report regularly
>>>> about sexual self aggrandizement with dogs, cats, donkeys and even with
>>>> chickens. There are no reports of Whites being guilty of such despicable
>>>> behaviour.
>>>> Black witchdoctors harvest human organs, in many cases killing them for
>>>> their organs, for the purposes of muti (medicine).
>>>> Political Commissars are appointed at all levels to oversee every aspect of
>>>> sport. A Communist, political Commissar has been appointed as the Governor
>>>> of the Reserve Bank to oversee and control every aspect of our daily lives
>>>> in money matters.
>>>> We have a totally incompetent Minister of Finance and a President who gives
>>>> their blessing to the disinvestment of large corporations from South Africa.
>>>> In one such case, De Beers, the disinvestment represented 25% of the country
>>>> 's Gross Domestic Product. This can be compared to General Motors
>>>> disinvesting from America with the blessing of the American Government and
>>>> George Bush. For this both are feted lavishly on international platforms by
>>>> Big Business, no doubt for their service to Big Business, assisting them so
>>>> diligently with their disinvestments from South Africa.
>>>> Services are collapsing around the country through theft, mismanagement,
>>>> corruption and nepotism. Potholes are the order of the day and four wheel
>>>> drive vehicles are becoming more popular through necessity. A large
>>>> proportion of Blacks don't pay for services. Over 80% of all Local
>>>> Authorities are bankrupt.
>>>> In an orgy of self aggrandizement, Blacks are looting The Treasury with gay
>>>> abandon and with impunity, knowing that very few will be caught by their
>>>> Black brothers in the corrupt system. In fact, many of them have been given
>>>> promotion. Black politicians and public servants are not leaving a single
>>>> department of government unscathed.
>>>> South Africa spent R69 billion on arms that it neither wants, or knows how
>>>> to operate. This was merely an elaborate scheme to siphon more money from
>>>> the pockets of mainly White tax payers. The present aircraft are grounded
>>>> due to lack of fuel.
>>>> Incompetents are now in control of the competents through forced affirmative
>>>> action policies. Black mediocrity is adequately rewarded, whilst White
>>>> initiative and ingenuity is penalized.
>>>> Whites are being discriminated against in the workplace and they are
>>>> leaving the country in droves, snapped up for their skills in the Western
>>>> World.
>>>> Adios South Africa!
>>>> Will the last White to leave the country, please turn off the lights.
Re: The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told. [boodskap #57050 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #57049] Thu, 07 February 2002 09:26 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Sakkie[4]  is tans af-lyn  Sakkie[4]
Boodskappe: 383
Geregistreer: November 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
En hier dink ek die heeltyd dat dit wittes is wat hul kleur het as gevolg
van 'n gebrek aan kleur :-))))))))))))))

"Jonas" skryf in boodskap news:a3tfsu$6a0$
> Annette - swart is nie 'n kleur nie. Dit is 'n gebrek aan kleur ...
> "Annette" wrote in message
> news:a3suv6$1avgi1$
>> Jy is verkeerd Jonas - swart is 'n kleur - dit is net nie een van die kleure
>> van 'n natuurlike reenboog nie.
>> Bruin ook nie.
>> My velkleur ook nie ( want ek is definief nie spierwit nie - net spoke is so
>> wit)
>> As ek nou mooi dink oor die kleure van 'n reenboog ( violet, indigo, blou,
>> groen, geel, oranje, rooi) dan is nie een van ons hier in SA gepas om in die
>> reenboog te pas nie - Tutu het alweer gedwaal:))))
>> Toe ons in die VSA getoer het, en veral in Las vegas, was daar mos op
>> omtrent elke liewe stukkie promosiemateriaal 'n reenboog - ook natuurlik
>> heeltemal misplaas - want bitter min mense glo nog dat daar 'n pot goud aan
>> die einde van die reenboog regstaan.
>> Maar die gedagte is daar, en mense aanvaar dit.
>> Net soos ek van die idee hou dat ons 'n reenboog nasie is - klomp
>> verskillende kleure ( en geure) mense wat saam een land se bevolking
>> uitmaak.
