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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Iets Goeds Om te Doen
Iets Goeds Om te Doen [boodskap #54574] Thu, 13 December 2001 11:15
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Miskien is daar mense hier wat 'n bydrae wil maak?


I have taken the liberty of sending this questionnaire to you, as I am sure
that your contributions will be very valuable.

Please feel free to forward this questionnaire to anyone in your address
book that you feel will be able to contribute. We will be working on this
project until the end of January 2002 and all questionnaires that are
returned before then will be used for this project.

The reply address for this questionnaire is

Lynette van Duyn
021 467 1027

____________________________________________________________ ________________


Thank you for taking the time to take part in the "South African Pride"
email survey.

This survey forms part of a bigger initiative called "Brand South Africa".
Brand South Africa aims to develop an "image" of South Africa that can be
shared both locally and globally, amongst the many people who have dealings
with our country, be they South Africans, tourists, investors, sportsmen or
media players. Having a consistent image of South Africa will help promote
it and build it up in the eyes of both the local and the International

Crucial to developing this "image" is understanding what it means to be
South African, and what aspects of this we can use to build pride in South
Africa, both today and into the future. That's why we are asking you as a
South African to take a few moments and help us by completing the following

The questionnaire will only take around ten minutes to complete. There are
no 'right' or 'wrong' answers to the questions, just a range of opinions
we'd love to hear. Confidentiality is guaranteed, and your responses will
not be credited to you or made public!

Please send your completed questionnaire to the following address:


Please feel free to forward this questionnaire to any other South Africans
(or ex-South Africans) who would be interested in completing it.

Once again, thank you for your time and commitment to helping us make South
Africa a country to be proud of.


The questionnaire contains two types of questions:

(1) Some questions require you to select a single option from the choices
presented. Do this by placing an 'X' in the most appropriate box [ ].

(2) Other questions require a full answer. In this case, please type your
response over the dashed line. Your response can be as long or as short as
you want it to be.

(3) It will not be necessary to complete all the sections of the
questionnaire. Please follow the instructions on the questionnaire that
will lead you to the sections we would like you to complete for us.

(4) The return address for this questionnaire, once you have completed it,


Into which one of the following age groups do you fall?

[ ]
Vorige onderwerp: Re: Opvoeding en ander verwante sake. was: Zuma se "verduideliking"
Volgende onderwerp: Ek bedank. ('n e-pos)
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