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Vir Annette - Wynproe [boodskap #53112] Thu, 08 November 2001 12:07 na volgende boodskap
Drom[1]  is tans af-lyn  Drom[1]
Boodskappe: 333
Geregistreer: November 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Jare gelede was John Taylor 'n rubriekskrywer vir 'n hele paar Britse
en Amerikaanse tydskrifte. In 1975 het hy 'n boek uitgegee getiteld,
"The Care an Feeding of Young Ladies." Hierdie stuk kom daaruit:

I arrived at a candle-lit cellar somewhere in the region of Holborn
Viaduct armed with no other qualification than my invitation, and was
confronted with what in later years has become the familiar sight of a
cavalcade of small naperied tables stacked high with bottles,
disciplined squads of upturned empty goblets, and small Startan dishes
of hard dry biscuits. Without the advantages of instruction into the
'sacred rights' of the Publicity Committee's ritual, it seemed that
all one did was pass as rapidly as possible from one table to the next
getting down as much of the happy juice as the ruminative press of
aficionados allowed. I entered into the spirit of things with an
entusiasm which mounted with each bibulous experiment.

A sense of increased relaxation was to some degree diminished through
embarrassment occasioned by the behaviour of some of my fellow guests.
Manifesting their critical faculties in a manner hardly less than
churlish, wine of which they apparently disapproved, was offered
public opprobrium by the ill-mannered reaction of spitting it into a
handy bucket of saw dust. Motivated partly by a sincere desire to
assuage the wounded peoffesional pride of the shipper (and my host)
and partly by a determination not to look a gift horse in the mouth, I
found it only expedient to swallow all that came my way with a polite
smile of appreciation.

Confidence grew with each induction, and as others around were acting
out an esoteric little ritual of holding their glasses up to the light
and studying its colour with appreciative comment I decided that the
duties of an grateful guest demanded I should follow suit.

Looking into the glare of a naked light bulb at a brimming wine glass
held high above an unsteady head is feasible provided only that a
couple of litres of the vino has not already produced a latent
vertigo. It needed but an unsteady pace backwards and an involuntary
shift of grip upon the glass' stem to find the wine coursing down my
centre parting.

The sharpened sense of humour of a man already three parts smashed
assisted me in treating the catastrophe as a matter of noisy hilarity
against the mounting silence of fellow guests' disapproval, but a
wilful tenacity urged me to refill my glass and try again; this time
elaborating the performance with a parallel demonstration of deft
glass twirling.

The basic idea here, as the French National Wine Committee for Wine
Publicity will readily explain, is to rock the stem of the glass
through an even orbital axis - thus swooshing the liquid around the
inside of the goblet and containing it therein via sheer momentum. A
notable parallel to this anti-gravity process may be witnessed in the
performance of those intreped motor-cycle riders who ride horizontally
around the confined annulus of a Wall of Death but, as with the
motor-cycle, an uncontrolled momentum can can shoot the wine clear
over the edge of its container and straight into the faces of the

I sponged the shirt-fronts of my fellow guests with my pocket
handkerchief wringing it out into the buckets of sawdust, and concious
of a mounting general antagonism decided it might be more popular to
confine further demonstration to the surely manageable ritual of the
aroma appreciating.

I bent my head forward towards my wine glass, and sniffed delicately
in the manner of those around me - only to discover to my sharp
disappointment that it smelled of little other than wine, really.

Persevering, I lowered my nose closer, and inhaled once more with the
assertive suction of a deep chest and a passionate nature.

It was unfortunate that in my polite enthusiasm for my host's
hospitality I had filled my glass rather fuller than the mandatory
half measure. My nostrils submerged themselves and the wine in the
glass went down like a butt of Malmsey trunked dry by an elephant with
a drink problem.

My hair plastered to my scalp, my shirt-front soaked, my nose running
scarlet as a chastised cruiser-weight's, I was at last no longer
onlivious to the ill-will of those around me. I shook the wet hand of
my thin-lipped host and repaired to the cloaks, where I managed with
no undue effort to insert both arms down the same sleave of my

As I turned to leave, the attendant who had extricated me from the
straight-jacket of my own making touched his forelock with a fine
humility and purposefully pushed towards me me a saucerful of whar
were clearly I being the first to leave) his own half-crowns.

I accepted one with thank, pushed through the swing-doors, and
assuming all the circumspect dignity of the dreadfully drunk, made off
in all directions.