>> Annette
>> news:a3su1a$c$
>>> Reg Jan - swart is nie 'n kleur nie ...
>>> "Jan" wrote in message
>>> news:abh88.377735$
>>>> Die "Reënboog Nasie" het my nog altyd opgeval as een van die groot leuns.
>>>> 'n Reenboog ontstaan immers deur die refraksie van wit lig - daar is geen
>>>> swart in 'n reënboog nie. Swart onstaan deur die totale absorpsie van alle
>>>> lig met geen weerkaatsing of uitstraling nie.
>>>> "Frikkie Potgieter" wrote in message
>>>> news:3c616398$0$
>>>> > Circulate this as widely as possible.
>>>> >
>>>> > The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told.
>>>> >
>>>> > Anybody who disputes the veracity of this article and who disputes any of
>>>> > the facts contained herein, is more than welcome to prove me wrong.
>>>> >
>>>> > Subject: South Africa a violent Kleptocracy
>>>> >
>>>> > By Fred Rundle
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > A response to an article "Something positive for a change, written by an
>>>> > anonymous writer "Friend".
>>>> >
>>>> > Here are the consequences of Black Rule in South Africa.
>>>> >
>>>> > South Africa is a violent Kleptocracy
>>>> >
>>>> > The economy of South Africa is in a parlous state. Over 3,5 million jobs
>>>> > have been lost since a Black government took over in 1994. Unemployment is
>>>> > currently over 50%. This excludes the estimated 13 million illiterate
>>>> > foreigners streaming across the borders with the silent consent of
>>>> > government.
>>>> >
>>>> > So as not to compensate the mainly incompetent Black workers with inflation
>>>> > related increments, government is feeding lies about the true inflation
>>>> > figures in the country, stating that it is only 6,5%. To achieve this lie,
>>>> > one method being used is to calculate imported inflation, which comprises
>>>> > about 48% of the official figure, by using outdated Rand exchange rates
>>>> > which were applicable decades ago.
>>>> >
>>>> > The Rand has been depreciated by an average of 15% per annum since a Black
>>>> > government came to power in 1994. Last year however, the Rand collapsed and
>>>> > depreciated by almost 40% due to lack of confidence in a Black government.
>>>> >
>>>> > The liberal, respected, Business Day reported two months ago: "South Africa
>>>> > is not safe for investment. South Africa is not safe period".
>>>> >
>>>> > In South Africa, law abiding White's cannot stroll down the streets after
>>>> > dark. They are forced to barricade their houses like fortresses, complete
>>>> > with high-tech security systems behind high walls.
>>>> >
>>>> > The criminals control the streets. Should you phone the police, you don't
>>>> > know if they are coming to help you, or to rob you. The newspapers regularly
>>>> > report the atrocities committed by the police. They are committing a higher
>>>> > percentage of the crimes, than that which is committed by the population in
>>>> > general.
>>>> > Cars are hijacked at gunpoint and their owners are very often brutally and
>>>> > senselessly murdered in the process.
>>>> > Whites are being murdered for their cellphones and often young White
>>>> > schoolgirls are being raped and sometimes murdered for their cellphones and
>>>> > their pocket money.
>>>> >
>>>> > Blacks gang rape six month old babies and octogenarians with impunity and
>>>> > they are very seldom caught. If caught, they are usually set free for lack
>>>> > of "evidence". 21 000 rapes were reported to the police last year, mostly
>>>> > committed by Blacks. Dr Rachel Jewkes of the Medical Research Council
>>>> > recently found that schools are a major site of sexual harassment and rape
>>>> > of children. They found that a third of all rapes are committed by school
>>>> > teachers.
>>>> >
>>>> > Women's rights activists report that a woman is raped every twenty six
>>>> > seconds, with teenagers the most vulnerable. However, the majority of rapes
>>>> > go unreported.
>>>> > Bestiality is a common occurrence with Blacks. Newspapers report regularly
>>>> > about sexual self aggrandizement with dogs, cats, donkeys and even with
>>>> > chickens. There are no reports of Whites being guilty of such despicable
>>>> > behaviour.
