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Future Advice for: Law Adherence Initiative [boodskap #52845] Sun, 04 November 2001 00:27 na volgende boodskap
reisiger  is tans af-lyn  reisiger
Boodskappe: 645
Geregistreer: July 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Would like to congratulate the Government of our Paradise, and elsewhere on the
Planet, including all Individuals, Organizations, and Governments, who are
contributing to the African Renaissance, and especially the ANC for achieving
super success so far, as well for the future. Especially for the following:
Determinism and courage. The many initiatives led by President Thabo Mbeki,
Parasatals and the Private Sector, on behalf of hiv+/aids research in our
Paradise, and elsewhere on the Planet. The holistic approach towards the role
the immune system, in regarding to a cure for hiv+/aids. Hiv+/aids advertisement
campaign. Supplying of hiv+/aids medicines. Generally considered to be the best
approach to combat hiv+/aids, as mentioned above. Effective race relations
policies and procedures. Effective maintenance of law and order. Beneficial
multi-cultural support initiatives. Including the many contributions delivered
to the African and South African Renaissance. And to support the Government of
our Paradise, and elsewhere on the Planet, to achieve their goals. For the
People of our Paradise, the African Continent, and elsewhere on the Planet. And
many more. This is highly appreciated. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Also to congratulate the Legal and Medical Profession, and supporting
Organizations, in our Paradise, and elsewhere on the Planet, for achieving super
success so far, as well for the future. Especially for the following:
Determinism and courage. Support for the delivery of this service. Support for
multi-racial peace initiatives. Increasing the value of citizens. Beneficial
multi-cultural support initiatives. Economic and social contributions and
initiatives, especially to combat hiv+/aids. Including the many contributions
delivered to the African and South African Renaissance. And to assist the
Government of our Paradise, and elsewhere on the Planet, to achieve their goals.
For the People of our Paradise, the African Continent, and elsewhere on the
Planet. And many more. This is highly appreciated. Thank you from the bottom of
my heart.

An issue close to heart, is to increase the peace and prosperity of the People
of our Paradise, and elsewhere on the Planet, tremendously.

Keep faith, hope and love. Know the moment has arrived to receive support
exponentially. Please note any recommendation given is done in the spirit of
Freedom of Choice. Anyone have the right to use this as a base, and / or
customize it towards their own specific needs.

Would like to suggest to increase Planetary meetings, with Governmental
organizations, as well with the Legal and Medical Profession, and supporting
Organizations. To increase support for peace and prosperity initiatives. As part
of the 2020 and thereafter plan to increase the peace and prosperity of the
People of our Paradise, and elsewhere on the Planet. To the benefit of all

Meetings can also be increased. To increase more effective categorizing of
Correctional Facilities. Suggested small, medium and high term requirements. As
well to increase growing between categories, depending on entry qualifications.
Training and teaching can also be increased, in regards to dealing with
emotional patterns, as well in regards to study of relationships and self
analysis techniques. Sharing of books and pencils, as well as availability of
shredding of personal information afterwards can also be increased, as required.
To increase growth support towards peace and prosperity. Support for religious
and spiritual studies can also be increased. In view to increase sharing and
obtaining pearls of wisdom from other religions. Highly recommended, to increase
the placing of participants from political backgrounds high on the list. To
increase support in making of effective social investments upon return to social
life. Support to increase giving of faith in friendships can also be increased.
For leaders of groups, as well as a family member mentioned in the delivery of
this service. Highly recommended, to increase giving of green light to return to
social life when scoring of highest points, where possible, in the growing
towards gold. Debates can also be increased. To increase fairness of decisions.
Preferred to increase the sharing of decision taking to a family friend to the
personal level when so decided. To the benefit of all involved.

Meetings can also be increased. As well with Community Leaders. To increase
training of members from European descent high in availability for employment.
To increase support in the functioning of supplementary Correctional Facility
staff in view to economic bull run period for existing staff members. Highly
recommended, to increase the giving of a take over period. To increase
contributions of existing staff members to progress to guaranteed higher levels
of employment, when available. Research can also be increased. To increase
effective decision making in this regard. As well, to increase peace and
prosperity tremendously. To the benefit of all involved.

