Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Hoe kan ons teleurgesteld wees?
Hoe kan ons teleurgesteld wees? [boodskap #53544] |
Sat, 17 November 2001 05:58 |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Ek praat nou oor die wapenverslag.
Alle logiese, regdenkende mense het mos al met die aanstelling van die 4
kommissies wat die saak kwansuis sou ondersoek toentertyd, al voorspel dat
hulle nie fout met die nonsensspul sal kry nie.
Toe gebeur dit net so,.
Maar in plaas van dat ons bly is dat omtrent die hele land reg voorspel het,
nou is ons ongelukkig:)))))
G'n wonder die parlementariërs in ANC geledere is so konfoes nie. Sjeim.
Hulle probeer ons gelukkig hou deur vir ons te gee wat ons voorspel het wat
sal gebeur, en nou wil ons dit nie glo nie.
Wonder nou net wat is die volgende stap?
'n Openbare verskoning wat vereis word deur die lelieskoon knoeiers?
Hofsake teen privaatpersone, maar geen parlementslede word vervolg nie?
Ek voel so aan my broek se naat dit is nog nie die einde van die draak nie -
kyk maar wat het met dierbare, minlike Alan Boesak gebeur nadat hy ook deur
'n parlementêre ondersoek-kommissie vrygespreek is van enige kwaad.
Re: Hoe kan ons teleurgesteld wees? [boodskap #53695 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #53544] |
Mon, 19 November 2001 21:04 |
Frikkie Potgieter
Boodskappe: 383 Geregistreer: February 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Hallo Anette,
Hier is moontlik die rede hoekom ons teleurgesteld is.
Dit is natuurlik net vir die Boere wat sal verstaan????
The Editor
The Commission probing the arms deal is an obvious attempt to cover up a
scandal of great magnitude. When Thabo Mbeki refused to appoint the Heath
Commission to investigate, it became obvious that a cover up was about to be
implemented. With his appointment of the Commissioners it merely became the
ANC investigating the ANC. Government found the findings of their own
commission unpalatable, hence the fact that the report had to be first
rewritten before it was presented to the parliamentarians.
Another indication was the fact that the Commission was not permitted to
investigate the granting of the contracts to the main contractors. It was
only allowed to investigate the sub-contractors. This assured that the main
can of worms remained unopened and out of reach of any probing eyes.
However, government had to offer something to "prove" their commitment to
"honesty and transparency". Some fall guys were fingered to distract
attention from the big ANC names which have already been named by the media
in the scandal. The top ANC culprits are going to walk away scott free and
get away with it. The fact that the person arrested was released on a
meagre R1000 bail speaks for itself. He is to face much less serious
charges. In the meantime, the main culprits will continue to devise
elaborate new schemes to enable them to dip their sticky fingers into the
honey pot.
Another matter of great concern is the fact that only a selected few of the
recipients of luxury Mercedes Benz vehicles were named.
The Minister of Defence says "bring the evidence" of corruption! How can
anybody bring the evidence if an independent commission was not allowed to
investigate the entire procurement process? The involvement of Joe Modise,
former Minister of Defence, in the Coega project is merely one aspect that
requires investigation.
What about Trevor Manuel, who failed to disclose to parliament the report
which questioned the cost and the affordability of the arms transaction?
It is all very well to have a typical third world obsession to procure
sophisticated weaponry, but what about the maintenance of the equipment?
Will the begging bowls be out to obtain grants for the maintenance of the
equipment? The overall cost should be of grave concern to any thinking
taxpayer. It started off at R26 billion and it now already stands at around
at least R66 billion. With the Rand depreciating by at least 15% per annum,
the doomsday clock for the cost of the project can only soar over the years.
The South African economy is already in a parlous state, despite the
propaganda frenzy to try and make us believe otherwise. The arms
transaction will be the final straw that will push South Africa over the
edge into final bankruptcy. Our descendants can only look forward to a life
of deprivation and misery while the fat cat, corrupt, politicians strut the
stage, always scheming to find new schemes to enrich themselves.
Our only hope now lies with the party who intends taking the government to
Court to test the validity of the transaction, because the transaction was
signed without first consulting parliament. However, we must not hold our
breaths, because many people believe that not even the justice system is
perceived be free and fair.
Fred Rundle
Annette skryf in boodskap news:9t4umi$cmra$
> Ek praat nou oor die wapenverslag.
> Alle logiese, regdenkende mense het mos al met die aanstelling van die 4
> kommissies wat die saak kwansuis sou ondersoek toentertyd, al voorspel dat
> hulle nie fout met die nonsensspul sal kry nie.