>>>> >
>>>> > Black witchdoctors harvest human organs, in many cases killing them for
>>>> > their organs, for the purposes of muti (medicine).
>>>> >
>>>> > Political Commissars are appointed at all levels to oversee every aspect of
>>>> > sport. A Communist, political Commissar has been appointed as the Governor
>>>> > of the Reserve Bank to oversee and control every aspect of our daily lives
>>>> > in money matters.
>>>> >
>>>> > We have a totally incompetent Minister of Finance and a President who gives
>>>> > their blessing to the disinvestment of large corporations from South Africa.
>>>> > In one such case, De Beers, the disinvestment represented 25% of the country
>>>> > 's Gross Domestic Product. This can be compared to General Motors
>>>> > disinvesting from America with the blessing of the American Government and
>>>> > George Bush. For this both are feted lavishly on international platforms by
>>>> > Big Business, no doubt for their service to Big Business, assisting them so
>>>> > diligently with their disinvestments from South Africa.
>>>> >
>>>> > Services are collapsing around the country through theft, mismanagement,
>>>> > corruption and nepotism. Potholes are the order of the day and four wheel
>>>> > drive vehicles are becoming more popular through necessity. A large
>>>> > proportion of Blacks don't pay for services. Over 80% of all Local
>>>> > Authorities are bankrupt.
>>>> >
>>>> > In an orgy of self aggrandizement, Blacks are looting The Treasury with gay
>>>> > abandon and with impunity, knowing that very few will be caught by their
>>>> > Black brothers in the corrupt system. In fact, many of them have been given
>>>> > promotion. Black politicians and public servants are not leaving a single
>>>> > department of government unscathed.
>>>> >
>>>> > South Africa spent R69 billion on arms that it neither wants, or knows how
>>>> > to operate. This was merely an elaborate scheme to siphon more money from
>>>> > the pockets of mainly White tax payers. The present aircraft are grounded
>>>> > due to lack of fuel.
>>>> >
>>>> > Incompetents are now in control of the competents through forced affirmative
>>>> > action policies. Black mediocrity is adequately rewarded, whilst White
>>>> > initiative and ingenuity is penalized.
>>>> >
>>>> > Whites are being discriminated against in the workplace and they are
>>>> > leaving the country in droves, snapped up for their skills in the Western
>>>> > World.
>>>> >
>>>> > Adios South Africa!
>>>> >
>>>> > Will the last White to leave the country, please turn off the lights.
>>>> >
Re: The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told. [boodskap #57052 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #57049] Thu, 07 February 2002 09:37 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Hey Hey!!! Moenie vir my kom vertel dat as ek my swart kleurige koordrag
dra dat ek niks aan het nie;))))
Ek weet nie of jy self klere koop nie - maar mens kan nie net sommer gaan en
iets swarts gaan koop en glo die nuwe swart kledingstuk en die ou swart
kledingstuk is dieselfde swart wat bymekaar sal pas nie.

Snaaks genoeg- toe ek vanoggend na my Vriend Die Ontvanger afry, toe wonder
ek mos of hier in SA 'n regte pikswart mens rondloop.
Nog nooit self een gesien nie.
Baie, baie donker, ja - maar nog nooit pikgitswart nie.
So wat is die gepraat van swartes? Is die mense kleurblind?:))

Jonas skryf in boodskap news:a3tfsu$6a0$
> Annette - swart is nie 'n kleur nie. Dit is 'n gebrek aan kleur ...
> "Annette" wrote in message
> news:a3suv6$1avgi1$
>> Jy is verkeerd Jonas - swart is 'n kleur - dit is net nie een van die kleure
>> van 'n natuurlike reenboog nie.
>> Bruin ook nie.
>> My velkleur ook nie ( want ek is definief nie spierwit nie - net spoke is so
>> wit)
>> As ek nou mooi dink oor die kleure van 'n reenboog ( violet, indigo, blou,
>> groen, geel, oranje, rooi) dan is nie een van ons hier in SA gepas om in die
>> reenboog te pas nie - Tutu het alweer gedwaal:))))
>> Toe ons in die VSA getoer het, en veral in Las vegas, was daar mos op
>> omtrent elke liewe stukkie promosiemateriaal 'n reenboog - ook natuurlik
>> heeltemal misplaas - want bitter min mense glo nog dat daar 'n pot goud aan
>> die einde van die reenboog regstaan.