Meetings can also be increased. As well as Community Leaders. To increase rules
and regulations in regard to crowd control and firm arm policies and procedures.
As well to increase availability of supportive use of road, motor ways and
runways. Research can also be increased. To increase continual support in making
of the right investment to increase peace and prosperity. To the benefit of all

Meetings can also be increased. As well with Community Leaders and Spiritual and
Religious organizations required. To increase rules and regulations in regard to
increase birth control prevention. Research can also be increased. Especially in
regard to increase temporary cutting of seed tubes in both sexes, identification
thereof, e.g. ear lobes, parental control, participation in safe sex methods,
connection at later period in life - when required, as well as guarantee in
giving of birth. Discussions can also be increased in regard to age groups
allowed. Constitutional requirements can also be increased in this regard. To
increase guarantee for connection when deciding to have children. Especially
after the cure for hiv+/aids. Debates can also be increased in this regard. With
the expressed intention to increase public personal preference regarding which
route to follow. To increase effective decision making in this regard.
Regulation and control of instruments to increase connection of seed tubes can
also be increased. To increase achieving of super successes in this regard. To
the benefit of all involved.

Marketing of use of whistles and/or flutes can also be increased. The use of:
Help me, can also be increased, as required, if ever. To increase the giving of
support, as and when required. As well to increase in reprimands, and/or
required support, on a merit basis. To the benefit of all involved.

Meetings can also be increased. As well as Community Leaders and Family
Planners. To increase rules and regulations in regard to parental guidance to
children are high in demand, where do occur, if ever. Research can also be
increased. In regards to increase terms and conditions where reconciliation can
be increased, as required. To increase supportive family relations in completion
of sentences. To the benefit of all involved.

Meetings can also be increased during law giving procedures. Giving of written
documents can also be increased upon sentencing. To increase stipulation of
sentences, as well as preventative actions taken to increase adjustment of
sentences. Research can also be increased in this regard. To increase effective
communication. To the benefit of all involved.

Management meetings, and/or meetings with decision makers can also be increased.
To increase support in arguments/debates in the giving of increases and/or
gifts, as well as training in the use thereof, as required. To increase full
backing therefore, by all participants. To increase 100% accountability as well
as co-accountability in receiving of group benefits where strategic decisions
are increased. To the benefit of all involved.

Meetings can also be increased with the Music Industry respective recording
studios, and Organizations. To increase support for the development of a song
called: Bring us contributions of milk and honey, based on the song: Please take
us to the land of milk and honey. As well as: Continue to help us, based upon
the Afrikaans song: Dink jy darem nog aan my. And: We are leading support to
Parliament, based on: We are marching to Pretoria. And: Ring, Ring, let's bring
support, based upon: Ring, ring, why don't you give me a call. Including: I'll
send you a race horse for Xmas, based upon the song with the same name. With the
expressed intention to increase peace and prosperity. As well as growing to
supportive liberal democratic principles. Translation can also be increased into
various languages. To increase support in the delivery of this service towards
ruling and supporting Political Parties and Organizations in the growing towards
a more peaceful and prosperous inclusive liberal democratic society. Especially
in regard to increase protection of investment, as well as a better future. To
the benefit of all involved.

Meetings can also be increased with Financial Institutions. To increase the
availability of funds for projects, as and when required. Loans can also be
increased in this regard, if at all required. Based upon financial policies. To
increase faster delivery of benefits, as required. To the benefit of all

Meetings can also be increased between Governmental organizations, the Legal and
Medical Profession, supporting Organizations, and Financial Institutions. Highly
recommended, to increase tax benefits to Financial Institutions and
Organizations involved. To increase profitable initiatives and successes in this
regard. To the benefit of all involved.