> Toe gebeur dit net so,.
> Maar in plaas van dat ons bly is dat omtrent die hele land reg voorspel het,
> nou is ons ongelukkig:)))))
> G'n wonder die parlementariërs in ANC geledere is so konfoes nie. Sjeim.
> Hulle probeer ons gelukkig hou deur vir ons te gee wat ons voorspel het wat
> sal gebeur, en nou wil ons dit nie glo nie.
> Wonder nou net wat is die volgende stap?
> 'n Openbare verskoning wat vereis word deur die lelieskoon knoeiers?
> Hofsake teen privaatpersone, maar geen parlementslede word vervolg nie?
> Ek voel so aan my broek se naat dit is nog nie die einde van die draak nie -
> kyk maar wat het met dierbare, minlike Alan Boesak gebeur nadat hy ook deur
> 'n parlementêre ondersoek-kommissie vrygespreek is van enige kwaad.
> Annette
Re: Hoe kan ons teleurgesteld wees? [boodskap #53698 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #53695] |
Mon, 19 November 2001 22:24 |
Oorspronklik gepos deur:
Frikkie Potgieter wrote:
> Hier is moontlik die rede hoekom ons teleurgesteld is.
> Dit is natuurlik net vir die Boere wat sal verstaan????
> The Editor
> The Commission probing the arms deal is an obvious attempt to cover up a
> scandal of great magnitude.
> Fred Rundle
Bedoel jy dat net julle "Boere" Engels kan verstaan, parlous hanskakie Frikkie.
Tant Hessie wat een van die mooi dae
met Rundle gaan rumble.
Re: Hoe kan ons teleurgesteld wees? [boodskap #53700 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #53695] |
Tue, 20 November 2001 05:39 |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Frikkie, die Engels was maar moeilik, en ek het mos 'n basiese probleem met
Elk geval - soos ek gesê het, ek is nie teleurgesteld nie - dinge het
presies gebeur soos daar voorspel is.
Net twee puntjies wat jy ge-opper het wat ek graag wil ondersteun:
1) Vanoggend was daar 'n bespreking op RSG - en dit het toe wel aan die lig
gekom dat die verslag wel eers aan Mbeki voorgelê is, en veranderinge
aangebring is, voordat dit aan die parlement voorgelê is.
Daar is glo gebruik gemaak van 'n 1974 wet wat sê dit is reg, dit kan so
gedoen word.
Reg my voet, wet of te not.
2) Manuel, goeie mens wat hy is, moet ook maar sorg vir sy toekoms. Hy hou
nog steeds vol dat die transaksie op die meenste slegs 33 biljoen sal kos,
synde die gekwoteerde prys plus ietsie hier en daar ekstra.
Hy weier om enigsins rente-, instandhouding- en geldkoerswisselingskoste in
berekening te bring.
Nou, in die lig van die daaglikse treurmare: Die Rand het Weereens 'n Nuwe
Laagtepunt teen die Dollar en die Pond Bereik - kan ek maar net aanneem, dat
hy, net soos ons, hoop daar kom 'n feetjie eendag binnekort met 'n stokkie ,
en toor die rand terug na 90c vir 'n dollar ( 1983) en R1.60 vir 'n pond
Frikkie Potgieter skryf in boodskap news:3bf97354$0$
> Hallo Anette,
> Hier is moontlik die rede hoekom ons teleurgesteld is.
> Dit is natuurlik net vir die Boere wat sal verstaan????
> The Editor
> The Commission probing the arms deal is an obvious attempt to cover up a
> scandal of great magnitude. When Thabo Mbeki refused to appoint the Heath
> Commission to investigate, it became obvious that a cover up was about to be
> implemented. With his appointment of the Commissioners it merely became the
> ANC investigating the ANC. Government found the findings of their own
> commission unpalatable, hence the fact that the report had to be first
> rewritten before it was presented to the parliamentarians.
> Another indication was the fact that the Commission was not permitted to
> investigate the granting of the contracts to the main contractors. It was
> only allowed to investigate the sub-contractors. This assured that the main
> can of worms remained unopened and out of reach of any probing eyes.
> However, government had to offer something to "prove" their commitment to
> "honesty and transparency". Some fall guys were fingered to distract
> attention from the big ANC names which have already been named by the media
> in the scandal. The top ANC culprits are going to walk away scott free and
> get away with it. The fact that the person arrested was released on a
> meagre R1000 bail speaks for itself. He is to face much less serious
> charges. In the meantime, the main culprits will continue to devise
> elaborate new schemes to enable them to dip their sticky fingers into the
> honey pot.