>> Maar die gedagte is daar, en mense aanvaar dit.
>> Net soos ek van die idee hou dat ons 'n reenboog nasie is - klomp
>> verskillende kleure ( en geure) mense wat saam een land se bevolking
>> uitmaak.
>> Annette
>> news:a3su1a$c$
>>> Reg Jan - swart is nie 'n kleur nie ...
>>> "Jan" wrote in message
>>> news:abh88.377735$
>>>> Die "Reënboog Nasie" het my nog altyd opgeval as een van die groot leuns.
>>>> 'n Reenboog ontstaan immers deur die refraksie van wit lig - daar is geen
>>>> swart in 'n reënboog nie. Swart onstaan deur die totale absorpsie van alle
>>>> lig met geen weerkaatsing of uitstraling nie.
>>>> "Frikkie Potgieter" wrote in message
>>>> news:3c616398$0$
>>>> > Circulate this as widely as possible.
>>>> >
>>>> > The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told.
>>>> >
>>>> > Anybody who disputes the veracity of this article and who disputes any of
>>>> > the facts contained herein, is more than welcome to prove me wrong.
>>>> >
>>>> > Subject: South Africa a violent Kleptocracy
>>>> >
>>>> > By Fred Rundle
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > A response to an article "Something positive for a change, written by an
>>>> > anonymous writer "Friend".
>>>> >
>>>> > Here are the consequences of Black Rule in South Africa.
>>>> >
>>>> > South Africa is a violent Kleptocracy
>>>> >
>>>> > The economy of South Africa is in a parlous state. Over 3,5 million jobs
>>>> > have been lost since a Black government took over in 1994. Unemployment is
>>>> > currently over 50%. This excludes the estimated 13 million illiterate
>>>> > foreigners streaming across the borders with the silent consent of
>>>> > government.
>>>> >
>>>> > So as not to compensate the mainly incompetent Black workers with inflation
>>>> > related increments, government is feeding lies about the true inflation
>>>> > figures in the country, stating that it is only 6,5%. To achieve this lie,
>>>> > one method being used is to calculate imported inflation, which comprises
>>>> > about 48% of the official figure, by using outdated Rand exchange rates
>>>> > which were applicable decades ago.
>>>> >
>>>> > The Rand has been depreciated by an average of 15% per annum since a Black
>>>> > government came to power in 1994. Last year however, the Rand collapsed and
>>>> > depreciated by almost 40% due to lack of confidence in a Black government.
>>>> >
>>>> > The liberal, respected, Business Day reported two months ago: "South Africa
>>>> > is not safe for investment. South Africa is not safe period".
>>>> >
>>>> > In South Africa, law abiding White's cannot stroll down the streets after
>>>> > dark. They are forced to barricade their houses like fortresses, complete
>>>> > with high-tech security systems behind high walls.
>>>> >
>>>> > The criminals control the streets. Should you phone the police, you don't
>>>> > know if they are coming to help you, or to rob you. The newspapers regularly
>>>> > report the atrocities committed by the police. They are committing a higher
>>>> > percentage of the crimes, than that which is committed by the population in
>>>> > general.
>>>> > Cars are hijacked at gunpoint and their owners are very often brutally and
>>>> > senselessly murdered in the process.
>>>> > Whites are being murdered for their cellphones and often young White
>>>> > schoolgirls are being raped and sometimes murdered for their cellphones and
>>>> > their pocket money.
>>>> >
>>>> > Blacks gang rape six month old babies and octogenarians with impunity and
>>>> > they are very seldom caught. If caught, they are usually set free for lack
>>>> > of "evidence". 21 000 rapes were reported to the police last year, mostly
>>>> > committed by Blacks. Dr Rachel Jewkes of the Medical Research Council
>>>> > recently found that schools are a major site of sexual harassment and rape
>>>> > of children. They found that a third of all rapes are committed by school
>>>> > teachers.
