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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Anthrax, only Iraq and Cuba can make the high quality bioagent
Anthrax, only Iraq and Cuba can make the high quality bioagent [boodskap #52341] Fri, 26 October 2001 02:43
poseidon55  is tans af-lyn  poseidon55
Boodskappe: 2
Geregistreer: February 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
From: x
Subject: Anthrax, only Iraq and Cuba can make the high quality bioagent
Date: Thursday, October 25, 2001 2:23 PM

Prof. Cerejo: "Among the hostile, terrorist classified nations, only Cuba,
and Iraq, are capable of weaponizing this higher grade of spores."

(see below)

Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 19:22:29 EDT

By Manuel Cereijo


The recent wave of attacks with Anthrax through the mail have shown two very
important and distinct facts.

First, the envelopes used in the letters with anthrax must have been
perforated with very sensitive and delicate instrumentation, with microscopic
holes. These holes must have a maximum size of 6 microns! This is the only
possible way for post office employees to get exposed and infested with

Anthrax spores are of a size of 1 to 5 microns, where a micron is a millionth
of a meter. That is, one million times smaller than a meter. Not visible to
the human eye, and not visible to many microscopes.

Perforating these envelopes takes nanotechnology instrumentation, which only
certain countries have: Cuba, Iraq, the only ones among the hostile,
terrorist classified nations.

This is why, the personnel handling the mail have been exposed to anthrax.
Anthrax spores have leaked out of the envelopes through these infinitesimal
size holes. Indeed a very high tech operation.

The other important factor is that the latest spores of anthrax have been of
a very high grade, which can only be produced , that is, weaponized, in very
sophisticated biotechnology labs, available only to countries with a large
and sophisticated biotechnology industry.

Among the hostile, terrorist classified nations, only Cuba, and Iraq, are
capable of weaponizing this higher grade of spores.


Manuel Cereijo

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