Is dit algemene gedrag onder julle wynproeers? :))

Re: Vir Annette - Wynproe [boodskap #53115 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #53112] Thu, 08 November 2001 12:26 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
O koek, dis snaaks:)))))
Baie dankie Drom - dit klink soooo bekend - maar net ingeval ek iets gaan
vergeet, gaan ek dit uitdruk en saamneem vanaand om die prosedure stap vir
stap te volg:))
Mens moet dinge reg doen, jy weet:))))

Happiness is a state of Mind.

Drom skryf in boodskap
> Jare gelede was John Taylor 'n rubriekskrywer vir 'n hele paar Britse
> en Amerikaanse tydskrifte. In 1975 het hy 'n boek uitgegee getiteld,
> "The Care an Feeding of Young Ladies." Hierdie stuk kom daaruit:
Re: Vir Annette - Wynproe [boodskap #53117 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #53112] Thu, 08 November 2001 12:42 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Oorspronklik gepos deur:

Drom wrote:

> "The Care an Feeding of Young Ladies."
> I arrived at a candle-lit cellar somewhere in the region of Holborn
> peoffesional pride

> concious
> of whar
> were clearly I

Drom, hierdie is die laaste waarskuwing. Ons het nie tyd
op hierdie nuusgroep vir hensoppers en hanskakies nie.
Ons is ook op ons hoede vir rooinekke wat hulle taal
wil insmokkel onder die dekmantel van allerhande
verskonings. Die strydkomitee van die Derde Republiek
wat ontstaan het na die Derde Vryheidsoorlog teiken vir
Ek twyfel egter of jy 'n rooinek is. Ek twyfel of die
rooinekke vir jou sal wil hê as jy wil oorloop. Jy spel die
Engelse taal te sleg.

Die Ruiter in die Nag, somewhere in the region of Knight's Bridge.
Re: Vir Annette - Wynproe [boodskap #53126 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #53112] Thu, 08 November 2001 17:12 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Grahame  is tans af-lyn  Grahame
Boodskappe: 131
Geregistreer: August 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Is dit die wynproe wat 'n mens so 'n uitstekende woordeskat gee? My
brontesaurus het oortyd gewerk.

Drom skryf in boodskap
> Jare gelede was John Taylor 'n rubriekskrywer vir 'n hele paar Britse
> en Amerikaanse tydskrifte. In 1975 het hy 'n boek uitgegee getiteld,
> "The Care an Feeding of Young Ladies." Hierdie stuk kom daaruit:
Re: Vir Annette - Wynproe [boodskap #53144 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #53112] Thu, 08 November 2001 21:39 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
me & bobby magee[1]  is tans af-lyn  me & bobby magee[1]
Boodskappe: 40
Geregistreer: August 2001
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
"Drom" skryf in boodskap

> Is dit algemene gedrag onder julle wynproeers? :))
Yip. Klink bekend...
Re: Vir Annette - Wynproe [boodskap #53145 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #53115] Thu, 08 November 2001 21:46 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
me & bobby magee[1]  is tans af-lyn  me & bobby magee[1]
Boodskappe: 40
Geregistreer: August 2001
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
"Annette" skryf in boodskap news:9sdtrh$12ooba$
> saamneem vanaand om die prosedure stap >vir
> stap te volg:))

Probeer nou die stappe op die Kookaburra Queen... ons het toe die twee
uur-lange proeëry gehad. Wat 'n ondervinding - asof die wyn nie genoeg is
om mens net so effens wankelrig te maak nie, dan skommel die boot so onder
jou... En probeer dan om af te klim na twee ure... Sommer baaaie pret!
Lekker sjampanje ontdek, en 'n Duitse Rosê wat my so amper aan Lanzerac laat
dink. Het nou ses van elk in ons "kelder". Dink nie dit gaan lank hou
Re: Vir Annette - Wynproe [boodskap #53154 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #53144] Fri, 09 November 2001 04:29 Na vorige boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Mens verander nie mos iets wat lekker is nieL))))
Vir wat is die proeëry net 2 ure lank? Nie genoeg wyne om te proe nie?:))

me & bobby magee skryf in boodskap news:tTCG7.11660$
> "Drom" wrote in message
>> Is dit algemene gedrag onder julle wynproeers? :))
> Yip. Klink bekend...
Vorige onderwerp: Sonnet: "Opstanding" deur W.E.G. LOUW
Volgende onderwerp: Donkielimeriek 1
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