>>>> >
>>>> > Women's rights activists report that a woman is raped every twenty six
>>>> > seconds, with teenagers the most vulnerable. However, the majority of rapes
>>>> > go unreported.
>>>> > Bestiality is a common occurrence with Blacks. Newspapers report regularly
>>>> > about sexual self aggrandizement with dogs, cats, donkeys and even with
>>>> > chickens. There are no reports of Whites being guilty of such despicable
>>>> > behaviour.
>>>> >
>>>> > Black witchdoctors harvest human organs, in many cases killing them for
>>>> > their organs, for the purposes of muti (medicine).
>>>> >
>>>> > Political Commissars are appointed at all levels to oversee every aspect of
>>>> > sport. A Communist, political Commissar has been appointed as the Governor
>>>> > of the Reserve Bank to oversee and control every aspect of our daily lives
>>>> > in money matters.
>>>> >
>>>> > We have a totally incompetent Minister of Finance and a President who gives
>>>> > their blessing to the disinvestment of large corporations from South Africa.
>>>> > In one such case, De Beers, the disinvestment represented 25% of the country
>>>> > 's Gross Domestic Product. This can be compared to General Motors
>>>> > disinvesting from America with the blessing of the American Government and
>>>> > George Bush. For this both are feted lavishly on international platforms by
>>>> > Big Business, no doubt for their service to Big Business, assisting them so
>>>> > diligently with their disinvestments from South Africa.
>>>> >
>>>> > Services are collapsing around the country through theft, mismanagement,
>>>> > corruption and nepotism. Potholes are the order of the day and four wheel
>>>> > drive vehicles are becoming more popular through necessity. A large
>>>> > proportion of Blacks don't pay for services. Over 80% of all Local
>>>> > Authorities are bankrupt.
>>>> >
>>>> > In an orgy of self aggrandizement, Blacks are looting The Treasury with gay
>>>> > abandon and with impunity, knowing that very few will be caught by their
>>>> > Black brothers in the corrupt system. In fact, many of them have been given
>>>> > promotion. Black politicians and public servants are not leaving a single
>>>> > department of government unscathed.
>>>> >
>>>> > South Africa spent R69 billion on arms that it neither wants, or knows how
>>>> > to operate. This was merely an elaborate scheme to siphon more money from
>>>> > the pockets of mainly White tax payers. The present aircraft are grounded
>>>> > due to lack of fuel.
>>>> >
>>>> > Incompetents are now in control of the competents through forced affirmative
>>>> > action policies. Black mediocrity is adequately rewarded, whilst White
>>>> > initiative and ingenuity is penalized.
>>>> >
>>>> > Whites are being discriminated against in the workplace and they are
>>>> > leaving the country in droves, snapped up for their skills in the Western
>>>> > World.
>>>> >
>>>> > Adios South Africa!
>>>> >
>>>> > Will the last White to leave the country, please turn off the lights.
>>>> >
Re: The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told. [boodskap #57054 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #57050] Thu, 07 February 2002 09:59 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Wil jy my vertel die meeste van ons hier is gebrekkig?:)))

Sakkie skryf in boodskap news:3c62496f$0$
> En hier dink ek die heeltyd dat dit wittes is wat hul kleur het as gevolg
> van 'n gebrek aan kleur :-))))))))))))))
> "Jonas" wrote in message
> news:a3tfsu$6a0$
>> Annette - swart is nie 'n kleur nie. Dit is 'n gebrek aan kleur ...
>> "Annette" wrote in message
>> news:a3suv6$1avgi1$
>>> Jy is verkeerd Jonas - swart is 'n kleur - dit is net nie een van die
>> kleure
>>> van 'n natuurlike reenboog nie.
>>> Bruin ook nie.