> Another matter of great concern is the fact that only a selected few of the
> recipients of luxury Mercedes Benz vehicles were named.
> The Minister of Defence says "bring the evidence" of corruption! How can
> anybody bring the evidence if an independent commission was not allowed to
> investigate the entire procurement process? The involvement of Joe Modise,
> former Minister of Defence, in the Coega project is merely one aspect that
> requires investigation.
> What about Trevor Manuel, who failed to disclose to parliament the report
> which questioned the cost and the affordability of the arms transaction?
> It is all very well to have a typical third world obsession to procure
> sophisticated weaponry, but what about the maintenance of the equipment?
> Will the begging bowls be out to obtain grants for the maintenance of the
> equipment? The overall cost should be of grave concern to any thinking
> taxpayer. It started off at R26 billion and it now already stands at around
> at least R66 billion. With the Rand depreciating by at least 15% per annum,
> the doomsday clock for the cost of the project can only soar over the years.
> The South African economy is already in a parlous state, despite the
> propaganda frenzy to try and make us believe otherwise. The arms
> transaction will be the final straw that will push South Africa over the
> edge into final bankruptcy. Our descendants can only look forward to a life
> of deprivation and misery while the fat cat, corrupt, politicians strut the
> stage, always scheming to find new schemes to enrich themselves.
> Our only hope now lies with the party who intends taking the government to
> Court to test the validity of the transaction, because the transaction was
> signed without first consulting parliament. However, we must not hold our
> breaths, because many people believe that not even the justice system is
> perceived be free and fair.
> Fred Rundle
> Annette wrote in message
> news:9t4umi$cmra$
>> Ek praat nou oor die wapenverslag.
>> Alle logiese, regdenkende mense het mos al met die aanstelling van die 4
>> kommissies wat die saak kwansuis sou ondersoek toentertyd, al voorspel dat
>> hulle nie fout met die nonsensspul sal kry nie.
>> Toe gebeur dit net so,.
>> Maar in plaas van dat ons bly is dat omtrent die hele land reg voorspel
> het,
>> nou is ons ongelukkig:)))))
>> G'n wonder die parlementariërs in ANC geledere is so konfoes nie. Sjeim.
>> Hulle probeer ons gelukkig hou deur vir ons te gee wat ons voorspel het
> wat
>> sal gebeur, en nou wil ons dit nie glo nie.
>> Wonder nou net wat is die volgende stap?
>> 'n Openbare verskoning wat vereis word deur die lelieskoon knoeiers?
>> Hofsake teen privaatpersone, maar geen parlementslede word vervolg nie?
>> Ek voel so aan my broek se naat dit is nog nie die einde van die draak
> nie -
>> kyk maar wat het met dierbare, minlike Alan Boesak gebeur nadat hy ook
> deur
>> 'n parlementêre ondersoek-kommissie vrygespreek is van enige kwaad.
>> Annette
Re: Hoe kan ons teleurgesteld wees? [boodskap #53701 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #53544] |
Tue, 20 November 2001 05:41 |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Laat weet ons asseblief wanneer die beloofde Rundle Rumble gaan plaasvind,
Ek is bereid om jou stoeipakkie te borg:))))
skryf in boodskap
> Frikkie Potgieter wrote:
>> Hier is moontlik die rede hoekom ons teleurgesteld is.
>> Dit is natuurlik net vir die Boere wat sal verstaan????
>> The Editor
>> The Commission probing the arms deal is an obvious attempt to cover up a
>> scandal of great magnitude.
>> Fred Rundle
> Bedoel jy dat net julle "Boere" Engels kan verstaan, parlous hanskakie Frikkie.
> Tant Hessie wat een van die mooi dae
> met Rundle gaan rumble.
Re: Hoe kan ons teleurgesteld wees? [boodskap #53727 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #53695] |
Tue, 20 November 2001 15:45 |
Boodskappe: 488 Geregistreer: May 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Ek het 'n voorstel wat nogal 'n eienaardige uitslag kan hê. Hoekom word ons
hooggeëerde parlementslede nie blootgestel aan 'n eenvoudige oudit nie. Die
konsep is maklik. Bates en laste by aanstelling teenoor bates, laste en
inkomste vandag. Ek is seker 'n paar van hulle gaan sukkel om die surplus
te verduidelik aan die ontvanger.
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