Successes can also be increased via the Media to the people of our Paradise, and
elsewhere on the Planet. To increase support for Renaissances underway in the
development of Renaissances across the Planet. To the benefit of all involved.

This contribution can act as the gift of the Millennium from the ANC, President
Mbeki, as well as the Government and the People of our Paradise to the
Governments and People elsewhere on the Planet, where required. Including
Governments of G7/G8, EU, Other Planetary Decision making Organizations, and
African Union member countries. Preferably after approval given in this regard
by the Governments and People of the UK and USA. To increase friendships between
our Paradise and elsewhere on the Planet. To the benefit of all involved.

This will assist President Thabo Mbeki tremendously. Especially when President
Mbeki take the South African Renaissance, and especially the African Renaissance
a quantum leap forward, around June 2000, and/or shortly thereafter. President
Mbeki will be able to repeat successes achieved in the South African Renaissance
for the many Countries participating in the African Renaissance. To make it the
success it deserves to be. An economic boom period can be expected. Upon
signaling readiness by the giving of a green light as requested. To the benefit
of all involved.

Look at the astonishing results - beyond wildest dreams:
More effective increase of friendships in the delivery of social contributions
to increase peace and prosperity can increase tremendously.
More effective public support in increasing mutual goals to increase peace and
prosperity can increase tremendously.
More effective support for trade and industry can increase tremendously.
More effective support for the principle of protection of investments can
increase tremendously.

More effective support for the liberal democratic way of life can increase
More effective support for Governmental policies and procedures can increase
Continued successes of Renaissances can increase tremendously.
More supportive relations can increase tremendously.

Economies, and potential economies, can increase tremendously.
Peace and prosperity can increase tremendously.
Common interests can benefit all parties tremendously.
The African and South African Renaissance can take a quantum leap forward.
The Planetary Renaissance can take a quantum leap forward.
And a better life for all can be created.

This initiative is considered an important building block regarding improved
performances of Renaissances, as well for the trillionaire card, being planned
here. To repeat a previous statement by Gandhi - There are more than enough

Unity is Strength. People that join together, survive together in a better
world. This is an attempt to build the path towards the 22nd Century with
greatness, goodness and grace. Love all Serve all.

Hope this helps. Together for a better future. One for all and All for one - On
a merit basis. Become a magical Person to create a Paradise and Planet where
everybody is happy and free from pain and suffering.

Persevere to Protect the Psychology, Physique and Prosperity (Mind, Body,
Spirit) of the People of our Paradise, and anywhere on the Planet, with Pride
and Prestige, Playfully and Profitably, so they can reach their Peak Performance

PS. Any hissing snakes towards anybody is due to a blind spot, and will be
corrected when seen. Sincerest apologies is noted therefore. Please forgive.
Re: Future Advice for: Law Adherence Initiative [boodskap #52903 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #52845] Mon, 05 November 2001 09:21 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
voertsek  is tans af-lyn  voertsek
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: November 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
'Skies Oom

Ons hoor glad nie so mooi
as jy daai rooitaal gooi.
Re: Future Advice for: Law Adherence Initiative [boodskap #52965 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #52845] Tue, 06 November 2001 11:12 Na vorige boodskap
Kekkelbek  is tans af-lyn  Kekkelbek
Boodskappe: 303
Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Reisiger is 'n baie goeie skrywer.

Voor julle my aanval, laat ek motiveer:

Die kenmerk van 'n boek wat baie goed geskryf is, is dat jy indien jy slegs
die eerste sin van elke paragraaf lees, sal jy aan die einde van die boek
sal weet waaroor die boek gegaan het.

Reisiger is nog beter as dít: Jy lees slegs sy opskrif van sy e-pos en weet
presies wat sy e-pos behels! Jy het dus nie eens nodig om sy gekrabbel te
lees nie.

Nog beter, ek is al so bedrewe met sy skryfstyl, dat ek slegs sy naam lees
en weet dit wat hy skryf is twak!

reisiger skryf in boodskap news:cY%E7.11668$
knip...knip al die twak...
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