>>> My velkleur ook nie ( want ek is definief nie spierwit nie - net spoke is so
>>> wit)
>>> As ek nou mooi dink oor die kleure van 'n reenboog ( violet, indigo, blou,
>>> groen, geel, oranje, rooi) dan is nie een van ons hier in SA gepas om in die
>>> reenboog te pas nie - Tutu het alweer gedwaal:))))
>>> Toe ons in die VSA getoer het, en veral in Las vegas, was daar mos op
>>> omtrent elke liewe stukkie promosiemateriaal 'n reenboog - ook natuurlik
>>> heeltemal misplaas - want bitter min mense glo nog dat daar 'n pot goud aan
>>> die einde van die reenboog regstaan.
>>> Maar die gedagte is daar, en mense aanvaar dit.
>>> Net soos ek van die idee hou dat ons 'n reenboog nasie is - klomp
>>> verskillende kleure ( en geure) mense wat saam een land se bevolking
>>> uitmaak.
>>> Annette
>>> news:a3su1a$c$
>>>> Reg Jan - swart is nie 'n kleur nie ...
>>>> "Jan" wrote in message
>>>> news:abh88.377735$
>>>> > Die "Reënboog Nasie" het my nog altyd opgeval as een van die groot leuns.
>>>> > 'n Reenboog ontstaan immers deur die refraksie van wit lig - daar is geen
>>>> > swart in 'n reënboog nie. Swart onstaan deur die totale absorpsie van alle
>>>> > lig met geen weerkaatsing of uitstraling nie.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > "Frikkie Potgieter" wrote in message
>>>> > news:3c616398$0$
>>>> > > Circulate this as widely as possible.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Anybody who disputes the veracity of this article and who disputes any of
>>>> > > the facts contained herein, is more than welcome to prove me wrong.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Subject: South Africa a violent Kleptocracy
>>>> > >
>>>> > > By Fred Rundle
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > > A response to an article "Something positive for a change, written by an
>>>> > > anonymous writer "Friend".
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Here are the consequences of Black Rule in South Africa.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > South Africa is a violent Kleptocracy
>>>> > >
>>>> > > The economy of South Africa is in a parlous state. Over 3,5 million jobs
>>>> > > have been lost since a Black government took over in 1994. Unemployment is
>>>> > > currently over 50%. This excludes the estimated 13 million illiterate
>>>> > > foreigners streaming across the borders with the silent consent of
>>>> > > government.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > So as not to compensate the mainly incompetent Black workers with inflation
>>>> > > related increments, government is feeding lies about the true inflation
>>>> > > figures in the country, stating that it is only 6,5%. To achieve this lie,
>>>> > > one method being used is to calculate imported inflation, which comprises
>>>> > > about 48% of the official figure, by using outdated Rand exchange rates
>>>> > > which were applicable decades ago.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > The Rand has been depreciated by an average of 15% per annum since a Black
>>>> > > government came to power in 1994. Last year however, the Rand collapsed and
>>>> > > depreciated by almost 40% due to lack of confidence in a Black government.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > The liberal, respected, Business Day reported two months ago: "South Africa
>>>> > > is not safe for investment. South Africa is not safe period".
>>>> > >
>>>> > > In South Africa, law abiding White's cannot stroll down the streets after
>>>> > > dark. They are forced to barricade their houses like fortresses, complete
>>>> > > with high-tech security systems behind high walls.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > The criminals control the streets. Should you phone the police, you don't
>>>> > > know if they are coming to help you, or to rob you. The newspapers regularly
>>>> > > report the atrocities committed by the police. They are committing a higher
>>>> > > percentage of the crimes, than that which is committed by the population in
>>>> > > general.
>>>> > > Cars are hijacked at gunpoint and their owners are very often brutally and
>>>> > > senselessly murdered in the process.
>>>> > > Whites are being murdered for their cellphones and often young White
>>>> > > schoolgirls are being raped and sometimes murdered for their cellphones and
>>>> > > their pocket money.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Blacks gang rape six month old babies and octogenarians with impunity and
>>>> > > they are very seldom caught. If caught, they are usually set free for lack
>>>> > > of "evidence". 21 000 rapes were reported to the police last year, mostly
>>>> > > committed by Blacks. Dr Rachel Jewkes of the Medical Research Council
>>>> > > recently found that schools are a major site of sexual harassment and rape
>>>> > > of children. They found that a third of all rapes are committed by school
>>>> > > teachers.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Women's rights activists report that a woman is raped every twenty six
>>>> > > seconds, with teenagers the most vulnerable. However, the majority of rapes
>>>> > > go unreported.
>>>> > > Bestiality is a common occurrence with Blacks. Newspapers report regularly
>>>> > > about sexual self aggrandizement with dogs, cats, donkeys and even with
>>>> > > chickens. There are no reports of Whites being guilty of such despicable
>>>> > > behaviour.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Black witchdoctors harvest human organs, in many cases killing them for
>>>> > > their organs, for the purposes of muti (medicine).
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Political Commissars are appointed at all levels to oversee every aspect of
>>>> > > sport. A Communist, political Commissar has been appointed as the Governor
>>>> > > of the Reserve Bank to oversee and control every aspect of our daily lives
>>>> > > in money matters.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > We have a totally incompetent Minister of Finance and a President who gives
>>>> > > their blessing to the disinvestment of large corporations from South Africa.
>>>> > > In one such case, De Beers, the disinvestment represented 25% of the country
>>>> > > 's Gross Domestic Product. This can be compared to General Motors
>>>> > > disinvesting from America with the blessing of the American Government and
>>>> > > George Bush. For this both are feted lavishly on international platforms by
>>>> > > Big Business, no doubt for their service to Big Business, assisting them so
>>>> > > diligently with their disinvestments from South Africa.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Services are collapsing around the country through theft, mismanagement,
>>>> > > corruption and nepotism. Potholes are the order of the day and four wheel
>>>> > > drive vehicles are becoming more popular through necessity. A large
>>>> > > proportion of Blacks don't pay for services. Over 80% of all Local
>>>> > > Authorities are bankrupt.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > In an orgy of self aggrandizement, Blacks are looting The Treasury with gay
>>>> > > abandon and with impunity, knowing that very few will be caught by their
>>>> > > Black brothers in the corrupt system. In fact, many of them have been given
>>>> > > promotion. Black politicians and public servants are not leaving a single
>>>> > > department of government unscathed.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > South Africa spent R69 billion on arms that it neither wants, or knows how
>>>> > > to operate. This was merely an elaborate scheme to siphon more money from
>>>> > > the pockets of mainly White tax payers. The present aircraft are grounded
>>>> > > due to lack of fuel.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Incompetents are now in control of the competents through forced
>>>> > affirmative
>>>> > > action policies. Black mediocrity is adequately rewarded, whilst White
>>>> > > initiative and ingenuity is penalized.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Whites are being discriminated against in the workplace and they are
>>>> > > leaving the country in droves, snapped up for their skills in the Western
>>>> > > World.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Adios South Africa!
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Will the last White to leave the country, please turn off the lights.
>>>> > >
>>>> >
Re: The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told. [boodskap #57055 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #57050] Thu, 07 February 2002 10:04 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Threeships 'did you s  is tans af-lyn  Threeships 'did you s
Boodskappe: 200
Geregistreer: November 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Thu, 7 Feb 2002 11:26:58 +0200, "Sakkie" served the
following to the group:

> En hier dink ek die heeltyd dat dit wittes is wat hul kleur het as gevolg
> van 'n gebrek aan kleur :-))))))))))))))

nee dis nie so nie.

as `n blanke te lank in die son sit word hy rooi.
`n paar dae daarna word hy bruin.
as hy koud kry word hy blou
as hy versmoor word hy blou

Threeships 'did you see that??' Mcduck
Re: The Rainbow Nation is a publicity myth. The truth must be told. [boodskap #57077 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #57052] Thu, 07 February 2002 14:28 Na vorige boodskap
Oorspronklik gepos deur:

Annette wrote:

> So wat is die gepraat van swartes? Is die mense kleurblind?:))

Dit is omdat "swart" net soos "wit" 'n
politieke woord is. Die wittes in SA
is nie wit nie. Hulle is verskillende
graderings van pienk en rooi.

Hessie Uit die blou van onse hemel-van Helsdingen.
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